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@Adám oh yea cause of the like
they show up as like [BS] or whatever
i cant figure out how to use the words to describe it
the like... dotted line boxes
@Adám Vyxal, 2 bytes Try it Online!
i was wondering how youd like, ocr whitespace
Substitute characters.
right yea
thank you
That's super clever, I doubt it'd be shorter than a hash table though :(
honorable mention for sure
"here is a very short answer using a hash table. The rest of this answer will be about the cooler long answer that uses OCR."
Add 9216 to the character code, print, and OCR that.
Probably doable in Mathematica or something.
maybe just add 9216 and then output that, call it acceptable i/o
jk maybe
(only works on TIO because man is not installed on ATO)
Ah, clever using a built-in table.
If input in 0-padded Octal is allowed, 32 bytes: man ascii|grep -w $1|cut -c26-28
@pxeger fails on -1, this gives ERROR
Yeah no duh
What's the -1th ASCII char?
its [redacted]
I mean, I guess you could sort of say it's DEL (0x7f), but not really
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ERROR
@thejonymyster No, other?
(periodic table from an scp)
@Adám APL, 25: 3↑25↓⊃17↓⎕⌽⎕SH'man ascii' Try it online!
what's up with the input?
@thejonymyster Asking me?
@Adám oh, yes
TIO's "Input" is actually a REPL, so the indented ps launch the program, while the numbers are the answers to the program's prompt.
on my screen it looks like a bunch of whitespace then a p, idk if thats intentional
The indents are not necessary at all; just for clarity, because APL traditionally uses 6 spaces as REPL prompt.
makes sense, thank u
right yea, that makes sense
i guess i just thought it was a bunch of special characters i couldnt see lol
but yea i remember seeing it on tryapl it makes sense a now
@Adám p for prompt or p for program?
p is the name of the program.
ah i see in the header
Yeah, that begins the definition of p which continues until it is closed with another
i am learning so much i really wanna learn apl it looks fun
It is. (Citation)
@thejonymyster learn the lyrics of Never gonna give you up
it'll help you further in life
@mathcat were no strangers to love you know the rules and so do i a full commit (sniped by mods)
tbh i probably do know most of the lyrics by memory
its pretty straightforward verse chorus verse chorus
verse one is ubiquitous, verse two i /think/ i know
im stuck on the line right after "inside we both know what's been goin on"
wait its "we know the game and were gonna play it"
i never realized it actually rhymed with "say it"
cause they werent like, aligned in a rhythmically obvious way
then idk if theres another verse or just choruses and bridges
lang with a builtin dictionary for string compression but it only knows the lyrics to never gonna give you up
...hopefully that wasnt too spammy i kind of went on a flow-of-consciousness sort of thing there
@thejonymyster sniped by mods?
for typing the entire lyrics to never gonna give you up in chat
presumably would be some form of spam
oh as in "[[you] would be] sniped by mods"
ah yea
should have used the proper notation
*sniped by mods*
@thejonymyster You could join my live webinar in 40 mins…
cant, at work
Me too.
@thejonymyster tragic u_u
@thejonymyster Didn't seem spammy to me, I'm fine with long monologues of actual discussion/thinking lol
ok, the pogger
@Adám youtube.com/… should be called "APpLied"
@pxeger I think someone called some tool for building applications in APL APpLication.
@Adám How did you turn on dark mode?
@Adám according to youtube.com/watch?v=2dQr58vcUjM it looks like Dyalog APL 18.2 will have pretty much all the features I need for it to work properly on ATO; what kind of time scale (weeks, months, years?) should I be expecting for 18.2?
@pxeger Weeks. And yes, I've been waiting anxiously for it to release so I can start nagging you ;-)
(and/or is it possible to get beta access to 18.2?)
@Adám lol
ooh, ]aplcart looks useful
@pxeger It is, but you'd want to install the release version soon anyway. Not much of a rush.
@Fatalize Ohh, so | has an implicit . before it but doesn't? Makes sense.
@Adám I am the Oracle of Truth, as we all know
@taRadvylfsriksushilani good thing we don't have any of those!
@GingerIndustries Catman: Strength: Knows the future correctly 50% of the time
@mathcat No, I have a 50% chance of being correct
The Facebook wiki is also known as Likelopedia
Alexa, rimshot
wtf we just got an envelope in the mail that was stapled
like, on the outside, through the inside
stapled right through a check
do not do this
relevant chat link
@mathcat must be some other Ginger Industries
reminder: 10 != 10.0
@GingerIndustries 10 == 10.0
@thejonymyster now i got one where the check is taped to the inside of the envelope... were they afraid it would fall out? the envelope was closed... i dont get it
@GingerIndustries What exactly is Ginger Industries? Do they farm and process raw ginger?
Do they traffic ginger people?
Breed ginger cats?
no. They generate catmans
What are catmans?
24 mins ago, by mathcat
@GingerIndustries Catman: Strength: Knows the future correctly 50% of the time
catmans are those who do as catmando
when in catmania...
CMQ: Is there a way to approximate the value of:
def f(n):
    if n < 2:
        return n
        res = 2
        for d in range(1, n-1):
            for inc in range(d, d**2+1):
                res **= f(n-d) ** f(n-d+inc)
        return res
for n=3
@pxeger question not what we do, or we'll have to... take you in for questioning
new xkcd. How would infinite tea work?
infinitea? is that a typo for inifinity?
we already know how infinity works
@pxeger infinitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
@GingerIndustries 0/10 44/∞, not enough t
@DLosc yeah, behaves like
Wait is the countdown a...shark?
I was thinking a plane until now
But it looks a little too organic to be a plane
Jan 16 at 16:17, by Ginger Industries
@PyGamer0 i am catman
If it was a shark fin, then the most likely candidates would be the first dorsal fin and the pectoral fin, but both end in points rather than edges. An aircraft tail fin still seems most likely
Oh, good point
i think its a graph of some really dumb data
and that little line at the bottom of the wing wouldn't exist on a shark
image not found
@taRadvylfsriksushilani it's a llama facing left
the triangle is the face and neck
No, we saw the tip of it earlier :p
@thejonymyster try reloading? It's there for me
Unless the llama was facing the other way
@GingerIndustries could be a diplodocus
@pxeger ^^)b
@pxeger no it's a waterslide
@thejonymyster no, don't shoot guns upwards!
it is the only way i can express my approval
that reminds me, me and some people were doing a thing and a thing
long story short we needed chars to represent directions including diagonals
someone very clever came up with this:
i think its pretty great, but what do you all think? do you love it? do you hate it? what would you rate it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani bdpq aren't really arrows, but they are a set of 4 co-symmetrical characters usable for diagonals
right yea
@thejonymyster if they have to be ASCII and single-char, I think that's probably the best option
although I'd prefer Unicode arrows
for our purposes easily accessible ascii was the goal yea
@thejonymyster pas mi a mak my mi nai y a y
@thejonymyster just get a better keyboard layout smh
my Katlani is a bit rusty so that's prob wrong
@pxeger actually true, i need to set up my ahk to give me directional arrows on the numpad
Currently listening to a school board meeting and uh...yikes. They mentioned my english teacher from last year quit after being called a terrorist (she's muslim), and brought up the fact that my current english teacher used racial slurs in class multiple times and was not fired.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ಠ_ಠ
yikes indeed
@taRadvylfsriksushilani was she called a terrorist by a student or a member of staff?
And in either case was the person who said it punished?
Didn't say, although likely a student and/or their parent
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what does the board intend to do about this?
We've had a whole bunch of teachers quit, and a whole bunch more would like to quit. COVID stuff, especially masks and vaccinations, have caused an incredible amount of boomer parents to hate teachers here
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I have no words anymore
I don't know the context of the teacher stuff being brought up, but it wasn't to request that actions be taken to fix it, it was against a bond being proposed
@taRadvylfsriksushilani man this just keeps getting better doesn't it
Oh, arguments about how equality and civil rights stuff is taught is another big aspect of it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani all hope is not lost
Oh nice, and a third one of my english teachers was just brought up
@GingerIndustries Oh no, it is. They're arguing that the current stuff is too far to the left. That we should drop civil rights stuff entirely.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I no longer have an emoticon for this
how is this shit legal
@taRadvylfsriksushilani bond?
@GingerIndustries Freedom of speech and freedom of petition, I guess
@pxeger Funding
I don't understand what the teacher stuff being brought up has to do with a bond
and what does "against" the bond mean?
Yeah, the rest of the people I was talking about it with are also pretty confused. That stuff was being brought up as opposition to a $30m bond proposing to replace the district's student laptops
But yeah, stuff's a mess right now for teachers
damn it 2022
is anyone else here interested in 1839 gifs of rotating food?
@pxeger put them into a GAN and make it make more
that is
a worryingly good idea
2 hours ago, by Ginger Industries
@Adám I am the Oracle of Truth, as we all know
no theres already a perfect amount
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh no
nvm just in that gallery
> Reviews
> Reviewer: edamame-rotisserie-says-trans-rights - ★★★★★ - May 17, 2021
> Subject: *jazz hands*
> *commits warcrimes* uwu did i do that???
@pxeger what
scroll down from archive link, those are the comments or what have you
from the reviews on rotatingfood4
@pxeger ಠ_ಠ
@thejonymyster no, they are reviews; high-quality in-depth evaluations of the merit of the archive
You have to have at least 3000 reputation on the archive to even leave a review :P
@pxeger I have a tie with printable ASCII which I wore to my face-to-face interviews for programming jobs, but sadly nobody asked me any questions about ASCII character codes
@Adám ^@, ^A, ^B, ... ^_
@taRadvylfsriksushilani You caught a couple extra messages there
@pxeger Yes
Why you don't move this to TNBCK?
I uh...am not very good at moving messages
does somebody else want to clean up all the "moved to" messages?
@Adám Bicyclopedia seems to have existed online at one point, but there's a bricks and mortar bicycle shop in Cardiff called Cyclopaedia.
@pxeger You can't move those
@pxeger sisyphusian, that would only make another "moved to" message anyway
!>go$1+:v^|  |
|/v?=x!e/0|  |
it should be a bottle instead
><> quine
and it should also be a 99 bottles program in some lang
causei thought it was a beer mug lol
@Fmbalbuena very pretty quine
top ten thirst quenching quines
@thejonymyster You won't believe the features these 15 esolangs have!
hello world in how many bytes?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FmbalbuenaMove to Right and left Task Your task is to Move Right and left. If the numbers combine, sum. Example [1, 2] /\ /\ / X \ [1, 2, 1, 2] Another example [1, 2, 3] /\ /\ /\ / X X \ [1, 2,\/ \ \ 4, 2, 3] Test cases [1,2,3] => [1,2,4,2,3] [4,2] => [4,2,4,2] [1] => [1,0,1]...

