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Q: Wordle solver challenge

Dustin G. MixonWordle is a daily online word game that has received considerable attention recently. The object is to guess a secret word in the fewest attempts. Consider the following instance of the game: The secret word is rebus, and the player's first guess was arise. The letters r, s, and e are displayed ...

Ugh, SE has started asking me if I'm "sure I want to leave" whenever I close I tab that I've opened the editor in, even if I've submitted the edit
@NewPosts is this a dupe of codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/36921 and/or similar?
They're definitely closely related
There are currently 18 users in this room (excluding bots) which I feel is more than we've had in a long time
Of them, 12 aren't AFK
@GingerIndustries If you're counting the seen ago seconds
@GingerIndustries We've had 26 (with bots) in here recently
Jun 18 '21 at 15:55, by pxeger
wow, when's the last time we had 3 rows of users in TNB?
I think a couple of nights ago
then cough some people leave their computer on when going to sleep
Apparently there will be no weather on tuesday
yeah, always annoying when people do that. i wonder who here does that
@GingerIndustries We get 3 rows on occasion
The true measure is the number of mods we have in here. Currently, it's only 2, but we've gone up to 6 in the last couple of months
@GingerIndustries xkcd 1245
Tuesdays never have weather
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh, neither Slate nor Catija are in here. Been a while since that last happened
There is no tuesday
or friday for that matter
Days are just a made up construct anyway
Someone just started counting a couple of thousand years ago, and we've just gone along with that
If mañana in spanish is tomorrow, would mañanañanañana be 2 days from today?
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah yes, the earth merely appears to orbit the sun
It's the other way around, the sun orbits the earth
@GingerIndustries No, not "day as in 24 hours", "day as in day of the week"
@taRadvylfsriksushilani the sun is full of Christmas lights and fastened to a pole that connects to a giant motor in Antartica
everyone knows that
That's why winters are darker
We steal all the sun's christmas lights
@GingerIndustries That's a nonsense conspiracy theory. The truth is that some dude in Kansas just started swinging a basketball that was on fire, on a very long rope, and hasn't stopped since
@cairdcoinheringaahing the sun is only the size of a penny and it lands in Arizona every night which is why the rocks are so red
@cairdcoinheringaahing Kansas University has a really good basketball program. That checks out.
@GingerIndustries Oh hi, Calvin's dad
@cairdcoinheringaahing I knew one of yall would recognise it :)
Can you explain why old photos are always in black and white?
@cairdcoinheringaahing The world was black and white back then
they just became color over time
@GingerIndustries mañana, mañana dos, mañana tres...
also wind is trees sneezing
But why are the photos black and white now?
Same reason pictures of people as babies don't change to show them getting wrinkly
@taRadvylfsriksushilani couldn't've said it better myself
@taRadvylfsriksushilani They don't??
@DLosc *laughs in Dorian Gray*
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Idk, have you seen babies? They're pretty wrinkly
I believe I have a legit challenge idea that fits naturally with (rather than "here's an idea, how to make it a shuffleboard challenge?") :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Spoke too soon ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, well... I have a reason, so... :P
the return of the mods
@Catija Did you have a good holiday? :)
where were the mods when the Westfold fell?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Uh. Not particularly. :(
@Catija sorry abt that
@Catija Sorry to hear that :( Any particular reasons why? Bennett and August not like Christmas?
My dad died and I got Covid... and then my husband did and Gus... and the boys' school is closed through the end of next week because of covid... so ... yeah.
@Catija My condolences, I'm sorry :(
Yeah, that's awful :(
Yup. :sigh:
@Catija mi forlu lait ka
I hope things improve for you
@Catija Hope you weren't too hard hit by Covid. I managed to infect both my parents, and we luckily only had colds
Tho I imagine that young kids being sick is never fun to deal with :/
wish I could help ya
Thanks :) It was pretty mild for everyone. Aches and pains and lots of phlegm but nothing terribad. Gus mostly just got irritable.
@Catija phlegm is one of those words that almost everyone knows but is next to impossible to use
...or was before Covid
I feel like it's easily swappable with "snot" but more formal, so I tend to opt for it in most cases.
I get so much spam from colleges that this is the second time I've opened by gmail for under 10m and received more spam during the time it takes to delete the other spam
@cairdcoinheringaahing what exactly is the difference between "if you run out of q votes, you can continue voting on questions, but it will deduct from your qa-votes instead" and "youll be blocked from using your q-votes and any post you vote on will count against your qa votes"?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani And I'm not even in 11th grade yet, when I'm sure there will be even more
as best I can translate "snot" would be mak ans makina bo nors in katlani (literally "human inside machine stick[y] water")
@taRadvylfsriksushilani idea: set up a system to forward it back to them automatically and delete your copy
Nah, forward them the previous piece of spam I got, shift register style
Montana State, meet uChicago. uChicago, meet Montana State.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani automated college spam Tinder
that is an unholy quadruplet of words
@GingerIndustries ....lovely
Q: Tips for golfing in chicken

