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programs are empty, all instructions are in the interpreter flags
That exists
Well, technically it's in the language name and not flags
But flags would be what any practical implementation uses
@RedwolfPrograms so it doesn't exist
@GingerIndustries might I introduce you to Pxem?
Warning, MGS is banned here and you will probably receive many downvotes if you try to use it (or anything similar)
Uh...unfortunate typo
ah yes, MonoGaturated Slutemides
@RedwolfPrograms I think its interesting that Vyxal is probably one of the first "advertised" golfing langs. A lot of people started learning Jelly/05AB1E because they saw how dominant they were in golfing, and Husk got a lot of use from Haskell users who wanted to golf
And I don't really know if I like that transition
I'm hoping it's also the last advertised golfing language :p
That said, Jelly did have some advertising through advertising for JHT. Though that did kinda assume that you already wanted to learn Jelly
@cairdcoinheringaahing Same thing with APL and the APL Orchard
That's true. Plus, Adám is here specifically to promote Dyalog to golfers
and what am I here for?
Shhh, that could be interpreted as calling APL a golfing language
@GingerIndustries To help increase the number of messages in this room :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I will neither confirm nor deny that
We're almost at 100k stars
Probably one more year to go
@RedwolfPrograms oh joy
@RedwolfPrograms Is APL not a practical golfing langage?
We hit 30k starred messages not too long ago
@AaroneousMiller Its a golfy practical language
Big difference
@AaroneousMiller Oi course
@GingerIndustries Regarding this challenge, I'd advise against accepting an answer. It contradicts our policy that code golf challenges are competitions between each language, and is usually discouraged
@cairdcoinheringaahing Okay, got it.
Well, my family won't be home until tomorrow, so you know what time it is...unauthorized cookie baking, v2
wow such rebel
@RedwolfPrograms be careful, they might not accept the cookies
Who said they're getting any? :p
@RedwolfPrograms read it again
Ik ik, joke about internet cookies
@RedwolfPrograms :))))))))))))
@RedwolfPrograms Throw a massive house party and only invite CGCC members :P
Any of y'all are welcome to show up :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd love to come, but Earth is pretty far from Mars
Finding my address is left as an exercise to the reader
@RedwolfPrograms Pretty sure all Texans live at 1 Texas St, Texas, right?
@Fmbalbuena when you liftin
Yes, Texas is famously small
Why this is the latest question in newest tab and the Question ID is 4244?
It was migrated from SO
"Newest" sorts by question age, but the ID is sequential from when it was "posted" to the site (including posts that are migrated)
Interestingly, tag wikis are also IDed in the same way, meaning that codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/30108 (https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/30108) links to the wiki, despite looking like a "question" link
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh
this one code golf challenge i'm working on has made me add 5 separate instructions to APOL
Q: Check if the string is reshaped

FmbalbuenaChallenge Given an input string X, determine if X can be obtained from reshaping a strict prefix of itself (a prefix that is not X itself). Reshaping a string to a length N means repeating the string as many times as needed and then taking the first N characters of it. Examples: The string "abba"...

^ someone likes to answer more?
Why PPCG changed to CGCC?
No, the acronym is still PPCG
Pode Polf Cack Gxchange
Because programming puzzles aren't our main thing
Q: What should this site be called now that it's getting a design?

CatijaUPDATE: New site name chosen! This site is now "Code Golf & Coding Challenges" Thank you all so much for participating in this discussion! As we're designing the site, we are considering the name and how the logo/wordmark of the site will look (be excited, that means we're actually in-progre...

@GingerIndustries Please don't
We wanted to emphasize code golf, and also "coding challenges" represents the wide variety of challenge types we have now
@RedwolfPrograms They are still a thing, just not our main thing
When we fully graduated (with design), we had the option to change the site name, and we went with CGCC instead
A: What should this site be called now that it's getting a design?

MilkyWay90Code Underflow PROS: Fixes the issue with just "Code Golf" being too ambiguous. Every reason in the "Code Golf" answer (except "Code Golf was the original name of our Area 51 proposal and has been the subdomain of our site—and the name other SE communities have been using to refer to us—for th...

