lol ok i somehow can guess words even tho half the stuff are showing error msgs
totally legit 2 guesses
totally did not spoil the word for myself and solved this legitimately
crap just noticed that the inspect element showed the word
@lyxal uhh is tor some kind of browser?
wOw i'M so PrO!!!1!11!!! I solved Semantle #59 in 2 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 6.56. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #2. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 6.56.
I solved Semantle #59 in 18 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 3.67. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #8. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 35.70 (823/1000).
I solved Semantle #59 in 145 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 5.56. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #64. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 25.24 (28/1000).
Numbers in 2050
It's 2050, and people have decided to write numbers in a new way. They want less to memorize, and number to be able to be written quicker.
For every place value(ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) the number is written with the number in that place, a hyphen, and the place value name.
If you're curious about APL, but don't know where to begin, consider attending APL Seeds '22, which begins in just under 8 hours. It is free to attend, but registration is required. See website for details.
lecturer: you should always include the generic type in your object creation (i.e. Var<Type> name = new Var<Type>() instead of Var<Type> name = new Var<>()). It won't break the bank if you type another 15 characters.
me to myself: but lecturer, I'm a code golfer! It's in my nature to golf code
I solved Semantle #59 in 91 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 17.00. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #53. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 4.28.
(If you've seen his videos with that distinctive animation style-- he made a library in Python that he writes all those animations in. As in, he writes the 30 minute videos in files, functions & lines of code, rather than Adobe Animate or equivalent.)
@emanresuA Ooh, that's elegant. So the ball's position is just a big piecewise function?
@emanresuA The animation is honestly really impressive. I don't have any use for it right now, but it's neat. I think the code would be even sleeker if it totally embraced a functional approach, rather than having them all be classes. I feel like Haskell must have an animation library just like this!
@emanresuA But no, not worth working digging it back up unless you want to, haha
How should an optimising compiler (for a pure language) handle the function def f(): int = 0 * f()? Its value clearly has to be 0, but if it optimises that away, it loses the "side effect" of going into an infinite loop. But in a pure language, everything ought to be optimisable because nothing should have side effects
Another option is to have it be an error. If it's not legal code, then you don't have to worry about it to begin with!
If it's a useful reference, I tested it in Haskell (ghci) and it looped for maybe 2-4 seconds, then gave a Stack Overflow. Which isn't what I was expecting. It's a bit... boring, haha
(I was hoping the compiler would catch it, and error as invalid code as I suggested, rather than just erroring at runtime which... I guess is a third option.)
@pxeger It's too late at night for Turing completeness :p
@pxeger If unknown halting is the only problem, then I'd still think x=a*x should error and cite the issue. Letting the whole expression never halt is hardly a solution to not knowing whether a subexpression will halt :p
For a 2 dimensional array we will call the elements in either the first row or the last column the "J-Bracket" of the array. For example in the following array elements in the J-bracket are highlighted:
\color{red}{\underline 1} & \color{red}{\underline 2} & \color{red}{\under...
I solved Semantle #59 in 82 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 10.00. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #13. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 2.17.