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Personally I don't bother with little things like chars -> bytes or adding TIO links, since there's an infinite ocean of posts like that and they don't really hurt, but if you stumble across one occasionally it's fine to fix it.
I wouldn't go out and actively look for them though, much like with "non-competing" in answer headers
cuz i was looking at balancing chemical equations
and no i dont wanna spare the main page lol
i rarely look at it at all
balancing chemical equations is very old, its like the first chemistry question posted in CG
@DialFrost uh but other ppl do
i know i do
spare meaning?
oh i replied to the wrong msg, i meant other ppl look at the front page
when u edit smth, the post gets bumped to the top for everyone
for the main page?
i certainly dont want to see a bunch of old posts on top
i dont look at main page
@DialFrost yeah........ but other ppl do
i js look at the questions page lol
Personally I'm against the main page bumping edits
I think it's detrimental to the quality of the site if people hold back from making minor edits
@DialFrost yeah, me too, but i also look on the front page to see if there are any other older challenges that i can do that other ppl are doing along with the newer questions
@RadvylfPrograms ? wdym so you encourgae edits?
im not editing the answers yet lol waiting to see if bumping old qns to main page actually helps/doesnt help
@DialFrost i think hes saying that edits are good, but edits being bumped on front page is bad
I'm saying I think the front page shouldn't show edits in the first place. But since it does, we need to avoid pointlessly bumping stuff.
@RadvylfPrograms ah
cant we js remove bumping edits?
its kinda annoying tbh
It's been talked about over and over again, typically people suggest adding a "this is a minor edit" checkbox that doesn't bumb it
@DialFrost i dont think anyone here at the moment has the power to do that
@RadvylfPrograms agreed
@AidenChow :(
someone call up the mods or owner lol
You should see like, generic internet forums, when someone edits or posts a comment on something older than like a month everyone gets super-aggro on them for "necroing" and it's just onbnoxious. Glad we're not that bad when it comes to bumping stuff lol
shld i not edit then
this qns is 6 years old
@DialFrost u could, just not excessively, like radvylf programs said
Like I said earlier, editing every once in a while is perfectly fine
is 4 excessive?
i think a couple at a time shouldnt be too disruptive
@DialFrost on the same post?
i mean question?
ah ye
prob not 4
If it's on the same question, edit to your heart's content. That only bumps a single question.
well that only bumps up that one question
@RadvylfPrograms ah ok lol
thx guys
Ooh I have a KotH idea
I might actually bother to post this one
It won't be too hard to program, and it should be fun and I can probably make it clickbaity
stupid python 2 old users
@RadvylfPrograms cool, koth questions are rare
sys.argv destroys tio
@AidenChow Yeah, haven't had one in ages
@emanresuA well the last koth question posted was last month, but that one has no answers
Oh yeah, that one
What about bomberman koth?
That could be interesting
@emanresuA i have no idea what bomberman is but sure
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".code.tio", line 7, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
You're on a grid, you place bombs and blow stuff up which opens up pathways and breaks blocks which give you powerups. Bombs can kill people, including the one who placed them, and the last one alive wins.
python 2 gae
idk how sys.argv works for python 2
@DialFrost add an argument instead, not input
its right under input
i've never used arguments b4
u can add an argument
oh wait
it actually worked
its a dropdown menu
thx @AidenChow
ye, sys.argv returns a list of the inputted command line arguments
how bout this
theres no output
cant help u with that one, idk mathematica
me neither
* Your program must terminate in reasonable time for all reasonable inputs.
is this supposed to be in the question when there is already code-golf tag?
@DialFrost if u put Print[b["C7H16+O2->CO2+H2O"]] in the footer, it seems to work
terminating in reasonable time is far from standard depending on the nature of the challenge
@UnrelatedString its balancing chemical equations
i should remove it right
if you want to require it then say so, is what i'm saying
i mean it doesnt make sense to require terminating in reasonable time
thats wat im saying
especially since most challenges dont require it
unless its like conway's game of life or smh
well, the question was posted in 2012, standards were different back then.
do i remove it then
@AidenChow 2016*
wait no 2012
personally, i would advise against editing older questions (especially ones from 2012), because there are already answers on those questions, and changing their specs might cause the answers to be invalid and/or cause the answers to have some new golfs based on the specs that uve removed or added
in this case, if you remove the line "Your program must terminate in reasonable time for all reasonable inputs." from the problem, who knows if some of the answers are optimized (most likely adding more bytes to their answer) just to meet that condition?
@AidenChow doesnt cause them to be invalid
@DialFrost ^^
ah ok i see ur point
im boomarking this qns cuz i luv chemistry
uni library database: hey we have this book online through an ebook provider. Would you like to see it?
me: sure, that'd be helpful
ebook provider: lol nope 404 not found + URL might have moved to a different address + site might not be secure + L
me: ._.
