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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Whatcha think of resurrecting this?
Discussed that a while ago
But there's not enough active users really
beat you to it :P
lmao yep
deleted my comment when i saw the post get deleted :P
@emanresuA done, although y'all probably could've just edited it without me
it was only one post lol
Java web development out of context
Wow I just scammed myself into doing an extra math problem
I flipped over the page of homework, and did the next problem I saw, but turns out it was actually the back of the oage and the problem I did was just an in-class example problem from the day before
good job
CMC: Given a positive integer n and a digit k, determine if it is possible to represent n as a sum of positive integers that all include the digit k at least once.
i got this problem from somewhere on the internet but i forgot where
What's the time? It's yes o'clock:
I found that buried within Vyxal chat
quality conversation content
is that ɕ on the bottom
no, it should be a normal 6
but it can be if you want
also did someone actually teach you how to handwrite theta or did you just figure it out on your own
because i didn't start doing it that way until like a month ago when i saw the cursive version lmao
the latter
it's funny because people thought my 0s which I write with a line through were thetas
i'm not a 0 slasher but nice to know i'm not alone in serify 1 gang
Do you dash your 7s?
7s are to be dashed
and you can't convince me otherwise
otherwise they just look like shitty 1s
Do you curve your 2s at the bottom?
my 2s and 3s are wildly inconsistent
I don't dash my 7s because I either do a straight line for 1, or the full fancy serify 1
i hate 9 tho, it always ends up like 4
And finally, ampersands: proper form or that weird vertical and a loop around thing?
I draw them properly but sometimes backwards by accident
i have never heard of the vertical with a loop around version
@UnrelatedString it's the one on the right
i usually do proper but sometimes do the sort of capital version if i cba
i never draw ampersands
i wouldn't even recognize the thing on the right as an ampersand
I had to write something on a whiteboard in class once, and some kids were impressed that I managed to "whip out a fancy ampersand"
also, for some reason I draw my r's with a straight line at the top instead of a curve
🙲 is what i use when i can't remember which way & goes and i've definitely seen other people use 🙲 but never anything else
that's me when lowercase r
my rs are usually a single arcing stroke
Ew, one of those people
@UnrelatedString No
Don't quote me on that tho :P
As long as it isn't public, it can be in a file with a different name
oh that makes sense
this threw me off for a moment
because I was like "hey wait ctx doesn't have a getRealPath method, and that's not even how you create a Context object"
and then I realised this is Java, not Vyxal
Nice lol
and now seeing that makes me feel like I miss working on Vyxal even though I'm still contributing to it
thank you uni for fricking with me very cool
write Vyxal in java wait that exists
speaking of working on vyxal
i said i'd make a discord bot and then never did shit didn't I
It's fine, Discord isn't super active anyway
besides, I set up webhooks for the github stuff
And the bot's only really useful for demoing
what'd be cool is integrating the short dictionary into the optimal dictionary compression function
and it's not like we need mod bots so
oh dictionary compression
i don't remember how to do that anymore but i should be able to figure it out pretty easily it was just a trivial dp IIRC
I'm feeling slightly guilty about adding a bunch of feature requests and never coding them
they were pretty easy to do
especially with copilot
I have the code for one on my end but it was being cursed and I'll get round to fixing/adding it at some point I guess
anyway i unfortunately wasn't here to say i'd start working on anything anyway lol
kinda busy atm
uni + other discord stuff
And particle stuff?
yes, being a particle is a time consuming activity
Since I live in Texas I hear a lot of cringe country music and today I think I heard the cringest song yet
The title is enough to make it pretty clear why..."If the South woulda won"
But if you think it stops at casual racism, you'd of course be wrong:
> I'd have every girl child sent to Georgia to learn to smile
We gotta throw some blatant sexism in too
what the fuck
> The day Elvis passed away would be our national holiday
The day young Skynyrd died, we'd show our southern pride
When Patsy Cline passed away, that would be our national holiday
Q: Sort a list and write some English!