@cairdcoinheringaahing In fact, anything in the Posts SEDE table are all in the same ID "namespace". So https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/154953 (DJ's mod nomination) and https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/419 (first revision of the tour page) both link successfully to those pages
Under "cons", you basically list exactly why this name makes no sense. Nice idea, but it makes, as stated, no sense at all. — Redwolf Programs May 3 '19 at 16:53
Wow 2019 redwolf was savage
(To use 2019 slang :p)
@RedwolfPrograms obviously you're a changed person now
flashbacks to the flag debate :P
@Fmbalbuena why did you tag this question with ?
@AaroneousMiller because APL has reshape
So does Jelly, but doesn't apply there
so does Vyxal, you should've used instead :P
(for legal reasons that's a joke)
@cairdcoinheringaahing why?
I think the 2 most commonly used emoticons here are :P and ಠ_ಠ
this may say something about us
@GingerIndustries no, :P and :-)
@RedwolfPrograms I've gone the opposite way: if I disagree with something, I'll speak my mind much more bluntly than a couple of years ago :P
:-) was used by @Adám
@cairdcoinheringaahing why?
@Fmbalbuena :-) is only really used by Adám
@Fmbalbuena As a general rule, language tags only apply to a question if there's something specific about the language that applies to that challenge
@cairdcoinheringaahing ok
@GingerIndustries Idk, o/ gets used a lot if that counts
@RedwolfPrograms maybe
:-) was used by Me, Adám and @RedwolfPrograms
ಠ_ಠ is used by me and hyper
I've been pushing recently for :3 to get more use, but as a wolf I can't really do it myself
I'm right here
@GingerIndustries NO, let :-) Be popular
Consider yourself disapproved
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠ_ಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing This might be a fun kolmo
@RedwolfPrograms :/
@GingerIndustries ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-)
The search box doesn't like these special characters, unfortunately
@Fmbalbuena ಠ_______________________ಠ
This is getting close to being noise
@cairdcoinheringaahing okay let's quiet
ₒₖ ᵢ ₐₘ qᵤᵢₑₜ ₙₒᵥᵥ
@Fmbalbuena enough
Continuing posting emoticon noise will result in a kick
Dang, ninja'd
@RedwolfPrograms haha no small q
@RedwolfPrograms Ninja bakers, hmm
That's what I am right now
Once the butter finishes warming up
@cairdcoinheringaahing got it
@GingerIndustries I love it! [does a Snoopy dance]
Is there anyone who's favorite character isn't Snoopy?
Everyone I've talked to agrees with me
Snoopy is the best
Personally, I prefer Spike
IDK, I'm torn between Snoopy and Linus.
I'd like Linus more if I could spell his name. I always end up typing Linux.
Don't blame Linus for that, blame Linus :P
snoopy best
@AaroneousMiller it's not in the organization
it's under my account; i migrated it out of the organization to deny y'all permissions
Q: Calculate the sum of all the characters' indexes in the alphabet in the given numeral system

double-beep Given a word, get the indexes of each letter in the alphabet. For example: uncopyrightable becomes: [21, 14, 3, 15, 16, 25, 18, 9, 7, 8, 20, 1, 2, 12, 5] Convert these indexes to the given numeral system. For example, if the radix is 36, then the array above would become: ['l', 'e', '3', 'f', '...