FmbalbuenaWhat general tips do you have for golfing in Chicken? I'm looking for ideas which can be applied to code-golf problems and which are also at least somewhat specific to Chicken (e.g. "remove comments" is not an answer). Please post one tip per answer. [Duplicate prevent for Tips for golfing in Chef]

@cairdcoinheringaahing why are you booing me? I'm right
Lets say that at the start of the day, you vote on 10 questions. You've now used all your Q-votes, and the next vote you cast, regardless of on an answer or question, will be one of your QA votes.
However, if you instead vote on 25 answers at the start of the day, you'll have 5 QA-votes left, and, despite not using any of your Q-votes, you only have 5 votes left for that day
@NewPosts does "don't use chicken" count as a tip? :P
@NewPosts this lang seems a bit odd for golfing in
just a bit odd
yes but we love challenges
@GingerIndustries ninja'd
like the ocean has a bit of water
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingShort programs for fixed outputs Inspired by Lynn's Jelly puzzles. Check them out if you're interested in practicing your Jelly skills Cops The cops should choose three things: A freely available programming language, a byte count \$B\$, and a number of programs to write, \$n\$ (minimum 5) They...

This is kind of a weird question, but does anyone know what the arg in argsort means, or rather, why argsort is called argsort? Google is really failing me here.
@SandboxPosts Feedback greatly appreciated, JHT members might be extra interested, given the inspiration ;)
@chunes argument?
But like, it returns a list of indices. What does it have to do with arguments?
Hopefully we get two competing plausible answers
@chunes Is this the numpy method?
A: "Hello, World!"

Fmbalbuenastr, 17 bytes `Hello, World!`o; Try it online!

@taRadvylfsriksushilani So we can have an argument :p
@caird Yes, but I've seen it in other places too
is this argsort just
grade up
Q: Why is argsort called argsort?

AnonymousSo, it's an indirect sort that returns the indices that would sort an array. Why is it "argsort" (which makes some sense given that it takes an argument -- the type of sort to use) but not "indirect_sort" or something like that? Or get_sort_indexer?

