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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

guess 18, 595/1000
semantle not loading for me for some reason, sad
This site can’t be reached semantle.novalis.org unexpectedly closed the connection.

Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics
ayy i got it to load somehow lmao
tf is this???!?!?!?!?!
———————————No semantle?———————————
I found it in 62 guesses!
why semantle not working :((
so sad i need my daily dose of semantle
ah shit i think i may have spoiled the word for myself by looking at inspect element to see why the site isnt working
AH SHIT i may have spoiled the next 3 or 4 words for myself, accidentally opened up the word list
very sad
@Ginger what are u even saying, this is gibberish to me
5 mins ago, by Ginger
i can tell that all ur msgs are palindromes, cant actually make sense of what you are saying tho
</palindrome> that's the idea <palindrome>
That's...not a palindrome
oh no i think my school blocked semantle
</palindrome> that's why I closed my palindrome tag </palindrome>
are you sure it's not just the issues it's haviung for everyone rn
wait it worked again
not working for me :(
@Niko not pog
@AidenChow and im pretty sure i spoiled the word for myself and anyone who looks at this screenshot
too late to delete it tho :|
:( wasn’t meant to say pog right after ^^^^^^ :(
993 on 13th
@lyxal im have a similar issue as well
that just makes it look like a wordle variant where you guess a single pair of letters and somehow get one letter out of that
and when i try to guess a word it just reloads the page instead
TIL I can't screenshot on Tor
It literally doesn't let me
lol ok i somehow can guess words even tho half the stuff are showing error msgs
totally legit 2 guesses
totally did not spoil the word for myself and solved this legitimately
crap just noticed that the inspect element showed the word
@lyxal uhh is tor some kind of browser?
wOw i'M so PrO!!!1!11!!!
I solved Semantle #59 in 2 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.56. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #2. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 6.56. https://semantle.novalis.org/
@AidenChow holy pogger
I solved Semantle #59 in 18 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 3.67. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #8. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 35.70 (823/1000). semantle.novalis.org
@AidenChow yes
@Niko lmao totally solved it legitimatelly
my semantle reseted somehow
nvm it’s back after i try to guess a word
What do y'all prefer: class Foo(Bar), class Foo extends Bar, or class Foo : Bar?
I solved Semantle #59 in 145 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.56. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #64. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 25.24 (28/1000). semantle.novalis.org
im at guess #8 and my highest was 15.51 lol
oh wow i was so thrown off by rot13(pbhagel) and rot13(angvba)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ShibNumbers in 2050 It's 2050, and people have decided to write numbers in a new way. They want less to memorize, and number to be able to be written quicker. For every place value(ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) the number is written with the number in that place, a hyphen, and the place value name. Inp...

