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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Do you really want your missile to fail because it got a BSOD? :P
@emanresuA lemme look for it
Ooh, a blue missile in the shape of a screen would be so cool, you could name it the Blue Screen of Death :P
@emanresuA sorry meant @PyGamer0
@user ಠ_ಠ
@dzaima Is the first an actual use case?
@user i have zero clue
actually, no, removing /dev/ or /bin///usr/bin is gonna be bad in any scenario
@dzaima Time to ask GPT-2
Reasons to use `rm -rf /*`:
1. _____2 * _____3 * _____4 _____5 6 7 8 [b] m:a .(.*b) .(.*b) . . (.*b) . . . ___.b .(.*b) . . ___.__ .__.a 7 9 b`b `@ (.*b) $a 10 11 b`b `d` b`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___.b . (.*b) . __.b . \:._`. . .___.a 11 12 /\t/ _____/ b`__/ b`@/ b`. . . _.b _____\ __._._/ .__.-`. b `@\._`._/ .__.-`._ \ .. /._$_.b 12 _ _ /._[ _ | _ | . | \t . \t \t \] / _ / . _/ . __._._._' _ . \_.b / /._ . .__._._.b 13 __ ._____. / . __._._._ [ _ | _ | . | \t . . _] / _ / . _/ . __._._._' b`_/ \ . .:._`._._ / `___.b`. __._` `/ _ /
that is not helpful
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ta Radvylf srik su shilaniVon Neumann Probe Battle (king-of-the-hill) This is just an idea for now, placing it here as a draft and to collect feedback. Basically, your goal would be to design a set of machines, including factories and spacecraft, which start on earth and spread outward into the universe. You'd be able to...

@SandboxPosts @taRadvylfsriksushilani This feels like the "Tetris in Conway's Game of Life" thing: awesome impractical.
I'm thinking it would revolve more around designing physical bots than actually writing code
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ...oh no
oh no
E.g., you'd have rocket boosters, mining drills, storage areas, and other stuff you could chain together
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh phew I thought you meant physically design and build
that was close
So you could optimize your probes for different tasks (some start mining immediately, some collect materials, some handle combat, some build other probes or factories), or you could make them all more general purpose
@taRadvylfsriksushilani so what you've got here is what we call a "videogame"
Sort of, yeah. This is a KotH, and those are rather close to video games.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani well yes but this one specifically is a really cool idea and now I want to make it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'll add it to the infinite list of cool ideas that never get made
@GingerIndustries We were?
*backs away from red button*
@user not again
I wonder if, if one day someone told me I would literally never die, if I would finally get around to finishing all of the projects I've come up with, or if I'd just keep coming up with more and more and my backlog would reach infinity
@taRadvylfsriksushilani let's test
@taRadvylfsriksushilani You will literally never die.
Eventually, you'd finish them even if your backlog just got bigger
and now, we wait.
Finish one, think of ten more, finish another, think of ten more
@user That's like saying x - 1 will equal 0 someday
Oh, well I guess each individual project you mean
I work on my projects like a stack, not a queue
So not necessarily
Alternatively, you might just go crazy one day and neither finish projects nor come up with any new ones :P
so if you have too many
would you experience
@taRadvylfsriksushilani The amazing human brain
@GingerIndustries Nah, the bottom of the stack kinda just gets forgotten :P
(at least, that's how it works for me)
@user idea: esolang that uses a stack where items that haven't been accessed for too long are removed from the stack
I feel like my massive inactivity streak on main might be coming to an end
Presenting: Stack Decay
@GingerIndustries ಠ_ಠ
Now that I've posted the katlani dictionary thing, I keep coming up with more ideas
@taRadvylfsriksushilani can you share some? I want rep too
Sharing Is Caring™
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FmbalbuenaWho Loses? Task Your task is to take a Dictionary input, and a winner input. You can assume a dictionary where the winner input is the first element. A input: [{"Joe": 800, "Mama": 1000, "Biden": 1200}, "Joe"] Means that the aproxximate score winner is Joe, The next is Mama, Mama is greater than...