ah that actually makes surprisingly good sense
Wow, nice find
analogy to argmax = argument of the maximum = input which maximizes output
@chunes If there's a tech question, there's an SO question asking it (and 15 duplicates) :P
Commonly known as "Jeff's Law" :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing hey I want a law too
I think there's a Redwolf's Law, but I can't find it
@caird if only that were true for my programming language of choice
@GingerIndustries GingerIndustries' Law: If a picture of a cat exists on the internet, it can have a disapproving face put on top of it
@cairdcoinheringaahing i'm not too sure about that one
superuser.com/q/1698989 explains why I got kicked out of chat yesterday. (I had been in the chatroom for about 10,000,000 seconds prior to that.)
Apr 14 '21 at 18:38, by Redwolf Programs
Redwolf's Rule: You always have approximately two to four times as many answers as you remember
Found it!
I'll think of Mathcat's rule
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm slowly counting my way to 1000 posts, so I've got a pretty good count on how many answers I have :P
Only 59 posts away :P
I still didn't understand 11'd and 12'd
@cairdcoinheringaahing so after 30 answer upvotes you can't upvote any questions, you have to get them in before the 25th answer upvote?
oh you already answered that sorry
@Neil Basically, yes
@mathcat what's wrong with that?
just said that it can't be counted as not afk
@mathcat mod abuse!!!! -> mod abuse!!11! -> mod abuse eleven -> eleven
It's a joke made when mods use their powers to do... well anything
@cairdcoinheringaahing it happened?
12 comes from the fact that TNB ROs are the next level down of "moderation power" in chat, and 12 is the next number after 11
RO abuse!!2!221!!@@12!!1
@mathcat For example, we regular users only get 2 minutes to edit our messages here after we send them. However, mods can edit any message at any time. When we want a mod to edit a message to say something specific, we'll ask them to "11 the message"
@hyper-neutrino can 11 this to say something different, for example.
Could have sworn you had a wiki explaining 11 and 12. I recall seeing something like "CR -> baddies"... however now I seem incapable of finding the page. Do you know where I could find it?
> Eleven: To delete something using moderator powers, e.g. "Yeah, the post is gone, Dennis 11'd it". mod abuse -> mod abuse!!! -> mod abuse !!11!1!! -> mod abuse !!eleven!1!! -> mod abuse eleven -> eleven
@Peilonrayz We had the exact same thought :P codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/12537/…
Err... I've never quite seen a ninja like that XD
Might be worth adding 12/twelve to that list
for whatever reason 11ing your message caused the ping to break???
oh, wait, if i do @hyper-neutrino it doesn't ping me. i guess that's what happened
also if a mod edits someone else's message in a room you're not in, it shows in the sidebar as that mod sending the message
Huh, and it technically thinks that you posted the message
also, since whether or not messages link is dependent on the sender, this means i can edit your messages to cause things like private room messages to link
I guess it does edits by just rewriting the contents of the message with a specific ID
in hyper-neutrino's domain, just now, by hyper-neutrino
this message is from a private room
but if you send that link it won't embed
and then if I perform a blank edit on your message, it should embed, IIRC :P
in hyper-neutrino's domain, 1 min ago, by hyper-neutrino
this message is from a private room
@hyper-neutrino Give it a shot ^
Fun :P
Oh cool, mods can't link :)
I've been wondering how linking to private chats work for a while now...
basically it checks if the person who sent the message (in cases of edits, whoever submitted the edit) has permission to see that message
so if caird had edited that message again it would've gone back to not embedding
Unless I had access to a specific private room. Wonder what would happen then
@hyper-neutrino I could understand if you had RO privileges in the target chat, but just read privileges seems a bit odd. Write privileges could make sense too. I may have to abuse my sock later ;)
Presenting Ginger's Law: An equation that fixes the relationship between probability of code to work and tenths of code copied from SE
Mathcat's Law: If you want to write a programming language, you have to understand one.
Okay...I seriously want to see a programming language by someone who's never programmed now
That was maybe my first proper coding project
granted, it's been upgraded a few times since, but still :P
Ooh, so you're the one who broke my language ranking script
You're welcome :P
@mathcat I'm obviously referring to Pylite.
CMQ: What would it take for America to literally run on dunkin'?
(I've already done the math, but I want to see yall try)
The people next to me in class are talking about manufacturing GMO caffeinated apples
So possibly that
@taRadvylfsriksushilani this is an awful idea. i love it
@cairdcoinheringaahing i'm not sure if this is worse than i expected or better
class Stack:

    ''' Create a class equivilent to a list '''
big brain
def _isPrime(x):
ah yes, prime checking: famous for being a property of stacks
@cairdcoinheringaahing I've got a good one, just a sec
def inputRoman(self,input_):
    ''' Take roman numerals, convert to numbers and push '''
All good golfing languages can take input as roman numerals
aside from every builtin being a method of Stack i'm also not entirely sure what a ValyrioError is supposed to be
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can't find it but I recall seeing a list class that used a set and another list that held the ordering of the items in the set
@UnrelatedString an error, duh :P
@GingerIndustries Use a dictionary where it's all value: [indexes, of, value]
did it store the order in reference to the sorted order of the elements or did it actually rely on the order in which it could access them from the set
    ''' Nilad Commands '''

    def abs(self):

    def add(self):
....did 15 year old me know what "nilad" meant?
@UnrelatedString there was a set with all the items and a list of each item in the set in order
@GingerIndustries oh
Fun snippet from one of my programs:
            self.conf = pickle.load(open("conf.dat", "rb"))
        except FileNotFoundError:
            self.conf = {"url": "", "usernames": [], "interval": 10}
            pickle.dump(self.conf, open("conf.dat", "xb"))
        except FileExistsError:
            # what the hell
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

chunesImplement an argwhere function functional-programming array The \$argwhere\$ function takes a list of values and a predicate (boolean) function as arguments and returns a list of indices where the function returns true in the input list. For example, argwhere([1, 2, 3, -5, 5], x -> x > 2) would p...

