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Sup guys
Iill be quite inactive nowadays
javac be like Note: .\beans\LoginBean.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. but then the next time I compile it doesn't warn
even though I didn't change the file allegedly using unchecked or unsafe operations
i'm at five whole ????s on today's semantle now
8 now
...992 was a curveball
I solved Semantle #63 in 25 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 20.38. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #18. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 39.27 (976/1000). semantle.novalis.org
i got so lucky there lmfao
i literally only have 5 top 1000 words, not including the solution
i've had 976 for the last 25 guesses
and cannot think of anywhere further to take it lmao
@UnrelatedString is that ur highest guess?
993 is
i've also had 986 since guess 18
@UnrelatedString hmm 993 was also one of my top 1000
I solved Semantle #63 in 135 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.34. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #16. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 34.93 (949/1000). semantle.novalis.org
seeing your results got me off the 985 route lmao
@UnrelatedString lolol why tf is that even on there???
i feel like i should be able to think of how but i can't
i feel lucky that i didnt get misled down that path :P
like you'd have the phrase spoiler, but i can't think of when you'd broadly have a context that either would be in
i guess maybe i just don't know what kind of distances word2vec works over lol
my path was pretty straightforward, it was spoiler
im looking through the top 1000 list rn, and im starting to realize how many red herrings i completely dodged lmaoooooooo
all becuz of lucky first top 1000 word
@Seggan frisa lank is da bomb
Just got #861 in semantle and no idea
Legiterally nothing you'd think similar is at all close.
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mossymountainInteger divisors of a decimal number The input is a decimal number larger than zero, given in decimal form. You can use any unambiguous printable character(s) to enclose or separate a possible repeating part in the input, such as 0._3_, 0.(3) or 0.(3 for \${0.\overline{3}}\$ to represent an exact...

hey guys I think there's something wrong with me. For a brief moment just now I thought that the javascript type cohesion system made sense.
no, youtube, Portal is not J-pop
the cake may be a lie, but your classification of its genre is
Wait why is the list returned by document.getElementsByClassName updated whenever an item with the specified class is removed/added?
var selected = document.getElementsByClassName("selected");
var count = selected.length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
It's an HTML element collection thingy, not an array
most of what my friends are subjected to in voice calls is j-pop
my friends have also been subjected to portal radio looped for 3 hours on voice calls
so looking at it that way, the chances of portal music being j-pop aren't too bad
@UnrelatedString there's only one song in the playlist that could even be remotely considered j-pop
the rest is portal/undertale/deltarune
and that one vaporwave song everyone knows
@RadvylfPrograms but I still wouldn't expect it to keep track of all references at all times
all these years and this is the first time I'm realising this
Yeah, I had no idea it did that
like I know it's'n't a normal array (because it doesn't have nice functional programming stuff available) but this is just wack
if there is an J-Pop, K-Pop, and it implies that there is an APL-Pop, there must be a BQN-Pop
if it's a view instead of a list then it only makes sense that it accesses whatever stores elements-indexed-by-class under the hood
but in that case it's kind of questionable to put get in the name lmao
@lyxal ?
eh close enough
i know i linked a remix
i linked the remix to share it with you :)
hence why I said close enough
HTML attributes spanning over multiple lines feels wrong and yucky but also rebellious and exhilarating.
I've got something else that also makes me feel a bit of pain
php and js together? oh no
ew no
as if I'd be using php
It's JSP
think jinja templates but Java
so not great but better
you think that's bad?
you wait until you see the header
> java
oh no
@lyxal JS + PHP?
@PyGamer0 Java Server Pages
because I'm using Java (not JavaScript) for web development
is there anything stopping it from just letting you write imports inside the same <% ... %>
idk that's just how it's taught
or are those imports only scoped within that <% ... %>
I wouldn't think so
because saves, game, username and errors are global
no i mean if you didn't use @page
and imported in the same block
@lyxal wait so is that java inside of html?
as I said, I wouldn't think so
@PyGamer0 sure is
and what editor is that?
you are allowed to use whatever editor you want?
they only care about the files
@UnrelatedString syntax error
It doesn't even let you import there
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: [6] in the jsp file: [/WEB-INF/guess.jsp]
Syntax error on token "import", delete this token
3: <%@page import="beans.GuessBean" %>
5: <%
6:     import java.util.*;
7:     LoginBean saves = (LoginBean)session.getAttribute("loginbean");
8:     GuessBean game = (GuessBean)session.getAttribute("guessbean");
9:     String username = game.getUsername();
for our computer project, we had to either take a screenshot of BlueJ or paste the code in. I did the latter as I didn't install BlueJ due to reasons.
why would they let you submit a screenshot
I have BlueJ on my computer. I haven't touched it since I installed it a year ago
I no longer have BlueJ on my computer. I just uninstalled it.
oh lol
I solved Semantle #63 in 75 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 3.15. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #15. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 17.91. semantle.novalis.org
ew JSP doesn't recognise that HTML comments exist
it tries to compile JSP tags inside them
today I used the :nth-child css selector for a serious purpose for the first time in my life
I just found the best way to remember one triad of Dobereiner's law of Triads.
The triad is Li | Na | K, it sounds like Linux when you pronounce it.
Vyxal's law of Triads is that a Triad must pop three items from the stack.
Jelly's Law of Triads, wait it doesn't have triadic atoms.
@RadvylfPrograms I read that as "Hi Dad!"
Dude Dad coinheringaahing
tr​:nth-child​(​even​) ​td​:nth-child​(​even​) ​button​ {
​        ​background-color​: ​black​;
​        ​color​: ​white​;
​      }
​      ​tr​:nth-child​(​odd​) ​td​:nth-child​(​even​) ​button​ {
​        ​background-color​: ​red​;
​        ​color​: ​white​;
​      }