@Adám @others Any feedback?
@SandboxPosts feels like a dupe
@GingerIndustries why?
I have no clue what this challenge is asking you to do
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Give me a example
@taRadvylfsriksushilani find the largest value in a dict and return its key
Doesn't seem like it
What's the second input for in that case?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ...looking at it again you're right I'm confused
(input is [dict, string])
What do the numbers in the dictionary stand for?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Means the numbers that he thinks in a number guessing game.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Can you help me to rewrite the challenge?
Problem: If A guesses 100, B guesses 200, and C guesses 300, and B wins, who loses?
There's no way to know if A or C was closer
> If there is a tie, lower wins.
So, find the farthest guess from the winner, and return its key?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Then is there a way to rewrite?
Yes. You need to clarify that it's a number guessing game, and what the parts of the input actually mean.
> Your task is to take a Dictionary input, and a winner input. You can assume a dictionary where the winner input is the first element.
But you need to clarify what the dictionary does. That the keys are players, and the values are their guesses.
"a" is a key in {"a":4}
^ I don't understand why this is a player
Two different meanings of the word "key"
A dictionary has "keys", that's what the player names are in yours
{ a: 100 }
  ^         key
     ^^^    value
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Edited
@hyper-neutrino Can you timeout This for 14 days with mod abuse?
(1209600 seconds)
I kinds want to start working on Hunter-Gatherer KotH again, but I feel like that would be another distraction from RTO
@Fmbalbuena I don't understand the challenge.
@Adám why?
The combination of its formulation, with my pre-existing knowledge and intelligence, does not cause me to understand it.
@Adám @taRadvylfsriksushilani explain, then @Adám Reword
It's not really clear what you're asking us to do
@Fmbalbuena I think you need to understand that commandeering people is not nice.
@Adám ok
@Adám Maybe Fmbalbuena was asking which specific parts of it were unclear so they can fix it?
The whole thing, then. ⍨
I use ⍨ as a frown.
@Adám Do you have any doubt with the challenge?
Adám's likely confused for the same reasons Ginger and I were
You need to clarify that it's a number guessing game
What exactly defines who loses? Is there significance to the order of the input? What is an "aproxximate score winner"?
@Adám edited
> You can assume a dictionary where the winner input is the first element.
Dictionaries are usually unordered.
How about "Your task is to take a dictionary of guesses as input, along with the name of the winner. You should then return the name of the player whose guess was the farthest from the winner's, or if there are multiple, the lowest."
So does this mean we can take a list of key-value pairs where the first is the winner, rather than taking the winner key separately?
For the flavortext, "You are playing a number guessing game. You know everyone's guesses, and who won, and want to figure out who was in last place."
@taRadvylfsriksushilani done
@taRadvylfsriksushilani done
If the challenge indeed that, then all the key stuff is red herring: Given a list of numbers, return the number that has the largest absolute difference from the first element, and the lower of the two if there's a tie.
A chameleon challenge
@Adám I don't want to return the number
@taRadvylfsriksushilani why?
@Fmbalbuena The name stuff just gets in the way
@Fmbalbuena So return the index of the number.
@Adám no, the key
What would [{"A": 100, "B": 200, "C": 200}, "A"] give?
@Adám "C"
@Fmbalbuena But the whole key→value and then value→key lookup has nothing to do with the core challenge, which is to find the furthest distanced number.
I assumed the guesses are unique, maybe that should be clarified
@Fmbalbuena Can you explain why it is C and not B?
@Adám Because C loses
oh wait, this input is invalid
@Adám because "B" == "C"
So? I don't see anything in the spec that rules out such a case.
A: "Hello, World!"

FmbalbuenaByte-based Instruction Jumping, 48 bytes ↑H↑e↑l↑l↑o↑ ↑W↑o↑r↑l↑d↑!

@Adám edited
What exactly do you mean by "You can assume that input gives non-deterministic output"?
Likely a mistake in the wording
@Adám I think i will remove this.
"All guesses are guaranteed to be unique" might be closer to what you meant
I think it is a pretty good challenge IF you remove the whole key-value distraction.
@Adám how to remove that?
Just make it so you take the guesses as input, and return the number
9 mins ago, by Adám
If the challenge indeed that, then all the key stuff is red herring: Given a list of numbers, return the number that has the largest absolute difference from the first element, and the lower of the two if there's a tie.
Ok, i will rewrite.
Well, return either the number itself, or its index.
So your input would look like [[100, 200, 300], 300], and your output would look like 100 (or 0/1)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Or just let the first number be the winner.
Yeah. Went with the same I/O from the sandbox post for clarity
It originally said the winner would be the "first"(!).
[[100, 200, 300], 200] gives non-deterministic output
No, the answer is 100
@Adám But uhh
This list [[100, 200, 300], 200] and the number was 240, 100 loses
This list [[100, 200, 300], 200] and the number was 160, 300 loses
TIL there's a heater that generates heat by mining bitcoin
@Fmbalbuena Oh wow, I just realised that I had completely misunderstood the challenge.
@Adám Can you try to rewrite?
@lyxal hi
it's 12:22 here
@Fmbalbuena Not right now. I need to wash dishes.
@lyxal Sorry it's too late to talk me, I have to gtg.
@Adám ok, when you come back, try to rewrite
@lyxal wth
@mathcat then you should go sleep
@att it is what it is
okay g'night
@lyxal That's essentially what any bitcoin mining operation is :p
Or computer, for that matter
@taRadvylfsriksushilani but can you use your laptop as a dedicated room heater? I didn't think so.
Arguably, you could, it would just be stupid :p
@lyxal I've used my laptop to keep my hands warm.
@Adám that's not the same scale as the bitcoin heater I'm talking about
But like, in places with cold weather, energy could be saved by using heat from data centres for heating houses.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani good luck getting it to keep an area of 150-170 square feet warm
@Adám yeah, that's basically the same concept as the heater
Every bitcoin transaction uses enough electricity to power a lightbulb for 14 years
finally something useful
Cryptocurrency-based heat is a clever idea but it doesn't make it any less of an environmental disaster.
Well, idk. In theory it's identical to resistive heating.
But there's less direct stuff, like consuming supplies for computer chips, which are in short supply right now, on your space heater
or encouraging more people to use bitcoin (or buy another warehouse of ASICs) in the first place
I seriously think my semi-decentralized system would work considerably better than PoW/PoS fully decentralized stuff
The idea of a blockchain is, IMO, completely idiotic for 99% of applications, including currency
At least Ethereum's probably moving to PoS, so it'll just be idiotic instead of idiotic-and-ice-cap-melting
PoS? (I keep wanting to read that as something obscene.)
Ah. Thanks.
Where instead of trying to break hashes, it's based off of the amount of the currency you hold
I thought PoS was taken in the tech world for Point of Sale.
Well, now it'll be in two lists at once: initialisms that have multiple technology-related definitions, and words that bring to mind obscene things
With "Wireless Access Point" having recently been added to the second
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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