Wow, the conversation around 4 hours ago produced a huge volume of starred messages.
yes it did
4 of my 6 starred messages are from that
@DLosc ...I was also 35% of the conversation
2 hours ago, by Aaroneous Miller
@AaroneousMiller oh nvm I didn't realize it was under your account instead of the Vyxal org
@Fmbalbuena ???
just click star
Nov 24 at 20:58, by DLosc
Generally, asking for stars makes people less willing to give you stars. It's better to just keep being funny, insightful, etc. The stars will come if they come.
I only star amusing or punny messages
*pony message*
punny is pony
pony is poffy
@emanresuA oh, uh, I kinda forgot this existed. And I don't actually remember the answer, either. So I guess now I gotta crack my own cop. lol — Aaroneous Miller 6 hours ago
@emanresuA Wow, imagine forgetting the solution to your own cop. Only an idiot would do something like that, amirite?
@AaroneousMiller crazy
@AaroneousMiller I might have done that before... I don't really remember
@RedwolfPrograms Mayyybe. There are some flags that are basically MGS (output processing like d, s, ), but then there are some that modify the implicit behaviour of the language(like r,R, m and M), and some useful for other reasons - W and c are` useful for debugging, D is almost necessary for short quines, is the only way to do graphics , and a are usually for convenience of input, j is usually for convenience of output as most challenges allow a list of lines...
@emanresuA perhaps you can specify flags as a list of "modifiers" at the beginning of the program? ex. for flags d and s it would be ds|code goes here
That just makes flags cost more and golfing pain
@emanresuA But it does remove them.
Other golfing languages get by just fine without flags. Maybe add an output formatting dropdown on the site?
CMC: Identify the programming language used in this Tom Scott video (starting at 2:28). (I think I know the answer, but I'm not 100% positive.)
That makes it extra clear the formatting is not being done by the program, so returning a list of lines wouldn't be valid for something like FizzBuzz
Flags can be interesting - this for example
I mean, maybe, but CnRs are just a tiny fraction of what Vyxal is used for
@DLosc I've got it
does SE chat support spoilers?
And even then I don't think flags add much of interest
@GingerIndustries No
You need to do something like [hover for spoiler](http://example.com "spoiler content")
@DLosc The language is: hover for spoiler
That seems unlikely
@RedwolfPrograms correct file extension, correct-looking syntax
@RedwolfPrograms I'm not sure how this is different from flags. Isn't it still a no-bytes-counted way to modify the program's behavior?
@RedwolfPrograms ¯\_(ಠ_ಠ)_/¯
@GingerIndustries That doesn't use % for comments does it?
@RedwolfPrograms idk, but it seems most likely
@DLosc Because it's just debug output format. The program very clearly still returns a list. You can't pretend "it's printing a list of lines", because that's just a visualization of the output.
@GingerIndustries They're not on an apple product though, are they?
That language is the forerunner to Swift, for apple products
Oops, spoiler
@RedwolfPrograms I've just posted a comment asking, hopefully we'll learn soon
Oh, that's possibly MATLAB
that would make sense, and the syntax looks right at first glance
@RedwolfPrograms There's still ~90 tho
Correct file extension, correct comment syntax, correct semicolon/function call syntax
@RedwolfPrograms I think this is one of the main disagreements you and I have. To me, a full program always outputs a stream of characters (unless it outputs an image or something). It's meaningless to distinguish between different data types when they produce the same contents on stdout (or in a textarea on a web interpreter).
@RedwolfPrograms okay, looks like it's MATLAB
If it's a function submission, then yes, it makes sense to distinguish different data types
Tfw you try to open up Vyxal and instead open up the spoofed online interpreter I made to mess with Vyxal's syntax highlighter.
@RedwolfPrograms That was my guess too.
@emanresuA ?
@DLosc For some languages, sure. With Perl or C, you're printing the output. You can't output an array, because that's just not part of the environment it runs in. But in JS, you can console.log an array, and it doesn't just print the stringified array. Browser consoles will print an interactive array visualization thing, and Node will print a syntax highlighted array.
@emanresuA bruh
@emanresuA :|
So I don't see why that wouldn't be considered "printing an array"
And I don't see why Vyxal or Jelly or Husk should be presumed to be in the first category
@emanresuA I'm having trouble connecting. Can you restart your server? ;)
@RedwolfPrograms (and v8 will print a comma-separated flattened array which you can interpret as intcode)
@RedwolfPrograms Ah, it's a JS-based perspective. I see. :P Lol
most of these answers are lyxal slowly going insane
We've only got checks 69 answers there
(You can blame Lyxal for that one)
Most of the time when I post a Vyxal cop, it's because I discovered a new way to break the language :P
@emanresuA :\
And let's be honest, modern golfing language programs are essentially functions. They have no input or print commands, because that would be stupid when implicit I/O is a thing, and in most Tacit or stack-based languages you could easily make a program into a sub-function of a larger one with the exact same syntax
@AaroneousMiller Lol
> They have no input or print commands, because that would be stupid
@RedwolfPrograms ... Vyxal has input/print
