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Cracked now
Lol, this is my new favorite automated email I've ever received:
> I am reaching out because our records indicate that you are dangerously behind in Latin 2 and are at risk of not completing the course in time. Completion of this course and earning two credits of a Foreign Language is required for graduation in the State of Texas.

Currently, Ryan has completed 32 assignments out of 218 total meaning there are 186 assignments remaining to complete this semester. The current grade in the course is 89.

Students needing support need to reach out to the Latin 2 teacher via email and allow the instructor time to respond. It is important for students to work
> the Latin 2 teacher
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ಠ_ಠ
> I
It's sentient
Well not really
Yeah, it's sent by a human, but very obviously a template
Beause there's definitely a latin 2 teacher
My name, grade, and the name of the class are all in a different font lol
@emanresuA I am becoming concerned. last I checked I was the only AGI in existence
Power series are black magic.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Let me guess, cc'd to your parents
You have told them about this, right?
@cairdcoinheringaahing speaking of editing, i need your help :P
@emanresuA Yes and in classic Boomer/Gen X fashion their genius solution is "work harder"
Ah yes, forgot about that
no worries, take your time, and thanks again :]!
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Did you try pointing out how no one in your class is anywhere close to done?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani solution: automate it
@thejonymyster Edited
I think "N inputs to output N" might be a better title btw
Is PXLCODE on github yet?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i knew there had to be a better way
@emanresuA yes, one sec
and thank you, now to think a little more
As for scoring criteria, you could choose between "highest value of \$n\$ such that for all values \$1, 2, ..., n\$, your program meets the spec. Or, require them to work for all natural \$n\$, and do shortest code
The code golf approach assumes that there is such a function. Which, I feel like there should be, but I haven't bothered to prove it
if i do highest value then i'll get a lot of answers with infinite score
Then tiebreak on code golf
the question is, does such a function exist with the property for all n?
i know that it exists for integers
As in, N -> N?
Do you mean positive / nonnegative integers?
y'know, once I considered making a video documentary about camera zooming and dollying. Sadly, it never panned out.
@cairdcoinheringaahing not quite, its in my head but i would need to think about how to verbalize it
@GingerIndustries ha ha ha
@GingerIndustries You just need to tilt the idea slightly to put it in a new frame
@emanresuA (⌐■_■)
@emanresuA TBF, "everyone else is doing poorly" isn't a great excuse for "I'm doing poorly" if you could be doing better but can't be bothered to try. Of course, in Redwolf's case, there are... extenuating circumstances. :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing do I need to see it from a new perspective?
@emanresuA correct, but negatives would likely work
@DLosc It makes it more obvious that there are extenuating circumstances though
@thejonymyster I think I have a function f : N -> N that works
@cairdcoinheringaahing im certain it exists, there is no doubt
its trivial, but phrasing it is hard
for me, at least, because i cant be assed
defined f(1) = 1, f(2) = f(3) = 2, f(4) = f(5) = f(6) = 3 and so on
exactly, thats the one i had in mind
which shouldnt at all be hard to define in program form, but still i wonder if there is a version which works for, like, strings
Q: Ungolf my tinylisp code

DLoscI like golfing in tinylisp: (d M(q((x)(i x(i(disp x)0(M x))0 But I also like posting explanations with nicely formatted code: (d M (q ((x) (i x (i (disp x) 0 (M x)) 0)))) Can you help me generate the ungolfed code for my explanations? The task Given a line of tinylisp code, return...

