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feels like it ought to be a bit older than that
unless you mean like modern doge
in which case yeah 2014 seems real damn early
Doge is 2012 iirc
yeah that sounds about right
2013 according to Wikipedia
Which means that the funny doge I posted on r/dankmemes one April fools where they only allowed 2012 memes was technically illegal
what's confusing user is probably that 2013 is much doge many wow
and it's more like 2019 that that cheating bitch karen took the feet pics
> took the feet pics
I'm sorry what.
Tf kinda meme subreddits are you looking at?
So TIL websockets are kinda cursed
Or more specifically, the ws module
When a string is sent from the frontend, ws decodes that as a Buffer on the node.js end, and when that's sent back it becomes a Blob on the frontend ಠ_ಠ
@UnrelatedString wait which doge is this
@UnrelatedString many wow is the doge i have seen
Did not realize that was a single message
Nov 17, 2021 at 0:19, by lyxal
@UnrelatedString what tf is wrong with your newlines?
Nov 17, 2021 at 0:21, by Unrelated String
the newlines represent emphatic pauses
@user it's a rookie mistake to make
think it's like
dogelore or something
Is this something i should check out for memes or stay well away from?
@lyxal i even asked unrelated about this on e iirc, how did i forget their unique way of sending messages?
@user honestly no idea, haven't really been there myself
@allxy that should be illegal
Random rant of the day: deploy is very annoying to type
de is fine, but plo requires I type the o and l both with my ring finger
trying it out myself reminds me i really need to relearn actual typing skills
i actually have learned proper home row based typing for russian since my keycaps don't exactly match the layout and it's still slower than my english typing since i don't do all that much russian but it feels good to not just have my hands flying everywhere
@allxy Has to do with invalid UTF-8 IIRC
My hands don't even really fly everywhere when I type, I know the locations of the keys so well my hands just...optimize and barely even move
Qwordle 100 4/6

That was an unusual one
@RadvylfPrograms :|
@RadvylfPrograms rather than learn touch typing for QWERTY i decided to learn Colemak, and it's very satisfying to type so much without having to leave the home row most of the time
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Matthew JensenTranslate Text into Matoran The Matoran Alphabet is the alphabet used by many of the characters in the Bionicle universe. Your challenge is to create a program or function that takes a string as input and creates an image of the input written in the Matoran alphabet. The input will only consist ...

