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Nope, I've had a setInterval every few milliseconds running for months and my server uptime's always 0.00
Comparing a date takes like, a fraction of a microsecond I think
About to submit an OEIS sequence
A new sequence?
Included some mildly golfed JS too
has anybody else bookmarked about:blank ?D
@Wezl-yizl I have it set as my home button in chrome
When I invent a new sequence, I'll post Vyxal code
That's...likely a bad idea
The whole point of the OEIS is to be a scientific reference for integer sequences and Vyxal is far from scientific
Not only would a version change probably break it, it's useless to 99.999% of the population
JS is pushing it enough already
@RadvylfPrograms QOTD:
> Vyxal is far from scientific
Vyxal is a golfing language. It's goal is to do things compactly. Readability thus comes second, and for most people it's going to look like when you open a zip file in notepad. Not only that, it's not going to be expected to be present on anyone's computers, necessitating them hunting down the online interpreter. Additionally, Vyxal seems to really like breaking changes, so the online interpreter likely won't even help a year from now.
@Wezl-yizl :thonk:
it’s not even good js
@RadvylfPrograms mathcat was almost certainly joking
No, he was mathcat, not JoKing
@user yeah yeah
If your golflang doesn't look like when you open a zip file in notepad you aren't doing it right
An upcoming proof-of-concept golfing language I'm working on will make it even worse
Hmm, i wonder if you can make a zip file so it almost looks like java when opened. Probably possible
I doubt it
You could make parts of it look like Java, but I'm sure there's binary stuff like magic numbers that you can't really change
@RadvylfPrograms yeah, i know you can’t mqk the entire thing looks like java, nut almost is possible
Have your fingers been replaced with extra noses
@GingerIndustries [cries in ASCII-only golflangs]
I am typing one handed
All the guys in my history class are arguing about who the hottest spiderman actor is
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FmbalbuenaReveal all clues of Black Box Black Box is a board game, Your task is to reveal all clues. I/O Input The atoms can be any 1-char that is not newline (Used for separator) Like this. #.... ...#. ..#.. ..... ....# Output When the code reveals all clues (See Below) the output of The given input abov...

@DLosc didn’t ascii only make a golflang with unicode :p
@user LOL
@RadvylfPrograms andrew for sure
Spiderman is a trash hero tho
@user True (though if you're talking about Charcoal, that started as my idea so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Oh. Cool
Frocking phone
Oct 26, 2017 at 0:53, by caird coinheringaahing
Can someone post a disapproval face? I have something to disapprove of
Stupidest origin story and power
Spiders are disgusting things
Someone needs to stamp on all the spidermen
Ah, I see, you have arachnid prejudice. Fair enough :P
Also, spiders don’t shoot webs out of their hands, they shoot them out of, uh…
"Spinnerets" is the word you're looking for ;)
@DLosc i mean i hate bats too but i don’t hate the idea of batman even though i hate the movies and bruce wayne
And i don’t hate ants but i think ant man is stupid
is there an inverse of ?? so instead of a ?? b giving b if a is undefined, a something b gives b if a isn't undefined and undefined otherwise
What language is this?
@hyper-neutrino ¿¿
@WheatWizard JS, sorry
@user That'll also return b if a is any falsey value, won't it?
@hyper-neutrino No
In other languages this is a map.
How about a === undefined ? a : b
I suppose a === undefined ? a : b as a naive solution then
Damnit ninjad
@RadvylfPrograms exactly
Use == for compatiblity with ??
I am not JoKing
== undefined also matches null, as does ??
I didn't know JS had ??. That's pretty cool
it's new, along with .? and friends
That's nice.
@WheatWizard wouldn’t that require a.map(_ -> b) or smth? There’s no operator for it
Hopefully this will mean that JS will completely implode under it's own weight soon.
@user That's why it's a map. In Haskell the specific operator is (<$).
Ah cool
wait why did i think 0 would == undefined or smth silly like that lol
The people who sit behind me in CS are cringe
@WheatWizard or people will simply not use newer versions of js and it will remain forever like java
"I add a line of SQL and then it breaks my JSON" is something I just heard one guy say
It could be sensible in context
I had SQL breaking my JSON all day today. It was not pleasant.
