@AidenChow That depends on who are available to teach the languages. Even the higher-scoring one can be skipped if no one is willing to teach it on the given day.
i am getting addicted to semantle instead of codegolf
I solved Semantle #60 in 13 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 2.17. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #8. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 47.35 (979/1000). semantle.novalis.org
I solved Semantle #60 in 23 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.67. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #7. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 75.15 (999/1000). semantle.novalis.org
anyone smart at math know how to go about integrating cos(tan x) dx ? my friend give me this problem as a joke, but becuz i am noob at calculus, idk how to solve it.
i try does u=tan x, but i get du=sex^2x dx, doesnt seem to help ?
@AidenChow I can kind of rehash the basics of Piet as presented on Esolangs, but unless someone around here knows it better, I think the Piet LYAL is gonna be more like all of us trying to learn it together.
@AidenChow Not necessarily. For example, when we did Quipu for the first LYAL, none of us knew it. I nominated it because I wanted to learn it, and a few of us did successfully learn it.
Even if no one's teaching, it's still easier to learn in a group so you can bounce questions off each other.
if u know that ur output is going to be a 2d list of positive integers, can u instead return a flattened 1d list of the 2d list, with each sublist separated by a 0?
@Bubbler One way to do it is with a utility I wrote that takes an ASCII encoding of a Piet program and outputs an image file. Dunno how user-friendly it is, but it's what I would use to make a Piet program. I think there used to be an online IDE of sorts that's 404'd now. :(
Or you can of course put the pixels in by hand in your favorite image editor.
Welcome to the sixteenth Learn You A Lang for Great Good! Today, we'll be learning Piet, a classic esoteric language in which the source code is images meant to look like abstract art. During the event, feel free to post CMCs to practice Piet (PMCs), ask questions about the language, and so on.
Here's a cobbled-together TIO that turns ASCII-encoded Piet into a PNG and pipes that into the npiet interpreter: https://tio.run/##rVltc9u4Ef7OX4HSM2cqlmnJufO0Hisdx1YcTx3bY@eamboeDiRCEmwK5IGgX9q7/vV0FyApgFQkpak@JHzZXTz7vkuPaD77OqaKHB2R7eHVh23yjtB8zPluxpkKs1dv6097RS73RlzsZa9qloq3nsfnWSoVyV/zLuFpl1A5zajMmTeR6Zxcn1@QkuJ8TqfM8z7@Oow@Hd/@jQxIb9Tv9733F8cn5q7X68Hdr8Pypu@d3QyHl@au3/NuhqeGCci@fDz/PKxFeBfnZx8/Xw5vb23RKO70@KaWDbeXVzefji8qifBAM1ZS4R4oouHVhSXGMHoxmxAmxmnMIsGeEy5YHmjjRGiczqFH4Gce6JfAvHgd5lnClWHqaEojKq5p7@7140kqCT4iXNjCjHT88Yl@v3iAvy3yuZCCqBkjKDUh4EO8YSImKcCm41klVaWEq5yAig0J7LeCP9GECeW8S…
There isn't a good dedicated way AFAIK (I think there was an online IDE at one point but it 404'd).
You can always use your favorite image editor and save as PNG. You can write a PPM by hand (or programmatically if you like). You can use my ASCII-Piet converter, as linked above.
@AidenChow It's a TNB slang term meaning "mod abuse," i.e. a moderator misusing their powers (in this case, somewhat ironic because the use of mod power is justified)
@Bubbler Because it's in ascending order of RGB and I definitely didn't think about how it doesn't match the order Piet uses. =P That was probably a mistake.
From an encoding perspective, it's "nice" because the low bit of each character corresponds to the blue channel of the associated color, the next bit to the green channel, and the next bit to the red channel. But I guess that's not super important for this application, and I should have made it less "clever" and more Piet-specific.
Also, since we're just doing CMCs and we don't have to worry about site rules, I propose that we count Piet programs in the traditional way, by codels (i.e., width * height of the image).
@AidenChow You can think of a stack as a list of values that the program keeps track of. Push means add a value to the end of the list. Pop means take a value off the end of the list. The end of the list is called the top of the stack.
@AidenChow I think that's essentially the same as my 3-codel solution (I'm using light red -> red -> dark magenta). Interesting that it shows warnings for you but doesn't for me (using TIO's npiet interpreter).
@DLosc "Any operations which cannot be performed (such as popping values when not enough are on the stack) are simply ignored, and processing continues with the next command."
i think the command "out" is trying to pop the stack when theres nothing in it??
@AidenChow ... Not really, lol. :P It has to do with how the DP moves. Basically, if it can't get out of the current block going in the current direction, it pivots 90 degrees clockwise and tries again. If none of the four directions work, the program halts.
Piet's IP moves from one region (contiguous cells of the same color) to the next. To determine the next region, it sees the furthest cells of the current region in that direction (rightmost if facing right, etc) and selects either the topmost or the bottommost cell after it.
@AidenChow In a 3-codel program, there's nowhere for the DP to get trapped. Once it reaches the rightmost codel, it tries to go right, can't, tries to go down, can't, tries to go left--and it can. So if the code is abc, execution goes a -> b, b -> c, c -> b, b -> a, a -> b, and so on forever.
> As it executes the program, the interpreter traverses the colour blocks of the program under the following rules:
The interpreter finds the edge of the current colour block which is furthest in the direction of the DP. (This edge may be disjoint if the block is of a complex shape.) The interpreter finds the codel of the current colour block on that edge which is furthest to the CC's direction of the DP's direction of travel. (Visualise this as standing on the program and walking in the direction of the DP; see table at right.)
Basically, the candidates for the next movement are decided by the shape of the current region
Your task is to output a chimney of n size. The top of the chimney has n+2 _ characters, and the n spaces in between n | characters tall
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If this is a dupe or too easy, i can add "smoke" to this challenge to...
"Any operations which cannot be performed (such as popping values when not enough are on the stack) are simply ignored, and processing continues with the next command."
Is showing a warning the same thing as ignoring the operation?
@Nitrodon David Morgan-Mar, the creator, notes: "I have not written any 'authoritative' interpreter, and the different ones available sometimes interpret the specification slightly differently."
@AidenChow Which is weird to me, because, again, TIO is running npiet.
If you want, you can use my ASCII-Piet translator, which takes a plaintext format and spits out a PNG. It has an -x option that makes it output a hexdump instead. Requires Python 3 + Pillow. Can be run on TIO if you don't want to run it locally.
I'm doing some practice problems for my Methods of Proof final, and one of the questions asks whether "Today is Presidents' Day" is a proposition, propositional function, or neither. In my class, we define a propositional function $P(n)$ as a proposition whose truth value depends on the value of ...