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@taRadvylfsriksushilani petition to make The Firing Range the official RTO room
(I already added you as a mod)
Hmm, I'll consider it
better then no
We did have one already:
But it got frozen again lol
but it freezy
@taRadvylfsriksushilani and The Firing Range also has not only a snazzy name, but a bot!
Fine, it can be the official room
@taRadvylfsriksushilani (^▽^)
Q: Inside of my Javascript program, I keep getting a console message telling me that my ellipse() function is a reserved function

Game_FreezeInside of my Javascript program, I keep getting a console message telling me that my ellipse() function is a reserved function. I use a for loop and an array to simulate bullets, and the program works completely fine except this message that isn't an error. Is there a way to hide this message or ...

@NewPosts the VTC-ometer is too damn low
can we get a fifth, and maybe some butter?
@pxeger @GingerBot now's your chance
@GingerIndustries Sorry, ninja'd :P
butter 'em up
I hate when I accidentally dump tens of thousands of lines to my terminal
Every now and then I accidentally cat a large binary file
that can be even more annoying when it fucks up the screen completely and you have to reset or restart the terminal
I just got a cool idea for Descend (my golfy markdown flavor with built-in scripting). You can make a link like normal with [text](url), but you can make a button with [text]{script}, and it will execute the script when the button is clicked.
ooh, yeah, you know what a markdown parser really needs? An embedded javascript parser!
@AaroneousMiller That's super cool
Also, just shrank a rust binary from 11 MB to 344 KB with strip lol
@pxeger essentially, yes
@taRadvylfsriksushilani have you tried github.com/upx/upx? Or is size not quite that important to you? (upx is kinda pointless IMO)
Size isn't that important, no
But 10 MB seemed a bit excessive lol
how many SLoC?
Q: Verify a Superpowerset

trotztA superpowerset (analogous to superpermutation) on n symbols is a string over the alphabet {1,2,...,n} such that every subset of {1,2,...,n} appears as a substring (in some order). For instance, 12342413 is a superpowerset on four symbols because it contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 41, 23, 24, 34, 12...

