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@PyGamer0 what's a bobux
@AviFS I uh broke your site
it doesn't give any responses anymore
and that may or may not be because I did something like
s = []
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++){s.push(new WebSocket("ip"))}
oop nevermind it's back and working
it says connected now
All this to have a feline run my java as a web server
It's not overcomplicated, it's Enterprise™
@lyxal where's the site
Q: Catalan Numbers

a spaghettoThe Catalan numbers (OEIS) are a sequence of natural numbers often appearing in combinatorics. The nth Catalan number is the number of Dyck words (balanced strings of parenthesis or brackets such as [[][]]; formally defined as a string using two characters a and b such that any substring starti...

hello all!
@lyxal did you try the trick that tom scott did in this video
because i can't access it at the moment
@SegFaultPlus4 poor
@SegFaultPlus4 you know I can hover over the link to see where it goes right?
@lyxal ok it's this
^ better tryapl paste fontend
@SegFaultPlus4 link preview tools also exist
so no
@lyxal F
now i'm going to give my PC a BSoD
how do i execute javascript in a browser
ctrl-shift-i, console
now how do i execute html in console
alternatively, alt+F4 to bring up dev tools
@SegFaultPlus4 ctrl-shift-i, snippets
i need to figure out a way to BSoD without admin privileges
doesn't holding the printscreen key cause a bluescreen?
@pxeger for how long
I dunno, like 10 seconds?
why do you want to trigger a bluescreen anyway?
@pxeger i want to rage quit becuase @lyxal is too smart to fall for my rickrolls
ok, i found a foolproof method to ragequit
imagine not having Rickroll Defender
@GingerIndustries send me the link
@Razetime check this out
Does anyone here know what a paper presentation event looks like?
@SegFaultPlus4 ? very random.
what is the link even? youtube is sus
@Razetime seriously, you'll laugh
too slow
i now have the power of "chat history"
@Razetime what's that
you need to be a lot more subtle and preferably not ping me
alright then
have you not seen the graph I made about this situation?
it's here if you haven't seen it already
By flooding the market with rickrolls, you've basically devalued the effect of the rickroll
everyone will be checking links to make sure they're safe
everyone is suspecting it now
god damnit
i will keep trying
this is basic supply and demand
it will be like reddit 50/50
Here's the number one takeaway: don't be a sussy baka by devaluing the rickroll further than doge coin. "Rick low and roll high" as they say at Dankford University™
where there is a 50% chance of link's being a rickroll
for example: this. (link1 or link2)
@SegFaultPlus4 here ya go
@lyxal precisely. With every link @SegFaultPlus4 posts they make it more obvious. They have a long way to go before they reach the level of Rickrollness that they aspire to.
my rickroll strategy is like a nettle - just grow (or attempt) much faster than your opponents and you will succeed
@GingerIndustries finally, someone who gets meme economics
you'd be surprised at the amount of people who don't get that oversaturation of a meme tanks its value to sometimes unrecoverable levels
@SegFaultPlus4 Unfortunately, that doesn't work in meme economics. If the market becomes flooded with cheap Rickrolls, it devalues all of them.
and if you must make a rickroll, you could at least make it a bit less obvious.
mfw tnb turns into r/memeeconomy
there's too much supply of obvious rickrolls and not enough demand for a rickroll troll
demand here means the respect people have towards a rickroll attempt
@lyxal ok then
high demand means that everyone would be impressed and the attempt would end up on the starboard
but we just aren't impressed anymore
low demand (the state of the market right now) means that any attempts are all basically spam
If you expect a rickroll, it's boring.
couldn't have said it better myself
That concludes our TED talk.
@GingerIndustries which meme university did you graduate from?
Because you clearly went to a prestigious one
Actually, I'll make a rickroll defender which will not be public
@lyxal sus amognus high school
Thank you for coming, and have a nice day.
@lyxal The School of ඞ, of course
Ah, see I was expecting something like Dankford
but School of ඞ makes sense
now, back to your regularly scheduled LYAL.
@GingerIndustries here we have an interesting phenomenon - despite the fact that these are all rickrolls (and hence valueless in normal terms), they still have ironic value.
Ironic value can be enough to turn an otherwise unfunny instance into comedy gold
Irony is a powerful tool when deployed correctly
it's a course I recommend everyone takes
i've been grinding the wordle archive
Wordle 256 4/6

a little cringe and a little yikes but that's okay
Wordle 256 4/6

could've been 3 but
hey wait when did they remove the # from the puzzle number?
was there ever a #?
not recently
Feb 27 at 10:29, by pxeger
Wordle 253 4/6

