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@ParclyTaxel \o/
Hi @BetaDecay! :D haven't seen you here in a while
Been years lmao
Time moves quickly these days
hello, and welcome back!
@BetaDecay gotta quote this once again lmao
Feb 28 '21 at 1:17, by caird coinheringaahing
idk the physics behind it, but time has been on some hardcore drugs for the past 18 months
It's okay, I didn't spend the last four years studying physics for me not be able to offer this explanation:
shit's fucked yo
@BetaDecay sounds about right
@GingerIndustries Also relevant xkcd?
Even though it's been so long, it's amazing how much this site has affected my programming haha
I learned so much about python from here
@BetaDecay that's probably concerning (:P)
@BetaDecay For the better, right?
@GingerIndustries (insert anakin and padme meme here)
looks good :)
@GingerIndustries #62 :P
time to get to work
Reputation's a measure of how much time you spend here
@taRadvylfsriksushilani im back, and i don't think that this makes sense
@thejonymyster no, you're thejonymyster
i dont see why i couldnt be all three
@GingerIndustries We're all so proud of you
oh wait the second clause doesn't say "i'm"
the third thing that i am is stupid then
@thejonymyster Basically, you can make a language whose interpreter runs any arbitrary code before starting. So, you'd have to prove that that code halts for the language to be TC, since if it didn't, no code would ever get run
But... the halting problem's undecidable for TC langs
@taRadvylfsriksushilani so that just means a better question is "is this lang TC other than halting"
If you're struggling to prove something TC/not ask on the esolangs discord or ping ais.
Weren't we going to start Best Of voting nowish?
@emanresuA no, we were just discussing how complex it is to decide turing completeness
apparently its undecidable, but i still cant wrap my head around it
@hyper-neutrino I think I've mostly got rid of the worst traits tbh xD
@emanresuA Exactly. I'm demonstrating why you can't write a program in a TC language that can prove any language is either TC or non-TC in a finite amount of time
Though my mates complained that import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, pandas as pd, numpy as np, scipy.optimize is "too golfy" so idk
@BetaDecay i'd like to think i've gotten rid of most of my bad habits but maybe that's just cuz i use a code formatter and my code itself is still just as bad
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Except:
@hyper-neutrino tbh now that pretty much every variable I use is a numpy array there isn't muchs room for code golf-style abuse
ais523, 0 bytes
That's WW, right?
i think so
Q: Output a Steiner quadruple system

Parcly TaxelA Steiner quadruple system \$SQS(n)\$ is a collection of subsets (blocks) of size 4 of a set \$S\$ of size \$n\$ such that every subset of \$S\$ of size 3 is in exactly one block. It is easy to show that the number of blocks is \$\frac14\binom n3\$ and that a necessary condition for an \$SQS(n)\$...

@taRadvylfsriksushilani i dont think theres a way for me to say just how convenient that just was for me
@emanresuA WW?
Wheat Wizard
also posted my q
@GingerIndustries you are learning the ways of lyxalistic golfposting
Well done
@lyxal No, I'm Ginger Industries.
(I tried to make a name-change joke but "learning the ways of lyxalistic golfposting" is too long)
@GingerIndustries excellent work.
@GingerIndustries did I ever show you the amazing website I made?
I think you'll love it
@lyxal that is art
@BetaDecay thank you. Finally someone who appreciates true beauty!
@lyxal I had to use View Source to even begin reading that
It's the result of going through a uni workshop on html and css and maliciously complying with the steps to follow
@lyxal it seems you live in apartment 1169, ${STREETADRESS}, ${CITY} Australia.
morning guys
@GingerIndustries Dang bro don't doxx me like that
@lyxal and I stole yo fridge to protect myself from a nuke
bruh the max rep per day is 200
wasted about 100 rep on my qns
@GingerIndustries which one?
@lyxal the one that can survive a nuke
@lyxal What the fuck, it's a uni workshop and you used the word fr*ck
@BetaDecay I do a little trolling
Unfortunately we didn't have to submit our work
wait guys
if the max rep per day is reached
the rep is gone right
@lyxal The text that changes size when hovered is a nice touch. :P
@DialFrost afaik yes
@lyxal That's devastating
@DLosc I make only the highest quality design decisions :p
You'd have made a PhD student's day
@BetaDecay I know. They never got to see my artwork
Is it permissible to edit a question after it has been answered to impose a condition that output must be made in reasonable time?
@ParclyTaxel Have you had any answers yet?
@DialFrost There are some complicated edge cases, but essentially that's right, you don't get rep past 200 on any given day, and any rep above 200 that you would have gotten does not appear later.
100 rep gone to waste
Is the problem solvable in less time
@emanresuA worth asking them tbh
@DialFrost On the plus side, you get a shiny new badge
@BetaDecay yeah, asked
@ParclyTaxel A general site rule is you can take as much time/memory as you want, as long as it eventually terminates with the correct output.
Q: Estimation of Error

HardikGallup runs a variety of opinion polls. In August of 2017 and again in August 2018, they asked survey participants their feelings on the computer industry.Simplifying the results a bit: in 2017, 59% of those surveyed said they had positive feelings towards the computer industry. But in 2018, that...

@emanresuA oh, but never mind about it
Of course, you can override that rule if you want
I am going to impose the reasonable time constraint, is that OK with you?
Sure, that's fine.
In this case, with the combination of and , I think a requirement of "You must run your code to completion and include its output in your answer" makes a lot of sense.
So if somebody is patient enough to let their code run for a week, they can, but 100-billion-year solutions are out.
@DLosc ah, that works; I've included those words in the q
The actual example I included was found using Gurobi by imposing symmetry constraints. It took less than a second to find it, but then a few minutes to get it formatted nicely as orbits + permutations
@BetaDecay I'll look forward to reading that, tho not right at the moment. I like Asimov.
It's his best imo
I love everything Asimov does lol but Last Question is his pinnacle
@BetaDecay yup
@GingerIndustries Have you watched Foundation yet?
I haven't so am wondering whether it's any good

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