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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

my cs240e midterm marks came out
tfw the class average was 74.6%
Ah forgot about this
Ladies and gentlemen
@RadvylfPrograms ITYM querySelectorAll
I'm about to present
The results of the Most Epic Poll™
Is Ginger a time traveler?
3 people votes yes
and 1 person won't get candy
@GingerIndustries democracy says you're a time traveler
@mathcat did you complete my quiz?
> In 2014, it was reported that the Los Angeles Unified School District and the San Diego Unified School District acquired MRAPs for the school police
Why. The. Frick. Does a school need a mine-resistant ambush vehicle
Cause the army was reselling them for cheap?
Nope, they're distributed free of charge
But still, there is zero reason a school district should have military weaponry
What next, mounting machine gun turrets on elementary schools?
Usually drug enforcement is used to justify acquiring these, but I don't think much drug enforcement in schools requires resistance to improvised explosives
> The Los Angeles School Police Department has also received excess military equipment, including 61 assault rifles, three grenade launchers, and an MRAP vehicle.
Grenade launchers?!
What kind of situation involving schools could be properly handled using grenade launchers?
i am trying to type all the even roman numerals from 2 to 100 in one miinute
i have gotten to XCVI twice
@mathcat i say we vote to throw the whole poll out and start again
@RadvylfPrograms yeetely-deetus, children deletus
i got XCVIII now
@mathcat i pick unfunny
since when have I been known as Catman™
and who trademarked that
oh wait, I did
I wanted it to sound professional
well thanks for using your time machine to shoot me in the foot past Ginger /s
*takes a screenshot*
do you see
do you see the sarcasm closing tag
@GingerIndustries I thought it meant "Gingers"
finally beat this
in 55 seconds
@mathcat 2-2
yeah :(
@mathcat no dupes
there's in ip-adress dupe check or something like that
yeah! it's 3:2 now
do not underestimate me
@lyxal @RadvylfPrograms we need your assistance
you have forced my hand
Wordle 263 3/6

vote no on this
wait what
we need your help destroying the enemy
give you
they'll do nothing
vote np
@mathcat 50 brownie points
i'll give you 51
if you vote no
and I'll *deep breath* @lyxal sorry I have to do this
@user Internet explorer is a programmer's worst enemy
Reduce the taxes by 0.01 percent
@emanresuA true
@mathcat i will reduce them by 0.011%
you can't
anything you can do, i can do better
you aren't in the govermet™
wooh thanks anom.
alright i'm going to win this by force
counter this
was that you???
but there is a IP-dupe-check
@SegFaultPlus4 first time trying i got to XXXVIII
was so close to XL
i dare you to do a sub 13:30 run of this
@Seggan think i got LXish on my first go
@mathcat I have outsourced the work
@SegFaultPlus4 I've discovered a way to waste my time.
i missed greenland somehow 😂
deploy worked
@GingerIndustries nice
@emanresuA o/
wait bye/hi?
one sec
There seems to be some confusion about how and when to use o/ and \o. Therefore, I've decided to make it more clear.
\o: Goodbye (when you're leaving)
o/: Goodbye (when someone else is leaving) or hello (when either you or someone else has joined)
@mathcat there you go
@mathcat do you think you are funny
do you think that your VPN tricks are funny
I don't use a VPN
this means war
I am owner of the poll
look at that!
voting is closed!
I see how this goes
if you want to play, then let's play
I'll be back, and next time I'm making the poll
hm sus amugus
this gives me an idea
hold please
here's a poll
go vote on it
It appears the consensus is unianimous
@SegFaultPlus4 i didn't vote
looks like we're starting from scratch
@GingerIndustries lol
@BgilMidol there is no abstain, it is either yes, or no
@SegFaultPlus4 both are yes
@GingerIndustries lol
@BgilMidol wdym
I think we need to kind of calm down on the off-topic nonsense, okay?
sorry mr radvylf
I don't think there's been conversation here relevant to CGCC all day
People's requests for sandbox feedback and discussion of CMCs are being buried by irrelevant stuff
@RadvylfPrograms speaking of which
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ginger Industriesಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ Thanks to emanresu A for suggesting this. The challenge is simple: Given a number \$n\ge 1\$ , output that generation of ಠ_ಠ faces, where each generation is two of the previous one joined by an underscore. Examples: In: 1 Out: ಠ_ಠ In: 2 Out: ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ In: 5 Out: ಠ_ಠ_...