^ Any feedback?
I still dont get why they cross
if they cross, shouldnt they combine?
1   2
 \ /
 / \
2   1
^ Cross is not a combine
annoyingly messages that were moved back still have the moved arrow
@Fmbalbuena how do you know if it is a cross and not a combine?
@Neil yeah but uh why?
@thejonymyster Read carefully.
1   2
 \ /
 / \
and not
1   2
 \ /
@thejonymyster Because moves right and left
1 2 3
\ /\ /
 X  X
2 3  2
  1   2
 / \ / \
1   3   2
@thejonymyster No
[1] gives [1, 0, 1], not [1, 1]
ah, i see
i dont think explaining it graphically works, then
@Fmbalbuena this made me understand the challenge better than any of the ascii art did lol
though, i do understand all the ascii art now
i do like the challenge idea but you're going to have to write it clearer IMO, then you'll have my +1
@thejonymyster Done
seems like itd be fun to solve in bf
@thejonymyster but easy
In pseudo code:
@Fmbalbuena that's a bit better. i guess i'd say something about how longer numbers dont take up more space or anything
print Input with 0 0 add Input with 0 0 (left)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FmbalbuenaMove to Right and left Task Your task is to Move Right and left. If the numbers combine, sum. Example A simple example is [1] gives [1, 0, 1] because [1] / \ / \ [1, 0, 1] Another example [1, 2] /\ /\ / X \ [1, 2, 1, 2] Another example [1, 2, 3] /\ /\ /\ / X X \ [1, ...

