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is Prime Fractals in Pascal's Triangle as a challenge alr dupe?
Probably not an exact dupe, but it's just a trivial combination of pascal's triangle and primality testing, so it'd be a dupe of both IMO
so cannot okey
What happened?
how bout binary neural network
@DialFrost Off-topic
@DialFrost This is off-topic
No it is not
If it were a code golf challenge
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Yes, because No AI, No neural network, except puzzle-solving
@DialFrost There's only six questions tagged , so that or something similar might be a good challenge idea
@Fmbalbuena DialFrost is suggesting a challenge where you implement a neural network
That is on topic as long as it has an OWC
Which is presumably
what would the neural network be doing
actually i changed my mind nvrm
it was orgnigally to solve binary texts of 8 bits but nah
sigh SE is down
i cant believe SE is down again
if it gets downed again it wont get up... ;_;
Stackstatus is useless
i agree
While things like github status make an effort to track outages within a few minutes, you're lucky if stackstatus has added it within a week of the outage ending.
Well duh, it's a human run blog, not an automated testing system
anybody here a js golfer
Me too
Although I have a maths exam soonish
math is fine
Uh, what does that do
Lots of unnecessary whitespace
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostTime Complexity Using performance measures carried out on the execution time of the programs for a new computer, your mission is to determine what's the most likely computational complexity from a family of fixed and known algorithmic complexities. Example Here is an example of performance measur...

@taRadvylfsriksushilani i made it so its more readable for now
Make Math.log a variable, you use it super often
(L=Math.log)(...) the first time, and L(...) the rest
Final semicolon is unneeded
Infinity -> 1/0
X[X.length-1] -> x.at(-1) (won't work on TIO without a polyfill in the header)
Array.prototype.at=function(index){return this[index>0?index:this.length+index]}
And that goes in the header, it's free
Since it's in newer JS versions but TIO's not up-to-date
Lots of var a=...;var b=...;, when var a=...,b=...; is a lot shorter
Define all your vars at once at the top if possible, since the commas save 3 bytes each
I'd make Math.log(n) a variable in addition to Math.log, since you use it so much
Those for loops can definitely be shortened. I'd use recursion, but if you don't want to do that, some clever rearranging of the statements can save a few bytes
Instead of function, use arrow functions
E.g., l=(X,Y,f)=>...
Also, taking X and Y as parameters is pointless since they never change
Just have it take f=> and use the X and Y already in scope
Anyway, gtg, but there's a lot of golfing still possible
ye sry im bad
thx anyways!
@user909868 Welcome to TNB, but you need 20 rep on any site to chat.
@GingerIndustries that isnt even m&m. it's n
I know, but it's still funny
No i just posted that comment because i find that reply funny
@emanresuA :thonk:
Someone tried to do a little trolling
I presume the idea was that people would google blue waffles to get an idea of what that guy was talking about
Which itself is the prank
Don't look it up
And I mean that in all seriousness
Ugh pyodide takes ~40s to load
ok why is this happening
3rd time within 2 hours or less
Not even a special page this time
Just text
@lyxal yeah that appeared for me too, but after i reloaded it returned back to the special page
I love how this sort of thing is basically a population map
> We were having an issue. It’s much better now. We’re monitoring closely. We will provide additional details on meta.
From the stack status tumblr account
@lyxal Sentences >7 words not allowed. Golf your sentences people, save words
Actually that quote isn't even from today
It's from the 29th of January
Ik lol
2 hours ago, by emanresu A
Stackstatus is useless
huh, something strange happened. i tried to type in the chat but it said i was logged out, even tho i didnt log out myself
@AidenChow How do you post???
@Fmbalbuena i logged back in
it was really strange though, it showed i was logged in but at the same time i couldnt post any messages
@AidenChow ok
@AidenChow Has to do with the outages SE's been experiencing
@taRadvylfsriksushilani yeah, i figured
I've had that happen before too, not sure why it only occurs during some outages and not others
can anyone check if i have fufilled @WheatWizard 's requirements for my challenge retaining water? (sandbox)
@DialFrost Which requirements?
check comments under the challenge
its the first one in sandbox
Really I can't see
@AidenChow Really Really I can't see
CMQ: Would you use an online interpreter that took a minute or too to load
depends actualy
@emanresuA I will use, If there is no interpreter to the lang X but the interpreter Y is only interpreter to run X blah blah blah X Y X X Y X Y X Y.
