The Catalan numbers (OEIS) are a sequence of natural numbers often appearing in combinatorics.
The nth Catalan number is the number of Dyck words (balanced strings of parenthesis or brackets such as [[][]]; formally defined as a string using two characters a and b such that any substring starti...
Here's the number one takeaway: don't be a sussy baka by devaluing the rickroll further than doge coin. "Rick low and roll high" as they say at Dankford University™
@lyxal precisely. With every link @SegFaultPlus4 posts they make it more obvious. They have a long way to go before they reach the level of Rickrollness that they aspire to.
@GingerIndustries here we have an interesting phenomenon - despite the fact that these are all rickrolls (and hence valueless in normal terms), they still have ironic value.
Ironic value can be enough to turn an otherwise unfunny instance into comedy gold
The point of rickrolls is to be a fun prank, repeatedly posting rickrolls just makes them ... pointless and annoying. Clicking on a rickroll link doesn't have a purpose if you don't do it for fun or if it was meant as a joke.
Throw on a shirt and pants, put my laptop in my backpack, grab a mask, run downstairs, eat a granola bar and drink half a cup of water, then speedwalk 5m to the bus stop
My neighborhood has a bike lane alongside the main road into it, which is probably the most attention I've ever seen given to cyclists here (likely since we have a ton of kids on bikes going to an elementary and middle school down the road)
But once you cross the road into the second half of the neighborhood, the bike lane moves to basically the center of the road, hardly a foot wide, and probably more dangerous than just riding in the road. Why? Because cars were parking along the curb and they get more priority than 2nd graders not getting hit by cars
There were multiple videos when they first made the change of little kids falling off their bikes from the "bike lane" into the road
Because it turned far more sharply than it should have in order to make room for....say it with
But fear not! They installed little plastic barrier things to keep cars from hitting kids already in the bike lanes, and within a month all of them were destroyed because when a car even brushed past them they snapped
Which left big PVC pipe chunks in the bike lane, so you had to swerve into traffic to dodge them
The deadline is, as has been established by a fairly tense meta argument a few years back, a deadline for official ranking/scoring rather than submission of bots
xiver77's assembly language includes instructions that change or rely on flags. In some cases it can be more convenient to write psuedo instruction to change a flag.
Add 6 instructions that set(clear)/copy/negate flags, each at most 7 chars of charcode 32-126, and compile a program with them into...
they couldn't be kicked because I had already suspended them
and SE doesn't allow you to kick suspended users cuz why the fuck not
so if they spam join/leave you literally cannot do anything about it
(although in this particular instance I just destroyed their account which of course they could remake just as quickly but destroying chat accounts is pretty fast)