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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@user It's actually "J's On!" (a hidden piece of J propaganda)
Good way to waste time: xkcd.com/1975
How did they manage to make "this is the song that doesn't end" part truly never ending
@Seggan I wrote a json parser in JS with one line: eval
That's nothing, I once wrote a JS interpreter in one line: eval
@allxy This is so pointlessly evil I'm tempted to kick-mute you (not really) :p
Or should I say...pointlessly eval
Using eval to parse JSON is like using a loaded shotgun as a hammer when doing home renovation
@RadvylfPrograms But hey, if you always carry your loaded shotgun with you, whereas you don't own a hammer and would have to drive to the store and buy one, the shotgun means you get the job done a lot quicker!
But everyone who uses JS has a hammer superglued to their right kidney
But saving six bytes is buck more important than getting XSSed.
But JSON.parse is also significantly more performant, so it gives you more milliseconds remaining until your death to make more effective golfs
E.g., the shotgun hammer might tear down a wall significantly faster but you can tear down lots more walls at an above average pace by using a normal hammer, instead of just a couple of walls really quickly then bleeding to death
Why use a hammer when you can use something like a bulldozer /s
Alternatively, just vein mine the wall :p
@Seggan surely 1.6e-10 is valid in JSON as well as JSON5?
And we care about speed?
No, who said we care about speed
Well I did, but not as a terminal goal
Parsing the JSON faster gives you more time to work on bigger golfs.
Whch of course makes no sense since that only saves milliseconds but I am making metaphors about shotgun hammers instead of doing my math homework so doing sensible things isn't really to be expected from me in the first place
Imagine doing work
You should also get your right kidney checked out, that can't be helping you
@Neil oh...
1 hour later…
> got another moderator to suspend him "For Science".
Q: Building spikes

DialFrostInspired by this building (United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel, Colorado) Your task is simple, given a non-negative integer n, output the spiked building to size n Size 1: ^ /|\ /.|.\ /..|..\ _______ Testcases 2 -> ^ ^ /|\/|\ /.|..|.\ /..|..|..\ __________ 7 -> ^ ^ ...

oh frick today marks my 4th year of code golfing
happy birthday to my account
Yes, I am indeed a 4 year old
you can tell by the fact I think that object . method () is a funny way to annoy your friends in java
it's valid, but looks horrible
1 hour later…
@lyxal r/softwaregore
Math problem: Given any infinite non-repeating string, must there be infinitely many prefixes which don't match the regex /(.+)\1$/ ? Context: I need to verify some answers to my most recent challenge
I think the latter is true for any infinite string that is not a repetition of a single character (I didn't fully grasp the former but I guess it roughly means what I'm thinking of)
@Bubbler the regex matches (partially) also strings like CGCCabcabcabcabc...
Here there are finitely many non-matching prefixes
Oh, didn't notice the lack of ^
Then what do you mean by non-repeating? Is it something like an n-ary representation of an irrational number?
@Bubbler I think that they mean that no infinite suffix is a single string repeated forever.
@Bubbler yes, exactly
If only finitely many prefixes don't match the regex, then there must be some threshold k where every length beyond length k matches the regex. Not sure where to go from here, but my instinct says there must be some tail that has the same length of matches forever, resulting in a rational number
I forgot what it's called, but there's a sequence where the nth term is the number of times the tail of the series is repeated.
this I think?
I found another sequence (this) that looks like a strong counterexample
I believe every prefix starting from length 6 has a repeating suffix, and yet it's not a repeating sequence
My messy JS shows that to be true for the first <large number> terms.
Yes this looks good, thank you for your help! I'll find a proof of the repetition and post it to math.stackexchange later today
@emanresuA is there a 4 in it
@emanresuA how even
> The first 4 occurs at a(220).
@Bubbler does every number occur in the sequence
> We believe that for all N >= 6, he first time N appears is at about position 2^(2^(3^(4^(5^...^(N-1))))).
It is not known but conjectured to be true
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenLine Islands in a Word Search Tags: code-golfgridstringword-search My third word search related challenge in a row. :) Challenge: Brief explanation of what a word search is: In a word search you'll be given a grid of letters and a list of words. The idea is to cross off the words from the list in...

