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ah fair enough, but yeah i figure the turns of the loop mean the CC (codel chooser) is sometimes pointing left, and sometimes pointing right
the are more colors to the right of (pointer)
i should probably play around with piet loops at some point i havent actually written anything with real control flow
yeah loops are interesting, i have only made two-row loops so far, but i think in some cases 3-row loops are more golfier, tho idrk how to construct one of those, seems like a nightmare
im mainly going off of this tip for loops
i have to admit, i have trouble visualizing whats going on in the ascii art for some of those loop examples, but I do think I have enough of a grasp on piet to try writing something with loops
i might try writing a simple FizzBuzz program in a bit
@des54321 ooh good luck
ull probably need conditionals with a loop
the tip says to use switch for conditionals
which is smart idea
@AidenChow thank you, I think i have enough of the theory down to do it fairly well, although it certainly wont be the most compact
i am going to give myself a bit of a break by using F instead of Fizz and B instead of Buzz, because I'd rather not have to deal with pushing more irritating ASCII than i have to
When it hits a black pixel, CC change is tried first, so when it makes a right turn it also changes CC once
and with a loop with one pointer instruction (with loop exit being a straight path), you hit an odd number of black walls, which makes CC toggle when you return to the same point
oh ye that makes sense
well i already made the pointer one codel anyways to avoid any problems like this, my code prob isnt the shortest tho
also idk why the export to png button in master piets is not working for me, so strange
ayooo finally i got a working piet program for codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/245492/…
:\ now i gotta convert to ascii piet
the not-so-fun part
wait i just check the meta post again, scoring based on codels seems to be on top
anyone have the tio link for the ascii piet thing
i didnt save it
is it possible for someone to make some code that convert image to ascii piet
bruh i literally transcribed my piet image program to ascii piet and its not working properly
Do you have a column of black pixels at the end?
@allxy uhhh u need that? it works just fine without a column of black pixels at the end with the image file
works on npiet and masterpiets
but not with ascii piet
can someone confirm if the image file and ascii piet represent the same code
I was asking because if you had one in your original program asciipiet would erase that
tlrdveccsittttttbbbuebV???? vuikuemmaiiudem vV
no need to run it, just check if its the same
idk if im blind or wut, ive double checked it at least 5 times, it looks all correct to me
im assuming the best way to output a newline in piet is just to push 10 outchr? cause regular outputs dont add a newline
@des54321 yeah probably
or i suppose push 2 push 5 multiply outchr for golfing reasons
push 3 dup push 1 plus maybe? idk if its shorter
oh oops forgot multiple in middle
push 3 dup multiply push 1 plus ? prob longer tbh
oh also @AidenChow you were looking for a program that converts piet to asciipiet? try this: github.com/dloscutoff/ascii-piet
linked from the esolangs page
@des54321 huh i thought that converted asciipiet to regular image file, i guess im wrong
oh no you might be right, i think i read too fast
just dig into the code and rewrite it do reverse it :P /sarcasm
4 mins ago, by Aiden Chow
push 3 dup multiply push 1 plus ? prob longer tbh
just tested this
its longer lmao
wait nvm, it shorter unless u using multiple rows
in that case push 2 push 5 method is more compact width-wise
im currently trying to figure out the conceptual layout of a decent fizzbuzz in piet, and im trying to figure out what the defined behavior in piet is for outputting a negative number as a char (or if there is defined behavior for that)
@des54321 a quick test on masterpiets shows that it doesnt output smth, but idk what its outputting
the masterpiet interpreter outputs an 0xFF unprintable for -1 i think, im pretty sure the offline IDE im using crashes when you do that, i should test Npiet
huh, why is npiet printing out question marks for no reason, while the same code in masterpiets works just fine
this is sooo whack
at least they both print out the intended number at the end, tho npiet prints some ? beforehand, while masterpiets doesnt
and ascii piet just downright prints the wrong number for some test cases
npiet outputs this on my computer
oh u downloaded npiet? nice
hmmm i do wish piet let you check how many items are on the stack
oh wait i have an idea, i think i know how do to the fizzbuzz now
@AidenChow Pass -q to npiet to suppress ?