^ Any Feedback?
Q: Is this word in standard order?

pxegerLet \$ A \$ represent the alphabet, such that \$ A_1 = \$ a and \$ A_{26} = \$ z. Let's define that a word \$ W = w_1 w_2 ... w_n \$ (where \$ w_c \in A\$) is in standard order if and only if: \$ w_1 = A_1 \$, and for \$ 2 \le i \le n \$, if \$ w_i = A_x \$ then \$ w_j = A_{x-1} \$ for some \$ j <

@hyper-neutrino you deleted your answer about 3 seconds after I invalidated it lol
i noticed the edit cuz you deleted the question
yeah I didn't realise you couldn't edit deleted questions
(what's the point in that?)
idk either
never understood it
A: Why can I not edit a self-deleted question?

OdedWe have found a form of abuse that is very difficult for the system to counter: Spammer writes a post (not particularly spammy) It is immediately deleted by them Spammer edits the deleted post to make it spam Spammer undeletes the post Problem with the above scenario is that undeletes like th...

Makes more sense, but still not enough sense
shouldn't the spam checker be checking all edits anyway?
There are like 5 different things that the system should do instead of stopping editing deleted questions
this feels like a hacky bandaid fix that doesn't even fix it
like shadow said what stops them from just instantly deleting it and undeleting some time later
not that it'd work on our site cuz our bot posts the question here before the page has even loaded for OP xD
However. CHQ doesn't catch spam edits on deleted posts, so that form of spam would circumvent Smokey
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FmbalbuenaMove to Right and left Task Your task is to Move Right and left. If the numbers combine, sum. Example A simple example is [1] gives [1, 0, 1] because [1] / \ / \ [1, 0, 1] Another example [1, 2] /\ /\ / X \ [1, 2, 1, 2] Another example [1, 2, 3] /\ /\ /\ / X X \ [1, ...

