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Redwolf’s comment on that lol
Okay it turns out Chromebooks have an extremely good INTL layout
Porting it over to Windows is taking ages because it just has so. many. dead. keys.
Although idk why the windows layout just doesn't seem to bother adding support for anything other than like...spanish, french, and german
@user Agreed lol
@RedwolfPrograms I know right
Like I just want to type jelly easily... I don't want to have to struggle with dead keys for 10 minutes lol
How different are Australian and US keyboards?
I don't notice any difference when switching layouts
If they're pretty similar, I might make an Australian version of my custom US-INTL layout
We don't have any dead keys tho
Normal US ones don't either
So I guess they're the same
@RedwolfPrograms The Aussie one replaces the "order mcdonalds" button with "throw a shrimp on the barbie" one
The UK one has it as "put the kettle on"
UK and US keyboards are actually pretty different IIRC, right?
Don't y'all have " above 2?
I have an old typewriter like that
Our number-shifts are !"£$%^&*()
I wonder if it has the same layout as a UK keyboard
@RedwolfPrograms wait what?
Then where's the @ key on UK keyboards?
What are the three keys to the right of the asdf row for y'all?
And where's the #?
We have ;'# and :@~ (shifted)
;/:, '/", and that's it
@RedwolfPrograms same
Wait, what does your keyboard actually look like?
@cairdcoinheringaahing caps lock
How do I have an extra key on the asdf row?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Top row: `/~, number keys, -/_, =/+, backspace. Next row has tab, Q to P, [, ], and backslash. Next row has caps lock, a to l, ;, ', and enter. Next row has shift, z to m, ,, ., /, and right shift. Final row has some assortment of moderator keys and the space bar.
> moderator keys
HN's keyboard be like
@RedwolfPrograms Same
Huh, so you don't have an enter key that spans 2 rows?
That's more or less what mine looks like
All the answers here are at -1
Hm, sum of answer score = challenge score
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh boy that placement of the pipe sure is something
That messed me up when designing my layout
Because windows kbd layout editor has a key there
So I thought it was z and shifted my whole lower row over
Nice lol
But good news is, my keyboard supports hungarian now, for some reason
@RedwolfPrograms + you got back up + do care + did ask + W + glad cuz good + based
Now I just have 8 more dead keys to go
Vyxal keyboard layout
Doesn't the codepage change like daily
No actually
That hasn't happened since April last year lol
Dang, I have to go do stuff for like an hour, and I don't know how to save your work in the keyboard editor, so I guess I'm just leaving my laptop open for the rest of the day lol
@emanresuA and v1 too
Wait do you mean april 2020?
Oh ok nvm lol
Do you think Vyxal would've been different if you'd had copilot from the start?
Maybe, but probably not.
Copilot is only autocomplete - it can't think of things like refactoring if statements into a dictionary
And it can't automatically package your language for you either lol
Should my INTL layout have a dead key for greek?
Something like AltGr + G maybe?
Since greek is used in a lot of languge's code pages
@lyxal tbh I don't like the dictionary approach, the lambda:s look clumsy
I'm looking forward to Python 3.10 being supported by PA
@user Would you agree that it's better than consecutive if statements though?
@user by the time that happens we'll be using Scala lol
Yeah (to both messages)
Ahhh that reminds me I need to work on the Scala implementation more
And I need to learn Scala more
May as well since my Vyxal dev environment's broken
2 hours ago, by emanresu A
And... now I'm stuck on v2.6.0 'cos I don't have root access
@emanresuA install as a user package?
Like pip install vyxal --user
I mean installing the local version pip install -e .
And that throws an unrelated error:
ERROR: Project file:///Users/.../Documents/go_test/33/xyz/ecl/Vyxal has a 'pyproject.toml' and its build backend is missing the 'build_editable' hook. Since it does not have a 'setup.py' nor a 'setup.cfg', it cannot be installed in editable mode.
Speaking of Vyxal dev, when are we going to set up vyxaldev.pa?
Is this correct? Regex to check if the number is divisible by 3 (binary) ^(?:0*(?:1(?(?:01*0)*)1)*)*$
@RedwolfPrograms ^
@emanresuA no
Q: Iterate your way to a fraction

Peter KageyI recently learned from a comment by MathOverflow user pregunton that it is possible to enumerate all rational numbers using iterated maps of the form \$f(x) = x+1\$ or \$\displaystyle g(x) = -\frac 1x\$, starting from \$0\$. For example, $$0 \overset{f}{\mapsto} 1 \overset{f}{\mapsto} 2 \overset...

@NewPosts I was waiting for a challenge based on that MO post
(well, technically this MO post, but still)
@Fmbalbuena Was not talking to you
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AWould this string work as string? (2d edition) Based off this You're given a piece of ASCII art representing a piece of string, like so: /‾\ __/ ‾\_ \_/‾\ \ Since an overline (‾) is not ASCII, you can use a ~ or - instead. Your challenge is to determine if it is conne...

o/ for the next week or so probably

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