It does that on every input command
@Bubbler oh how to do that on the online version
Which one, ascii piet TIO?
Apparently no way to pass flags there
so confused on why ascii piet is outputting differently from npiet and masterpiets
@Bubbler :(
I think your ascii piet is wrong for some obvious reasons, but I don't really want to try to read hex values of the image myself...
@Bubbler which part of it is wrong?
First of all, inserting V is not how you insert a newline
V is light yellow tho right
and you have an unexpected black near the end of the second row
ye i have black near the end of second row
But you have V at the end of both lines, and you don't have light yellow at the end of the image
@AidenChow I don't think that pixel in the image is black, rather it looks like dark blue
oh what the, the pic didnt include the last column, my bad
ye the last column shouldve been light yellow both, thats probably the problem
@Bubbler oh rly, lemme check that as well
Hmm, so if you intended to have a terminating program then the black and the 3-cell light yellow region make sense
@Bubbler ye it should terminate at light yellow
^ this is the intended program
is there any better way to make the pointer make a left turn other than push 3 pointer?
should i just post an answer which scores in codels, i dont want to deal with this ascii piet problem anymore :|
Tbf working in ascii-piet in the first place makes life simpler
@des54321 I don't think so
@Bubbler i usually make piet programs in masterpiets :\
transcribing to ascii piet is a very annoying issue
and both jo king and wheat wizard have expressed disagreements with codel scoring, so I don't think it's a good idea
it cant be that hard to write a program to convert .png to ascii-piet, i swear there was already something bouncing around
ye, there should be a tool to do that
i dont want to deal with converting to ascii piet every single time i make a piet program
its soooo annoying and tedious, and prone to errors
@Bubbler maybe the piet tool that u r making can have that functionality
u can have an option to export to image and copy to clipboard as ascii piet
smth like that
that would be cool
uk i wouldve been able to post an answer quite a while back if it werent for the fact that i have to convert to ascii piet -_-
I guess y'all can use this script locally
Change the image filename and codel size, and it should give you a correct translation to ascii-piet
From there you can delete trailing blanks or apply end-of-line marker
@Bubbler :\ dont have PIL installed
pip install pillow
@Bubbler can also change that to this and pass the filename as an arg
Fixed to incorporate images with alpha channel
does PIL take up a lot of space
its a python library so nah
maybe a few megabytes
wait is it pip install Pillow or pip install pillow
or do both work
I guess both work
just confirming its Pillow==9.1.0 right
when i type in pip freeze
thx for the link, idk what went wrong but i transcribed it wrong
@RadvylfPrograms What's the current action count for canvas?
how to take out ? in the output?
lets go got it to work
@Bubbler Stuff is ... happening... to your kirby
i am sure my fizzbuzz program is horribly messy, but i have (more or less) the fizz part of it done
now to repeat this for buzz, and then make it loop
"Help, being eaten." "Bruh moment"
mfing teachers really drank invisibility potions
pulled a sneaky on the kids
Can't believe you need to bring spectral arrows to school just to see your teacher in 2022
@des54321 nice!
Frickers really wrote covid fanfic
Can't believe we're shipping Delta and Omicron now
haha my first top 1000 word in todays semantle is 452
what even are these top 1000's lel: spoiler
@AidenChow I'm a simple man, I see link I click. And now I'm confused.
Woah, Piet is still a thing?
@AviFS lolol, that was just a placeholder link for the spoiler, u have to hover over the hyperlink to see the spoiler contents
@AviFS uh yeah, its still the current lyal
@AidenChow Ohhh, now I read it. Those words, lmao
@AidenChow What am I? The anti-Rip Van Winkle?
Usually LYAL are a day!
Don't tell me I slept negative a week.
@AviFS the learning sessions are a day. a language is changed every two weeks, so piet is still the current lyal language
@AidenChow Wowza. Is Piet the most successful LYAL so far?
@AviFS idk, maybe the vyxal one was more successful?
the lyal for piet is certainly a big success tho
piet is just a very interesting lang to learn
Vyxal's not a fair comparison though since all that activity was here, it just moved into this room.