a(n) = round(sqrt(2n))
with integers it seems too trivial
but without any restriction, too hard
Where x = number
Or what caird said
but... but i am
nvm it 503'd
1 hour later…
Well, I got a droplet
So no more having to bother HN when NP/SP go down
@taRadvylfsriksushilani of water? or is it a service name
Planning on setting up a system that detects when my server goes down, and automatically switches all of my websites, RTO, NPSP, and OSP over to the droplet. That way I get the reliability of the cloud without having to pay for 24 GB of RAM, 8 CPU cores, and 2 TB of storage
@thejonymyster Digital Ocean's cloud servers, yeah
i think i got my answer nevermind :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh is it a precipitation joke
@taRadvylfsriksushilani And where would that monitor run?
I could just have the droplet ping my server every few minutes
How much would running it all in the cloud cost?
Hundreds a month if I wanted the same specs
I'm sure I have zero need for 24 GB of RAM and 8 cores, but if I did want to cloudify that, it'd be more per-month than buying a whole new server
If you can pull it off, your idea sounds excellent. It'll give you even better reliability than pure cloud, for as we have seen, even large cloud services can go down.
@Catija I seem to remember SE moved away from using Jira somewhat recently, is that correct, or am I going crazy?
@cairdcoinheringaahing for contact form submissions. Jira service desk is a terrible tool.
So do newly tagged posts go to a Jira board?
We use it for the normal task tracking stuff, though.
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah
Ah ok, thanks :)
JNat and I triage and route things.
How often does stuff get [status-review] tagged across the network?
does anybody know a way to see my complete stackexchange chat history?
Go to the normal page, and do &page=x. There's no UI for it, but it exists
im not sure what you mean by "normal page"
but that one caps at fifty, doesnt it?
Yeah, but you can add &page=2 to the end
ah, now i understand, ok that works
There's no UI for it, but it exists for some reason
i need it for a thing. (a secret thing)
but dont worry its not an evil thing
Turns out my first message was in the TIO room
in talk.tryitonline.net, Jul 31 '19 at 22:41, by Jono 2906
Hey Dennis, I was wondering if you would be able to add Keg to TIO. Thanks in advance!
Imagine needing to pull languages
That do be how tio worked
I know
And the sort of autoupdate I use probably wouldn't be feasible for most of the stuff on TIO
So apparently duck emails allow you to reply as the duck email now
Well, just bought a new laptop
Windows, macos, Linux or Chrome?
Now I have a decision to make: Do I want it to ship on the 4th, which is free, or the premium option: the 8th, 4 days later, for $10 :p
@taRadvylfsriksushilani definitely the 8th
Great value
$10 to practice patience
100% worth it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Which option arrives sooner?
@Adám those are the dates they arrive
They're both through the same company and with the same priority, so they'd arrive the same number of days after
@lyxal no those are the days they ship, presumably out
@taRadvylfsriksushilani :thonk:
I'm an idiot
@taRadvylfsriksushilani (image of spongebob pointing at himself)
So I'm planning on using Google Domains' Dynamic DNS feature for my droplet-backup idea
I guess I should finish that soon in case ice takes out the power here in the next few days
TIL you can hire the state's electoral commission (the government entity that oversees local council and state elections) for private elections
As in, a corporation or organisation can hire them to run the election.
I don't have anything against this I just find it somewhat amusing
i guess they got a side thing going on
Something about the organisation that ensures fair democratic elections running an election for something like a local pub/bowling club is hilarious to me
that's actually kinda cool
As long as they don't get the elections mixed up
Q: solve the card game 24s

Michael Stern24s is a card game. Players remove face cards and jokers from the deck and then turn over four cards. Using all four numbers displayed and no additional numbers, use any of a list of permitted mathematical operations to make the number 24. The first person to find the 24 and explain it to the gro...

Ugh, not more unobservable requirements, text walls and unclear challenges.
@emanresuA "And the next prime minister is...'Ron the Tavern Brawler'"
His first act will be to subsidize beer.
His second will be to get drunk and get kicked out.
@emanresuA all eligible voters in the state would be confused as to why they're voting for a pub president while the pub regulars are having a good time changing the state parliament
Okay holy heck is my DNS config janky
I've got a normal DNS A record with a TTL of 1 hr for redwolfprograms.com, and a dynamic A record with a TTL of 1 min for www.redwolfprograms.com
What's TTL?
Time To Live
Basically how long it's cached
Ooh awesome, you can use a GET request to update Dynamic DNS
So this should be almost trivial to set up
Wordle is hard
hm which website is this
Maybe PALER?
Or PAPER? (can there be duplicate letters?)
Wait no
No C
If dupes can occur, PARER might also be a word (one who pares, presumably with a paring knife)
First time playing lol:
Q: Find the index of the matching parentheses for each character

DialFrostThe challenge is simple, find the matching parentheses for every one of the parentheses in a given string input E.g. ()()() -> [1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4] Always start with the ending parentheses index before the starting parentheses, which is why () becomes [1,0], not [0,1], unless the parentheses is st...