Of are you complaining about using sql
I forgot to capitalize a letter.
Isn't SQL case insensitive?
Isn’t sql case insensitive? Gah ninjd
The JSON isn't.
It was also postgreSQL 13 before they added all the nice JSON operations.
Gross, SQL supports JSON stuff?
We have something which should really be it's own table which is just a massive blob of json.
Letting SQL get anywhere near nice pretty JSON is like vomiting in a pool of jello
I'm not so sure about that. I wouldn't say JSON is all that great either.
@RadvylfPrograms ASCII comic incoming
Hi, we're new!
 ?.  ??=  ??      &&  ||  ?
Oh wait it's ?.
I always get the order mixed up
Hi, we're new!
--------------     No, I am new
        \          ------------
         \           /
          \         /
 ?.  ??=  ??      new
.: would be a cool looking operator
Maybe for range or something
@RadvylfPrograms what’s wrong with vomiting in a pool of vomit?
I just checked my inbox and had like 70 new emails because some idiot sent the email “hey guys” to the entire school somehow and then some other idiots replied all with “bruh what is this stfu”
Like, i get you’re mad about being added to a random email chain, so sm I, but could you not make it even longer?
@user I could do that too :P
Please don’t
I get emails from time to time because I discovered google groups show up almost identically to people in gmail, so cheezit.boi69 appears to be a student in the directory, and it forwards to my email
As well as all four non-Charlie golden ticket winners
@user No, I mean, our teacher made a class group (and forgot to add admin rules and stuff) and everybody theoretically could send emails to the entire class
@mathcat oic
Email is annoying
Be careful, you're sharing personal info. Now I know your battery is at 52%.
If you knew the rate at which it was discharging too, that would be bad
Yes, dreadful. I could calculate how much battery it would have in 2 hours
Nuh uh, because of the heisenberg uncertainty theorem you would gain control of user's battery
Since you know its charge position and momentum
Update: it’s not just my high school, it may be a random selection of people across the county
And if I control user's battery, I could control user's phone.
Which means I could control user
Which makes sense because our email addresses are just 6-7 digit numbers
Yep. If you turn off the power at just the right instants, you could manipulate the bit values.
If uh the heisenberg uncertainty theorem gets proved.
@mathcat but…but..I thought i was the one who used stuff. You can’t use me
And then once you control user's phone, you slowly use it to feed them increasingly polarized information until they share your viewpoints exactly
@RadvylfPrograms dang you’re almost a real programmer
@user why is Settings on your dock? Do you open Settings more often than you open Safari?
Now you just need to control butterflies
At which point you make sure they gain viewpoints at the same rate as you, and due to the heisenberg uncertainty theorem you gain control of user
@pxeger i open it every night to turn wifi off, because turning it off in control panel turns it on the next day
Dec 9, 2021 at 21:43, by Redwolf Programs
Ugh add that xkcd to my list of overused and unfunny jokes
Our current list is:
Why do you turn wifi off every night?
Jokes that are no longer funny:
1. Integer overflow
2. Mathematica having a built-in for everything
3. Radom numbers being 4
4. Emacs/vim/butterflies
Now we just need the discharging rate.
@pxeger idk i thought it drained battery when wifi on so i turn it off after i use it
just plug your phone in??
@RadvylfPrograms add a few more and 0 jokes will be funny
@pxeger That's bad for the battery
@user o.0
@pxeger too lazy
@user I think you're thinking of bluetooth
@RadvylfPrograms only if you leave it in at night right
@RadvylfPrograms ohhhh
so ... just for science, how much battery did it lose after 2 minutes
both wifi and bluetooth will drain the battery more if you leave them on than if you leave them off
but if you plug the phone in it won't matter
Well if you turn wifi off then you're using cellular stuff
Well I’ll just continue doing what I’m doing
Wifi uses a negligible amount of power
@pxeger i dont have much time too
Bluetooth is more noticeable
Plugging it in all night is bad for the battery
I imagine it depends on the phone
@RadvylfPrograms i keep cellular off almost always /sheug
But leaving wifi on shouldn't matter
@user Why not just have a laptop then lol
I do have a laptop?
a laptop doesn't fit in your pocket
What's the point of a phone if you don't use the cellular hotspot all the time
I don’t see how a laptop would help
@RadvylfPrograms calling people when i need to, accessing personal stuff that i can’t on school Chromebooks
Oh right forgot social interaction exists
And as pxeger said, can’t carry laptop hard
Even a heavy laptop is like 3 pounds though lol
balance it on your head if your hands are full
@RadvylfPrograms nah more like “ mom halp everyone is talking to each other can you come get me i don’t want to stay at this meeting “
@RadvylfPrograms laptop big
And expensive
I don’t trust myself lol
Compared to a phone?