Hmm, should look into it again sometime.
I was under the impression it was just a run of the mill stack-based lang encoded as an image.
@AviFS kinda, but it also has that 2d aspect to it as well
The image piece, I know, is its claim to fame. I didn't realize the lang behind it was interesting.
@AidenChow I think Hegagony has a stack...
the thing that makes piet interesting to code in is the pointer's movement and how the color changes affect what instructions are being ran
@AidenChow piet is certainly a fun language, i'm pretty sure its actually the first esolang I've seriously tried to learn
also on that subject i think my piet fizzbuzz program works
@des54321 yeah, me too!
@des54321 OH nice!!
Which interpreter are you guys using in the end?
because I wanted to focus on the looping/control flow aspect of the fizzbuzz challenge it only outputs F and B instead of Fizz and Buzz
@AviFS npiet mainly, tho i use masterpiets to actually create the code
@AviFS Hexagony doesn't have a stack, it has a weird-shaped grid of memory cells instead
yeah, i found a decent offline IDE some guy is working on on github and have been using that
okay my FizzBuzz seems to work in my IDE but not at all in masterpiets, debugging time
@AviFS for ascii piet, ive been using dlosc's tio link
Mar 30 at 1:22, by DLosc
Here's a cobbled-together TIO that turns ASCII-encoded Piet into a PNG and pipes that into the npiet interpreter:
@Bubbler Ah yeah, my bad.
@des54321 It might be that different Piet impls handle things slightly differently
okay the difference between my program's behavior in my IDE and masterpiets has something to do with traversing white codels, I'm gonna try it in npiet and see if it works
@des54321 yeah ive noticed that masterpiets does some weird stuff when in white blocks, idk why
okay yeah it works as expected in npiet
however my program also loops back to 1 after counting to 15 which does NOT make sense
time to figure out what the hell i messed up
ahhhh i see at least partly what went wrong
@des54321 well it still prints out the intended output right
@AidenChow intended output up to 15 (the first to be a FizzBuzz), but then it loops back to 1,2,....
doesnt fizzbuzz cycle every 15 numbers, or am i wrong
i have figured out why though, I stick zeros at the top of the stack when I need to not print the current num, and I dont pop all the zeroes if its a FizzBuzz
@AidenChow no, because if its not divisible by 3 or 5 it outputs the number
@des54321 oh yeah oops
oooOOH facepalm that pixel should be a pointer operation why the hell is it just a pop
@des54321 rippp
u gotta recolor everything now right
nah, just a few pixels i think
I make good use of the fact that you can travel across white pixels as a noop without worrying about colors
@des54321 oh yep, u have a bunch of white blocks
u should actually make this a full fledged fizz buzz program and submit it to codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/58615/1-2-fizz-4-buzz
fixed with a recolor and an extra black pixel
@AidenChow i could, but I would have to shift things around a LOT to add the extra ascii codes
right now thats too much work
theres an issue on the git repo for this IDE to add selection tools that let you copy/paste/drag around parts of the image if that gets added i might give it a try
Mass movement and recoloring is on my todo list
fixed version of the fizzbuzz program
@AidenChow I also cant directly submit this program as an entry to that fizzbuzz challenge, as mine prints fizzbuzz forever, not simply up to 100 (Although that would probably not be as hard, I think i see where a conditional could be slipped in)
I solved Semantle #67 in 105 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -3.21. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #98. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 10.00. semantle.novalis.org
it really was off of 98
@att nice, i havent solved it yet
im stuck at 990
I do think at some point I will try to adapt my fizzbuzz program to be a proper fizzbuzz, as neither the piet website nor the cgcc fizzbuzz challenge has a (handmade) piet fizzbuzz
i literally guessed all the synonyms i can think of, no luck
there is a fizzbuzz that was generated using an assembler someone wrote, but I'm sure I can do better than that
i only had two in top 1000
@att wtf, how
all mine really needs is room to print more characters, and an ending condition for the main loop
cuz guess 98 taken a certain way leads to it
i have 990, 983, 971, 968, 957, 954 all top 100
im running out of synonyms
didn't get any of those
how many guesses are you at
@att about 200
looked at the similar words list
uhh, good luck? lmao
i even have stuff like 452 and 440
I had 739 and 972
gosh shit im so close
Hello... Somehow Doorknob made it into my dream last night, the story of which I can't remember.