139 lines of code, so I'd guess around 100 sloc
that does seem like a large binary for such little code
are you using lots of dependencies or something?
@pxeger easier solution is just to disallow some code e.g. /\[[^\]]*\]{[^}]+}. Maybe also with multi-line code like
Relatively many for 100 sloc, yeah. But Rust's statically linked, so it's not that bad.
TIL rust is statically linked by default
  ends when a line with a single } with indentation matching the opening line is reached
  ^ that doesn't end the code block
^ that does
@Wezl-yizl an indentation-based syntax would be a lot simpler, yeah
less magical solution that also fits with the existing markdown syntax would be to allow backtick-fenced code blocks inside of {}
@AaroneousMiller hey this sounds like SpamScript, my never-actually-implemented scripting-based text formatter!
I've been working on a text format called BITF for the last few years, off and on.
It's ASCII compatible, with the unused 160 characters used as opcodes for a turing complete programming language
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ಠ_ಠ
gimme a sec, i'm going to try to find the SpamScript docs
It's actually a really fun and uncursed idea
@GingerIndustries I'm curious
@pxeger I suppose I should mention that the scripting isn't just going to be straight JS, it will be a JS-like-but-hopefully-better-but-probably-cursed scripting language designed to work with the features of the Descend markdown flavor
yea it sucks
but you get the idea right?
keep in mind this is from like 2018
It's a neat idea, do you have any example programs? The examples section is blank
I've got a hello world
+~ {This is a SpamScript Hello World program.}
Hello World!+"enter"I can writee+"backspace"SpamScript programs! 1 + 1 is: +[math add (1 1)]
+~ {Expected output: Hello World! (newline) I can write SpamScript programs! 1 + 1 is: 2}
So it's kind of somewhat similar to AHK?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani This is Charcoal :P
Is it ok to have <> characters inside of <code> tags, or should they be replaced with &lt; and &gt;?
I think technically you're allowed to have >s, but best practice is to replace both with & thingies
> In 1943 the Austrian resistance group around Heinrich Maier managed to send exact drawings of the V-2 rocket to the American Office of Strategic Services. Location sketches of V-rocket manufacturing facilities, such as those in Peenemünde, were also sent to the Allied general staff in order to enable Allied bombers to carry out airstrikes. [...] The group was gradually captured by the Gestapo and most of the members were executed
Someone needs to make a movie about this
Converting markdown to html by hand is the absolute worst
I just had the scariest moment of my life: I clicked on a JSON file, expecting it to open in Notepad or Notepad++ or VS Code, and then the loading thingy for Visual Studio came up
Luckily, I was able to slay the beast through Task Manager in time
whats wrong with visual studio?
It would've taken a very long time to load and slowed my computer a bit
I was exaggerating, it really wasn't something to be scared about
i remember how back on my mac xcode claimed a bunch of random shit
i could never remember what until it was too late
@BgilMidol Is it possible to write any series of slices as a single slice? Seems like maybe it should be.
@DLosc no
Just Hello
E.g. [::-1][2::6] is the same as [-3::-6] I believe (TIO)
@DLosc Yeah this is correct
@BgilMidol Do you have an example that can't be rewritten that way? (I realize the burden of proof should be on me, but if you can prove me wrong easily that'll save some time :P)
@DLosc [::-1][2::6][0] can be [-3::-6][::1][0] I guess
Huh, TIL aforestation, the opposite of deforestation, can also be a big environmental issue
@taRadvylfsriksushilani <latin-pedant>That's afforestation with two f's: ad + forestation, not a(b) + forestation</latin-pedant>
Of course you just had to wait until the 2m edit time was up :p
TIL the trees everyone's called cedar trees here for my entire life are actually juniper
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I wasn't sure, so I looked it up on Wikipedia first
@DLosc how would you compress [:-4][::2][2:][::5]?
@BgilMidol I will compress
Probably [::2][2:] can be [2::2]
[2::2][::5] can be [4::5] I guess
Lastly, I can't think [:-4]
@Fmbalbuena Both are wrong
[::2][2:] is [4::2] and [4::2][::5] is [4::10]
@Bubbler Oops sorry
Start at 4, Move 10 steps and remove the first 4 elements
I think [16::10]
[:-4][4::10] would be likely [4:-4:10], not 100% sure though
In playing around with it more, I'm starting to think there might be some combinations that can't be simplified without referring to the length of the iterable, though
I guess some cases involving negative indices cannot be simplified without knowing the original list's length
Like [42:5:-3][-8::2] maybe
Yeah, something like that
@DLosc I can simplify
Nonnegative indices are mathematically well-defined and should be composable no matter what
@betseg ???
simple one that i think i've actually seen come up several times: [::-2][::-1]
i think you'd pretty much have to have the parity of the length to do that in one slice
Good one
@Fmbalbuena wdym "???"
@betseg Why you post issues like that?
a) that's not me that's a funny image i found
b) issues like what?
@Fmbalbuena i honestly dont understand what you mean
It's likely a language barrier thing
@betseg I said you "post"
issue might be referring to the issue in the screenshot in which case i guess he just doesn't get why it's funny
which is confusing in and of itself
i was talking about you
I made it through a whole school day without having to charge my new laptop! Estimated 13 hours of battery life go brrr
I guess one advantage of the 3:2 screen resolution is it makes the whole laptop a bit taller, which means there's more room beneath the keyboard for a bigger battery
That equation's apparently not supposed to have the second fraction, so instead of trying to understand the problem I'm going to just fudge it and somehow delete it along the way :P
UPDATE: My package has reached "On the Way"
@GingerIndustries What is that?
A large anti-aircraft gun and a 1.5 tonne gummy bear
what makes you think that
lol idk you never confirmed or denied either
by "on the way" I think it means "on the way to a UPS facility"
@taRadvylfsriksushilani and I still won't.

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