I think I've got a nice proof too.
Start induction from "1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1", where the property holds for the prefixes of length 6 to 8.
Now assume the property holds for n-th Fibonacci word Wn, of length Fn. For Wn+1: up to index Fn, the property holds because Wn+1 has Wn as its prefix. Beyond index Fn, the index is derived from the 1->12, 2->1 mapping from Wn. Each index is one of three cases: 1->(1)2 (holds since its previous number is always 1), 1->1(2), 2->(1) (both hold from the property of Wn, by doing the mapping on the repeating region).
Hm, nice
CMC: Length of n as a "generalised roman numeral", which is pretty much roman numerals but there's a symbol for every 10^n and 5*10^n
That's a bit confusing but I'm not sure how to state it better.
So each of 0-9 digit in decimal translates to 0 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 4 2
K, ungolfed: +//0 1 2 3 2@5\10\
unless you're thinking of the generalized subtractive version
15 bytes
and I like the weird antisymmetry of slashes and backslashes
it is quite striking
@Bubbler Oh :P
@UnrelatedString Yeah
@Bubbler I have 11 bytes in Vyxal so I'm probably missing some clever trick
Wait no, that doesn't work
the mods come marching in
it sure is a good thing we all agreed @GingerIndustries is not a time traveler
@emanresuA that makes sense
like decimal, but instead of 0-9, we got 00-14
by the way, in response to this, who wants to make a discord server with Code Golf in the name
Already done
Has been for years
@lyxal tf
when did u do this
I didn't
Someone else did
Many years ago
well who did
I don't know
One of the older users who isn't here anymore
@Bubbler you should submit that as an actual mathematical proof
I'm hungry.
@WheatWizard go conjure up some wheat then
...i just noticed your discord username lmao
bc your name is Wheat Wizard
good old unicode arabic ligatures
@UnrelatedString what even
ww's discord username is ﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽
which as far as i can tell is the single unicode character "bismillah" 32 times (the max length)
@UnrelatedString that's ONE unicode character
stop the cap
i did 4000 keystrokes in 139 seconds
@UnrelatedString u+fdfd is not that, trust me
Uh... yes it is
@emanresuA tf
@emanresuA alright then, Python will decide this issue
JS already has, and I'm pretty sure they agree
@emanresuA Python > JS
>>> "\ufdfd"
@emanresuA what is fdfd in base 10
>>> chr(65021)
@emanresuA you are correct
on this once
@emanresuA damn it
CMC: guess why i have 103 rep on Meta
meta what?
meta se?
or meta so?
or meta superuser?
or meta cg?
or what
Fun fact: à́̀́̀́̀́̀́̀́̀́̀ is a valid variable name in javascript
@ophact this one
You just joined for the sake of joining, then you suggested an edit
'à́̀́̀́̀́̀́̀́̀́̀'.charCodeAt() -> 97
@ophact take its length
@SegFaultPlus4 it does seem like thats what happened though... meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/78608
@AidenChow ok you win
So I win then?
no, you needed to specify WHAT the edit was of
but I proposed the idea first and then @AidenChow followed through with it
so we both win
ok then
you both get a prize
I get to suggest 126 edits on your posts and you approve all of them so I get to 2k reputation.
you get a -100 rep bounty
So I put 100 rep bounty on your post?
That would be -100 rep
Which one
Which one is the most worthy of a bounty?
if i had to pick, this one
Okay. 100 rep bounty coming up.
but of course, you are dreaming, and once you wake up, there will be no 100 rep bounty on your post.
@ophact ok then
i'll enjoy this for now
Dismiss | Snooze
@ophact snooze
i want to see the bounty before i wake up
Dismiss | Snooze
@ophact snooze
WAKE UP you are late for work or whatever
i'm seeing the bounty before i wake up
Hang on, all right?
There's your bounty
Not photoshopped
@SegFaultPlus4 Now wake up
@Bubbler I investigated further and found that the "best" counterexample to the conjecture is a string formed by starting with "001001" and then repeatedly adding "01001" or "001". For example "0010010100100101001010010010010100101001...". It's the "best" since it works when the prefix is five characters or longer (which is the minimum)