^ Any feedback?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ^
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ¤ means nothing (in Vyxal)
@pxeger For what it's worth, regarding this nomination, I think the nomination should go to Bubbler entirely, rather than voting for either Bubbler or me. My original idea for some form of Advent of Code was different to what Bubbler actually did (and I intend to run that event for Dec 2022), and Bubbler did most of the work in making my suggestion into a reality.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ...like add markdown docs that are easy to find and understand
or make their markdown system just like
actually make sense and be consistent with what most other things use ಠ_ಠ
Q: Move to Right and left

FmbalbuenaTask Your task is to Move Right and left. If the numbers combine, then sum. Example A simple example is [1] gives [1, 0, 1] because [1] / \ / \ [1, 0, 1] Another example [1, 2] /\ /\ / X \ [1, 2, 1, 2] Another example [1, 2, 3] /\ /\ /\ / X X \ [1, 2,\/ \ \ 4...

I'm working on the nomination for the second great Print X Without X battle
@NewPosts I have no idea what this is asking
@cairdcoinheringaahing then @thejonymyster understand
this has two sandbox upvotes?
@Fmbalbuena Ok, but thejonymyster isn't me
@GingerIndustries you can't do replies with fixed font
I understand it
@cairdcoinheringaahing trivia: Every user is actually @cairdcoinheringaahing in disguise
I'll try edit in some clarity
VTC CGSE for sockpuppet
this is just ŻŻ+ in jelly as far as i can tell @caird
i could give a clear spec for this but it'd conflict heavily, let's see where emanresu takes it
That was pretty much what I was going to do
Dupe probably
@hyper-neutrino Ok, well I understand how that works with the examples, but the whole "if the numbers combine, then sum" bit doesn't make sense
I'll hold off because I don't want to hammer
@emanresuA it's been deleted, you can't hammer
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think I understand it now. Take each number, and clone it, placing one copy to the left of its original position and one copy to the right. If two numbers are placed into the same position (hence "combine"), add them up
@hyper-neutrino correct
@emanresuA IMO prepend 0 and add vs prepend two zeroes and add isn't very different
Seems like phrasing it as overlapping sums of [a,a,a] for each a, where the triples are moved over for each element makes more sense
i don't think that's correct though
[1,2] ->
[1,1,1] +
[1,2] ->
[1,0,1] +
@hyper-neutrino Then I don't understand this
[1,2] →
[1,0,1] +
I should undelete?
@Fmbalbuena It's pretty much a duplicate of this anyway
But don't vote to close/hammer, please.
Because (0, 0, x)+(x, 0, 0), this is different
@hyper-neutrino Ok, this makes more sense
Overlapping sums of [a,0,a] then
@Fmbalbuena Not significantly
@emanresuA why?
I can't place normal close votes so I won't hammer but IMO it's not very different and I'll defer that decision to other people.
Given that the Ken Iverson question has multiple different approaches, I'm not sure
I think this will make more longer for some golflangs.
oh you stole my fgitw :P fair game i suppose
@hyper-neutrino can you decline flag?
@NewPosts For what it's worth, I suspect that "prepend two zeros, vectorised sum" will be the approach for most golfing langs. However, due to the binomial properties of the proposed dupe, I doubt that a general approach can be ported
I've cast a dupe vote 'cos turns out I can't hammer
(it's not )
That said, @Fmbalbuena you don't currently have a winning criteria
oh that's... ok then. i'll just add it in cuz i don't see what else it'd be
@Adám should this be edited given that the linked event has now ended?
Thanks Santa
@emanresuA I don't understand
@pxeger Done.
It's a cops-and-robbers challenge
Ok, I have to gtg now and I will see if this question gets closed or not.
@emanresuA Can't you always get from one program to another by changing a single character?
The third bullet point seems a bit superfluous
> Such that you can repeatedly change a single character and get a program that outputs an English word (insert dictionary here) until you get to the golf program.
I think you've had a parsing error
Unless you mean something else?
Ah right, so each intermediate program needs to output a valid english word?
Also, dictionary suggestions?
Jelly or Vyxal's compression dictionaries?
Probably Jelly's, Vyxal's includes mysql
Wait no, Jelly's includes acronyms like AFAIK
What about /dict/words?
That redirects to /dict/web2 so I'll use that
Done, anything else?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bgil MidolReversed Multiple Pair Intro A reversed multiple pair with number \$a\$ and number \$b\$ that satisfy the following property: \$ a\times b = reversed( (a-1)\times b ) \$ Example \$a=6, b=9\$ $$6\times9=54,5\times9=45$$ As you can see, \$45\$ is the reversed version of \$54\$. Task Given two integ...

@BgilMidol Looks good, tho its a bit trivial
Alright, posting this

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