@JoKing you are a colemak user?
@Bubbler its just 6 characters
@PyGamer0 um yes, i just said that
today last exam: chemistry
Got back from end busting in minecraft and now I have a lot of sorting to do
@des54321 any luck?
CMQ if you have an image with some noisy rectangles in it, how would you find where they are?
define noisy
@graffe example image? is it only shades of gray, or any color?
for nominations for lotm, can i nominate langs which im not really familiar with but i think would be interesting to learn and use, or do i have to know how to use that lang before nominating it
i think that's sort of what happened with piet
@UnrelatedString im talking about lotm, not lyal. ik u can do that for lyal, not too sure for lotm tho
oh yeah hmm
yeah it should be even more fine for lotm
hmm ok
@AidenChow just black and white
@PyGamer0 imagine a rectangle with half the pixels set to black and half to white set randomly
@AidenChow I will make an example image in an hour or so.
2 hours later…
(maybe a few hours :) )
make is kinda stupid tbh
@pxeger why?
the shellscript you just wrote does the job already
well it will recompile everything, for larger projects its definitely an issue
I don't think any of make's features are so compelling that it's worth learning make instead of just reimplementing them in shell script
@PyGamer0 that can be fixed pretty simply though
@pxeger how can i "compile only if updated"
just compare the file modification timestamps of the source files and result files
how do i get that timestamp
you can use [[ file1 -nt file2 ]]
which will succeed iff file1 is newer than file2
in sh?
I kinda wish I was better at shell script
@allxy I can teach you :)
@pxeger ok cool
@pxeger Thanks for the offer, but I'm fiddling with canvas
Ok lol
Speaking of which, would you mind checking canvas-1209.surge.sh on your phone again?
In theory, everything should work...
i can paint stuff and download stuff
@allxy yep
Any scroll? How's placing pixels?
except there's still a little bit of horizontal scrolling, but I'm guessing that's not worth fixing
@allxy placing is perfect, they don't get placed while zooming either
the only thing I'd say is I'd like to be able to see the countdown timer when I'm zoomed in
That's good. I'm going to add an actual zoom system in soon
The one I've found is kinda archaic but should work
@allxy So, zooming in will zoom in on the canvas and leave the rest alone
@JoKing so instead of wasd you use wars lol
frst actually, i shift it to the right by one
Opinions on my notes site? amd2.pxeger.net:8000/edit
Why does stuff reload whenever I do anything?
Probably the websocket disconnecting?
Never mind, just reloads when I hit enter
Oh. I'll fix that
Rickroll successfull.
Hmm, newly inserted nodes don't respond to any changes until you reload
You probably shouldn't make this global
what do you mean by global?
Everyone can edit a single copy of it afaict
Oh yes, it won't be hard to make separate documents
r/place but text
but for my use it probably won't be public anyway
@JoKing that wasn't the intention, but it could be made into that I guess lol
Feature request: Arrow keys / enter
/ backspace
Wait it's on pxeger.net? You own that as well?
amd2.pxeger.net is just a server I own
Guys, they're growing. There's a whole network of pxegers out there. We need to stop them.
I couldn't be bothered to set up a proper service domain for it, so it's running straight of the server domain
@allxy I have much more infrastructure than you probably realise
Oh. Ohhh....
I have a repository of Terraform code which defines it all
We thought Radvylf owned the hivemind, but maybe we were wrong...
btw, please hard-reload to make sure you've got the fix I pushed a minute ago
@pxeger ctrl-f5 right?
I use Ctrl+Shift+R
What is this:
Specifically those buttons
if the websocket disconnects, it falls back to plain HTTP forms
those buttons submit the forms
the arrows should pretty much do what you expect, I think? (up and down move the nodes, and the curvy arrow reparents)
although I'm not sure why the last one only has one button
it updates live?
@pxeger git still doesnt remember my credentials :/
Seems a little sussy to me
@pxeger i am slowly making my build into a make like thing
so far it works properly
it works
@pxeger this now checks the timestamp of the files
could probably be improved
but very cool
I now have the Ukraine PFP again
speaking of pfps, why does caird still have a Santa hat?
its still christmas for him i guess
#Worldle #80 3/6 (100%)
now, time to get bakina to makina
@Ginger i read bakina as :%s/a/i what the frick
i should go to an eye doctor
I have discovered the power of OTG connections for Android, and can I just say wow! Using a real keyboard + phone is cool as anything
Now to figure out how to use autocomplete with this thing
Found it!
Ctrl + 1/2/3
is cool
3d print failed again :/
I log in to CGSE and the first thing I see is "Fifty Shades of Gray"
how can I find those three rectangles?
by looking at them /s
@Ginger excellent answer number 1 :)
that's the data
Keep in mind I have no qualifications, but I'd look at each coordinate and count how many others are near it, or smth like that
@PyGamer0 the condition on line 10 is redundant, and the one on line 13 could be removed if you just use rm -f $out
@lyxal TYL
@pxeger if i remove that, it stops working?
the line 10 condition
also what is the difference between [ ... ] and [[ ... ]]?
[ is POSIX standard (also test), and normally just implemented as a system binary (check /bin/[); [[ is an extension which some shells use to provide special syntax
because [[ is a reserved word, so the parser can treat it differently to a normal command
If you change [[ to [ in that, you'll get a syntax error for two reasons
One is that < is treated as a file redirection in normal commands, but is treated as an operator in [[
where is the FizzBuzz challenge?
I can't seem to find it
The other is that while has a special shorthand syntax which only works with [[ and not normal commands (otherwise you have to use do done)
@pxeger is [[ zsh only?
Q: 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

Beta DecayIntroduction In our recent effort to collect catalogues of shortest solutions for standard programming exercises, here is PPCG's first ever vanilla FizzBuzz challenge. If you wish to see other catalogue challenges, there is "Hello World!" and "Is this number a prime?". Challenge Write a progra...

