> Several new languages have been created specifically with code golfing in mind. Examples include GolfScript, Flogscript and Vyxal, which are Turing-complete languages which provide constructs for concisely expressing ideas in code.
> The challenging nature of aggressively optimizing for program size has itself long been recognized, for example a 1962 coding manual for Regnecentralen's GIER computer notes that "it is a time-consuming sport to code with the least possible number of instructions" and recommends against it for practical programming.
He did mention golfing at IBM, and indeed, they wanted a specific algorithm, but he said he could only get it under the goal byte bit limit if he used a different algorithm.
did you know? The space character actually has an invisibility spell cast upon it, and is not merely a blank character. Here's what it looks like without its invisiblity: ␢
@AaroneousMiller I believe it sorts by the time it dropped off the starboard, so messages with more stars posted at the same date will be listed before those with less
@NathanMerrill Personally, I agree with @Adám's post (that one) out of all the posts there. The highest voted doesn't actually offer a solution to the problem.
@LeakyNun From the chatiquette: Sharing posts that you want feedback on is perfectly fine, but sharing things just in the hope of getting more upvotes is not
proposed June 8th 2010 3:46:54 committment start October 22nd 2010 17:18:59 private beta January 27th 2011 19:00:00 public beta February 3rd 2011 19:00:00
@GingerIndustries There seems to be a bug with the new A command. I tried to do A("p(123)") and it gave me this error: TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'output' in instruction p I also noticed that it only allows you to enter hardcoded strings, for example if you try to construct a string to execute, it errors: A(+("string" "string")) returns TypeError: 'AdditionInstruction' object is not iterable
@AaroneousMiller A is a bit... broken. I'm working on something else now, but Ill look at it later. Feel free to fork the repo and try fixing it yourself!
@grandBagel If you are using a for loop, it will loop from 1 to n automatically, so you can either take input implicitly or explicitly using ? You should also be able to do something similar using a map lambda, but that appears to be broken.
Vyxal as a language is above average for a golfing language, but it annoys me to no end that y'all try to treat it like a corporate product and not a fun hobby project
And then there's stuff like the Frick room, where Vyxal's corporate cosplay has actively harmed other users' experiences
honestly, it's always been a hobby project to me. I haven't been contributing much to the actual code lately, but I've been breaking it more than ever :P I try to still keep the mood light and fun and all that, but I have no idea what this Frick room you're talking about is
There was a room we'd made shortly after us four ROs were added here, to test RO powers. I'd added anyone as RO there who wanted to try stuff. Lyxal kicked us all, changed the name to "Frick", announced it was "Taken over by Vyxal corp.", and IIRC some rude exchanges occured. Nobody was able to access the room, until it was frozen and deleted by a mod because of what'd occured.
I've actually considered learning Vyxal a few times. As much criticism as I've directed at it, I want to be fair to it, and I have a lot of respect for Lyxal given how much he helped me with Ash. Should I?
I think the main reason for the "corporate"-ness of it is because when it wasn't like that, it was super disorganized, and that's why the Vyxal 2.5 Incident happened, and we're trying to avoid anything like that happening again.
@RedwolfPrograms I'd say 100% yes, but I'm super biased
When I say corporate, I don't mean the roadmaps and that sort of thing, that's just proper planning and stuff. I mean the constant push to "advertise" vyxal, especially beyond the site, and...well actually yeah, the roadmaps and stuff do feel a little corporate, although I suppose we've never had a golfing language with this many active developers.
It just feels like Vyxal's desired userbase is way larger than it should be. Although it's natural to want to advertise something so many people have worked so hard on I guess.
Yeah, I can see that, and I'd be lying if I said you were completely wrong. I myself push for Vyxal because I see it as a very accessible golfing language, and I have a lot of fun teaching others how to use it
I was able to pick it up pretty easily, even though it was my first golflang (my one answer in golfscript doesn't count), and I had next to no experience with stack-based languages. I'd say one of the best things about it as far as being accessible is just how familiar the constructs were to what I knew, as well as the very mnemonic command set, though I have no other experience with golflangs, so I have nothing to compare that last point to
I have been wanting to learn other langs though, specifically Jelly and APL
Yeah. I've said it a few times I think, but I think the biggest impact Vyxal's had on the community is introducing a lot of users to golfing languages. I don't really like the familiar-constructs-and-stack-based model, but it is the perfect thing to teach new users.