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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Just a second too late ;P
user image
C++ be like
@RadvylfPrograms ಠ_ಠ
that looks so cursed
@RadvylfPrograms This is the cat version of lyxal
(fun autocorrect: "that looks so curved")
@RadvylfPrograms Remember, you can't spell "Collapse of human society" without "C"!
You can't write "self-reference" without self-reference
... or without "C" ;)
@RadvylfPrograms That joke's so meta Facebook's trying to buy it
@lyxal i found the meaning of lyxal: lyxal can be split into lyx meaning luxury (in Swedish) and alal meaning area (in Estonian). Hence lyxal means luxurious area.
i did not need to see that at 8:40pm
@GingerIndustries Thanks, I hate it
@RadvylfPrograms (this is a real image btw)
Oh right I forgot!!!
Today is the day
You're welcome!
@GingerIndustries not you
:o is it chairconflict?
it's twosday 2/22/22
@RadvylfPrograms exactly!
@GingerIndustries no
Today is Chairconflict
Chairconflict :D
@DLosc meaning of DLosc: dlo means water (in haitian creole) and sc which is an abbreviation of super computer. Hence you are water super computer :P
Man, Highminuzzz and Mid-Timothy aren't gonna be nearly this good
Here's a chairconflict for y'all
@PyGamer0 Sounds good to me
well then what's the meaing of Gru ensgdrtsnIiei
@RadvylfPrograms meaning of Radvylf: rad means work (in Bosnian) and vylf means wolf. Hence you are Workwolf
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

solid.pySum of the first n elements of the triangular sequence Let's consider the following sequence: $$0,1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55,66,78,91,105,120,136,153,171,190,210,231,253,276, 300...$$ This is the sequence of triangular numbers (A000217 in the OEIS) defined as: $$a(n) = binomial(n+1,2) = n*(n+1)/2...