Phone 399, laptop 700-800
I got a flagship chromebook for $500, and a good one is like $350
Kinda hard to run intellij on Chromebooks
Not really
I run firefox on mine from time to time ffs
Although i do mainly use laptop for browser these days
@RadvylfPrograms intellij eats ram like…whatever a ram’s natural predator is
Android studio is worse
> 7.63 GB available
And tgere are a couple windows only appa i need sig
Lunch is end 0/
Appa you need sig?!
-<:_. ASCII art of a binary tree
And also my new favorite emoticon
"Concerned cyborg with night vision scope"
small mouth to the left, long tear, party hat
"why are you ruining my party"
@GingerIndustries WWI German soldier
PCB design is like solving a puzzle except you have to wait a week to check if you did it right and if you didn't it sets you back $5
CMP: For a syntax highlighter with a light background, what are good colors for each of the following: keywords, builtin functions, names, operators, numeric literals, string literals, comments?
Purple, dark blue, light blue, black/gray, green, darker green, gray
Basing it off my color scheme:
(window would be a dark blue if CM let me change it)
@DLosc purple, blue, red, black, orange, green, grey
Red for variable names also looks good yeah
@DLosc Looking at my light theme it's
@DLosc yellow, purple, light blue, orange, red, green, brown
pinkish-red, blue, black, pinkish red, light purple, red, grey
according to my color scheme, orange-yellow, purple, white, white, blue, green, brown with dark background
For a light theme?
Oh dark theme
DLosc's looking for a light theme
Yeah orange-yellow probably wouldn't look too good on a light background lol
Except maybe a solarized theme
If I ever get this project off the ground, I may be asking about dark themes sometime in the future.
what project?
Esolang syntax highlighter
I made one for tinylisp and now I'm thinking about generalizing it to support Pip, Quipu, and maybe more.
@mathcat Uh... why is def the same as int and not the same as for?
That is a good question
Maybe it looks good with green?
@DLosc everything in shades of blue (so #0000xx, where x is any digit 1-F)
who here has made an esolang (functional)
I have made several functional esolangs, at least one of which is also functional.
@DLosc i am going to join the "made an esolang" group
@DLosc I have made several functional esolangs, at least one of which is also functional
@SegFaultPlus4 me too!
I already have sytax, idea and stuff
in the process of creating a lang, i encountered a segfault
hence the new name
@NewPosts it's already gone
@NewPosts wtf that was deleted very quickly
...why couldn't I flag that as anything other than a mod flag?
It received 4 downvotes with 1 view
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because it was already gone.
that went so fast, i almost feel like there is a "i am speed" joke to be made
but i can't see it
Huh yeah, you got it 10 seconds before I flagged
Interesting that it still allowed me to raise the flag, and that the flag got marked helpful
I marked it as helpful.
Being able to flag deleted posts is important since it's like the only way to get undeleted.
Did not consider that; I'm used to posts being "untouchable" for more or less any action once deleted
@cairdcoinheringaahing me having but 1k rep, i can't see the post
not much to see, just some more spam
but how did it receive 4 downvotes with just a single view?
It has 6 views now, the number reported isn't updated until you reload
ah ok
@mathcat because logic doesn't apply here unless it's bitwise
@SegFaultPlus4 23 seconds, fwiw
I believe hyper has managed <10 seconds before
Finding a lot of non-OEIS sequences today lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing was he going for the any% WR
Not sure I'll submit the one I just found though since it's really obscure
i found a good one
a good sequence, that is
Yeah, I've watched it many times in sequence
@mathcat watched what
I meant seen
I've seen the sequence many times in sequence
wait that doesn't make sense
@mathcat ok but what is "the sequence"
I am confused
I should probably do maths now so I get more confused.
