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That's the audio from the show.
Who's that?
music band?
@PyGamer0 When I got the booster my arm didn't even really hurt, and I didn't feel sick or anything.
For the second shot I did get a tiny bit sick, but not too much
And for the first, same as the booster
So my immune system's either a lot better than y'all's or it's just too lazy to care, and I'm betting on the second if it's anything like I am
My experience was pretty much the same for all three shots (Pfeizer); pretty bad soreness building up over two days, then diminishing over two days.
My partner had the same experience with the first two, but then had Moderna as booster, losing consciousness the day after the shot. Spent some time in the ER/A&E.
My arm just hurt for a couple days for all the shots, I feel lucky now
ok now my hand (the portion i got my vaccine) is paining
@user i have my exams in a couple of days, and i write with my left hand
good luck then
truly the worst time i could have gotten a vaccine lmao
That sucks
Why didn't you get it on the other arm?
lets see how long it pains for
@user \_○_○_/
Seriously...I just deleted a college spam email, and I look back at my inbox and I have another one
Careful there, don't raise your left arm too high or it'll hurt :P
i didnt know i could do that :p
I don't know how Montana State hasn't gotten the memo
@user ouch you are right
@RedwolfPrograms If it's any consolation, it's gotten better for me now (I'm a senior)
That's good
I assume they target juniors more
Or maybe Gmail's just gotten better at classifying those emails as spam :P
And I'm a sophomore, so it's probably going to get pretty bad next year
Expect to get emails not only from colleges you've literally never shown interest in, but also from colleges whom you've applied and been accepted to
:/ :| :\
Prolog fan?
so :/ :| :\ :-
@user i never used it
idk hello world
Just mentioning it because prolog uses f(A) :- body. iirc
@PyGamer0 I think it's as simple as ?- writeln("Hello world"). Don't quote me on that though
which paradigm is prolog
Logic? Declarative?
5th generation
It's quite interesting, you solve predicates
yeah ill stick with APL for now
So if you want to find the greater of two numbers, you wouldn't write a function, you'd do f(A, B, A) :- A > B. or something like that
@PyGamer0 You can learn both APL and Prolog
It's just a cool new paradigm to see
no thanks
f =: 1 % 2 NB. Gives 0.5 :)
@PyGamer0 Just see this and feel the awesomeness of unification or whatever it is Prolog uses
today I unaccepted an answer, and it keeps confusing me that my rep gained is +178 (or whatever)
I never understood why accepting an answer gave you rep anyway
Probably just to encourage newbies to do it, because otherwise there's absolutely no incentive
I assume it's incentive for not leaving a question with an unaccepted answer, but if an answer really helps you, you'd do it anyway
@user ⍎⌽⍕⌈*○≡⍬
@user You'd be surprised
Then you have people (like me after first joining SO :( ) who accept answers just to get rep
@PyGamer0 Is that Extended?
@user probably no
Oh it's just this font being weird lol
@GingerIndustries the cat's looking really disappointed
one sec, I updated the picture
just cropped it slightly
@RedwolfPrograms I probably should've clarified, when I said I would also do that I was not referring to saying "cool, nobody asked", I was referring to editing a message after sending it for comedic effect
TIL you can phone (!) replit to run code. hotline.replit.com
Reminds me of the flag-down-and-ice-cream-truck-and-hand-them-a-floppy-disk thing from xkcd :p
:p]? New emoticon?
this must be an april fools joke
it definitely has to be
can somone try this
we must know
I wish I could, I'm in school :(
it's gotta be a rickroll
i cannot overseas call rn
Maybe I could tell the teacher it's an emergency
also Dancing Emoji Generator is functional
I am very proud of my accomplishment :)
one sec, I'm gonna add a "cursed mode" that removes the charset tag
@GingerIndustries it does seem to actually work
+1 what? cookies?
although I tried running 7*2 in Python, and it said "we've run into an internal error"
Brownie points
@pxeger that's the best compliment I've gotten today
oh you were referring to the hotline
They were talkimg about the replit thing not your emoji generator :p
I thought you meant the generator
Is :]p a :] with a weird beard, or a :p with a weird moustache? Discuss.