workwolf lmao
@GingerIndustries 404
Me using no-oneboxes
thanks to desmos i knoe about cartesian planes :P
(no, I'm not advertising for this user script)
yesterday, by user
@AaroneousMiller I can much math
^ hey look Cartesian plane
CMQ: Off the top of your head, what letters are also names of programming languages? I can think of 11, but I'm sure there's more.
@DLosc what are the 11 letters
A, B, C, D, F, J, K, M, Q, R are all I can think of
i can only think of ACDIJKV
@DLosc Good thing I just invented the Letter family of languages, consisting of 26 langs each named A through Z, each of which prints its name when run.
you're welcome
@DLosc I know that all letters are taken.
Are all 26 public?
@RadvylfPrograms Oh, V
I know there's multiple of quite a few letters
M and Q in particular
@Adám of course they are already taken, they all are very obvious names
@PyGamer0 I've reserved the empty string for my upcoming golfing language.
@PyGamer0 I thought of B, C, D, I, J, K, M, Q, R, V, and W
@DLosc Ah
Are there any named after letters in other alphabets?
@Adám , 10 bytes
@mathcat Dynalist interpreter (takes the name of the lang as input, crashes if name is invalid): ∈ÇL←℗
@Adám idea: SpaceFuck, a BF dialect where the commands are replaced with different Unicode space characters
Interesting idea. Much more competitive than whitespace.
> BF dialect
> Interesting idea.
I see no problems here
@Adám What about non-latin letters or, variant latin letters like, eth, thorn or eszet?
BETA is a pure object-oriented language originating within the "Scandinavian School" in object-orientation where the first object-oriented language Simula was developed. Among its notable features, it introduced nested classes, and unified classes with procedures into so called patterns. The project is inactive as of October 2020. == Features == === Technical overview === From a technical perspective, BETA provides several unique features. Classes and Procedures are unified to one concept, a Pattern. Also, classes are defined as properties/attributes of objects. This means that a class cannot be...
@GingerIndustries Fun fact, this used to be one of WW's profile pictures
There is a beta programming language at the very least. I would expect more.
Isn't there one called Iota?
I thought so but I couldn't find anything.
@WheatWizard It's bound to be pretty small, maybe use a microscope
@DLosc What is a noise that a cow makes?
might just go make an esolang
@GingerIndustries Correct! You control the board, pick a category.
@RadvylfPrograms did you forget about Python 3
There's Cω, Fω, and λω, but I find no omega.
The Alpha language was the original database language proposed by Edgar F. Codd, the inventor of the relational database approach. It was defined in Codd's 1971 paper "A Data Base Sublanguage Founded on the Relational Calculus". Alpha influenced the design of QUEL. It was eventually supplanted by SQL (which is however based on the relational algebra defined by Codd in "Relational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages"), which IBM developed for its first commercial relational database product. == References == == See also == QUEL query languages
Honorable mention to Unlambda and Gammaplex
@DLosc I'll take "Animal Noises" for $400, please DLosc
@DLosc I'll take "Stupid TNB Quotes" for 100.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Years of kindergarten have prepared me for this moment
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's not your turn! :P
@DLosc I don't know any animal that makes that noise :P
@GingerIndustries "When certain TNB regulars are mad at someone, they may tell that person to commit this"
@DLosc What is "frick"?
@GingerIndustries Correct! You are now the game show host. I have to leave. :P
can i go in
if I ever write a golf lang, I'll make it only have one program (the empty string), and to write more programs, you have to rename the language.
actually that's just metagolfscript, so nm
Yay, I just pushed a work thing, with the concisest commit message ever:
> …
Well I just got rolled by the craziest RNG
I made a thing that prints a random word from a dictionary, and I tried to run it and it printed the very first word. 1/60k chance. And I spent the next 10m trying to figure out why my RNG code was broken.
When it worked fine
Well I broke crostini by trying to paste way too much data
@WheatWizard Greek alphabet is taken:
It seems that ב‎ (bet/beit/beis/bais/beth) is a programming language name available for grabs!
Did you find a Aleph?
First on the list ^^^
I made my own tiny wordle
@Adám That's Alpha?
@WheatWizard Sorry. My bad. Yes, I'm compiling my Hebrew list now. Aleph is
Alef is a discontinued concurrent programming language, designed as part of the Plan 9 operating system by Phil Winterbottom of Bell Labs. It implemented the channel-based concurrency model of Newsqueak in a compiled, C-like language. == History == Alef appeared in the first and second editions of Plan 9, but was abandoned during development of the third edition. Rob Pike later explained Alef's demise by pointing to its lack of automatic memory management, despite Pike's and other people's urging Winterbottom to add garbage collection to the language; also, in a February 2000 slideshow, Pike noted...
I have decided to translate Minecraft to Katlani
Ooh exciting
does anyone have a copy of the Java Edition en_US lang file?
I do, but on my other laptop :/
@RadvylfPrograms Got today's Wordle in 2 guesses, struck lucky
if anyone has en_US please ping me
Kinda stumped on this one
@RadvylfPrograms How sure are you that your code is right?
The word was "lichi"...
Is that even a word?
@RadvylfPrograms yes
It's a fruit
That's spelled Lychee
no wait
Don't ask me which grade I got for spelling.
Google says
You can spell it like Lychee, Litchi, and Lichi
No, now google says me lichi is hindi
okay, found a copy
translation time!
Who here loves migraines
I know I do
gui.toTitle=Fara abail
gui.toMenu=Fara abailii
trying to figure out how to represent Up and Down
"to sky" and "to earth"
lia pluban and lia noguna
There's nothing for menu or list
I'd considered using yi for list ("multiple things")
Maybe yni?
Since yi is not exactly pronounceable
ends in i
That's the point
I think we used l in bakil, so maybe yli, although I think l is more associated with adjectives
@WheatWizard i havé définîtely seen lichi before, although that was probably Indian English
I wonder if Indian English counts as et nglish
I suppose posodo vi yi could even work for "list"
@ophact i'm consistent at 4-6 guesses
menu.multiplayer=Klok vi makii
@GingerIndustries WHY
because yes
@GingerIndustries maki would make more sense here imo
makii is more like "many people"
@ophact 3 guesses
We should probably head over to the katlani room
@user probably because lichi is a valid word in Hindi or some language like that
@RadvylfPrograms where is the katlani room