@ophact i will check this myself
Go ahead
@AnttiP so it's random
whether you add 01001 or 001
Weird stuff is occuring
Try editing this
And looking at the preview
> Suggested edits are not allowed on non-tag-wiki posts on meta sites.
i'm making a quiz
Did you get your bounty?
That means you're awake
I wonder... does the regex /(.+)\1{2}$/ have counterexamples? What about /(.+)\1{3}$/ ? Is there a counterexample for every n?
@AnttiP what is this a counter example of
So the original question was, given a infinite non-repeating string (such as the decimal expansion of an irrational number), must there be an infinite amount of prefixes so that the regex /(.+)\1$/ does not (even partially) match the prefix
Bubbler found a counterexample and later I also found one
Now I'm wondering if the conjecture is true for /(.+)\1{2}$/
this is the longest quiz ever
@ophact what
404 File not found
it works fine on my screen
CMQ: Is there a way to make this function cleaner? As in removing some if statements / refactoring redudant things?
@PyGamer0 no
also i have a CMQ: i want to make a challenge about isomers of alkanes
should i do it
also @AidenChow you still have a -100 rep bounty waiting
in flax, 16 secs ago, by PyGamer0
user image
look at the amount of digits
very cool
@PyGamer0 i cannot see
can you provide a text version
@SegFaultPlus4 it's a picture of a shell session of an esolang called flax. There's an expression being evaluated (the digit 2 and then the square root symbol), and the result is to an accuracy of about 100 or so decimal places
@RadvylfPrograms Can I add this to apl.wiki/humour?
have any of you made a 2d lang
@Adám holy crap the APL wiki has a memes page
This is mind blowing news to me
@SegFaultPlus4 I have
It was the first lang I ever made
@lyxal send me a github
@lyxal TYL
@SegFaultPlus4 One moment
@RadvylfPrograms lmaoo
@lyxal fyi its exactly 100digits
I may make a 3D esolang using Voxel Painter
also olleh
@GingerIndustries gat netug
@GingerIndustries did you mean Vyxal Painter?
i intend to defeat rickroll defender someday
@lyxal nope
@GingerIndustries actually, you did
@lyxal but actually, they did not
@lyxal No, I did not.
@GingerIndustries yes, you did
@lyxal incorrect
@lyxal nope
@lyxal it's 2 v 1
@GingerIndustries like how you "fixed" my github pfp, you "meant" vyxal painter
@SegFaultPlus4 make it 1 v 2 and I'll agree ginger isn't a time traveller
@lyxal ah
but what if I am
@lyxal that's fact, you don't have to agree with it
it just is
@SegFaultPlus4 it's only fact if it's on the TNB wikia
@lyxal what
where is the wikia
and before you try to edit it in somewhere, keep in mind I made it
@lyxal do you think that will stop me
can't edit a page if it's locked
@lyxal wrong again
i will make a new page
@GingerIndustries front
Mar 6 at 23:46, by Ginger Industries
@allxy not again
@lyxal library
oh okay
@Seggan 3.11
I thought I read somewhere that it's built-in though
not yet
@lyxal back
wait is the yaml library pipped or part of stdlib?
it's going to be called tomllib and atm can only read TOML, not write it
@lyxal stdlib
thanks, I couldn't remember if I had to pip install or not
which is concerning seeing as how I use it for stuff
i got my friends with the secret rickroll generator @lyxal uses
i am going to ask my mother if i can make alcohol this weekend
@PyGamer0 x is not a great name
Also, filter(i for i in enumerate(x) if not x[i]) should work
Is there no indices where function?
sometimes my noise-cancelling headphones make it sound like it's raining when it really isn't and I don't like that. Makes me think it's epic weather when it's just normal weather
@user ?
@user oops i pushed so it points to the wrong location lol
@user hm thanks
@PyGamer0 as in, indices where apply a function is truthy
imagine making a golflang
@lyxal ok added that to the "To add" issue
Mar 6 at 5:32, by PyGamer0
in flax, 37 secs ago, by PyGamer0
Any Feedback for these elements I'll add to flax?