​      ​tr​:nth-child​(​odd​) ​td​:nth-child​(​odd​) ​button​ {
​        ​background-color​: ​black​;
​        ​color​: ​white​;
​      }
That's what a cursed combo of nth-child selectors looks like
And for some reason SE didn't want to make it display in monospace
In other news, sometimes when I'm getting ready to go out somewhere, I think "ah crap I need to go get my watch" only to realise that I'm being a moron and that I'm already wearing it
I say this because it happened yes minutes ago
Where yes is a small number, no larger than 6 probably
i just wear mine constantly so if i have an especially disoriented morning i just don't realize i'm not wearing it for an hour or two
Magma cubes are the worst
Large ones are quite possibly the deadliest mob in the nether...
And their spawn criteria is very similar to that of wither skeletons, which I'm trying to farm.
@emanresuA or more specifically, tiny ones spawned from large ones...
amass a horde as pets :)
Only works with slimes
(tiny slimes can't hurt you, tiny magma cubes can )
TIL typescript's kinda smart
If you do something like shape instanceof Rectangle && shape.width < 5 (where shape is known to possibly be a Rectangle) typescript won't throw any compilation errors.
@emanresuA isn't that just how normal inheritance/polymorphism works?If shape instanceof rectangle returns true, that means that its inherited the same as rectangle somewhere
It's more that typescript notices that shape must be a Rectangle for the second clause to be evaluated
> where shape is known to possibly be a Rectangle
@UnrelatedString @cairdcoinheringaahing will you change your name to this at some point :P
idk why but tapping on a touchscreen feels surreal
@PyGamer0 Peer pressure
@PyGamer0 If I ever have kids, I'll let all y'all know by changing my username
@RadvylfPrograms Wait, I was in TNB last night? I do not remember opening SE at all
your icon definitely did pop in for a bit
@emanresuA that still just sounds like polymorphism
does it error without the check?
ah shoot i just choked a sub 25 minute run in some random game that im speedrunning, im actually pissed
broooo 25:03.57 :|
idk why im putting this here of all places but i need a place to vent out my anger
shooooooooot i didnt get admitted into that summer program that i wanted to get into
everything is falling apart ahhhhhhhhhh
what game
@ophact its quite the obscure game, idk if anyone knows it here
ah okay
since like basically no one speedruns the game except me lmfaoooo
heres the link if u r interested XD: roomrecess.com/mobile/MathQuest/play.html
not a particularly good game tho
math adventure game?
lol ye
played the game extensively few years back when i was in elementary school, remembered it was quite fun, so i decided to speedrun the game :P
also fun fact, that game is what my wall glitch challenge is based on
I'm gonna try that game real quick
Dang it the name entry field isn't a normal textbox
Hmm the game is... weird
I can't enter a name because phone no have physical keyboard
Also, imagine running a game where sub 25 is possible
Made by the current WR for Deltarune Chapter 2 snowgrave route glitchless is like 30-33 mins
@AidenChow Interesting but laggy
@lyxal were you specifically compiling that file? if it was compiled only because it was out of date, it won't automatically recompile again
Tfw in semantle spoiler is top 1000 but anything related is sussy
@lyxal Me when speedrunning wordle
@Neil I was using javac *.java
Q: how do I make this code run for all lines in file

Aakif Rehmanimport re regex = re.compile('>(?P<first>[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,3}_[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,3}).*(?P<year>[0-9]{4})-(?P<month>[0-9]{2})-(?P<day>[0-9]{2})\n') def convert_file(inputFile): with open(inputFile, 'r') as input, open('Output.txt', 'w') as output: for line in input: text = regex.ma...