Nathan MerrillYour boss managed to read the secret hidden message. He didn't end up firing you, though, he just made you a secretary and forbade you from writing code. But you're a programmer. You need to write code. You must code. Therefore, your code needs to look as similar to English as possible, make se...

maybe they'd just have one executed when the other dies naturally
Well, there is precedent in the song for gruesome executions
> And we wouldn't have no killers getting off free
If they were proven guilty, then they would swing quickly
Use /kill, it's much more humane
A: "Hello, World!"

jixpersonCoq, 30 bytes Eval compute in"Hello world!". TRYITONLINE But you have to first define what string is using this bit of code: Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Declare Scope string_scope. Delimit Scope string_scope with string. Bind Scope string_scope with string. Local Open Scope string_scope....

@RadvylfPrograms and how are they going to prove that lol
with casual racism, of course
Not being 100% sure if someone’s guilty is a big reason why death penalties are a bad idea
Oh it also seems to imply the Confederacy would invade Kentucky if the song's author were president
@user you never know if some piece of evidence would be found right at the last moment that would exonerate the person
Either that or the author just doesn't know which states were and weren't in the Confederacy which is equally likely
(Or a third option, since Kentucky was a slave state in the Union, he's implying that Kentucky voluntarily joined the Confederacy for that reason and thus that under his control slavery would still exist)
Okay...this is so cool. I just solved an integral by using integration by parts to get something like f(x) - \int{k*g(x)}, where \int{g(x)} was the original integral. So I did \int{g(x)} = f(x) - k * \int{g(x)}, which I could solve to find \int{g(x)} in terms of f(x)
Keeping it vague because I know if I share what g(x) was y'all'll find a way easier way to do it and act all snooty :p
(It was (ln x)^4 / x)
Probably could've used a u-substitution, actually
@RadvylfPrograms yes, that easier way is called wolfram :p
i think u=ln x would be easier
esp cuz then du = 1/x dx
Yeah I think it would too but this reminds me of recursion and so it is good :p
fair :P
wait yeah u=ln x gives you int (ln x)^4/x dx = int u^4 du which is trivial kek
My math teachers called that swingy-swingy
Any time you can turn something into basic algebra by turning random groups of symbols into variables, it's wizardry
And I like being a wizard from time to time
you're a wizard, redwolf
@user you use wolfram for your math stuff. I use vyxal for my math stuff. We are not the same.
You can't take the integral of e^{4x}*sin(x) using integration by parts, can you?
Oooh wait I think I get to be a wizard again!
@RadvylfPrograms do it twice and rearrange the equation I guess?
@RadvylfPrograms That's an actual integration tactic :P
Try integrating sec^3(x)
Stop tryna nerd snipe me, I'm doing homework :p
Yuck, the number 17 just randomly showed up in a calculus problem
I was absolutely sure I got it wrong until I put it in Desmos
I've had e^pi as the answer to a calculus problem
@RadvylfPrograms What's wrong with 17? Are you being 17ist?
You'll be 17 soon, get used to it
Well, when 17 randomly shows up in a problem where the only other constants are e, 4, and pi, you get suspicious
4^2 + 1
Yuck, I gotta do integration by parts four times for this next problem
@RadvylfPrograms take the i from pi, capitalise it and put it in a font where it looks like it could be an un-serified 1. Then, take the 4 and e, add them together and get the ceiling of that number. Finally concatenate that to your I which is now a 1 and you have 17
I'm trying to compile 05AB1E to javascript right now
congrats to anttip for 6k rep
If I had a nickel for every time I failed to compile something, I'd be rich.
I love Dr. Seuss's Midnight Paintings so much
There's just this odd sense of surrealism stemming from his art style and the darkness of the colors and the tone
They're just slightly unsettling too, they give me the same sort of mild dread There's a Wocket in my Pocket used to, but in a more mature and dark manner
codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… is this ok? (not posting yet but i js want feedback thx)
um is this contradictory in the sandbox decsription
"replace the post here with a link to the challenge and delete the sandbox post."
How is it contradictory?
People over 10k rep can see deleted posts
It's not contradictory, because it reduces clutter for us
though it's rather common these days to just edit the post and not delete it
Usually Iedit mine then delete them a few days later
Q: NxM List Combination Closest to Target

drmosleyGiven a list of N lists, each containing M positive integers, and a separate list of M positive integers (target values), return a list of N scalars (integers with a value of 0 or more) that correspond to each list in the lists of lists, such that when each value in a list is multiplied by it's s...

