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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

YOLO confirmed
@Ginger Yeah it's mine, but since I've got four separate URLs using it you need the right SNI or it'll 404
make the IP itself redirect to a rickroll
@PyGamer0 am i a sock of lyxal
Dammit chrome does escaping that curl doesn't do, so it wouldn't work as an XSS :/
But I invite you to gaze upon just how cursed my school's setup is:
radvylf@penguin:~$ curl '" value="YOUR MOM LMAOOOO'
<html><body onload="document.forms[0].submit()">
<form action="https://wh.contentkeeper.net/a15e38/blockpage.html" method="GET">
<input type="Hidden" name="URL" value="">
<input type="Hidden" name="CAT" value="Custom-URL --> (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/)">
<input type="Hidden" name="CATNO" value="33">
<input type="Hidden" name="ACC" value="tosh_888311/leander">
<input type="Hidden" name="WHY" value="Policy=student_hs; AD Group=all-hs-students">
that is awful
that is funny
I hope that digital hagfish of code never disgraces my ocular nerve again
@RadvylfPrograms does it work with # or \​ instead of ??
Ooh good idea
Lemme check
Or just / even
Nope :/
I accidentally set off the keyword detector instead of the IP address one because my initial message was "YOUR FRICKING MOM LMAOOOO" so instead of "Custom-URL --> (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/)" it was "Keyword --> (FRICKING)"
So hopefully there's no manual review lel
strange tnb message #38841:
Mar 3 at 13:19, by Ginger Industries
@lyxal you mean people don't magically teleport into unoccupied bathtubs?
Idk, happens to me all the time
Is it just me, or does linking to a specific SE chat message now put a tiny green dot in the top-left corner of the message?
Just you
I only magically teleport into occupied bathtubs. It's actually really awkward every time it happens.
@pxeger ...
Aug 6, 2016 at 9:18, by New Main Posts
@NewPosts explain yourself
bad idea: use @GingerBot to post a random CMC every 30m during BMG
(provided there's activity ofc)
If you have JS disabled their blockpage doesn't even show lol
oh that looks much worse than I thought
is this a valid quine?
I don't think so
Not really, but it counts according to the challenge's rules
it outputs its source code, therefore it's a quine
it outputs its own source code, that counts as a quine
seems fine to me
@RadvylfPrograms I think those challenge's rules necessarily mean it must follow standard quine rules
@Ginger Hey, don't diss the hagfish. Hagfish are pretty cool. =P
It doesn't actively output its source code, it outputs something which happens to be the same as its source code
its a pretty boring quine, that doesnt mean its not a quine
And our standard quine rules allow it
@pxeger Kinda unobservable
A: We need a new proper quine definition

user62131A proper quine must contain data that encodes both itself, and something else Our current quine definition has the following phrase: It must be possible to identify a section of the program which encodes a different part of the program. ("Different" meaning that the two parts appear in diffe...

@RadvylfPrograms They definitely don't
@pxeger imo actively outputting its source code would mean reading its own code, which is a cheating quine
1 encodes the source code, and the output is implicit
@DLosc they are, but they also look disgusting
like that code or your mother
Q: Can We Make 0-NAND OR Gates in [logic-gate] Challenges?

SegganSome logic-gate challenges require you to use only NAND gates to solve a problem. Usually, constructing an OR gate from NAND gates requires 3 NAND gates. However, an OR gate can also be constructed using 0 NAND gates, by simply joining 2 pieces of wire together: A---\ ---Output B---/ Is joi...