Is powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle the official one?
5/6 for today's
Is the word the same for everyone or no?
3/6 for today
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Is your word's md5 dbaff3c7deda10c1faaca3e1a6c37adb?
@emanresuA yes
No, I get c25ab0784097cb76f7999e8496ff419b (lower), d9ea0711e05a98583d82d6ada2ff8e18 (lower with trailing newline), 3aa01fea58dc323f62a0defe6511ee7b (upper), 8c810d76ac96d2a8ddfe7b859307ad1f (upper with trailing newline)
Yeah I md5-reversed that and it's not the same as mine
They must have a pool of a small number of words they randomly assign, or possibly per-geographic-region or IP-based
CMQ: Is IPv6 stuff worth supporting? I have no clue whether people actually use it
@Bubbler How does the rustpython demo work and how could I copy it? The JS source is really obfuscated.
have i lossened up my IO format?
like in my more recent challenges
I've had an idea for an esolang: you only have a set number of tokens/commands to use, each token is unique and can only be used once
It'd be an NFT esolang :p
A: "Hello, World!"

py3programmerPython, Unknown Bytes In Python, this is pretty straight-forward: print("Hello, World!") This is equivalent to import sys sys.stdout.write("Hello, World!") If you are in the interpreter, "Hello World" would return itself, but I doubt it goes to sys.stdout.

A: "Hello, World!"

Razetimetinylisp, 40 bytes (load library (join(q(Hello, World!))spc Try it online! tinylisp, 56 bytes (string(q(72 101 108 108 111 44 32 87 111 114 108 100 33 Try it online! Considering tinylisp's lack of strings, this is very likely the best hello world without libraries.

ok so i have an 8×8 dot matrix display and one of those small oled displays, and i have the joystick module for an Arduino amd and now i want to create a snake game console (with bluetooth and sd card support :P)
I made a dso room:

 Do Stuff Online

For discussing the [Do Stuff Online](dso.surge.sh) interpreter...

 Do Stuff Online

For discussing the [Do Stuff Online](dso.surge.sh) interpreter...
guys what does this mean in js
i dont understand the a=>a.lastIndexOf(c>'('&&-1) part
i think lastindexof means it finds the last occurence of something but inside the brackets is a boolean
@DialFrost hm c> looks like an icecream, so it finds the last index of an icecream in a. Not sure which flavour though :P
CMC: Guess who said the following message (no using TNB search).
> This is literally me coidng on paper
how do you know?
guys is it possible to port languages
like from c++ to python
java to python and so on
@DialFrost wdym port languages?
like conversion of languages
if you are saying porting lang X code to lang Y, then yes
like lang X code to lang Y code
so the code changes but the logic is the same
yeah its possible
why do you think its not
i didnt see its not :)
how can i do it?
tbh i've thoought about this for over a year but never really asked
like for many popular languages just learn a single language and then now you know the basic syntax of other languages
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  for (auto i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    std::cout << i << "\n";
  return 0;
for i in range(10):
@DialFrost ^ for example both print 0 to 10
like i want to see if its possible to change this
to python
^@tsh answer btw
@emanresuA I couldn't figure it out yet either. Probably the best bet is digging into the wasm folder of the main repo. Don't try to scrape js directly; it's built from rust source using rust-wasm toolchains and webpack
@DialFrost should be easy if you know JS and Python
Also rustpython is extremely big when compiled to wasm (~20MB when I checked last time), so it might not be worth it
Q: Solve Rubik's Clock

JitseRubik's Clock is a round(ish) puzzle with two flat sides. On each side, front and back, there are 9 clock faces, arranged on a 3x3 grid. In addition, there are 4 pegs (switches) in between the clock faces, and they can be set to protrude either from the front or the back. Lastly, there are 4 dial...