if the code is massive then fine, if not then screw it
probably not
Hmm okah
out of memory?
ugh wasm is pain sometimes
@emanresuA I should use, if this needs 2 YB ram or something
@emanresuA Context: I have a couple of wasm python runtimes that take 20-40s to load
i have no idea what wasm is so I probably won't be interested in loading it
@emanresuA ThEn YoU caN UsE iF tHeRe Is oNLy 1 iNtERpeTER
@emanresuA Hey, I have a question; I have a question: I have a question. I have a question, Is wasm assembly?
@sku Welcome to TNB, you can talk anything except some rules
@AidenChow what is your pfp a picture of
@DialFrost WW is saying that instead of A, B, etc., you should just allow a 10x10 matrix of positive integers
I'd suggest just removing anything mentioning taking input as letters if you choose the matrix, as it'll just lead to confusion
Also, please add in a worked example
^ To potential challenge writers: I cannot emphasise how useful a worked example is for clarifying your challenge. It can be difficult to get the words to describe some tasks, but a step by step "this is how X transforms to Y" is almost always easy to do, and understandable. Realistically, when posting a draft in the Sandbox, you should include a worked example before posting
@taRadvylfsriksushilani So, I decided to mess around with the graphs you showed for some of my slowest answers, and found that they almost (as in, within 0.004 on n, and within an order of magnitude for O(f(n))) cross all at the same point: desmos.com/calculator/ctrlz5lqry
No idea what's special about n = 4.67, but it seems at tho (n^2)!, 9^(n^2) and 2^(n!) all have approximately the same value (as in, all 6.<something> * 10^(20)) at that n
omfg I just wrote some 2d collision code from scratch and it worked first try
you need to try to break it to be sure
@cairdcoinheringaahing Probably just coincidence, but that's pretty cool
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Have you tried colliding two objects where one's moving faster than the other's width per tick?
how do i caculate the alphabetical order of the puzzle
my brain ded
@emanresuA I'm kind of cheating for my game's projectiles. They just hit their target instantly, which is why the collision code was a bit difficult. I wasn't just moving it forward in tiny increments based on its speed and checking if it was in a box, I had to check if the line it traveled in would intersect with the target at all.
for my challenge retaining water
cuz ww and caird asked me to change to 2d list of int
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Oh lol. is this for amidst or something?
Or the zombie game?
No, a new one. A team-based top-down tank game where you can customize your tank's stats.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

hakr14Iterate over pairs of nonnegative integers code-golfsequence Find and implement an iteration over the set of pairs of nonnegative integers (\$\mathbb N_0^2\$). (0, 0) (0, 1) (0, 2) (0, 3) ... (1, 0) (1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) ... (2, 0) (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) ... (3, 0) (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) ... ... For ...

Hm, cool
So for example, you could put all of your stats into speed, and quickly reach your opponent's flag. But if they've invested more heavily into armor and gun damage, you wouldn't stand a chance.
I'd be happy to beta test at some pont
> The word swastika comes from Sanskrit: स्वस्तिक, romanized: svastika, meaning "conducive to well-being". In Hinduism, the right-facing symbol (卐) is called swastika, symbolizing surya ("sun"), prosperity and good luck, while the left-facing symbol (卍) is called sauwastika, symbolising night or tantric aspects of Kali. In Jainism, it is the symbol for Suparshvanatha – the seventh of 24 Tirthankaras, while in Buddhism it symbolises the auspicious footprints of the Buddha.
Kinda surprised Unicode has those ngl
Hm yeah. The comet theory's interesting
@cairdcoinheringaahing i fixed it
tried my best but its prob still the same
for the challenge
And... accidentally leaked two gigabytes of memory.
guys alittle help
given a 2D list of ints
how do u get the minimum value of the outer layer
so basically if input is this
the minimum value is 1
Iterate horizontally twice, iterate vertically twice, and take the minimum of the four
minimum value is 3
how come the minimum isnt 0
is there a way to one-liner it
the outer layer @thejonymyster not the inner
You could but it would be pretty long
oh wait i understand what you mean now
the most outer layer
Ok, it turns out vscode live-server has a bug feature where memory is cached across live reloads
@DialFrost in what language
max([*a[0],*a[-1],*map(a,lambda v:v[0]),*map(a,lambda v:v[-1])])
i have lambda m:min(m[0]+m[-1]+sum([[x,y]for x,*_,y in m],[]))
@hyper-neutrino Wait python can do destructuring like that?
i think hyper got it correct!
that was fast my guy
having trouble solving a problem that i posted
the retaining water one
TIL you need some somewhat cursed Python to get stream output...