At least you're not in my web design class
Mar 18 at 5:13, by emanresu A
My web design course is teaching us to use tables for layout
i had a book i had to access through the university's library system for a class last semester and it was a real pain in the ass to pull up
@emanresuA well at least it isn't XML and XSLT
wait are tables not used for layout
honest question
how does html even allow you to do things horizontally without tables
flexbox probably
oh so flexboxes are something separate from tables
that and or floats
@UnrelatedString yes
tables are html tags
Flexbox / grid / absolute positioning / don't have HTML, just a giant canvas
flexboxes are wizardry that relies on divs and CSS classes
@lyxal so all modern webpage design uses css for layout? whoa
it's basically black magic
I occasionally use JS for layout
anyone know why i love editing old posts? :/
Because I made this neat library that creates a fixed-shape sliding canvas
> A sleepy Parisian, heading to the Eiffel Tower on autopilot, can execute this algorithm without putting it in words.
context: Suppose we want to go from the Louvre Museum to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. To that, we first walk west along the Right Bank, then cross the Seine at the Passerelle Léopold Sédar Senghor, and then continue walking west along the Left Bank to the Eiffel Tower. We do this perhaps without even knowing we are using an algorithm, a procedure that takes us from the Louvre to the Eiffel Tower.
That barely sort of maybe counts as context
further context: a chapter describing what algorithms are
I guess
furthermost context: I need to describe what an algorithm is and I'm looking for an academically acceptable source that does it for me
@UnrelatedString Using tables for layout is like saying "I learned HTML in the 90s" without saying you learned HTML in the 90s
i will never understand why introduction to the concept of computing courses feel the need to talk about the definition of an algorithm but in all fairness i don't understand why introduction to the concept of computing courses exist either
ngl I was tempted to use tables for a web assignment I did recently purely because lyxal brain no CSS very well
CSS is pretty jank, and if you have to support older browsers, CSS is like voluntarily solving a maze drawn on your body using a knife to mark the path you take
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Finding an element in an array
So apparently if you zoom into Radvylf's pfp, this is what you see:
Or it could just be what happens when you use your favourite AI artwork generation app with Radvylf's pfp as an influence for the result and use the prompt "Redwolf Programs" and the dark fantasy style
The interesting thing about that generator is how it makes things that we humans recognise as patterns but actually are random noise
Look at those creatures at the top and you see wolves. Look closer and you see a bunch of random red-and-gray lines which sort of look like some kind of creature but mostly don't.
Yeah, I really love it. It's like it's able to just precisely undo the same abstractions and simplifications our brains make.
that's almost how it works is the cool thing
Based on EmanresuA, blacklight style and pfp
Wow that's cool
Can I have the whole image?
That is the whole image
It only lets you use a rectangular portion of the original image as influence
Unrelated String, providence style
Did you behead someone?
Try hyper next?
Ginger is next
Has science gone too far?
Is that Ginger?
It is
I see it now
Also I figured out how to make it use the whole pfp
Download from profile, screenshot the pfp in the photos app and use that
@lyxal yes.
I tried so many different variations of that
And this was the clearest lambda I could get
@emanresuA I made a full picture for you
And one last one of Radvylf
@lyxal Thanks :)
@lyxal That's scary
Okay so you know how they say there's two wolves inside everyone? Well that implies there's two wolves inside Radvylf. And seeing as how Radvylf is a red wolf, that implies wolves can have wolves inside them. And that implies that it's wolves all the way down. It just recurses forever.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
how should colors be scored in geogebra? u have to manually set it in the settings of the particular expression, so how would that work
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ How are settings scored in desmos?
@emanresuA u can use the rgb() builtin function in desmos
but geogebra does not have anything like that
Then you can't use it in code golf
@Bubbler rip ok, thats kinda what i thought
Unless... unless there's some way you can export a coloured expression
am i allowed to golf somone's code while editing
but like have ungolfed with comments (given by user) and golfed by me
btw @emanresuA i like the new version of ur pfp
am i allowed to golf somone's code while editing
but like have ungolfed with comments (given by user) and golfed by me
cuz the person alr golfed his code and showed his byte no.
but not the golfed version
so i cant?
im js adding the golfed code
that the user counted in bytes in the header but didnt show the golfed code
@hyper-neutrino oh no oh frick what have I done
@emanresuA is that directed to me?
so exmaple
the user says 442 bytes in his answer, but his code is actually 1.1k bytes
but if u remove all comments and spaces and newlines its 442
but he didnt include the golfed version, only the commented version in his ans
so should i include the golfed version in my edit
makes it clearer to readers that this is actually 442 bytes not the orignial one(1100 bytes)
CMQ: What's the highest number of quotes you've nested while writing code?