@cairdcoinheringaahing Literally all of the builtins are under Nilad Commands :/
i guess that almost makes sense then? like if you have a large list that you both need to have in some order and need to perform frequent membership checks on, it might make sense to maintain a list and set in parallel for it
@UnrelatedString huh it kinda does
i didn't think of that
it wouldn't handle removal of items too gracefully ofc
but putting that into a class would let you uniformly treat it as a container without worrying what's actually running it, and if you have to swap in a multiset counter kind of deal it wouldn't require chenges in anything using it
Ugh, a thing for my math class is making me watch a 20m video for a grade
And it has a thing where it detects whether or not you actually watched it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Play it, but don't actually watch it
It auto-pauses when you unfocus the tab
you can leave your computer for 20 minutes
So just play it and piss about on your phone
maybe come back every 5 to make sure it hasn't shut off
@UnrelatedString No I cannot :p
Wait a second, if I put it in its own window, it thinks it's still the focused tab and keeps playing
@taRadvylfsriksushilani If you're on chrome then just use the picture in picture system
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's on like 5% battery, with no wifi, and on the same cell tower as 2k other students, so that wouldn't work well
@taRadvylfsriksushilani damn ninja'd
I really hate the orange banner that shows up if someone submits an edit while you're editing :/
i can never understand what causes it either
The edit page should be like hackmd/collaborative editing software
wait this is a totally different orange banner than the new answers one
just fuck orange banners in general lmao
I've just merged pxeger's edit into mine, and will overwrite it when I'm done :P
@UnrelatedString New answers banner?
I've never seen that one before
@cairdcoinheringaahing sorry :p
i have absolutely no idea what causes it versus the nice little clickable gray one that pops up at the top of the answers section
doesn't happen often
but it just tells you to refresh the page for [X] new answers
huh. must be like the boat-into-sticks thing in minecraft
there is almost certainly a lucrative job in making clickbaity MC mods for famous YouTubers to screw with in their videos
someone is making a lotta cash off of Aphmau
might not be very long-term stable though
@pxeger idk that kinda content seems to be basically all Aphmau does at this point
all you really need is a basic understanding of Java and Forge
which I do have
Added the Bakery, LYAL, BMG and 12 to the list of abbreviations
@GingerIndustries Or, nowadays, Fabric
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Fabric suuuuuucks Forge 4 Lyfe
i have worked marginally with both and i will say fabric has felt markedly better
@taRadvylfsriksushilani forge is older and I'm loyal to it
And fabric updates faster
I will use Forge till the day I die
@taRadvylfsriksushilani because its system of injecting and stuff is much more robust and flexible
forge is actually kind of painful to work with sometimes lmao
oh yeah doesn't fabric also have good kotlin support
@UnrelatedString I concede that point
i think that's actually why i learned kotlin then immediately forgot it lmao
But Forge came first and as such is more used
@GingerIndustries Doesn't make fabric bad, it just makes it unfamiliar
We currently have 8000 rep being offered in bounties for Best Of. If we take all nominated categories, that results in 9000 total rep. I'm willing to offer an extra 1000 to cover it, but if anyone else is willing to offer 500/1000 rep instead, I'll gladly let you ;)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani okay fine
@cairdcoinheringaahing And, of course, more category nominations are welcome :)
I've been considering nominating either Kansas City Shuffle, Breaking the Mold or possibly The Student becomes the Master
If we don't have the rep for it, I'll add another +500 to mine
Not that I don't appreciate the +70 ish tag score towards my gold badge, but I do already have 5 answers, and 8 feels a bit excessive :P I'll take Kansas City Shuffle and Breaking the Mold tho
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not so sure about the last one
That takes us to 11000 reputation overall
Again, I'm happy to offer 4000 rep to make sure everyone gets rewards, but I'd appreciate others pitching in a bit as well :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd help but I don't really have much rep to donate (which I am working on)
I'll do another +500 I guess (but only if I win one)
@GingerIndustries No worries, I don't want to pressure anyone into offering bounties :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm planning on nominating you for most helpful commenter at least :P
Idea: A "close second" category, for someone nominated in a different category that almost won (but didn't) and still deserves a bounty
It's a nice idea, but the logistics might be a bit weird
Potentially, that would be decided via a second vote after the final voting closed

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