[laughs in Pip]
Well, I should say required input/print
Wait I was going to be productive today
@RedwolfPrograms not today
@GingerIndustries Exactly
Aug 7 '15 at 18:38, by aditsu
abandon all work, ye who enter here
What was I saying about NPSP 2.0 being finished today...make that like halfway through next week lol
in Vyxal, Dec 7 at 13:24, by Aaroneous Miller
btw @lyxal, is this intentional?
in Vyxal, Dec 7 at 22:23, by lyxal
@AaroneousMiller if you're using it in a Cnr answer, the chances are very high that it isn't :p
@AaroneousMiller how to use Vyxal, part 1
Okay who did y'all pay to star Vyxal 75 times...
@RedwolfPrograms nobody, i just spent a couple days making socks
@AaroneousMiller ಠ_ಠ
What's Vyxal's execute as Python element again?
@GingerIndustries I went looking for your comment and came across this one instead: "Coming up next: Tom Scott investigates what percentage of people watch YouTube whilst sitting on the bog." Which... actually almost sounds like something he might do. X^D
@DLosc ¯\_(ಠ_ಠ)_/¯
@RedwolfPrograms E
yes, Vyxal is very janks, thx for noticing
Also, I saw that somebody commented "Matlab :D" which seems like pretty good confirmation
@RedwolfPrograms , only works offline
@DLosc Matlab confirmed ◬
Why does Github give you the option of starring your own repository? ಠ_ಠ
@DLosc hmmmm
@DLosc so you can easily find it if you have a lot of repositories?
@grandBagel makes sense
@DLosc Some All parents have a favorite child
@grandBagel Hm, possible--although there's also pins for that, but you're limited to six
Wait, so all that Vyxal's E can do online is parse Python literals?
Seems kinda useless
@AaroneousMiller Well, mine certainly do ;)
@RedwolfPrograms IIRC, Lyxal got tired of trying to make the safe_apply actually safe, so it's disabled online, but it works fine if you run it offline
Alternatively, you can just use my strategy of just going and finding an ACE exploit to do eval as Python instead
That's actually what I was trying to do lol, but reading Vyxal's code is too painful
1. It's Python
2. It's other people's code
Either my code's the only good code or it just really sucks, because I can't read anyone else's lol
I just use the c flag to view the transpiled Python, then go "hey, that looks bad" and spend the next hour figuring out how to break out of it
(Actually it's only that way with larger projects that have all sorts of weird shared state and libraries)
(Functional programming in JS ftfw)
@RedwolfPrograms Seems fairly normal for popular CGCC golflangs. Husk has 65, MATL 99, Brachylog 104, Charcoal 168. Jelly and 05AB1E are both over 600.
Oh huh
I guess I need to get working on mine then :p
@RedwolfPrograms Note that it has to become popular. Pip only has 21. :P
CMQ: Do you think we'll ever have a 4th generation of golfing languages?
And what would it look like?
What if...AI golflang
Please no
But gen4 would be cool
@RedwolfPrograms print10*10times
Instead of tacit/stack based, you just glue a bunch of built-ins together and the AI assumes what you mean
E.g., filter is_prime would obvious mean "filter a list so that only primes remain"
@RedwolfPrograms TBH, a couple years ago I thought Jelly was completely untouchable. So now that I've been proven wrong, I'm not about to say that the current crop of languages are the final word in golflangs either.
@RedwolfPrograms (But with the code page of course)
@DLosc Jelly still sort of is the current crop
@RedwolfPrograms The task: Do ... An example algorithm is at ... The code: get code:... convert code to <language>
@RedwolfPrograms Or, if f was filter, + was addition, and 2 was 2, f+2 could be interpreted as "filter out zeros, then add two to all items"
Or whatever else the AI thinks is a reasonable interpretation
@RedwolfPrograms Well I personally like that part specifically because it’s giving me a teeny bit of experience for the real world
And all of us at Vyxal Corp Ltd (TM) are well aware how small our userbase is
I see nothing wrong with trying to do things professionally, even if lyxal’s documents are a little lofty sometimes :p
It also just doesn't feel like it has a consistent tone
At times y'all act all professional and official, and then other times it's "George" and "Gluten free"
And sometimes both (the "Frick" room incident)
And there's the joke/pushing-the-boundaries features like flags and the 69 constant (if that's still a thing), but then y'all advertise it with way more seriousness than is required even if it was taking itself fully seriously as a language given that it's a hobby project
It just feels like there's a bit of cognitive dissonance within Vyxal, about what the language wants to be, and until that's resolved it's hard to take it seriously.
We don't have the 69 constant anymore, instead we have kS
There's some Vyxal devs who lean towards the sh*tposter side, namely myself and Lyxal, and there's some Vyxal devs who lean toward the serious corp-esque side, which creates a... unique mixture of ideals and whatnot
And then there's me
and then there's him
and then there are Vyxal devs who don't ever work on Vyxal and just maintain some peripheral utilities for it like chat bots and education resources
and the syntax highlighter
well i'm referring to me specifically lol
@RedwolfPrograms I hope so, and I doubt we can predict what they'll look like
@hyper-neutrino nah, I doubt there's anyone like that
but yes, there is very much cognitive dissonance within vyxal because it's a couple random people with no real hierarchy besides "lyxal owns this thing so he gets final say except he's never really needed to use that authority"