(import js, yikes)
welp today is my holiday
@DialFrost APL must have a one liner for this
APL <-> A Programming Language
Python has a one-liner for everything
without cheating via exec, python is actually turing complete on one line
@hyper-neutrino lambda?
well ofc you use lambdas
@emanresuA wdym
if my lang doesnt have variables, and i already have comparison, what should i have the equals symbol do
anyone here can do a port for me from python to c++
depends what you want
cuz i had to use c++ due to 1 annoying part of the challenge
i thought about having it be eval, but that seemed like more trouble than it's worth
current code:
oh wait i know how i would make it work
anyone can port this to python ^ it would my life so much easier thx
this code in ungolfed for readbility at the moment
@DialFrost i think i got it: {⌊/((⊣⌿,⊣⌿)⍵),(⊢/,⊢⌿)⍵}
@DialFrost well what does that code do?
^, also i thought you wanted python to c++ lol
bruh haha
i can translate nearly all of it
except 1 part i forgot
i accidentally deleted my code
shld i post retaining water?
or issit still not refined (question)
@hyper-neutrino probably because:
> do a port for me from python to c++
i changed my mind eval is way too hard
TIL python dicts are quite different from JS objects
Great, I need to create some sort of python repr in JS...
I'm taking the RTO prototype prototype down for tonight
It's not really meant to be used at this point
True I guess
I think it's giving the project a bit of a bad first impression, given the incredibly unfinished UI, lack of any languages other than JS, and janky bot Ginger made
OISB should be better hardened down, with more languages, in about a week. At that point I'll start on an actual UI, but until then I don't want much more attention being given to the prototype.
When are you planning to launch?
March 1st
Well, for OISB 1.0.0, at least. RTO might trail behind by a couple weeks so I'll have time for UI stuff
You might want to do it a day or two earlier - user's bounty for most langs is "end of february"
The proto will win then :p
Planning on having 20-40 languages by late feb
We should get the start files (the biggest thing holding us up on adding more languages) finished by the middle of this week, at which point I'll be able to add new languages at a rate of like one every ten minutes
@thejonymyster i drew it myself :D
its a random scribble that i turned into a face
i had a feeling that it was a face :)
if you are curious, i drew it on the drawing tool in Google Hangouts when it still had that functionality
im always curious:P so thanks for that
wait google hangouts had a drawing tool
@emanresuA are you trying to make python in JS O_o
in flax, 3 hours ago, by Fmbalbuena
@PyGamer0 but Probably you need API to use semver
^ can someone explain me that message
You don't
@PyGamer0 No, I'm trying and mostly succeeding to use python in JS
Although interfacing is cursed
i can imagine
@UnrelatedString yeah, probably 3 or 4 years ago
not too sure why they took it out
it was a lot of fun to play around with
@emanresuA why
i want to say i got the impression that google hangouts was already half dead 3 or 4 years ago but considering they haven't removed it from the gmail interface or outright google +'ed it i don't know why i want to say it's dead
Or more accurately, you need some sort of interface
some of my friends use hangouts
thats why its not dead
@UnrelatedString i think it's pretty much dead, i think more people use google chat now
not too sure, because i personally moved on to discord
But not necessarily, say, a REST api like api.stackexchange.com
google chat?
yeah i've never even heard of google chat lmao
i never really used hangouts to begin with since i never really had friends until i got added to a league of legends group skype that then migrated to discord when discord became a thing
@UnrelatedString google chat is literally google's version of discord but worse, thats all you need to know
@AidenChow lmao
the only time i've seen google chat mentioned
is in a video about scammers that try to destroy large youtubers' channels
@hyper-neutrino jim browning?
bim jrowning
@PyGamer0 peak comedy
ceak pomedy
ok ill stop lol
@AidenChow it was a mutahar video
although that video did mention jim browning

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