@PyGamer0 it exists in Bash, but with fewer extra features
What's up tnbeople
I programmed in C
o n c e
Actually a couple of times
@pxeger so, in shell script, how would you say, "compile a.c if any of a.h, b.h and d.h are updated, but if only c.h is updated, you only need to compile b.c and c.c"
@RadvylfPrograms this is like my third or fourth time
and this thing i am working on is big
Hopefully not a golfing language?
no not a golfing language don't worry
an array langauge :P
k to be more precise
@PyGamer0 *cries in arduino*
(this is never going to completed lol)
I was thinking about something this morning. I wonder if there's a formula that would be a good approximation for how well an ordinary stack-based or prefix language does with n operators. Like, a full SBCS with 256 ops will obviously do better than one with 128 ops, but by how much?
I am makina nother FizzBuzz program in makina
wish me luck
My guess right now is roughly log_n(ops), for some n
Since I'd predict the 128 new ops you get with 128 vs. 256 are used roughly half (or some other fraction, the reciprocal of which is n) as often as those you'd add to get from 64 to 128
@RadvylfPrograms what is the n?
Not sure, somewhere around 2
So while a 20 bit language with a million operators has thousands of times more than an SBCS lang, I'd predict it would only be about 2-3 times shorter in practice
@RadvylfPrograms A vaguely Zipfian distribution would make sense
CMC find the corners of the rectangles in ibb.co/JC9sf9R . Data at bpa.st/5XBQ
@PyGamer0 you're using -eq, which is only for numbers. Change it to =
@Neil Something along the lines of ato.pxeger.com/…
@PyGamer0 Here are two easy steps to programming in C:
1. Step away from computer
2. Run
Here it is: the Upgraded FizzBuzz Program
v >n0; >0;
>>wv Cn0;
>JU>?e 1
^   v>n^Cn0;
^ v<?pv>%
^ C>O>n0;
 v >>OI>n0;
@Ginger *cries in robotC*
I'm 100% sure it doesn't work
Which language is this?
me: runs program
python: !!!DIVISION BY ZERO!!!
@UnrelatedString Best if you time it to happen on April 1
@Ginger well it looks like im not the only person working on golfing a 2d fizzbuzz program right now
if you head over to piet chat you can see my indecipherable piet fizzbuzz
pretty pictures vs. ^>JO0JO;J J<
who will win
(yes that is 4 jumps within 11 characters and yes that is a required trailing space)
oh dont worry, for golfing reasons my piet is actually going to be turned into ASCII-piet encoding which will make a long string of indecipherable letters as the final solution
but is it as bad as this times-table program:
v >n1;  >n0v1nI<
>Iw>>O>>wv ;  C^
^v<U ^1n< ;9nO<
^nHC<<  vI<<v?Ov >n1;
^   S v+t = ;H  U>O+H
;1n< v+I>CJ S v<<<<v>n1;
^ SC<+Itv>n0; J ;1n<
^Uv<< v<>JOJ<O * ;
^n v  >>>;>v
^>JO0JO;J J<
I have gotten it to print Fizz once and then exit
@user worked!
@pxeger ok
also i just realized my build system is shit
it will not detect header file changes
Super Header Identification Tools?
@Ginger yeah
reminds me of my idea for a Stack exchange cHat Improved TexT rEndereR
@RadvylfPrograms also my summer holidays started today
also i think i would be a good idea to write build in zsh
I found all the rectangles! :)
I have a perfectly working system now.. sort of
haha 69 upvotes on Ukrainian flag challenge
next problem.. say I want to draw a random straight line but what I really want is the points on that line
and I want the line to be thick
any easy method?
where are you getting these questions?
@Ginger we are an emotional lot :)
@Ginger my head :) It's how I learn to code
just invent things and try to do them
time to work on RTO KOTH
very pleased with that
but I want to make the problem harder by drawing a line across the data set
@Ginger Oh for a sec I was thinking this was an RTO-based KotH lol
did you read that document I sent ya?
By which medium did you send it to me
Apr 8 at 12:14, by Ginger
@RadvylfPrograms Here's the Python KOTH specs. It will likely be similar for other languages.