But there was something about Doorknob posting something new in 2022
yeah all I really can say is good luck
@att uhhhhh thx... ig
@des54321 where ?
bruh how is the aa similar to ee
@PyGamer0 does this spoil the answer
gosh darn it i need hints :|
am i totally being misled here with my words
no I think it's just hard without getting lucky
I got lucky ;)
so the words i have are in fact very closely related to the actual word, and im just being blind here?
I can see why you're finding it annoying
no everything is misleading
Try thinking similar to what you've got, but more mathematically inclined?
@allxy MATH??!?!?
literally everything is misleading i swear
wtf, its related to math??
ok i have fricking no clue
It's a word used in mathematical contexts
that's not how I got there at all
And it's probably similar to what you've got
uhhhhhhh ok.....
helpful but not helpful at the same time becuz now im more lost than before
@att :|
i think i have better chances just guessing random math terms until i get it
I can't really see any frame of mind that leads to it except what I took
which is possible but a but of a leap from your words
so its smth math related, and is hard to get from my current top 1000 words
I feel like it's hard to get from most of the top 100 lmao
WTFFFF why is 786 even top 1000
this literally makes no sense whatsoever
how are 990, 786, and 891 even remotely related to each other
@att so should i just be ignoring top 100 words
I got it off 972
my highest word that isnt top 100 is 891
yeah like I said it's hard
@att i dont have 972 :(
don't know if I can say much more without giving too much away
wait maybe u r supposed to see 339 in a mathematical context, instead of its other definition
nah actually i dont think so
Hint: It's a word sometimes used before "fuck"
i thought it was a MATH TERM????!!!?!?!
literally every word is sometimes used before "fuck"
what can be a math term AND be used in conjunction with a curse word
"fuck" is universal
@att is it commonly used before "fuck", or not really
uh, more so than most words I guess
. . .
ok... math term and commonly used before "fuck"
sooo confused rn
huh wtf is 344
how is that even related with the other top 1000 words, other than maybe 786
yeah good luck
@DialFrost perhaps you were looking at my network rep, which is almost 200k now
this might be the first semantle where im considering to give up
i'm stuck on 823 now
im approaching 300 guesses
still no luck
huh i got 961 by guessing random words
yoo i got k running in wsl
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ryan FuWordle but Harder If you've been online in the last year, you probably know the rules of Wordle. I was implementing a (very bad) Wordle algorithm, when I thought of another game: Task One 5-letter word from wordle's answer list is randomly selected. Your task is to guess the word. Each failed gue...

getting desperate here, gonna start using the dictionary for synonyms
oooooooh 993
yeah idk where to go from here
@lyxal *site
especially given that its a math term
I solved Semantle #67 in 106 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 9.81. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #15. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 45.03 (994/1000). semantle.novalis.org
786 :)
@UnrelatedString what about 786, i have that too
alright i am going to install plugins in neovim; wish me luck
but first i must git it
even by guessing synonyms straight off the dictionary, im not getting it
. . .
I solved Semantle #67 in 331 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 11.51. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #43. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 24.22. semantle.novalis.org
uve gotta be shitting me
Do you see what I meant?
@allxy yes, but they were the most unhelpful helpful hints ever
kinda misled me more i think, i started guessing random math terms for a while, which just gave me more random top 1000's that made no sense
still dont get how some of the top 1000's are even top 1000's
even after getting the word
lol i didnt even get the word legitimately, i pulled it off a dictionary
@att what was ur path to getting the word
first guess along that line
@pxeger how do i make git remember my PAT?
uh so much errors
A math term and often used with "fuck": bool
@pxeger Whython's logo should be python's but with drunk snakes
kirby is still alive
just not rainbow now
They were trying to add some... anatomy
hyper and I deployed the nukes
my config sucks, it doesnt even work
Come place pixels!
00:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

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