i tried to make it a lot more corporate-esque than people even like to pretend it is nowadays because i thought the organization would improve productivity but we gave up on it (which I think was a good idea) and now I don't really work on it
i also find it hard to take it seriously lol
jira flashbacks
I don't mind Vyxal's inconsistent corporate image, so long as it results in a better language
yeah i wanted to apply some shit i learned at my co-op but the environment is not exactly one for structure or seriousness
Vyxal is, and always will be, a meme
i mean, over half of the bot's functionalities aren't even about vyxal
@AaroneousMiller and also a golflang
and that's after I purged all of the non-useful commands halfway through dev because i got annoyed with y'all
@AaroneousMiller 🅱 Y X A L
@cairdcoinheringaahing ?
It meme :P
@AaroneousMiller BRB, adding Vyxal to "joke languages" category on Esolangs /s
@hyper-neutrino or there's me, who has never made a meaningful code contribution to Vyxal but spends the whole time being a control freak providing quality code reiviews
@DLosc I probably already would've if it weren't for this:
> For esoteric languages that are potentially interesting in some way, or that are actually capable of running programs and producing a useful output, see the normal list of esoteric languages.
oh yeah well, the deployment thing was because the other setup was jank as shit and I wanted it to not be
and if I'm being totally honest I added the HTML and JS flags because I thought if I let someone else do it then it would be riddled with XSS
> mutliple
> Indicies
> equivlaent
> divisble
Personally, I've always thought that I would hate that much attention/contribution/etc. on one of my projects
It found some legit typos
I can just about cope with the odd bug report, consistent PRs and issues being opened would be awful
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, sounds rather annoying
i have a decent amount of attention on my aoc repo rn but ofc nobody's like trying to PR that or anything lol, so i don't have to deal with that
oh they changed their avatar
they used to have a slight obsession with add++
@cairdcoinheringaahing Time to report all of the bugs in Yggdrasil, and then make a PR for each one
@pxeger double-space at the end of lines in markdown is a linebreak
ADD++ is APL, jk
@emanresuA ah um I don't know how to fix that
without disabling it outright
@pxeger wdym?
It's LYaL soon - am I doing Zsh? I can't remember what we agreed
... if filextension == 'md' and spacelength == 2 then ignore
I didn't write the code to strip it and I don't plan to
it's a pre-made bot
@pxeger If you're available
I am
in that case, can a mod undelete chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/130547/the-zshoo?
@pxeger Oh
Zsh it is then
@pxeger wdym?
4 mins ago, by pxeger
they used to have a slight obsession with add++
@pxeger I don't mind people being interested in my languages, but as soon as they start noticing bugs and trying to fix them, bleh :P
@pxeger 👍
@DLosc Oh, i used add++ because i don't like my "S" pfp
@hyper-neutrino Can you feature the blog post?
oops, idk why i didn't remember to do that the first time
@cairdcoinheringaahing That reminds me, I don't remember if I ever got my Flipbit rewrite finished :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think I'm 100% on board with bug reports for my languages (though I won't guarantee they'll get addressed anytime soon). Pull requests... that's a little dicier. Depends on if I approve of their coding style. :P
@Fmbalbuena Welp, I have 19.7k so guess I can't join
@emanresuA >1k rep
@emanresuA You just have to lose 9.7 and then you can ;)
@AaroneousMiller That reminds me, I need to finish Add++ v6
So the only handheld mixer in my house is from the last century and when you turn it on and off the switch emits a puff of smoke
You can hear a 60 hz hum when you use it on thicker doughs
I'm surprised I'm still alive
sounds like you have a free smoker as well now; 2 for 1 deal
The plug is also ungrounded and unpolarized despite it having a metal casing (!)
Might I suggest mixing your cookie dough by hand? :P
It's harder than it sounds depending on what kind of cookie you're making
Q: Hyperbolic rescue

Wheat WizardPart of Advent of Code Golf 2021 event. See the linked meta post for details. The story continues from AoC2017 Day 11. Crossing the bridge, you've barely reached the other side of the stream when you are overcome with a sense of deja-vu. "Haven't I done this already?" But before you can finish ...

@hyper-neutrino a thing
@NewPosts Is this AoCG Day 22?
Q: What to do when something offense in chat is edited into something not offense before it is seen

grandBagelI went into a chat room, and someone said something offensive to me. So I flagged it as offensive. Almost immediately, the chat message was edited into something nicer. When the 10k-ers came into the chat room, the message was already edited into something nicer so they cannot see the offensive m...

@NewPosts me?
@NewPosts but there are 2½ hours till midnight!
Q: New Codegolf language: Nibbles

Darren SmithI'd like to announce Nibbles. My goal was to create something as simple as golfscript but as short as any modern golf language. My hope was that by having few enough instructions, they could be encoded in less than 1 byte and that this would cancel out enough of the benefit of complexity. I know ...

Another member in the half byte code page gang :p

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