@Seggan extends, I think.
The close vote quueue was on fire
23 hours ago, by PyGamer0
tomorrow is math
so today is math...
@Ginger wth is that lol
@emanresuA sure was
I wonder why
why am i scared ...
im watching minecraft videos lol
my exam will start in 4 mins
oh i got the paper
I'm afraid this week's paradigms lecture will be quite generic.
It's the type of lecture that seems templated
There might be a few wild card slides though
Such puns
If you're curious about APL, but don't know where to begin, consider attending APL Seeds '22, which begins in just under 8 hours. It is free to attend, but registration is required. See website for details.
love how i just went straight from 76 to 232 to 967
and now i have 998 and 999
and i finished my exam phew.
lecturer: you should always include the generic type in your object creation (i.e. Var<Type> name = new Var<Type>() instead of Var<Type> name = new Var<>()). It won't break the bank if you type another 15 characters.
me to myself: but lecturer, I'm a code golfer! It's in my nature to golf code
another 15 characters is highly unreasonable
tell that to your lecturer
eww, who uses new keyword
@PyGamer0 nah that was like 20 slides ago
@Bubbler Java
Java uses new keyword
and other ways you can start a flame war
(screenshot taken from lecture slides)
Cats are obviously superior :P
@lyxal obviously the answer is var name = new Var<Type>()
just use type inference
Type inference is cool
@lyxal Useless keyword
I usually use whatever copilot suggests
Because pressing tab is shorter than all y'all's solutions
I solved Semantle #59 in 91 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 17.00. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #53. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 4.28. semantle.novalis.org
Today's one is really fun
@lyxal so new code golf answers will look like:
# python + copilot, 17 bytes
def isprime(x):<tab><enter>
@Bubbler JS?
CMP: What should import pxeger in Python do?
Reformat your working directory into a poetry package and upload it to the pypi
CMQ: Should this actually be a programming puzzle, not an atomic-code-golf?
@emanresuA I think atomic code golf makes more sense there
though there's a chance it wasn't a thing back then
Okay. I'll add multiple-holes as well
@PyGamer0 Would the programming language be VSC+Copilot?
Copilot's nondeterministic so it's essentially equivalent to Baby Language
@Razetime I added this for you! multiline showing and collapsing in ngn/apl
That's pretty cool :)
Hopefully that's sufficient for now to render tabl/apl usable. Can add it to dyalog/apl as well, if useful.
@emanresuA Thanks!
The color isn't great though :pp
Just couldn't let myself waste any more time on screwing around with colors. Does anyone else do that?
Fine for me, but you could add theme options or something
Protip: Don't even try getting input working in ngn/apl, it's cursed
@emanresuA I will. Adding a sidebar with settings has been on my todo list for ages-- but I get perfectionistic about that, too!
@AviFS thats very cool
I can't touch UIs without losing all control for god-forsaken amounts of time, haha
I sometimes design cool frameworks, then lose interest when it comes to creating those
@emanresuA Wait, are you saying you're the other way around?!
'Cuz I'll take a designer :p
Nah, mostly unrelated :P
I created ballfactory.surge.sh for example
Which has a lot of neatly structured typescript that allows me to fairly easily create animations
But I lost interest in making animations :P
@emanresuA Holy moly! That's awesome!!
Those suspiciously parabolic springs are pretty amusing, ngl
Yeah, currently balls can only go in straight lines and circular arcs, something I should probably fix
(And at constant speed, too)
@emanresuA Have you heard of, or played around with, 3Blue1Brown's Manim?
Hm no, but that's pretty cool
(Note, technically this is 3B1B's manim, there was a bit of a split...)
@emanresuA very cool
The basic idea around ball factory is that each part is a freely moving element that renders itself based on a global tick.
Also, most moving elements have a Trajectory of some sort which describes the movements it makes.
(If you've seen his videos with that distinctive animation style-- he made a library in Python that he writes all those animations in. As in, he writes the 30 minute videos in files, functions & lines of code, rather than Adobe Animate or equivalent.)
@emanresuA Ooh, that's elegant. So the ball's position is just a big piecewise function?
everything's position is just a big piecewise function
Right, and since they're all composed from straight lines and arcs, that totally sounds like an elegant interface.
I guess? view-source:ballfactory.surge.sh/main.ts
In that case, adding a few more functions you can compose, like an elliptical arc that just takes two radii rather than 1, should be pretty sleek, no?
@AviFS I guess... I'll get around to it at some point
@emanresuA The animation is honestly really impressive. I don't have any use for it right now, but it's neat. I think the code would be even sleeker if it totally embraced a functional approach, rather than having them all be classes. I feel like Haskell must have an animation library just like this!