This will be 50% of your final grade.
good thing I gave myself extra credit on the other part of the quiz
It's an alien with two mouths
I need an emoji to test Cursed Mode on
@mathcat Godspeed You! Black Emperor
@GingerIndustries (ಠ_■)⌐ / (ಠ_■)-⌐ / (ಠ_■)--⌐
@RedwolfPrograms out of those options it looks more like the moustache, but I think the ] should be a nose
data:text/html,<html style="white-space:pre-wrap"><script>i=0;setInterval(_=>document.body.textContent=["(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)%E2%8C%90","%20(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)-%E2%8C%90","(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)--%E2%8C%90",][i++%3],500)</script>
how to use it?
copy into web browser
just paste it into the URL bar
Without cursed mode and with a really high frame speed, it looks like his arm is a machine gun
also Cursed Mode appears to be stuck on
one sec
(I was going more for a punch type thing, but it looks more like recoil since I put the in-between frame in the wrong spot)
it's outputing this: (ಠ_■)⌐
@mathcat It's cursed mode, add <meta charset=utf-8> for non-cursed
reload for non-cursed to work
I just had it checking value instead of checked
was the space intentional?
@mathcat eh?
data:text/html,<html style="white-space:pre-wrap"><script>i=0;setInterval(_=>document.body.textContent=["(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)%E2%8C%90","%20(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)-%E2%8C%90","(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)--%E2%8C%90",][i++%3],500)</script>
the %20
data:text/html,<html style="white-space:pre-wrap"><meta charset=utf-8><script>i=0;setInterval(_=>document.body.textContent=["%20%E2%94%90%20%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0%E2%94%8E","%20%E2%94%90%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0%20%E2%94%8E",][i++%2],100)</script>: merged captain hook with the dancing from yesterday
@RedwolfPrograms pure art
Somebody who's sleep deprived and doesn't know the answer to your question: data:text/html,<html style="white-space:pre-wrap"><meta charset=utf-8><script>i=0;setInterval(_=>document.body.textContent=["%20%E2%94%90%20._.%E2%94%8E","%20%E2%94%90%2C_.%20%E2%94%8E",][i++%2],100)</script>
tbh these should be exportable as GIFs
anyone know how to use <canvas>?
my saviour
And maybe there should be some sort of condensed base64 representation that's shorter than the full links
So you can just paste that into your generator
I did think that
one sec, lemme make the b64 thing
can you try the gif part? I am not large brain enough for that
I'm not actually sure how to do a gif with canvas, PNGs are easy, but I'll have to do a google
data:text/html,<html style="white-space:pre-wrap;font-size:10em;font-family: sans"><meta charset="UTF-8"><script>i=0;setInterval(_=>document.body.textContent=["(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)%E2%8C%90%20@","(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)-%E2%8C%90","(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)--%E2%8C%90",][i++%3],60)</script>
you're atting me
I'm also going to add text formatting
because yes
Saving as webm seems possible, but gifs aren't part of the MediaRecorder API :/
webm then i guess
Maybe permalinks would be a better option
Since webms wouldn't be onebox-able anyway
I'm working on font formatting first, then permalinks
Perhaps JSON+UTF-8+base64 would work
so i'm going to do it like this:
First 4 characters: Font ID and size
Next 2 characters: Number of frames
Everything after that: Frame data
tbh your idea is better tho
i'm going to appropriate it
Use a TextEncoder for UTF-8
doesn't valid JSON technically need to escape unicode characters, so it's ASCII only? (even though JS's JSON.stringify doesn't do that)
eh, we can just store each character as a Unicode codepoint
btoa([...new TextEncoder().encode(" ┐ ._.┎")].map(c => String.fromCharCode(c)))
This will encode arbitrary text as base64
Lemme make a decoder
Wait, you need a .join("")
btoa([...new TextEncoder().encode(" ┐ ._.┎")].map(c => String.fromCharCode(c)).join(""))
new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array([...atob('IOKUkCAuXy7ilI4=')].map(c => c.charCodeAt())))
So probably just encode the frames, font, and timing as an object and JSON.stringify it, then use that encoder
Replace + with - and / with _ for web safe base64
formatting appears to work
And you can drop the =s entirely
so the idea would be to just have the url be like https://<site>/show#<b64>?
