@RedwolfPrograms Seems flawed as a premise. One of the best things about the internet is how much more free information became, and NFTs seem like a flawed attempt to constrict that
E.g., if you own the Mona Lisa, sure, you can say that you own it. You can hide it away in a museum and charge people to look at it, and do what you want with it. But, if you let someone into the museum and copy it to such degree where no-one can tell (or really wants to tell) the difference, then you can't decide what they do with that copy. The entire point of NFTs comes from being able to display them on the internet, which has such inherent freedom of info that you can't charge entry
idk, I honestly can't make sound decisions about this based on a 2-minute reading from Wikipedia and the titles of Reddit posts, and I'm too lazy to actually read up on what they are, so disregard everything I've said above about NFTs
@RedwolfPrograms Do we even need a fully decentralized currency? It's perfectly acceptable to have a few trusted organizations, as long as there's enough of them and regulations and stuff
All Bitcoin offers is a way to pay for illegal activities without getting COVID from handling physical cash
I maintain that it will never be a better option than any non-blockchain solutions
I also dislike it solely for the fact that if you say "I'm interested in crypto", people think you're talking about cryptocurrency and not cryptography
Redwolf: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Lyxal: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
caird: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
user: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Wezl: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Razetime: Mental stability, my old friend!
Redwolf: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Print ā”ā”Squareā”ā” Numbers
Your task is to write a program or function that accepts an integer as input/argument and prints/returns all square numbers from 0 up to but not including nĀ².
But the numbers should not just be perfect squares in the mathematical sense. They should be square in every sens...
So, um, it seems that, while we have plenty of challenges that work with square numbers or numbers of other shapes, we don't have one that simply asks:
Given an integer n (where n>=0) as input return a truthy value if n is a perfect square or a falsey value if not.
You may take ...
This sort of feels like two challenges that would be dupes (finding square numbers and drawing ASCII art numbers), although I don't know if it should still be considered a dupe
@user But would any solutions actually validate the ASCII art rather than the numbers?
I think this could actually be a lot more interesting in reverse, where you're given ASCII art of a number and have to figure out if it's a square number
The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers, where every number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. The first two numbers in the sequence are both 1. Here are the first few terms:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 ...
Write the shortest code that either:
Generates the Fib...
Honestly after having given it some thought, I think a centralized, but cryptography-based, currency is a much better option than a decentralized one
Because here's the important part: with signatures and a counter, it's impossible for the centralized authority to fake transactions or delete them. All they can do, worst case scenario, is silently ignore incoming requests to add transactions to the list.
Writing www.stackoverflow.com/admin.php in the search bar of a web browser takes you to a random 10 hour YouTube video. Same for any site in Stack Exchange network.
My question is, why did Stack Exchange do it? Is it an Easter egg? The developers are just being funny? Did they want to offer prog...
And if you get rid of the decentralization, you get rid of a massive amount of complexity and potential for abuse
And you can still make it semi-decentralized, by having a couple of different semi-trusted but distinct organizations, though that adds in a little bit of complexity and a small but not that important 51% issue (since, once again, the worst you can do with a 51% attack in this system would be silently dropping transactions people request to occur)
Because then everyone gets their own chance to be an asshole, instead of it being a collaborative effort
You could have, e.g., a central authority in the US, one in Britain, one in Russia, one in China, and one in somewhere like Switzerland, and chances are you'd never have three of those authorities trying to block you from doing a transaction at once
And anybody could run their own server that just checks every authority's list, and computes the consensus. It's a much simpler system without the complexity required to be able to support an arbitrary number of "authorities"
@Riolku Well there's signatures still, so they can't decide to fake transactions
All they could do to mess with things, even if they all collaborated, is prevent some or all people from adding transactions to the ledger
The way I'd see it working is the two parties would sign the details of the transaction along with some transaction ID (to prevent replay attacks), and then send a copy to three or four of the central authorities. They'd all add it to their ledgers, alongside a hash with an incrementing counter for that authority (also to prevent replay attacks), and as long as at least three agree at some point that transaction occured, it would be added to the ledger.
I'm not entirely sure how adding more currency would work, but maybe a lottery type thing weighted by stake
(For generating random numbers to use in the lottery, each of the authorities could choose a random string, and then they'd all be publically announced and hashed to create the final random number)
By doing this, we can ensure there isnāt too much inflation
@RedwolfPrograms I would like to be :p
Itās easy: our currency must be based on societal values. And what we value is chocolate. So if you produce more cocoa beans, you get more monies. Simple
Whereas by instituting a lottery, what message are we putting out? That we like gambling, chance. No! Itās time to return to our traditional values of hoarding money and chocolate
Ooh, I've got it! Maybe a small transaction fee would be charged, and that would be evenly distributed according to stake
And perhaps a multiplier applied
So like, if the total volume of transactions results in $1M in fees, maybe 1% or something would be added on top (how new money enters the system), and then that would be distributed to everyone
It'd be cool if there was something like less active accounts getting a smaller share of it, so that people can't just build up a massive amount of money by sitting there with a small initial investment from early on, but that'd likely just encourage everyone to set up a bot to transfer between a few dozen accounts every couple of days (wait no, transaction fees are thing! maybe this could work...)
Because you wouldn't want a Satoshi Nakamoto type thing where someone gets a bunch early on and then disappears for a while, slowly building up billions of dollars
And there's no reason consensus should require 3/5 here either...since the central authorities can't fake transactions anyway, 2/5 or even 1/5 would work just as well and be significantly harder for a rogue authority to abuse
@PyGamer0 i have my 3rd already because my region offers it and a) i don't trust the government to keep this place locked down as much as the numbers indicate is medically advised b) i'd need at least 2 anyway to go back to uni if they re-open, and idk if they'll eventually require a 3rd, so might as well get it over with
they're not letting 18- get boosters yet unless they work in high-risk fields
yet they somehow thought it'd be a good idea to open school this week, until like just earlier this week they suddenly announced they were delaying that
after attempting to upload a file that's way too large to a localhost site, it seems that my ability to access that site gets permanently bricked on my entire system
specific details are i try uploading a file to a localhost server, get a page timeout / failed to connect instead of a 413, and then cannot connect to that again even if i change the port or change to another browser
anyone have any clue what the fuck my computer's problem is? i don't think i can ask this on SO cuz i don't have a programming issue my computer's just being stupid
You may know the game The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, based on the conjecture that every actor in Hollywood can be connected to Kevin Bacon by no more than 6 "co-star" relations, so Kevin Bacon is supposedly the "best-connected" node in that graph. Your task will be to find the Kevin Bacon of a g...
In graph theory a tree is just any graph with no cycles. But in computer science we often use rooted trees. Rooted trees are like trees except they have one specific node as the "root", and all computation is done from the root.
The depth of a rooted tree is the smallest number, \$n\$, such tha...
This challenge is inspired by the High throughput Fizz Buzz challenge.
The goal
Generate a list of prime numbers up to 10,000,000,000,000,000. The output of primes should be in decimal digits followed by a newline character '\n' in ascending order. You may not skip a prime number or output a comp...
@pxeger I do also believe it was just a misunderstanding of some sort / misspoken but you would not believe how offended I felt when I first saw "this is off topic" haha
im over it though im not mad no hard feelings etc ^_^
but yea im still brainstorming how to turn the concept into a more interesting challenge
right yea "if its a member of this group output this value of the group, else output the other value of this group" as a literal translation of the challenge
@PyGamer0 oh sorry. I was just going to say that the j's curve is smaller than the r's curve, and I think it would look more consistent if they were the same