@RadvylfPrograms ah ic what you mean now @RadvylfPrograms thx for the info
should a "a few days later" be added the end of the setence to make it clearer?
Q: Gray code on N symbols

pxegerA Gray code is a permutation on binary numbers where incrementing or decrementing a number only ever causes a single bit to change. For example, a Gray code for the binary numbers up to 7 (so, with 3 bits) are: 000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100 You can see that only one bit is different between ea...

@pxeger issit a must to post the sandbox post in the comments?
as i see some ppl do that
It isn't, but it may help you avoid seeing comments like "please use the sandbox" without knowing it already went through the sandbox
@DialFrost no, I just do it because it helps link things together instead of making people search, but it's not necessary
@pxeger Can we take a string of n distinct symbols?
@emanresuA you mean instead of taking an integer N as an input? I suppose that's fine
Q: Is it true that it's not illegal for a parent to sell their 13-year-old child to a drug dealer?

TomMy question is prompted by an episode of the TV show Law & Order, specifically the 6th-season episode titled "Slave". In the episode, a couple of the lawyers state as fact that it is not illegal for a parent to sell their child. That seems clearly false, but I'm skeptical that the writers would w...

Oh yeah, I saw that post a few hours ago
@RadvylfPrograms i have "539"[0] starred messages
Wordle 263 6/6

does anyone know of a way to get every 9 letter word with no repeating letters
also what happens if i ping everyone in one message
@SegFaultPlus4 you get kicked :P
@PyGamer0 for how long
is it permanent
bc if not, i might just do it for the lolz
I don't reccomend you do that
even though a kick isn't permanent, I suggest you don't
While some people may appreciate the humour in an @everyone ping, most people wouldn't
i was grinding jetpunk and got the math master badge in 4 mins
"The function is defined, has type annotations and a docstring"
"oh but it isn't actually defined"
which is it vs code?
@lyxal how
honestly idfk
also i can't see the image, can there be a text version
(function) non_vectorising_equals: (lhs: Any, rhs: Any, ctx: Any) -> int
Element ⁼ (num, num) -> a == b (str, str) -> a == b (lst, lst) -> a == b
"non_vectorising_equals" is not defined Pylance(reportUndefinedVariable)
as you can see, it recognises the type annotations of non_vectorising_equals, as well as the docstring
but it's complaining that it doesn't exist
@lyxal if it knows the type, surely that implies existence
the function is defined
then why is it complaining
as I said, I don't know
I can only assume Pylance forgot it was defined for a second
@lyxal run it again (also message 60606600)
let me make message 60606606
@SegFaultPlus4 I can't, it was a pop-up error
@SegFaultPlus4 ah sorry about that
@lyxal then close the pop-up (also message 60606606)
It's not a pop-up as such, but a tool-tip
it's gone now
@lyxal ok, so run it again
It's not that I was running it
the code editor gave a tooltip floating error
but you can still run it
it was a one-off error
here's a cat photo to start your day:
@lyxal issue with caching maybe ?
Caching is a programmer s best enemy
@GingerIndustries is night
Almost end of day
@lyxal ¯\_(ಠ_ಠ)_/¯
@lyxal I fixed your GitHub PFP for you
It's good the way it is
Wordle 264 3/6