yay free flag
@pxeger How do you manage to write comments within 5 seconds of posting?
or 39 seconds
I have templates which I copy and paste
I know
but how do you manage
click and paste and all that so quickly
do you... always have your templates open?
just using shell autocomplete
I have copy as an alias to copy a file to my clipboard
then I just write copy ~z/code_<tab>[expands into code_golf_replies/]st<tab>[expands into stackoverflow.txt]
@lyxal problem is that 'beans\LoginBean.java` doesn't match that pattern
I run it inside the directory of course
@cairdcoinheringaahing If I ever have kids, I'll let y'all know by quitting the site (because I won't have the spare time)
@lyxal if that was true then the message wouldn't have referred to a file in a subdirectory
It is true though. javac *.java | cd beans | javac *.java | cd .. is how I fully run it
It's probably just some powershell jank
why |??
Do you mean ;?
You mean | isn't how you join multiple commands together?
x | y passes the output of x into the input of y
x; y runs x and then runs y
| is a pipe, passing the strout from one to the other
&& does something too
&& is like ;, but only runs y if x succeeds
and || only runs y if x fails
@emanresuA strout lol
@pxeger so do you always have your terminal open?
Almost everything I do is in the terminal
the only major exception is web browsing obviously
use browsh
> browsher
@pxeger oh
@emanresuA whoa
> Rick Astley - Never
look at the tabs of the showcase video
@lyxal i like pipes.
they are cool
@pxeger well it's good to know that for the past week I've been an absolute idiot.
Only the past week?
Because I've never tried chaining stuff together on Windows
Every other week my idioticness is only minor
But this week saw a spike if that's what you're asking.
@lyxal I've proved that you can execute arbitrary Vyxal (>2.6) with koĖP.
Expect this chaos to begin again shortly
I'm still calculating the length, but expect it to be in the yottabytes.
@emanresuA o_o whatarethosenumbers
A: Print X without X (cop's thread)

emanresu AVyxal, score 252 λƛ¬∧⟑∨⟇÷׫ »°•ß†€½∆ø↔¢⌐æʀʁɾɽÞƈ∞¨ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ[\]`^_abcdefghijlmnpqrstuvwxyz{|}~↑↓∴∵›‹∷¤ð→←βτȧḃċḋėḟġḣḭŀṁṅȯṗṙṡṫẇẋẏż√⟨⟩‛₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈¶⁋§ε¡∑¦≈µȦḂĊḊḞĠḢİĿṀṄȮṖṘṠṪẆẊẎŻ₌₍⁰¹²∇⌈⌊¯±₴…□↳↲⋏⋎꘍ꜝ℅≤≥≠⁼ƒɖ∪∩⊍£¥⇧⇩ǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔ⁽‡≬⁺↵⅛¼¾Π„‟ (Or, in other words, every...