I have records as early as 234 without a #
so I suspect there never was one
I must be thinking of other wordle clones then
@SegFaultPlus4 write a c program that continuously allocates memory
@SegFaultPlus4 lmao that reminds of an xkcd i saw once let me link it
best xkcd I've ever seen
imagine knowing what wordle is
@PyGamer0 alright, i'll link soon
@PyGamer0 why are you linking to xkcds when you could just onebox them
wait let me oneboxit
better question: why isn't that link oneboxed
hmmm I wonder why
^ there happy?
@GingerIndustries you really don't know why?
@GingerIndustries why dont you know how to onebox that then
TIL one of my commits to the Vyxal repo was tweeted by a sassy commits twitter bot
screenshot please
sly: Syntax error at line 3, token=INTEGER
Syntax error in if statement, make sure you didn't use elif instead of else if.
man screw you past ginger
@lyxal what the hell is that website
@lyxal what the hell is that bot
it seems to just detect swear words?
time to test that
hold please
It picks up commits it considers sassy or something
I decided to see if there were any mentions of me or vyxal on twitter and this came up
@PyGamer0 how does one continuously allocate memory
@SegFaultPlus4 allocate memory, allocate more, allocate more, allocate more
okay tested
@PyGamer0 it's a bot so it probably has some predetermined algorithm of sassyness
loop (malloc)
@lyxal wth you're famous
@GingerIndustries lmao
@mathcat if only.
@GingerIndustries I'll try too
@lyxal you're famous here ig
famous more like fame-sus lmao
@Adám how do i embed your APL lb in a webpage using JS
@PyGamer0 Doesn't calling the code work?
that's one giant step closer to Etch being done
@Adám how?
i want to embed it in paste
@PyGamer0 The is a function which is called without arguments. Include the code in a script tag and it'll run.
forever loops are now done as well
CMQ: Should I put different kinds of instruction in different .py files?
@GingerIndustries not sassy enough
I suppose it needs to be somewhat sarcastic in tone
Now we wait
@pxeger i got 4, but i had hints
@SegFaultPlus4 nice, I've used that site before too
They have other good articles there too
@lyxal ye
my average is about 4 with their help
Mine is 3 from that site
I remember using it at school to show my friends things, so I knew the url looked familiar
yeah, me too
I even met the world president there.
by the way, i also found another article about the top strategies to consistently win
looks like variables work too!
@lyxal does your link previewer work with my antirickblock
since we're back on topic, did you fall for my trick
no, I've used that website before too
did you fall for it @lyxal
oh, clever
rickroll defender would not have blocked that
of course, now it will
@GingerIndustries haha
i beat u
@SegFaultPlus4 Only once. Now I am immune to further infection
i beat u
@GingerIndustries wth
Are you saying Rickroll defender would have blocked my antirickblock????
@mathcat yes, it would have
also Cursed Additions is now on CurseForge!
Even link previewers are stunned by the rickroll-yness of my ARB
user image
Exactly 5k on SO.
@SegFaultPlus4 the cool thing about my desmos rickroll graph is, you can read the numbers
downvote time
@mathcat i've done 16
if i do 18, my success rate goes up
but the rickroll-value will be at 0.0574

the rickroll saga (pt. 1)

3 hours ago, 2 hours 39 minutes total – 209 messages, 9 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked 8 secs ago by SegFaultPlus4

@mathcat at 16, it's 0.0574, and at 18, it's 0.0634, as this shows
yeah, I meant 16
@mathcat so by doing more rickrolls, i will increase the value of them
I added a sine-wave to it, because there are also other factors and I was to lazy to do random-nuber stuff
if i make 18, then rickroll count * rickroll value > 1
so i have increased the total value of the rickroll
you can't says a=a*b, it contradicts with itself
i have added 0.097 to the total value of all circulating rickrolls, AND increased each single one of them by 0.002
18 is the ideal number of rickrolls per day
i have solved rickrolls
> People asked a computer, "Is there a God?" And the computer said, "There is now."

the rickroll saga (prologue: the day before)

yesterday, 1 hour 32 minutes total – 67 messages, 7 users, 7 stars

Bookmarked 10 secs ago by SegFaultPlus4

how do you never fall for rickrolls
dont click links
@BgilMidol yes but how do you distingiush the good links from the bad
dont click them
7 always wins
7 is stronger than 69
@mathcat what about 1337
Feb 16 at 16:27, by mathcat
> 7 is the most codical number
- Tom Riddle
or better yet, this number
please, no more rickrolls
the joke is dead
they're just spam now
alright fine, i'll put it to rest for now
but at least click on one of the links
why tho
because it's obvious they're rickrolls
yes but still
The point of rickrolls is to be a fun prank, repeatedly posting rickrolls just makes them ... pointless and annoying. Clicking on a rickroll link doesn't have a purpose if you don't do it for fun or if it was meant as a joke.
let me see if i can make it load the langbar only once
because it loads it everytime i press run
@mathcat exactly
@PyGamer0 I don't think there's a way to run the JS on load.
unless i fork it
@Adám is there a way to check if the language bar is active?
if not ... \o/
anyways i get a nice apl frontend :p
Well, I guess you could check if the element exists.
what is python rot13 golfed?
@Adám oh ...
python 3 I mean
looks hard to golf!
@Anush who cares about python rot13
Team Python I
and Python -1
@mathcat what is that?
um let me find the link
@Adám if im right, the lb is of class ngn_lb