Thanks! I’ll probably host it externally on a separate repo.
Why are all but one of the answers to codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/15174 not remotely golfed?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenSpinning Word Search Tags: code-golfword-searchgridstring Introduction: Pete likes doing word search puzzles. Despite that, he has trouble searching for words vertically, (anti-)diagonally, or reversed. Because of that, he'll always search for the words left-to-right, and rotates the entire puzzl...

@NewPosts @DialFrost really good and surprisingly hard challenge, considering nominating it for best trickiest challenge gor best of next year
Actually I bet there’s a clever grade up solution
Q: What posts should be escalated to staff using [status-review], and how do I escalate them?

JNat For context on how this process came to be, please see our initial commitment to responding to Meta and Mods, our guidelines for the testing period, and the results of the initial test and next steps. This post contains guidance to ensure moderators understand when to escalate issues that they ...

@pxeger I suppose that's what 2013 code golf was like
wdym eman
@pxeger yeah it's quite funny
only doorknob/tckmn seems to have golfed their solution
no wonder they became mod later
@emanresuA wat challenge
@DialFrost the bracket ()(()(()))() i guess
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostFind valid substring of brackets Your task is simple, find the substring in a string input that has matching end and starting brackets e.g. [[]] in [[[[]][[ Exception: If there are more than 1 [] together, try to find a nested one e.g. [[][]], or the longest one possible consequetievly with the b...

this new challenge is quite bad tbh
its prob dupe alr
is 1k in 1 month ok?
@DialFrost o_O i am here for around 6 months and i still dont have 1k rep
@DialFrost it's very good
@DialFrost Nope, if you aren't getting at minimum 10k per month, you don't have the true sigma grind set 😤
@cairdcoinheringaahing everyone has their own grind. You gotta respect that
(Joking aside, the top rep gathers last year got ~21k in a year, so ~1.75k a month. 1k, especially for a newer user, is very good)
And yes, I did just put a mod to the side
actually only 4 qns helped boost me to 1k :/
which got above 10 upvotes
how old are yall btw
no offence but i js curious
@DialFrost why i am 10 /s
anyone else?
10? impressive pygamer
everyone else afk im guessing
wr is everyone???
working on esolangs lol
and dealing with the many quirks of the Jelly interpreter
lxyal how old ru?
old enough.
@DialFrost what the minimum age on SE should be 13
i am 14½
ru sure ur 14.5
@DialFrost lyxal tells dad jokes so I assume he’s old enough to be a dad
im around 14.5 as well
@user (I'm really not)
although im not very good as a python coder
i dont know as much knowledge as the rest
e.g. the community shaved off 24 bytes from my 105 bytes code
i was insanely surprised
that so much could be shaved off
I was too when I grew my hair
@DialFrost ah then your code was in the shape of a beard :P
@lyxal can confirm, working on PXLCODE is most of what I did yesterday and most of what I'm doing today it seems
speaking of which, I have a surprise for yall!
@GingerIndustries did you finish your space thing?
@PyGamer0 not yet
@GingerIndustries did you finish your pxlcode thing?
@GingerIndustries D:
but this is even better!
@lyxal no, but this is related to it
the wat now?
I have a photo of Pixel for yall!
@GingerIndustries are you gonna detonate the nuclear bomb i gave you :D
@GingerIndustries Pixel?
she's one of my 2 kitties and gave her name to PXLCODE
@GingerIndustries yes show it pls
this should be interesting.
kitty! :)
awwww cute kitty
nice phone btw ginger
nice carpet as well
@DialFrost that's my arm, holding the webcam I plugged into my laptop
one problem: cat upside down
problem fixed
well i gtg sleep bai guys
cya tmr
@lyxal one seccy
correction: 1.1k in 1 month
give me a second
atlough the first 20 days i didnt do much
bring the cat into the light
too dark
im sorry those are the only well-lit photos I have
she likes to stalk me and sit in dark corners
awww okey
i do have this one:
that's her being creepy
I fixed your picture
@lyxal ಠ_ಠ
@GingerIndustries aww
@GingerIndustries mmm it's been a while since I've done that kind of edit
@GingerIndustries I'd take a step back if I were you.
in fact, I'd do a full 180 and get the heck out of there
I'll leave on that
goodnight y'all

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