 TNB Conlang (katlani)

Discussion and usage of katlani, the official™ TNB constructed...
We've had a ton of new users today
@RadvylfPrograms and i'm one of them
i added a word to katlani
@Adám Can also mean f''(x)
@emanresuA wait WHAT
back up
I've seen people use f^n(x) as the nth derivative of f
@emanresuA they must be bad people then
@DLosc Nice lol
@RadvylfPrograms damnit
And cos²(x) is neither cos(cos(x)) nor the second derivative of cos(x)
So that's three meanings for f²(x)
@RadvylfPrograms That's terrifying
Q: Count the ways to transform (2)

AnttiPYour input is a matrix (2d array) of positive integers. For example: \begin{matrix} 1 & 1 & 4 & 7\\ 1 & 3 & 5 & 6\\ 2 & 1 & 4 & 5 \\ \end{matrix} A semi-continuous transformation of this matrix is a rearranging of elements that preserves immediate neighbors. For example, we can swap the \$2\$ in ...

@everyone guys i'm making a new lang
What is it called?
icantevenlang - like 1+, but has slightly more functionality
@Adám Lambda?
There's binary lambda calculus
> Next tag badge: [announcements]
-97/100 score
2/20 answers
From Vanny's profile, wow, that's a low tag score :/
> Next tag badge: [discussion]
-1951/100 score
12/20 answers
@DLosc Oh right, I didn't find any, but that may be because it is impossible to search for. AWS Lambda doesn't count, does it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Lol
@emanresuA I've just seen/used that parenthesized, like f^(n)(x)
@emanresuA it doesn't help that Juan has posted the three lowest voted answers on MSE, and all three are tagged [discussion]
@mods We seem to have agreed to burninate , would one of you mind dealing with that?
i forget how that's done
Ask a mod… oh.
We can remove it from all 21 questions, without needing a mod
Wouldn't that clutter up the homepage?
Unless you mean like, making it a synonym of something
apparently burniation requires a dev
let's just manually purge it then
we can't make it a synonym, we can just space out the edits
Are all of the challenges tagged with code-golf? if so, you could just merge it (but make sure to get it the right way around :p)
the top two questions with that tag have no intersection
@hyper-neutrino We could also maybe just do them all at once, since I also need to get a few dozen more RedwolfPrograms -> Radvylf edits out of the way
if we don't care about the front page we should just organize a mass cleanup
Would purging and then merging it into or something work?
How many but non- questions are there?
@RadvylfPrograms BREAKING: Mod misclicks, accidentally merges with
@emanresuA why
@pxeger 1
i guess we can just merge and retag that one lol
yeah I think that's fine
Okay then
ok done
and no, i did not merge code-golf into new-years
That would've been bad
Well, not too bad, right? Couldn't we make a new code golf tag, use it on one question, and merge new years into code golf?
It'd only really be super damaging if it was merged with like, fastest code
Heh, searching for [new-years] includes codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/4486 even though it has neither new-years nor code-golf
caching is funky
And now it returns no results again
that was very fast actually
@emanresuA easy free flag :P
:60494094 easy free flag as duplicate message :þ
I'm coming for you, @​TheFifthMarshal!
Me with my 43 flags
@emanresuA That's seven times as many as Texas has... 🤔
Q: Write a regex that would increment a 2-digit hexadecimal number

Itay123Your regex will receive a string of the form !XX! #<extra> where X is any hexadecimal digit (0-9 and A-F capital letters only), and <extra> is a character sequence to your choosing. (perhaps something like 0123456789ABCDEF0 could be useful?) You may use any regex flavour. Scoring will be calcul...