Room for discussion of Etch (github.com/GingerIndustries/Etch)...
I wanna use Etch
you're in luck then
@GingerIndustries nice
I currently have 2,199 rep :/
Maybe you shouldn't have downvoted that answer
like wtf
TIL Dreamsexuality is a thing
i should probably go read mpmath docs...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sinvecString table code-golf string matrix For the given string s, generate generate a table like below. Input: abcd Output: abcd bbcd cccd dddd Input:Hello, world! Output: Hello, world! eello, world! llllo, world! llllo, world! ooooo, world! ,,,,,, world! world! wwwwwwwworld! ooooooooorld! rrr...

why even
@SegFaultPlus4 good question
@GingerIndustries do you have the answer
because if not, i vote to close "Dreamsexuality" as unclear
how do i link to imn chatages i
oh i see
@Adám Sure
Does this meme have a name, like the "before and after" meme?
No, it's not a pre-existing image macro.
Do you want to explain it?
The picture is from a video of a plane taking off, but with a cat unknowingly in the wing or some part of the plane. So there's the expert Jelly user and the APL/J/K user enjoying the flight (learning Jelly or APL/J/K) and the cat's just barely hanging on.
@RadvylfPrograms So you're officially "Radvylf" rather than "Redwolf" now?
@Adám afaict yes
@Adám proof: he changed his github username to Radvylf
Further proof:
5 mins ago, by Radvylf Programs
Right, and redwolfprograms.com redirects to radvylfprograms.com
@RadvylfPrograms First-hand accounts are considered unreliable by Wikipedia standards.
and Wikipedia is always reliable /s/s
[citation needed]
Oh true, I guess this would also count as original research :p
@Adám pretty sure chains in Jelly are trains in J and links are atoms or atoms modified by quicks [citation needed]
@GingerIndustries does /s/s mean the /s is /s
@JellyPros please confirm
or does /s /s mean sus
or " "
according to this 3 is evil
Interesting how "smallest" is larger then "largest".
Q: Generate this string table

sinvecFor the given string s, generate generate a table like below. Input:abcd Output: abcd bbcd cccd dddd Input:Hello, world! Output: Hello, world! eello, world! llllo, world! llllo, world! ooooo, world! ,,,,,, world! world! wwwwwwwworld! ooooooooorld! rrrrrrrrrrld! llllllllllld! dddddddddddd!...

@PyGamer0 Something needs fixing?
i think yeah
need to confirm though
@UnrelatedString am_i_right.exe
on what again
the jelly/j/apl terminology thing?
30 mins ago, by PyGamer0
@Adám pretty sure chains in Jelly are trains in J and links are atoms or atoms modified by quicks [citation needed]
@UnrelatedString yeah %
@allxy wth you said nerd
so that means
lyxal says nerd all the time
but you're in another timezone
sus amogus?
sus amogus confirmed
but allyx is active when lyxal should be sleeping
"link" in jelly corresponds exactly to "verb" in j except it can also refer to "sentences"'
i'm confused
and yeah "chains" roughly correspond to "trains", except the way the syntax works it also sort of works like just the normal style of evaluation
it even rhymes with train!
who is allxy, and allyx
and lyxal
@PyGamer0 Yeah, makes sense that "link" and "chain" were swapped. Fixed now.
does flax count in the "array languages" category :P
helo DLosc
Hi ^_^
@NewPosts I agree with @UnrelatedString that this is probably a duplicate, but I don't want to hammer it when there aren't any close-votes yet. What do y'all think?
@DLosc not dup
i'd vote dup
should probably actually vote come to think of it
You've got a dupe-hammer too
oh shit do i now
is the threshold only 10k
oh the tag badge
something something great power great responsibility
> With great power comes great 11.
i think it was that
I guess if we get five people in chat who have dupe-hammers to agree that it's a dupe, one of us can just hammer it :P
(Assuming that others agree, of course--and Bgil has already disagreed.)
I've V'dTC
3 vtc already you should hammer
hammers the nail onto the wall :P
Some people in my class are discussing a time when they were like ten that their parents left a case of kool aid in the back of a hot car for weeks and it fermented into alcohol somehow and they got drunk
It's pretty funny
lmao what
TIL there are chromebook desktops
problem: Etch needs a package manager
1. make a simple thing that downloads files from urls and copies them over
2. make a massive, overcomplicated, extensible modular package downloader to work with any and all future languages
I think yall can guess which I'm going to try to do
Or 3. Don't have a package manager
For a small language, it's perfectly fine to just have people copy folders with libraries they need IMO
besides, I love screwing myself over
My wifi is literal sussy baka right now
My school's IT people have one job. I've had to click the "retry" button six times on that message
Step-by-step guide to programming in Rust:
1. Write code the way you normally would
2. Try to compile it
3. Google all the errors that it creates
4. Repeat for a few hours
@RadvylfPrograms I initially read this as "My wife" and was very confused for a moment :P
In order to preserve my sanity I have decided to just make a simple package manager for Etch
I shall call it Waterjet
Waterjet 2000
that sounds professional
that sounds like a waterjet cutter
which is not what this is
Q: Write a sine function

HaveProblemsEverydayThis challenge is fairly simple. Take in some value n and return sine of n, in both degrees and radians, approximated to 4 decimal points, and truncated after that. You are not allowed to use any built in trigenometric functions; you must purely use the taylor series Your code output should look ...

mm unenforcable rules and bad I/O go brrr
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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