Python x

Feb 15 at 17:26, 17 minutes total – 22 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 11 secs ago by mathcat

@mathcat I think that still needs work :)
if(!document. getElementByClass("ngn_lb")){i=document.createElement('script');i.src="https://abrudz.github.io/lb/lb.js";document.head.appendChild(i);}
^ doesnt work?
You ask me?
I now know how long it takes to ride my bike to my high school :|
@AviFS Need any help still?
@RadvylfPrograms Can I guess?
hmm.. I am trying to use python's translate function
Closer to 40m
as in "hello".translate(mapping)
@RadvylfPrograms o.0???
but it just returns "hello"
FizzBuzz works in Etch!
oh wait you actually go by bus/car?
Bus, yeah
But today I was a sus impostor and woke up 5m too late
@GingerIndustries nice
@RadvylfPrograms uf
but I'm not done yet
@RadvylfPrograms how tight do you usually cut it??
Google maos says it would take closer to 20m by bike, but I was on the sidewalk and going quite slow
Since I haven't regularly rode a bike in 2 years
@pxeger I wake up at 7:40, and leave by 7:55
I try to get up earlier but I just can't without the imminent threat of missing the bus
Oh boy is the school wifi not being nice to me
10s latency gang
ping go brr
@RadvylfPrograms you what
I wake up at 6:25
@RadvylfPrograms jesus christ
and do random stuff
Throw on a shirt and pants, put my laptop in my backpack, grab a mask, run downstairs, eat a granola bar and drink half a cup of water, then speedwalk 5m to the bus stop
> drink half a cup of water
Ha Ha! I know you're not a bot now!
interesting how both "put my laptop in my backpack" and "grab a mask" come before "run downstairs"
@RadvylfPrograms you don't brush your teeth?
I have WiFi again!
@pxeger Not really a point
@GingerIndustries Well yes, because my masks are in a drawer by my bed, and my laptop is on my desk
@RadvylfPrograms you don't hack google before you drink water?
are you sick?
@user we can't no, but the people simulating our universe don't have a problem
@Neil can confirm
@RadvylfPrograms to my school, if i can ride a bike
it should be around 45s
maybe less
I need 10min
My school doesn't have bike racks either, so I'm almost certain it's going to be stolen rip
doesn't it have like a fence or something?
Maybe, but I was in a hurry, and my bike lock doesn't work anyway
my school has space for bicycles
i cycle to my school
it takes around a minute to reach
@PyGamer0 Well you don't live in the United "cars are more important than humans" States of America
oh so your school has space for cars :P
did you mean: the United States of General Motors?
My neighborhood has a bike lane alongside the main road into it, which is probably the most attention I've ever seen given to cyclists here (likely since we have a ton of kids on bikes going to an elementary and middle school down the road)
But once you cross the road into the second half of the neighborhood, the bike lane moves to basically the center of the road, hardly a foot wide, and probably more dangerous than just riding in the road. Why? Because cars were parking along the curb and they get more priority than 2nd graders not getting hit by cars
There were multiple videos when they first made the change of little kids falling off their bikes from the "bike lane" into the road
Because it turned far more sharply than it should have in order to make room for....say it with me...cars
But fear not! They installed little plastic barrier things to keep cars from hitting kids already in the bike lanes, and within a month all of them were destroyed because when a car even brushed past them they snapped
Which left big PVC pipe chunks in the bike lane, so you had to swerve into traffic to dodge them
Is it allowed to submit koth entries after the deadline?
Nobody can stop you, but they won't get much attention
@AidenChow That's... bizarre. Thanks.
The deadline is, as has been established by a fairly tense meta argument a few years back, a deadline for official ranking/scoring rather than submission of bots
Q: Compile branchless assembly with flag modifying psuedo instruction

l4m2xiver77's assembly language includes instructions that change or rely on flags. In some cases it can be more convenient to write psuedo instruction to change a flag. Add 6 instructions that set(clear)/copy/negate flags, each at most 7 chars of charcode 32-126, and compile a program with them into...

Is it possible to kick-mute a user who is under 20 rep?
@mathcat You can only kick-mute if a user has talked in the room.
No, I think that was an issue we were having a while back
A user was spam entering and leaving the room, but they couldn't be kicked
@RadvylfPrograms w...why
Why the spam entering and leaving, or why they couldn't be kicked?
@RadvylfPrograms It's a bot.
they couldn't be kicked because I had already suspended them
and SE doesn't allow you to kick suspended users cuz why the fuck not
so if they spam join/leave you literally cannot do anything about it
(although in this particular instance I just destroyed their account which of course they could remake just as quickly but destroying chat accounts is pretty fast)
oh mods can nuke accounts
CMQ: Should Etch have an article on esolangs.org?
I'd say no
It seems rather praclangy to me
that's what I thought too
well, time to write some docs
@RadvylfPrograms Big oof
and will be live on ato.pxeger.com in the next few days, probably
I believe in RTO
@pxeger \o/

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