When was this
I don't think isAlive is really necessary personally
Checking if bots are alive and only ticking those seems more like the controller's responsibility
so do the bots have an isAlive method then?
Since a lot of KotHs have a concept of "alive", and most don't run all bots at once
but what if bots can be resurrected?
@Ginger Unless the controller adds one I guess, no
the whole idea of this system is for it to be as flexible as possible
isAlive reduces flexibility IMO
Just giving a list of all bots every tick is much better option IMO
Let the controller keep track of what's alive
that does make more sense IG
so no isAlive
also: can we please not do multi-lang KOTHs?
I think the KotH stuff should be as bare bones as possible, honestly. Just a function that ticks a bot, no Arena or classes or anything.
it makes the code 100x simpler
@Ginger That's literally the whole point of RTO's KotH tools
@RadvylfPrograms no, classes are good
they make code simple and intuitive
(and easier to work with)
I think what you're working on is more of a general KotH library, which isn't really what I'm looking for
@Ginger Not when your code is a single function
how about I make both a helper library (which you don't need to use but can) and a KOTH interface
Sounds like a good plan. Here's the functions we'll probably want for the KotH interface:
how register functions?
call a method from rto.koth I assume
like rto.koth.register(tick, ...)
Not sure how exactly Python imports work, so just however you'd normally do it
Looks like you can just do like import rto_koth; rto_koth.tick(...)
And all you'd need to do in rto_koth is def tick(...):
yea pretty much
what would an arena look like?
Whatever the controller needs it to
the whole reason I made the Arena class was so that the KOTH system knew which methods to call
KotHs vary a lot in what their arena looks like. One bot vs. another in a card game, or a giant square grid with all the bots on it, or a toroidal grid with multiple copies of every bot, etc.
I need an example arena to work with
I'm confused, what would this arena look like?
Like, a sample controller?
like the one in my doc
Oh, okay cool.
bots = rto_koth.bots_from("https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/217972/bot-factory-koth-2-0")

bot_insts = [rto_koth.start_bot(bot.lang, bot.code) for bot in bots]

for i in range(10):
    action = Null

    for bot of bot_insts:
        action = bot.tick(data)

what does start_bot do
starts a bot
which means what?
Well, there's two ways bots typically work in multi-lang koths:
1. They store their own state, in which case they're only started once, and start_bot does this
2. They're run once per tick, in which case start_bot just specifies which language to use
This lets us abstract away which approach the bot is using
how does this approach handle bot synchronization?
for multi-lang systems I assume you'd use a locally hosted server or smth
Bot synchronization?
wait bad phrasing
how do the languages communicate?
Not sure yet, probably JSON
That can encode all of the information you'd ever really need for communicating with a bot, but it's easy enough to use with most practical languages
My goal is to make it so that the controller can be written basically the same way it would be in a single-language KotH
God I hate things that don't let you control-click them
I decide how I want to click your link google
Google classroom is so inflexible it's almost funny
y'all still at school?
sucks to be you. School holidays (and uni break) just started over here.
It feels like a rubberized plastic cube, it looks like it's got all sorts of stuff beneath the surface but it's just a monolithic blorpg
I use middle-click all the time, and I hate links that should just be links but actually open modals
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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