I'd use a ? though, personally
@RedwolfPrograms what's the difference?
I don't know too much about the technical differences, but ? seems more fitting
if you use # for that, then you can't use # for linking to specific parts of the page (which is what # is supposed to be for, and does by default), which you might want in future
with ?, you have to specify the name (i.e. /show/?b64=<b64>) but with # you can just use it (i.e. /show/#<b64>)
@pxeger this page will never have anything that isn't the animation, so in this case it doesn't matter
Fair enough, I guess
data:text/html,<html style="white-space:pre-wrap"><meta charset=utf-8><script>i=0;setInterval(_=>document.body.innerHTML=["(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)%E2%8C%90","(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)-%E2%8C%90","(%E0%B2%A0_%E2%96%A0)--%E2%8C%90","%3c%6d%65%74%61%20%68%74%74%70%2d%65%71%75%69%76%3d%72%65%66%72%65%73%68%20%63%6f%6e%74%65%6e%74%3d%27%31%3b%75%72%6c%3d%68%74%74%70%73%3a%2f%2f%77%77%77%2e%79%6f%75%74%75%62%65%2e%63%6f%6d%2f%77%61%74%63%68%3f%76%3d%64%51%77%34%77%39%57%67%58%63%51%27%2f%3e"][i++%4],500)</script>
wow, our very own @​U12-forward and @​double-beep topped the winter bash hat leaderboard
CGCC is clearly the site on which users have too much free time
@Wezl-acautionarytale NOO
you don't like my animation?
@Wezl-acautionarytale :/
I er like it
of course
You beat me to it, I was going to do a rickroll :p
How's the permalinking going?
@RedwolfPrograms I've gotten encoding done, working on decoding and display
Nice. Permalinks should make things a lot easier.
@RedwolfPrograms ???
You should also probably make it so people can't inject JS into the emoji
JSON.stringify the .value first
That should give you a properly escaped string
why is mee6 (the discord moderation bot) making an nft
Is there a data structure similar to a list where inserting items is O(log n) or better, as well as finding the index of an item?
Linked lists or binary search could give me either of those, but I don't see an easy way to combine them to get both
binary search trees are log N insertion, removal, and search IIRC
Oh cool, thanks!
although they're sorted so not really like a list, but you also can't binary search in a list anyway
Yeah, I don't need to handle duplicates/ordering items, I just need a fast way to check if something's already in the list/tree
why not a hashset then
Because I know literally nothing about data structures :p
Just stumbled across the wikipedia page for those and they seem like they'd work
hashsets give you amortized O(1) for insertion, membership check, and removal
it almost works
(still O(n) worst-case though)
[term] redirects here. For the South Park episode, see [page]. For the IRC command, see [page]
yeah. you'd have to have some terrible luck or intentionally designed data to get that tho
@RedwolfPrograms A data structure, south park episode, and IRC command....quite the variety of things :p
the Holy Trinity
@hyper-neutrino or just a poorly designed hash function
@RedwolfPrograms "rehash", for those wondering
@pxeger true
would you get that from bad probing or does that not really matter so much if your hash function is half decent
I don't think bad probing would cause it
Bad probing wouldn't change the complexity, but is slower for other reasons like because of CPU cache locality
If you design the hashset's memory management poorly, you could get slow insertion and removal more than almost never
And if you overfill it / use too few buckets you could have lots of hash collisions
I'm not clicking a data URI which is base64 encoded for obvious obfuscation reasons
oh look, a rickroll, whoever could have guessed
setTimeout(function( ) { clearInterval(id); window.location.replace("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ");}, list.length*2000);
@mathcat very user-friendly
@pxeger actually I did it because it didn't work otherwise
@pxeger sssssssssh we don't need to ruin people's happiness and joy and fun
@mathcat You could've removed the spaces.
then it would've worked?
I've occasionally wished Python had list negation, so that -[1, 2] * -2 == [1, 2] * 2
I've often wished python would let me subtract from string digits.
It makes things a lot easier
@pxeger use for loops

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