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@emanresuA Can the output for any of the peorgrams have leading/trailing whitespace?
A single trailing newline is acceptable, I feel like it's going to get abused if I allow more
One week or two weeks?
@emanresuA Am I missing something, or what stops Cops from writing a program that outputs code, then 100 programs that output some random word with changes that have no effect, then a program that outputs golf?
Wdym "changes that have no effect"?
So the outputs for the 100 programs in between are the same, but the programs change by one character each
True. Would saying consecutive programs have to output different words work?
You could just say that the outputs must be all unique
(totally not sabotaging my own cop attempt ಠ_ಠ)
DLosc said something important about that which I don't remember and the comment's been deleted
But you're right that it has potential for abuse, so I'll change it I guess
Also means cops are limited to length 200k or so chains which is probably good
Q: From code to golf (Cops' thread)

emanresu AThis is a cops-and-robbers challenge, the robbers' thread can't be found because I haven't posted it yet. You can change the word code into golf by changing a letter at a time in four steps: CODE COLE COLD GOLD GOLF Today, we’ll be doing the same thing with programs. Your challenge is to: choos...

Dammit ratelimiting
Q: From code to golf (Robbers' thread)

emanresu AThis is a cops-and-robbers challenge, the cops' thread is here Your challenge is to crack an answer on the cops' thread. Cops will create a series of programs in which the first prints code, the last prints golf and the rest print distinct English words such that each program can be derived from ...

The trick for CnRs (to help Socratic and similar badges) is to post one at 23:59 and the other at 00:01 :P
No rate limiting, and it counts as two days :P
big brain
OTOH if I post them a few hours before midnight I'll get some of the rep today
But you've only gotten +50 rep today, so you can't cap in the next 2 hours, and it means any votes you get today don't contribute tomorrow
@cairdcoinheringaahing Tbf, I've only done this once :P
Ooh nice. The Best Of categories getting lots of votes mean that I'm now at 800/1000 score and 148/200 answers for gold :D
Does anyone have that?
Martin is next closest, being 31 answers away. If xnor or Dennis post 71/72 more answers, they get it. If I post 52 more answers and score 201 more, I get it
Everyone else is either further away in answers, or in score
don't even have the silver badge yet lol
Don't even have the bronze badge lol
i have the more than enough score but only 46/80 answers
Who's closest to gold ?
which is better than my usual having enough answers but bad score
(Probably Bubbler)
@emanresuA You can't get tag badges
There's fewer than 100 questions with the tag
Oh true lol
Otherwise, I'd have bronze + silver : codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/tags/sandbox/topusers
Wait no, silver is +400
I'd have bronze, so would Martin and PhinotPi
Although if you count deleted answerts...
ಠ_ಠ Tag badge requirements are so arbitrary
@emanresuA Yeah, that probably has some impact. I don't delete my Sandbox answers anymore
Fun fact: is the only meta tag that has been awarded as a silver tag badge
CMC: Make meta as active as main /s
Huh, it's not even Mego, they don't have an OwnerUserId
Same thing also shows on main
@cairdcoinheringaahing Gotta undelete all my previous sandbox posts :P
14 mins ago, by emanresu A
(Probably Bubbler)
@Bubbler Can't lie, I undeleted a couple of my highest voted, older posts ages ago to try to get badge :P
Didn't actually do anything, and the comments were, in hindsight, worth keeping publically available
If I actually do that then it'll bump my score for a lot
> 312/400 score; 71/80 answers
Likely enough to get silver, actually
Searching for "is:a user:me deleted:yes" in meta gives 173 results lol
How many of those are in the Sandbox (add inquestion:2140)?
I have 94 deleted answers on meta, but 76 of them are in the Sandbox :P
146, with 351 score in total (I just finished adding them manually)
No, that's only counting ones with strictly positive score (I had "score:1" in the query too)
169 deleted answers in the sandbox in total
I'm proud of having that many deleted answers but not Peer Pressure badge :P
@pxeger because I didn't know how to appropriate those two lines for the joke lol
@emanresuA Vyxal's dictionary also contains a bunch of 3 letter combinations that aren't words in themselves, but are part of other words
CMQ: Mathjax for reversing a number? (e. g 123 becomes 321)
\$\text{reverse}(123) = 321\$

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