@emanresuA But no, not worth working digging it back up unless you want to, haha
@AviFS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about that
But you can help me get Vyxal up on tabl :p
Didn't you have that working before?
No, Vyxal interpreter = devil.
It's fine to use when you're using it for its intended purpose
Mainly just infinite loops, and non-sliceable infinite streams, I think.
@emanresuA What are you implying... :p
They should be slicable afaik
@AviFS That it was created for the purpose of running Vyxal as a script or repl, not a jupyter notebook-style-thing.
@AviFS How have you handled infinite loops in APL?
@emanresuA The repl also has problems cough cough
Do you mean the global state issues or something else?
Yeah functions don't seem to persist, and little things like that.
All should be easily fixable, esp by someone who's spent some time with the interpreter.
@DLosc How's the pip repl going?
How should an optimising compiler (for a pure language) handle the function def f(): int = 0 * f()? Its value clearly has to be 0, but if it optimises that away, it loses the "side effect" of going into an infinite loop. But in a pure language, everything ought to be optimisable because nothing should have side effects
Do you have operator overlaodign?
Not for int
I wouldn't call infintiely looping a "side effect"
@emanresuA I agree with emanresu
Another option is to have it be an error. If it's not legal code, then you don't have to worry about it to begin with!
If it's a useful reference, I tested it in Haskell (ghci) and it looped for maybe 2-4 seconds, then gave a Stack Overflow. Which isn't what I was expecting. It's a bit... boring, haha
(I was hoping the compiler would catch it, and error as invalid code as I suggested, rather than just erroring at runtime which... I guess is a third option.)
@AviFS Interestingly, just x = 0 * x doesn't cause a stack overflow
it seems to just keep running
@pxeger Interesting, you're right.
Never would have thought to check that. I'm really surprised that Haskell doesn't handle these.
Weird. You'd think x = a*x would evaluate to a<1 => 0, a=1 => undefined and a>1 => +inf.
I guess Haskell's not as "mathematical" as I gave it credit for :p
@AviFS It's not surprising for me. How should it handle f code = (evaluateBrainfuck code) * 0?
The compiler can't possibly know if the evaluation of the other argument will halt; that's part of the problem
@pxeger It's too late at night for Turing completeness :p
@pxeger If unknown halting is the only problem, then I'd still think x=a*x should error and cite the issue. Letting the whole expression never halt is hardly a solution to not knowing whether a subexpression will halt :p
def false2(x):
  if not isinstance(x, int):
    return isinstance(x, int)
  if x == 2:
    return x != 2
  return x == 2
there we go
level 2
get true out of this
'Night ⍤/
night o/
@BgilMidol this is in response to the replied message
if you get past that, there's this for level 3
def false3(x):
  if not isinstance(x, int):
    return isinstance(x, int)
  if x == 2:
    if x is 2:
      return not (x is 2)
    return x is 2
  return x == 2
interested to see level 4
You might be interested in alf.nu/ReturnTrue
youtube.com/watch?v=S0AdB36WuAU gives some good examples of Python hacks, so I suspect all the levels you come up with will be possible
@emanresuA got stuck at level 2
how can x != x
I can't work out what the answer to peano is intended to be
I have spoiler
2**53-1 works for some reason
Don't ask me why
Oh, my answer is that
I didn't realise it was representable like that
level 4 will be something a bit smarter
def false4(x):
  if type(x) is type(1):
    return (type(x) is not type(1))
    return type(x) is type(1)
that should be impossible, i think
without tampering with false4 or type directly, it probably is
let's go, made something uncrackable
but that's cheating
i mean, you're allowed to do anything, so i'll allow you that
though i'll at least make it semi-possible this time
the official level 4 will feature 3 inputs
def f(x):
  return 1
def false5(x, y, z):
  if isinstance(x, str) and isinstance(y, str) and isinstance(z, str):
    return len(x)+len(y)+len(z) == 3-bool(x)-bool(y)-bool(z)
this one i know a solution exists to get true out
len-2, len-0, len-0 right?
hint: you will have to change bool(), i think
python is getting better with every release....
CMQ: Have you used python's pattern matching yet?
What's the golfiest way to determine which version of numpy you have from the command line?
@PyGamer0 what improvements do you like?
@graffe better error messages
i havent really used pattern matching or the walrus guy
@PyGamer0 ah yes. I am looking forward to those
What is the pattern matching?
I think I have missed that
walrus seems invented for golfers :)
^ i am waiting for that
it will make debugging a hell lot easier
Python scawwy
@PyGamer0 thanks!
> A new module, tomllib, was added for parsing TOML
^ 3.11
3.11: math.exp2, math.cbrt
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey ?
Cube root! Why does python need that??
x**(1/3) works doesn't it?
exp2 is straight from numpy I see
It's a weird language where so much is duplicated
Q: Removed J-brackets