I find it just a tad creepy that GitHub allows you to choose a Successor who gets your profile data in the event of your death
I love the name "Successor", it sounds like a character in a horror movie
@ophact It sounds like a character in a horror movie
They also have a deceased user policy
@lyxal it looks very creepy
@mathcat which one? Current or proposed?
GitHub is the first online service I've seen that has a policy for dealing with the dead.
@ophact why do they have a policy against child labor
@ophact Doesn't google have one?
do they?
@GingerIndustries hmm
look at this part of their Child Labor statement:
> takes seriously its responsibility to ensure that neither modern slavery nor child labor takes place in its supply chain or in any part of its business.
will there be child labor on GitHub?
But pushing to GitHub and getting it right on the first try is labor in itself
@lyxal both
so there is child labor
but I like the current one
> GitHub does not conduct manufacturing or produce hardware
well that's a relief, hate to have GitHub become like Valve
@GingerIndustries Folks being forced by the president to push unfinished code to GitHub?
they make a bunch of questionable hardware and then make one good thing
@GingerIndustries that means they don't engage in child labor. They're promising to be good people
That doesn't mean you can't use child labor for your projects
"We sell apples. We would like to denounce the forced production of oranges."
@ophact EMPHASIS
@GingerIndustries I'm not in a car how tf I gonna reverse my bed? Do I just change the bed gear to fricking reverse or something?
Wait you are sitting on your bed typing?
:60607174 github stickers (or something like that) you get for free if you're a student
@ophact lying in, and yes
It's 12:19am after all
it's :20 here
you can't be in UTC 10:01+
I can't tell what time it is because the sky has been solid pink for 2 days
@mathcat is that 0:20?
As in, 20 minutes past midnight?
Imagine it being afternoon and a reasonable time
Ah frick I have uni today
Which means early up time
Which means I gots to go
o/, nerds
CMQ: Should I bundle a REPL with Etch or make it seperate?
I think seperate
Yes please "seperate"
When is Etch available?
and how soon is that?
in Noxan (Golfing language), 1 min ago, by mathcat
:60607593 are you bot?
you just said the same thing again
which means you are sus
@GingerIndustries How many days?
What features are there?
send help
I accidentally broke poetry by uninstalling requests and now I can't use poetry to reinstall requests
What does send help do in Etch?
sends help, ofc
emergency use only
pip go brr
@GingerIndustries which one? DLosc's or Python's?
@PyGamer0 what's a pip
an APL pip, maybe
@SegFaultPlus4 Python Installer of packages
or package instlaler for python
or something else
@GingerIndustries Why not do it like Node, Python, Ruby, and Haskell do
etch launches a REPL, etch xyz.etch runs a file
@GingerIndustries BIESO*P O£" BBBBBBB&M)WF V"
@RadvylfPrograms and flax too :P
fun fact: flax room has no stars
this means that flax is a serious golfing language :P
@PyGamer0 what's a flax
a tacit golfing lang
bet mine's worse
@SegFaultPlus4 my jelly clone totally unique golflang
actually its kinda better (or worse) than jelly
@SegFaultPlus4 link to room: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/132561/flax
@PyGamer0 I dare you to star something
there is nothing worth to be starred
"nice docs"
@GingerIndustries I wonder if there's octocat rule34
@RadvylfPrograms i read that as "octocat 69" ooof
That would be a subtype of octocat rule34 I suppose
@ophact ninja'd
Yes, and what's interesting about it?
^ managed to get 3 people in the flax room lol
I only dropped in to see inside
but still
> Washing machine
Not to be confused with Dishwasher.
wait wat
> Dishwasher
Not to be confused with dish washing machine
no I am confused
@DLosc aren't they the same thing
@emanresuA I can't believe the "I don't know" answer still has more votes than the "it's absolutely illegal" answer >_<
@RadvylfPrograms NO
why would you SAY that
I don't understand
> Rule 34 is an Internet maxim which asserts that Internet pornography exists concerning every conceivable topic. The concept is commonly depicted as fan art of normally non-erotic subjects engaging in sexual behavior.
now I understand
Q: The Nineteenth Bakery

Seggan Yes, this is very similar to this question You are in a strange city, looking for the fabled Nineteenth Bakery, where it is said they sell the most delicious deleted posts. The order of shops here is strange. Each street has a number of shops on it, but they are not numbered in order. Instead, ...

@GingerIndustries Firefox is following the Node spec in that import * as THREE from 'three' means that three is an installed module. What I can't determine is which file you think you're actually trying to import there.
@NewPosts argh no comment in the sandbox but a flurry of problems once posted. There is something wrong with the sandbox system.
@GingerIndustries check the faq; it's actually all stuff github employees have made and may or may not use at some point
still fucking wacky though
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