Can you insert text in an HTML textbox and get the value of a paragraph (both of which are on an external website) with code?
With back-end code yes, with front-end JS no
Actually, I have a better idea
nvm, thanks
who even uses JS
and doesn't just want to oof
Rarely, but yes
@SegFaultPlus4 RadvylfPrograms and uh ThisFieldIsRequired
@mathcat see ^^ for additions (vv from the original message)
@mathcat means two down
Ey nice
I can make a loop
See vv
See ^
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerFill in the next numbers code-golf array number Given a list of integers, output a list where the \$ i \$th element of the list equals the first number in the input list which is \$ \ge i \$, until there are no such numbers. For example, if the input is the first 5 prime numbers: 2 3 5 7 11 then...

@SandboxPosts Ey
if you read all of the last 500 starred messages i will give you 10% of a 500 rep bounty
You ruined my loop
@mathcat lmao the Sandbox just destroyed any hope
Okay, again
See v
See vv
See ^
see ^
there we go
What's the point of the first See v?
it's only reached once
that was an oops
See v
See ^
Simple loop
See vvv
See v
See ^^
haha I broke the loop
Complicated loop
@RadvylfPrograms I'll use my super weapon
one sec
see > see v
< See
see ^ see <
gotta do it again
see > see v
see ^ see <
why are you doing this @RadvylfPrograms
Haha, I have created an infinite loop between the starboard and back :p
is it because i called js bad
Never call JS weird in front of Radvylf
JS is weird and bad
But it's also good and normal
- Radvylf, 2022
Chat a tiny bit more to finish the loop
On my screen we've still got a few messages to go before it's complete
um what loop?
The starboard loop
You'll see
You'll all see
you seem to have made a mistake, let me fix that
"But it's also ---good--- inconsistent and ---normal--- obfuscated"
We've got about five messages to go before all of us enter an infinite loop
the formatting isn't even working
So we can spam Unicode chars? Ņ̸̛̝̹̦̦̍̌̏̍͒͜͠ͅi̶̧̢͈̖̦͓̕c̷̨̡̛̜̈́̓́͌̑e̷̢̨̡͎͋̆
what is even going on
@RadvylfPrograms that's my line
@RadvylfPrograms for legal reasons, i'm blind
it's like Groundhog Day but worse
Okay now my loop
Let me make an AHK program
It's working!
Ah, K
hey look at my super cool pcb
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MakonedePlay an audio file code-golf audio Challenge Your challenge is simple: play an audio file at a given path. Your program will take the file path as input and will play it once and quit. Rules Standard loopholes are forbidden. You may assume (a) specific operating system(s) and/or (a) specific fil...

Feature request: if you use sudo you don't need to provide a password when SSHing
one of us is the SSH dev confirmed? /s
@GingerIndustries back of pcb available upon request
@RadvylfPrograms (Joke is that you can then SSH into anyone's computer as long as you're root on your own machine)
I think my ahk is done
Get ready to be blown
See vvv
See v
See ^^
See ^^
I did it!
@mathcat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@mathcat YOU FOOL
Feb 21 at 23:49, by user
Aug 17 '21 at 13:08, by PyGamer0
31 mins ago, by exedraj
9 secs ago, by Redwolf Programs
12 secs ago, by user
Ginger and I are just being childish
@RadvylfPrograms on the internet nobody can tell you're a 2nd grader
(There's another meaning of "blow" with a sexual connotation and so "get ready to be blown" sounds funny if you think of it in that context)
congratulations you killed the joke
how could you
it was so young
windows 10 be like
@RadvylfPrograms Simple, fork the javascript.js file
if(token=='window') return 'window' somewhere, and .cm-window { color: darkblue }
Nope, because Text's copy of CM is minified and auto-imported
@RadvylfPrograms hey
@RadvylfPrograms Oh :(
Fun fact of the day: Vyxal's syntax highlighter colour theme is copied from vscode.
@RadvylfPrograms oh.umpf
@mathcat Universal Music Program Format

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