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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@Adám i like the change, looking forward to it...
@mathcat i should have listened
@BgilMidol i like bookshelf
did you mean: bookface?
@mathcat thanks I guess...
wasn't short enough
@BgilMidol thanks google
Q: Batt to the Basics

Sylvester KruinOne of your acquaintances has a hobby of making make-shift electrical gadgets using various types of batteries. However, since they're thrifty, they want to use as few batteries as possible for their projects. This challenge uses several types of batteries; your job is to output the fewest number...

I just want to say that reading this question made the electrical engineer in me weep and gnash his teeth :D
@TannerSwett :D:
Tryna think of an April Fools Day challenge
trying to make pixel art on r/place is challenge enough
the group I'm with has had to move twice
once because we accidentally started in osu territory
the second time because of lean
lean of all things made us move
what's lean
cough syrup + sprite
why were you downing cough syrup
Anyone mind giving some final feedback on my april fools post from last year? codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/…
@SegFaultPlus4 I'm not
well who was
@RadvylfPrograms ok, first of all make the IO more loose
@SegFaultPlus4 It's a proof assistant.
and next maybe outputting the nth term would be better
@RadvylfPrograms c e a s e
yeah, it's from 2020 we weren't as strict about IO then
@WheatWizard where can i get it
@SegFaultPlus4 see the image?
that's what made us have to move
oh wait actually just remembered you can't see images
@RadvylfPrograms and can you like add this: "Odd numbers are strictly in a non increasing order"
@lyxal describemelo
@lyxal Damn, Osu has made a lot of progress
or in non-spanish, describe it to me
a long purple line
@WheatWizard is there an examples page?
@Hodor yeah, and the ralsei build I'm part of started in there by accident lol
France started with an unambitiously narrow white stripe by the looks of it
Unless that's not supposed to be france
blue corner has returned
I should rename TNB for april fools day :p
i mean its ended for lyxal now
ended 45 mins ago
@PyGamer0 send me the question id
and emanresuA and JoKing
@lyxal it's 2:46
@RadvylfPrograms do it if you want :p
@RadvylfPrograms i can't see the id
2140, the sandbox
ooh, LockPickingLawyer's april fools video is up: youtube.com/watch?v=EhuNRWskgNQ
i like his inner perspective series
> Course Details: Multivariable Calculus is a course opportunity for students who have completed BC Calculus. The course is based on a Pass/Fail scoring approach. The course will be offered as a zero hour across the school district using Google Classroom and a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning with the LISD teacher of record; this course is not taught in person
@RadvylfPrograms ok what's the answer id
boss music plays
Please not more not-in-person classes after this year's latin
@RadvylfPrograms where do i sign
I saw the bus stop cat today running across the street with a whole bird in his mouth lol
@RadvylfPrograms you forgot to tell me the answer id i can't find the question in the sandbox
There is no answer, it's just a rickroll :p
PyGamer was playing along and pretending we were discussing a real answer
wait that was a rickroll?
@RadvylfPrograms btw i was not "playing along", i was always PyGamer0
@RadvylfPrograms dont do it, multivar is pain, virtual multivar will be even worse
Weird, my chat profile hasn’t updated
It is I, Doorknob. I have returned to become supreme moderator again. — Dorknoob 17 secs ago
See now you know I’m truly doorknob
If it’s on meta it must be true
hello dorknoob
@ophact no, doorknob. You must have misread it
Did you steal "dorknoob" from the PPCG podcast lol
wait, Why Doorknob is not a mod anymore?
@user You do know you'll be stuck with that name for the next month.
@Fmbalbuena he was inactive
@Fmbalbuena look
1 April -> April Fool's Day -> Day on which you fool people -> Day on which you trick people -> Day on which you do trick or treat -> Halloween -> 31 October
I have proved that April Fool's is Halloween.
anyone can spot the flawed argument?
@RadvylfPrograms no
There’s a podcast?
@ophact yes
@ophact Day on which you trick people -> Day on which you do trick or treat is wrong
I know
That was the point
@ophact meh, i don’t use cgcc much, just chat
A mod will almost certainly change it back
> don't use cgcc much
Impersonating former mods doesn't make people very happy
also has 10k internet points
@Fmbalbuena Just like how you divide by zero to prove that 1 = 2
@ophact or multiply by 0
@ophact then 1/0 = 2
@RadvylfPrograms it’s not impersonation. My pfp is the same and my name is not doorknob
@user leave all rooms, change the association of your chat account to a different parent site, switch it back, then rejoin the rooms
@user Could be easily mistaken for doorknob
I think it’s clear enough my comment is false
I’ll delete it tomorrow anyway
I misread that as "I'll delete it tomorrow today"
and was confused
until I saw
what it actually said
Easy, i time travel to tomorrow today
I did that yesterday actually
Okay but I’ve time travelled from the beginning of the universe to here
I will time travel yesterday
I think radvylf s joke here is that we’re all moving through time
Just existing lets you travel to tomorrow
but travelling to the future isn't as fun as travelling to the past: "I'll delete it yesterday today."
this is funny
iceland cannot into scandinavian
@Hodor scan'tinavia
CMQ: Can I still answer this question?
I'm not going to stop you.
There’s no point
No one’s going to bother cracking anymore
I solved Semantle #62 in 168 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 13.68. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #8. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 29.52 (867/1000). semantle.novalis.org
that felt like the absolute worst most utterly out there guess
and it happened to win lmao
@ophact The unstated assumption that there's only one day a year for tricking people
Ah, I see you’re a banker
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SegganA Lung Disease Caused by Inhaling Silica Dust kolmogorov-complexity code-golf Your challenge? Simple. Print the string Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with the exact capitalization. The reason I chose this string is that I doubt golflangs will have a compression dictionary entry for...