Why isn't there a compilation of ginger industries' mother jokes?
*ginger technologies
You don't need a compilation. There's only one Ginger Industries Mother Joke, and that's his mother herself
also why would you want one
@pxeger >:(
@Ginger medical reasons
people_to_nuke.insert("pxeger", 0)
this is code golf btw
@mathcat that doesn't do the same thing
it adds it to the end, not the beginning
hmm right
@RadvylfPrograms hey
It was janky at the time, OLIMAR's been doing well from what I've seen
This was two months ago
OLIMAR is dead
Oh, sorry for disrespecting the dead
(because I can't ssh into my server for some reason)
Oh rip
Might want to check for a hack
You might've been totally pwned by a l33t haxxor
@all have you pwned me
Who would maintain ATO if not pxeger, though?
It would allow RTO to win
And RTO doesn't need maintenance
(jk RTO hearts ATo hearts TIO)
[insert 1940s cruise missile line here]
(we've got some sort of weird online interpreter love triangle going on)
@RadvylfPrograms OLIMAR is the third wheel in this relationship I guess
I don't recall ever loving either of you
Hearts aren't necessarily bidirectional
@pxeger 💔
RTO can heart ATO without it being loved back, that makes it dramatic
No, that makes it... harassment
romance movie about online interpreters
is there a part 2?
Having a crush on something isn't stalking it
Par for the Course presents: Misinterpretation
Two very different things
RTO is offended right now
anthropomorphized RTO when
@pxeger No that's even more incorrect!
smh it's almost like TNB people don't understand interpersonal relationships
(or the lack thereof despite one being silently wished for by one of the parties)
I wonder why a bunch of constantly-online nerds with no life would have trouble with romance.
it was tongue in cheek, obviously
But we all know TIO loves both of the interpreters equally
TIO's like a brother to them
let's end this right here before it gets any weirder
I have a mental picture of pressing an emergency stop button
What are the divisors of (10^49801 - 1)/9? Mathematica says it's not prime, suggesting http://oeis.org/A004023 is wrong, but I can't find the prime factors.
lemme find their room
I was joking cause there was a CGCC question about this recently
codegolf needs maths
nice it worked
Well, starting on my esolang that got interrupted by a chrome bug
Now that it's fixed
@Ginger ... this pings me
You seem to be very adept and finding chrome bugs
@allxy what
@pxeger No there was just the one
@allxy is the entire population of earth confirmed
This is from a while ago
@pxeger that's not the best way to phrase it but yeah it's the standard invalid/trivial quine
Chat pings are weird
@RadvylfPrograms Is this the blank console.log?
Wait maybe
Which was that again
I think this bug is from before you were here
Wait no yeah it is
The language I was making when I ran into that bug is one based on physical circuits
Oh it's actually a fully working interpreter already
tfw you discover an unfinished project is actually finished
It's pretty useless without a GUI though, so I'll start on that
for a second I read showpost as shitpost
I have a faint memory of being in some random chatroom talking to a programmer, when they tried to assert their superiority by saying "I made a BrainFuck interpreter in 70 lines of Python". If only I could talk to them now...
assert this.superiority; // fails
dunno, works for me
SYNTAXERROR (at least theree different languages)
the ree
python: this is not defined. js: unexpected identifier. Vyxal: Unopened structure closed
TIL you can search the chat logs for < by entering &lt; in the search box
chat's weird
@allxy Pip: outputs a newline
@RadvylfPrograms how's this going?
Not well, pulseaudio was doing weird stuff and I temporarily stopped working on anything with the rpi
pulse is very strange
@allxy Shouldn't it syntax error because of the ; //?
tbh audio on linux in general is strange
one of my most-used commands is unfortunately sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service
The problem I had is that pulse depends on /proc/user/1000, and that only exists when you're logged in
So it would only work when I had an active SSH connection
@pxeger FactorInteger finally finished and confirmed this.
@allxy On further reflection, l isn't necessary as a builtin at all. It can be defined recursively: Try it online! (N is a helper function: (N X X) returns 1 if X is negative, 0 otherwise.)
@Ginger I think that bluetooth in general is just strange, my headphones theoretically have a microphone, but it never works with my (windows 10) laptop
@DLosc Hm, cool
So the core builtins of tinylisp (leaving out stuff like load, disp, and string functions) can be boiled down to just c h t s e i v d q. And I'm not sure how necessary e is: although it can't be fully implemented in terms of the others, it's easy to implement a function that does equality checking for integers, and it should be possible to do one for lists, too.
TIL about the CSS + and ~ selectors
@DLosc Yeah, just (i(s x y)0 1)
@RadvylfPrograms What dot hos edo?
Oh yeah, I remember that one
Q: Translate Text into Matoran

Matthew JensenThe Matoran Alphabet is the alphabet used by many of the characters in the Bionicle universe. Your challenge is to create a program or function that takes a string as input and creates an image of the input written in the Matoran alphabet. The input will only consist of uppercase letters (A-Z), ...

2 hours later…
If you like Lisp, the LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual from 1962 is such a fun read. All the familiar constructs come into being from first principles right before your eyes.
It all seems almost like a (simplified) modern Lisp... until you get to the paragraph about how to format your punched cards. X^D
You mean you don't still program on punch cards? I'm over here tryna write Unary, spent $15k on cards and broke every bone in my hands but I'll get there some day
Sadge, Minecraft's launcher isn't working on my Chromebook
Some sort of dynamic linking issue I think
wtf yourube
black hole:
What about one trillion lion-sized suns or one sun-sized lion?
The sun-sized lion would collapse in on itself and become a black hole (panther?)
@RadvylfPrograms nah itd be not dense enough. itd be a giant meatball
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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