@BgilMidol fake
This isn't just a discord server with Code Golf in the name. A little off topic fun is fine, but it can get over the top pretty easily.
ok fair enough
And I know I'm partially responsible for that, but this room's primary purpose is for the discussion of CGCC, and we need to be careful not to let other stuff get too much in the way.
let's all just agree @GingerIndustries is not a time traveler and get back on topic
2 mins ago, by Ginger Industries
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ginger Industriesಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ Thanks to emanresu A for suggesting this. The challenge is simple: Given a number \$n\ge 1\$ , output that generation of ಠ_ಠ faces, where each generation is two of the previous one joined by an underscore. Examples: In: 1 Out: ಠ_ಠ In: 2 Out: ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ In: 5 Out: ಠ_ಠ_...

so now
Let's talk about golfing
CMC: Swap 0 with 1 and 1 with 0
Pip, 2 bytes: !a
Python, 19 bytes, exit([1,0][input()])
(I counted that by hand)
BitCycle, 5 bytes:
@BgilMidol Why not 1-input()?
oh right
(Also that only works for Python 2)
(I know.)
wrong chatroom I think :P
Python, 12 bytes: lambda x:1-x
JavaScript, 6 bytes: x=>1-x
Vyxal, 2 bytes: 1-
tinylisp, 12 bytes: (q((N)(s 1 N
Retina, 1 byte: 0
@DLosc how does that even work?
"Count the number of 0s in the input" :D
Acc!!, 10 bytes: Write 97-N
///, 13 bytes: /_0/1//_1/0/_
@DLosc nice
wait why am I still here
@mathcat wat
Noxan, 3 bytes: -1Ŋ
(Basically 1 - int(input()))
HBL, 1.5 bytes: -1. or '?.
or 10.
(respectively "subtract argument from 1," "argument is zero," and "0 to the power of argument")
Noxan, 3 bytes: ⁱ0Ŋ
A lot of blue and yellow...
Risky, 1.5 bytes: 1-? or 0:? or 02? (same explanations as the HBL solutions); also 1{? "compare 1 with input" and 11? "distance between 1 and input"
@mathcat Etch, 22 bytes: :out:abs:int:get;;-1;;
Unpublished version of Exceptionally, 5 bytes: GIDFP (get input, convert to int, decrement, flip sign, print; execution loops back to the beginning but instantly errors because there isn't a second line of input)
@BgilMidol nerd
@allxy don't shoot nerds!
There is no dupes.
Actually ¬ works as well
Q: Reveal all clues of Black Box

FmbalbuenaBlack Box is a board game, Your task is to reveal all clues. What is black box Black box is a board game with hidden atoms, Your task is given input, All atoms, reveal all clues. I/O Input The atoms can be any 1-char that is not newline (Used for separator) Like this. O.... ...O. ..O.. ..... .......