@lyxal Have fun!
> 37 yottabytes
@lyxal take care though, Windows uses & instead of ; (but && and || work for conditional chaining)
that's if you're using batch files; bash shell uses ; of course
1 hour later…
@Dorknoob Are you a dork, a noob, or both?
No, they're a dor and a knoob
what's a dor? and what's a knoob?
It's what you put a lot of energy into a dorknoob and get it to divide
To answer your original question, though, I am indeed a dork and a noob
and you are also a user ;)
and I am... an ophact, I guess
and I am a Ginger
a Ginger who needs something to do
(also ik my profile doesn't have the Ukrainian flag overlay, I'll change it once I'm back at the computer with the file)
todo.append("make a userscript to revert the appearance of SE question lists back to original")
alllllllllrighty, I have an idea
I have a few microcontrollers that run on Adafruit CircuitPython
and sometimes I download other peoples' code and put it on them
but what if that person updates their code and I don't realise?
so what I will do is make a Python program that acts kinda like a script manager for microcontrollers
when you connect a mc (they show up as USB flash drives with your code on them) it will check if the current script is out of date, and if it is it notifies you somehow and updates it for you
this is a very good idea
Hey I know what that sum is...
How fitting that @mathcat would join at this time...
wait wat
There's a math problem
Nah can’t now, i'm looking for some fricking shoes in some shop
...while chatting on TNB?
what shall I call this updater?
well yeah I'm bored
shoe shopping is boring
shopping is boring
but my shoes are too small for me
^ my cmc
@PyGamer0 or, for ⅓ the bytes: lambda x:x-x**3/6+x**5/120-x**7/5040
or, if you're ok with a better approximation: import math;math.sin
@PyGamer0 Wow is that long.
My teacher sent out an email to everyone with links to resources for studying. One of them was a rickroll >:(
Wish my teachers were that funny
It's not that funny, pretty low-effort joke
Wish my teachers knew about rickrolls
I literally had to explain what a rickroll is to a teacher after I rickrolled her.
Takes all the fun out of it when the person doesn't even know
And explaining it to them doesn't really do anything to put the fun back
@Dorknoob you won't say that once you meet my teachers
pretty boring
one of mine just drones on and on
Just one?!
that one in particular is really bad
We need to trade teachers because way more than one of mine do that
there are other ones that are just boring
that one above is really boring
Actually, the teachers I have now are more eccentric than usual
It's the content itself that's boring tbh
I have a teacher who doesn't do any actual teaching, she just assigns us a bunch of questions that we are expected to answer by watching a video or staring at a document
she makes even the most interesting topics boring
I had a teacher like that. She just assigned us labs (made by other people) and showed videos (made by other people) and occasionally showed presentations (made by other people). When she left for two months because of medical complications, it didn't feel like anything had changed
same here
I don't know how you can make algorithms and cybersecurity boring but she did it
there you go
@Dorknoob my teacher has recently been out sick a few times, but the lessons were almost the same as they were before
if anything they were better because she didn't keep walking around the classroom.
@emanresuA hmmm it isnt too laggy for me, thats strange
maybe try this link instead, it have no ads: roomrecess.com/Haxe/MathQuest/beta.html
Too few teachers carefully plan out their lesson plans, post everything on Canvas, and make sure everyone's prepared for tests and stuff
I have a math teacher whose classes everyone wants to take, but it's more because his classes are complete chaos and he doesn't actually teach anything than because he's actually a good teacher
chaos, as in?
Like, he always runs out of time, occasionally just goes "wait, I'm wrong" and goes back like to some step from 5 minutes back, goes on random tangents
Also, he occasionally jumps, says "Whoo!" a lot, stuff like that. Reminds me of a friend I had who had ADHD
And when someone asks him a question he doesn't want to answer, he's like "okay let's push on"
Wow that does sound familiar
When I was beginning to learn German, a lot of the students in the class asked the teacher questions about grammar, and then she was like "Nah, we'll study that next year." It got really annoying
and she is also one of the few people capable of making me sleepy
even more so than the "answer these questions" teacher.
Anyone wanna make a CGCC logo on r/place?
I'll try
@ophact because its expandible
@mathcat I'm starting to write CGCC at 1022, 553
my brother says:
> hi
wait I am confused
oh I see
ah got it
for whatever reason it doesn't seem to work for me
the embed doesn't work on r/place itself and when i open in a new window it never loads
try disabling your adblocker maybe?
or a different browser?
whoever u/Neither_Meeting_8810 is just closed the C one pixel too high
ah 5m cooldown rip
@pxeger is that for advertising or just for fun, if for advertising, i think we should spell out code golf instead of cgcc, makes it more easily searchable
2 hours later…
Mar 14 at 18:12, by Ginger Industries
It's quiet... TOO quiet...
To all redditors, can we have some help drawing cgcc on r/place?
@redditors ^
@emanresuA @AaroneousMiller you might be interested in this?
rubs hands together once again, my time has come
I've typed up an explanation for how I got this to work, and it's about ten kilobytes. after using link shorteners.
I have been trying to actually to catch up with last weeks LYAL and fiddle with piet, and my work on writing a hello world seems to have crashed the online interpreter
not nice, I'm having to re-copy everything by hand to a new tab because i think if i reload the tab its in now i'll lose it, and none of the buttons in that tab work anymore
it kept jumping from the dark red its at now to that singular dark green pixel somehow
@des54321 Oof
until I added that long black strip, and then it froze
It looks nice--I hope you get it to work :)
ugh why do i KEEP forgetting about the e in Hello
my hello world program is working except for the fact that it prints "Hllo World!", and its going to be very irritating to squeeze in the 111 I need for "e"
its working!!
user image
very happy rn
@Dorknoob So the teacher put in answers a day later (on the day it was due) and posted an answer key, but then put in wrong answers on that
idk what they have against my class :(
Cursed Code #765: print("Ignore the criticals, they're normal.")
Y'all ever just not fully read the book you have to write an essay on and just rely on quote pages and plot summaries?
Because I have
lmao I fully read the book and then still have to rely on plot summaries because I forget it in 5 minutes
@Ginger I would be if I didn't already have loyalties to other groups
but we're obviously far superior
They already have 4 different sections
Plus an alliance with osu and green lattice
10 secs ago, by Ginger
I think in terms of place superiority, the deltarune project has more support
@hyper-neutrino your diplomacy skills are needed
@lyxal *lettuce ftfy

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