Linux live cd, break into the missiles, change the root password / launch codes. No problem. — doneal24 2 hours ago
Dec 19 '21 at 12:06, by Ginger Industries
(ʖ ͜─ʖ)─
I don't quite understand what you mean here
Oh do you mean something like loop forever { print choose_randomly(separator, "x") }?
Jan 6 at 19:49, by Ginger Industries
when you see some cheese
Well like, if I print an infinite stream of "x"s or ""s/separators, it's sort of possible that only one "x" would ever be printed
But the odds are essentially zero
I think, because the odds tend to one that an infinite stream of xs is printed, that means the odds of getting a (specific) finite number of xs is zero, so that wouldn't be valid
Might want to clarify that in the question just in case anyone with a fancy generatory language tries it
if you use the empty string as a "separator", your suggested program would be equivalent to loop forever { if (choose_randomly(1, 2) == 2) { print "x" } }, which pretty clearly doesn't do what the question asks
I wouldn't say "pretty clearly"
But it makes sense that it doesn't
What's the best way to word the rule then?
"Your program must always output a finite number of xs"?
For any given number of xs, there must be a nonzero probability (however small) that the program will output that many xs and halt.
Actually, wouldn't this be covered by codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/4785
@pxeger Hmm, true. I guess if you assume that it's technically possible it prints one x and empty strings from then on, it's also equally possible that it prints one "" and then infinitely many xs
I'll just add a note that your program has to halt per standard rules
@DLosc Which could be loop forever { if (choose_randomly(1, 2) == 2) { halt } print "x" }
@pxeger I think in this case you might technically have to say "halts with probability 1," since most if not all solutions will be written in a way that makes it possible (though infinitely improbable) that they will run forever.
Me and the bois writing a program that halts with probability 2
@RadvylfPrograms "Always, and then some"
> We are out of Peach Lowfat Yogurt - 6 OZ, would you prefer in its place?
- Text from the grocery store about my online order
mmmmm delicious in its place?
I didn't even realize
congration! you done it!
I did a quick snat of my vitals and I am fond
I have already reducted my plantles though
(Not grod or too tinking atm)
IDK what you're saying, but it sounds like Nadsat
It's from a tumblr post by transgirlralsei read by jan Misali on his YT channel
Ooh I just noticed the CGCC footer contains an R-pentafrick or whatever it's called
Any feedback? Particularly, is the description clear, would more test cases be helpful, and should I limit the inputs to square matrices?
@RadvylfPrograms Oh yay, the weird badge awarding thing from when they split the queues finally happened :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd need 2 months for this and only on the condition that I'd be able to read them normally
@lyxal Take all the time you need, and you can read them however you want :P
I think I'm actually going to have to make a sort of script for this one
@pxeger wait, why didn't this ping me?
@pxeger I'd suggest ignoring the empty string - it adds an unnecessary edge case that doesn't make the challenge any more interesting
oops wrong room
@RadvylfPrograms for a moment then I was wondering why you were on the deltarune side of tumblr until I realised it was a comment reading video you saw it in
> Are you thirty? Have a sip!
Good idea, I'll do that
@RadvylfPrograms HW assignment: write 1000 word paper due tonight at midnight about Plants vs Zombies
Hmm...my paper is about gamification in education...
And I suppose playing games in class could count...
And I do play plants vs. zombies in class...
Well I almost just screamed "WELCOME TO CODE GOLF AND GREAT FIRST ANSWER" at some unsuspecting new user thanks to chromebooks' weird caps lock shortcut lol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sinvecDraw an ASCII Volume code-golf ascii Given a volume level V in the range 1-10. Your program should draw the following ASCII art. When V=1: \ | / When V=2: \ \ | | | / | / When V=3: \ \ | \ | | | | | / | | / | / And etc. Trailing spaces are allowed. This is a code-golf ...

@RadvylfPrograms enthusiastic welcoming at its finest
Good news, I'm almost at 1k words
I only need like 250 more words, so 2-3 paragraphs
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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