@RadvylfPrograms Pinned this, cause I think it's good for this reminder to stick around for a while - off-topic convos have gotten a lot more common recently
and a lot more off topic
hey guess what
you can now install etch from pip to use on your own system!
I also made a handy-dandy REPL for you to use
just type pip3 install etchlang[repl] to install the lang and the repl, all in one go
and then type etch to start the REPL
(that command also runs files, for more info type etch -h)
@RadvylfPrograms I will be sure to stay on topic more from now on.
@RadvylfPrograms lol
I need to make a logo for Etch.
radvylf@penguin:~$ pip3 install etchlang[repl]
Collecting etchlang[repl]
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement etchlang[repl] (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for etchlang[repl]
it works for me
try installing them seperately
Here's my uname -a if it helps:
> Linux penguin 5.4.163-17384-g99ca1c60d20c #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 14 18:55:20 PST 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Is it specific to a certain distro or something?
shouldn't be
lemme make sure
doesn't look like it
A pip package shouldn't be specific to an OS?
@user it can be
but etch shouldn't
Well even if a package is meant for, say, Windows, you should still be able to download it on Linux, right? It just won't run
Oh, does it require a specific Python version maybe?
I'm on 3.7.3
I built it on Python 3.8
oh yup
that would be it
it's configured to only work on 3.8
tbh it shouldn't be
one sec
okay, done
@RadvylfPrograms try again
I take it it worked?
Feb 23 at 14:29, by Radvylf Programs
I'll get you the 1.18 en_US tonight if you remind me
@mathcat I trust you did it having considered any consequences
So it's fine
@SegFaultPlus4 visit the online codeword solver and type in 9 .s, this forces it to show you all 9 letter words with no repeating letters
@GingerIndustries even more clear: just don't use either
I want to use them
so I will
Minor news: Python 3.11 will have native TOML parsing support
which is nice
You would think that seeing as how TOML files are used to package vyxal and other esolangs here, I'd actually understand how to use it
But I don't
Which is kinda funny
TOML was literally made by Tom to be Obvious, how can you not get it?
I mean it's readable but I haven't the slightest how to write it
Because I'm one of those YAML kids
JSON = best cross-lang text storage format
if you want binary, I'd vote Msgpack
@GingerIndustries when will python have yaml tho
@GingerIndustries as a library or built in?
STL lib
@lyxal I know you can look this up yourself but it really seems to be quite simple
> Strong types are generally considered a disadvantage in configuration formats[citation needed].
Depending on how it's implemented, I don't think strong typing would be too bad
the Norway problem especially
YAML can get annoying but it's pretty manageable even with all those issues
its hard to parse tho as well
i wrote a json parser in Java using only 160 lines
I really like that you can refer to previous key-value pairs and put in comments and multiline strings and stuff
@Seggan JSON is nice despite how minimal it is, but it is minimal after all
I respect gradle for making build scripts in Groovy/Kotlin. Code is the best way for non-simple config imo
I'm currently working on some code that used to use YAML to deserialize Java objects. Would've been a huge pain to do it in JSON without aliases and comments
@Seggan +1
Honestly, someone needs to make a markup language that supports complex numbers and precise fractions
I'd use that
Only problem is that static analysis becomes harder, but honestly, you're probably using a snazzy IDE with a plugin for that anyway
Yet Another Another Markup Language
YAML Ain't Markup Language
@Seggan That was the original acronym, but they changed it to the Ain't backronym instead
@lyxal At that point you might as well make an embedded DSL in a real programming language
@user It only has 1 "Another" thats why i put 2
@user looks at groovy and gradle
Oh, didn't see the extra Another
@Seggan Exactly, Gradle is so nice
Maven is crap
And now Gradle even allows build.kts, although the support for that seems to be kinda eh
:60612033 jar {
    from("extrafiles") {
        include "**.resource"
id much prefer that over any other alternative
+ the ability to add code directly into the config
@user I think most people would, but this << becomes a problem
The message of mine that I replied to
The more limited your config file format, the easier it is to parse and detect errors/warnings
i tried parsing JSON5 before i gave up and switched to normal JSON
Not that rerunning those build files is a huge problem
@Seggan What about it made it so hard?
it has comments, single quoted strings, numbers like 1.6e-10, hex, Infinity and NaN, and a few other dataypes i dont care about parsing
Huh, those don't sound too bad
yeah, but it doubles the size of the parser. still minimal compared to yaml
besides, whos using json5?
JSON4's son, of course :P
@Seggan wait there's 5 of them now? Who tf keeps cloning Jason, and why do they never spell his name right?
the left arm never renders
smh it's not Jason, it's JSON (the SON of J)
@Seggan Your \ is interpreted as escaping _
I can much English and code today
@user ah
@Seggan ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sounds like a you problem
@user what if it's actually Jeson and Radvylf is in charge of naming?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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