@Seggan My favorite part about this post is:
user image
@UnrelatedString "You underestimate my power!" - Dennis, probably
not to mention there's no real pattern that could have an edge over just printing it raw anyways
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Radvylf ProgramsOptimally break a string into substrings code-golf string optimization Given a string, like potatocarrot, optimally break it into substrings. These substrings can consist of either a single character, or one of a list of substrings passed as input. For example, if [carrot, potato] was the input, ...

Q: There is a TikZ-impostor Among us

FHZThere is a TikZ-impostor Among us. Background After learning about some amazing TikZ packages such as tikzducks, tikzpeople and tikzsymbols, which I let some examples below, I harvested some inspiration to starting learning skills in order to be able to create my own set of flexible TikZ drawing...

Um wait this is an april fools joke, right?
I am very confused
I never understood relativity theory
> Up to 14 quintillion inventory items
I wish I could go play that but it's my dad's birthday so I have to go do stuff as soon as I get home :|
happy birthday radvylf's dad
Hmm, I'm still Hodor
I want to be pxeger again
Idk. Hodor matches the room's color scheme better
it seems like maybe chat's just buggy, although I would never have thought that
Chat? Buggy? Of course not.
@Hodor oh wait you're pxeger
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

dfeuerTitle: What version is this? Print out the current version or version range of the language implementation (compiler, assembler, interpreter, transpiler, whatever applies). To make things interesting: Language implementations with only one version are banned. Any language or library feature inte...

stack overflow hurts my eyes
I keep forgetting what day it is
I want Dance Dance Authentication back
> In fact, TSP belongs to the class of combinatorial optimization problems known as NP-complete. This means that TSP is classified as NP-hard because it has no “quick” solution and the complexity of calculating the best route will increase when you add more destinations to the problem.
annoyed computer science noises
...and i thought it was bad before i got to the last third
smh not enough ms
"the complexity of calculating the best route will increase when you add more destinations" manages to be both hopelessly wrong and completely irrelevant, depending on how you read it
because the asymptotic complexity does not fucking increase
but if they mean just the time then not being constant time is a far weaker condition than anything to do with polynomials
Cause as we all know, determining whether an item is in a hashset is NP-hard
because it has no “quick” solution and the complexity of calculating the best item will increase when you add more items to the problem.
Hi caird!
@RadvylfPrograms i want bookface theme forever
@Persistence It looks like for every 2 molecules of octane (I'll just assume gasoline is all octane) combusted, 18 molecules of water are produced. There are ~6.15 moles of octane in a liter, so one liter of gasoline burnt produces almost exactly one liter of water. 562 billion liters of gasoline are consumed in a year, so about 23% of the water lost to concrete production is made up for just by combustion of gasoline (not gonna bother doing the calculations for natural gas, coal, wood, etc.,) — Radvylf Programs 1 hour ago
Solution to water pollution? Just burn a whole bunch of fossil fuels to make more water.
ah yes, polluting to destroy pollution
I heard you hate pollution, so I put pollution in your pollution
s/^/Yo dawg, /
1 hour later…
@Seggan I want frisa lank and bookface theme forever
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AZTECCO#How many sieve hits? code-golfsequenceprimes Sieve of Eratosthenes is a method for finding prime numbers: take the sequence of all positive integer numbers starting from 2 then for each remaining number drop all its multiples. 2 3 x 5 x 7 x 9 x 11 x 13 x 15 x 17 x ... 2 3 _ 5 _ 7 _ x _ 11 _ 13 _...

@BgilMidol ew lisa frank
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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