Wheat WizardFor a 2 dimensional array we will call the elements in either the first row or the last column the "J-Bracket" of the array. For example in the following array elements in the J-bracket are highlighted: \$ \begin{bmatrix} \color{red}{\underline 1} & \color{red}{\underline 2} & \color{red}{\under...

I solved Semantle #59 in 82 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 10.00. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #13. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 2.17. semantle.novalis.org
Apparently r/place is coming back this year
@graffe not as much as c++ :p
@graffe pretty sure cbrt will be in c and should be more accurate, idk
@PyGamer0 :)
(I love the fact that the sound effects in that video are so obviously just someone tapping on something)
@pxeger yes, that place
Well yes
@Ginger is everything ok?
why do you ask
Your markov chain seems to be a little corrupt lately that's all
what markov chain
Feb 25 at 12:04, by Ginger Industries
I am a normal human typing with my human hands
I coulda sworn you made a joke about being a markov chain once
I have no idea what you are talking about, lyxal.
Don't tell me this is the sleep deprivation kicking in
Please don't tell me the bad habits I've accumulated lately aren't finally catching up to me
can't be, you go to bed at a normal time every night, right?
Is 12:40am normal?
11 hours ago, by lyxal
No I was fully awake and in control when I made that joke
It was an intentional joke based on the screenshot before it
You can't make me question myself just on my bad puns alone
12 hours ago, by Ginger
user image
@Ginger Either you've hacked SE chat, SE chat is just bad as usual or there is some serious Mandela effect bs happening in my brain.
Because I definitely feel like there's been a joke like that recently
Okay thank frick I'm not going crazy
Mar 25 at 13:12, by Ginger
GMarkov 1.27.2 by Ginger Technology Ltd. online.
Jul 24, 2021 at 2:41, by caird coinheringaahing
@lyxal I'm actually a 100% deterministic Markov chain :P
@PyGamer0 not what I was referring to.
i know
what is a markov chain?
@lyxal uh
is it related to jon skeet?
you know too much
Ah yes let me just connect my apple pencil to my Android phone shall I?
> Apply penicillin.
i read it like that
@lyxal yes
That's a joke.
You can't connect an Apple pencil to an Android phone
what about a Banana pencil?
sure you can
Well you probably could, but it wouldn't draw much
you just have to try real hard
Color Pencil?
Dab Pencil?
Wait no you can't.
Elegant Pencil?
Because it needs to be plugged into the device before pairing
Frick Pencil.
i should stop
What about a pineapple pen?
<- Pencil
Pineapple Pencil?
pen pineapple apple pen?
Apple Pineapple Pencil Pen?
@Ginger PPAP?
Oct 14, 2017 at 17:26, by wizzwizz4
I purchased that on iTunes once
Fun times
pen pen apple apple apple pen pineapple
I shall be taking a one-month break, see you on April 29
See ya then
@pxeger Holy shit I never knew this went on so long
> Long pen
@ophact I love how it looks like that was prompted by my message
@ophact bye

Ophact cannot withstand the power of pen pen apple apple apple pen pineapple

1 min ago, 25 seconds total – 2 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked just now by Ginger

@pxeger You never listened to the full version? What a youtube watching peasant. The version I purchased was the full version. Smh
I think the version I saw must have been youtube.com/watch?v=P9JAnxzpzAA
@ophact 👋
aabc: a+b=a+c
wow tacfs
> pēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēn
I don't know about PPAP, but I sure do know about wheatley crab.
I only recently discovered it and it makes me yes.
@lyxal only recently?
I have been yessing with crab for many weekgroups
@Seggan <:
do any of you have solutions to some return true to win problems
@Ginger I've only just finished watching a playthrough of Portal 2
Which should be obvious given my chat bio
you should play it
Portal 2 is a VERY good game
Yes, it is
and I'm too small brain for puzzle thinking
@PyGamer0 me not understanding how directional blocks work
the block is... a sneak peak of Cursed Additions 1.0.0 I guess
hmmm xkcd
the xkcd does not fit inside the page
buy a bigger monitor
ah yes, lemme just get a bigger monitor for my laptop
Wordle 283 5/6

haha frick you
Wordle 283 3/6

I'm gonna beat ya'll
@lyxal laughs in unintentional results middle finger
from the website of the Semantle designer:
> all the cool 3d software is proprietary, except Blender, which is incomprehensible
Wordle 283 3/6

@Ginger blender's cool
blender's cool what?
blender is cool
and not incomprehensible
so close to 10k views
mornin folks
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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