I got four levels deep once
It was a string containing HTML which had an attribute containing JS code that contained a string containing HTML with an attribute
2-3 layers I think
2 on a frequent basis, 3 very rarely
ginger's ukraine challenge got him 50 upvotes lmao
even though i actually planned to post it a few weeks ago but discarded the idea due to the fact that it seemed to easy and idk how to do picture challenges
lol wtf why can i only see half of emanresu's pfp???
wait what its rendering correctly in the actual chat though
so confused rn
@emanresuA wdym by export? i can save the graph, does that count?
Export it to some sort of file?
Can you recover the graph itself from any of this?
@emanresuA wdym by recover
Fun fact: I have a pair of Bonds socks (standard height, everyday out and about stuff - not the rust femboy kind you see Linux users wearing) that are red on the bottom. I call them my redwolf socks now because I can't help but think of redwolf because of their colour
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

alephalphaMaximum density of a still life in Conway's Game of Life code-golf sequence game-of-life This is OEIS sequence A055397. In Conway's Game of life, a still life is a pattern that does not change over time. We can see from the rules of Conway's Game of life that, a pattern is a still life if and on...

@AidenChow Get the original graph back from that exported file
@emanresuA newpfpamogus?!
Can't believe I'm hearing people discussing wordle irl
Glad I solved it before overhearing their conversation
Like I understand online discussion, but actual physical discussion just seems odd
@emanresuA uhhhh idk, probably not, becuz they are essentially image files
@DialFrost I think so
the only time i heard wordle discussion irl was at a linguistics club meeting where someone decided to tell us about semantle
y'all need to play semantle
sounds interesting
Politicians minimax their charisma and intelligence.
> scenario's
@UnrelatedString am on guess 82 and have made no real progress since 25
that's the semantle experience
i've only gotten one so far and i think 82 is actually how many tries it took me with some serious luck
once i hit top 1000 some of the stuff i was landing in it seemed barely related to the rest and when i looked at the full list after solving it some of it was even further out of left field
if the nearest word today is only 59.96 similar... oh boy
okay i hit 772 on guess 20
@UnrelatedString plane
I guessed that after helicopter
if it helps, "astronomy" is ~#220
and aerodynamics isn't on the lsit
would prefer if you refrained from further spoilers but if we're talking about that i find it really funny that airliner isn't in the top 1000
Okay. I just got something in the 900s so I'll stop.
got there from a sequence of things that things can be on, starting from "table"
ooh i'm in the 900s too
got one like #100 ish lol
this is hard
oh i just shot up to 900 on my next guess lel
it do be like that
oshit i got it
I am
feeling somewhat bamboozled
yo what nice
yeah it's always a bit wild
what lol: "Unusual word found! This word is not in the list of "normal" words that we use for the top-1000 list, but it is still similar! (Is it maybe capitalized?)"
what does that even mean
looking at similar words
no wonder I couldn't get any better
Is your 900's md5 698777432d4b6352e008a1d267329aa1
@emanresuA damn yeah it is
i got a few 800s too
and a ???? one lol
my 900 is 933
@UnrelatedString me tooo
we all got the same one
makes sense
highest I got was 990
before the word
995 WOW
oh shit i just got 976
@UnrelatedString NICE
idk what is related with the #995 word i guessed lel
i also just got a ????
and another
@UnrelatedString ME TOO
@AidenChow yeah it's really fucking hard to imagine where to go from there
we got the same word
idk what to do after
I thought it might be zeppelin
But nope
@UnrelatedString yeah saaaaame
maybe it's something to do with a fixed turn of phrase
I can hint to 990 if there's no objection
I don't expect it's a giveaway
given how long it took me from there
@att yeah u could, we already got #995 lol
idk where to go from there tho
Everything I have is flight related
@emanresuA ye, sounds about right
me too
what's closely related to flying (lingusitically, at least)?
Thanks :), got the 990
@att idk what linguistically means :\
word2vec is based entirely on distribution
I got two ????
so close words are words that occur in very similar circumstances
@emanresuA i have like 4 of those :P
I think ???s are more unusual words
????s are words that would clog up the top 1000 if they were there but are in the word2vec dictionary
@att ye sure, i guessed rocketship and it was like ????
...930 is quite interesting
tf, i was not expecting #932 to work
i have like 4 of them over 900
930 was a pretty big surprise
idk what 930 is, but i got 932 lmao
160 is also something lmao
i didnt get 160 but i got 161, its pretty interesting
i got 8 over 900 now wtfffff
9 now
how do u do spoilers in chat?
bro 10
10 over 900 im getting pissed
I ended up with 11 900s + a ??? in that range before I got it
@AidenChow [spoiler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVNaapUdlkM&start=9 "spoiler text")
and you have ~17 hours to do today's no rush :)
im very tempted to go on google rn to search up related words
oh yeah maybe it's something to do with the connection between specifically 995 and 930
what is 930, idek it
my closest is still 995 tho

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