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Q: AoCG2021 Day 18: Stripping Strips

lyxalPart of Advent of Code Golf 2021 event. See the linked meta post for details. The story continues from AoC2018 Day 3. _But you're not Bubbler, you're Lyxal! yeah, I know. After a long period of chaos, the Elves have finally agreed on how to cut the fabric. Unfortunately, the next day they have c...

shh I totally didn't forget to post it for a bit because I was busy with PR reviewing lol
ever have that moment where you see a person you recognise from one online context in a completely different one?
that's basically whenever I use discord but yes
I just found niedzejkob (code golfer) on tokio.rs (rust async library)'s blog
and apparently they're also a member of a CTF team: p4.team
someone can sub my youtube channel?
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Nth FizzBuzz Number
@OldSandboxPosts ...but I already posted it.
If you don't edit the post down to a stub, OSP doesn't know it's been posted
i forgot to
No worries, I just did it :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing remove the message
grace period has been passed.
OSP's message? Nah, moving it takes the same amount of space as leaving it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks
just for fun.
Woah can you do that in one click? (right click + move to trash)
No, it takes a bit of effort
Room -> move messages -> Type "Trash" -> Relocate
do y'all ever just wonder why changes you're making to your code aren't working only to realise you're trying to test on production instead of localhost?
yes. and then I feel like an idiot every time
okay good I'm not the only one ;p
normally i'ts a sign of 'maybe i'ts a bit late to be coding something that matters' :P
my least favorite thing about the move messages feature is that it is right below the delete room button
and deleting a room only brings up a js confirm prompt and nothing else
it doesn't like ask you to type the room name or type your name to confirm you want to do it or something and sure, rooms can be undeleted just as easily, but it kicks out everyone and is still feels like it'd be a pain to deal with
@hyper-neutrino TIL that only mods can delete rooms - not even ROs
yeah the three mod controls in the room dropdown are freeze, delete, and move/delete messages
and i think normal ROs should see five options in the RO controls but mods don't see move messages because that'd be redundant so we just have the other four
@hyper-neutrino hot take: maybe people should send less messages that need to be moved then :P
like granted the solution is just "git gud lol" especially since "move/delete messages" is longer than "delete room" and so it sticks out to the right more and you can click that but it's still not great that i can delete this room in three clicks
@hyper-neutrino what do you expect? SE-chat to actually be quality?
@hyper-neutrino I get "schedule events", "manage feeds", "control access", "timeout" and "move messages"
Wat, you don't need to be an RO of the target room when moving messages?
nope, you only need to be able to send messages there
@cairdcoinheringaahing is it in that order?
@tjjfvi moving messages is pretty buggy in many ways tbh
you can move pinned messages, and they stay pinned, for instance
@tjjfvi No, but it's probably the easiest way to get kicked from a room and have your moved messages trashed
e.g. if someone moved messages into here without asking beforehand, at minimum, we'd tell them to not do it again, and at max, kick-mute them and trash the messages
Makes sense
Hence why I moved to trash and not to here :P
Even more interesting, is that I don't think you need access to a room to move messages there
At least, with gallery rooms. I don't know about private rooms
Feel free to try to move something into The Nineteenth Bakery
name doesn't come up
oh, because it's gallery?
I'm guessing its the same with private rooms too
you can move to private
I'm guessing you're trying to move it to a private room you have access to?
Then yeah, that should work :P
I don't think there's even a way to move messages to private rooms you don't have access to, as you can't search for them
@lyxal Doesn't work with editing the request either
SE usually just pretends private rooms/messages within them don't exist, and 404s
Yeah that's what it did
Yeah, given that they're supposed to be private as possible, it makes sense that there aren't any edge cases :P
although you always know a room exists because the numeric IDs are consecutive
and the same with messages
although I suppose the room could have been deleted, and there'd be no way to tell what happened
10k+ users can see deleted rooms
10k+ on at least one site, or 10k+ total, or what?
10k+ total network rep, only counting sites where you have 200+ rep
Wish there was a way to search for questions where all answers were below a certain score
Don't wanna have to try using SEDE on SO
I'm slightly confused by my YT ads recently...baby diapers, women's vitamins, and retirement planning. I'm a 16yo male.
retirement planning?
does that mean there'll be a RO position available soon? ;p
also, what's their name (your advertised child that is)
Do diaper adverts typically name the babies shown?
no, but Redwolf being advertised baby diapers implies that there's a child somewhere
you really just need RO at the source and write perms at the destination
so yeah, you can move into deleted rooms too
That's just a mod thing tho, right?
Or is it so cursed an ordinary user can just make a room and move stuff from it into a deleted one
Q: Square root in assembly with least instructions

Coder436Write a program that finds the integer square root of a number, the number can be a constant and the square root can be outputed in any way such that another program can get it (like stdout or the exit code), also the program must work on either x64 or x86 assembly (#include and %include are not ...

@RedwolfPrograms Have you double-checked the cat image?
@RedwolfPrograms well all you need is write perms, and only mods can send messages to deleted rooms, so yes it's mod only
not explicitly mod only but since non-mods can't talk in deleted rooms therefore it's by extension mod only
@tjjfvi Which one? The one in my cop?
If so, yes, I've verified it contains the correct hidden message
Cool, thanks
You say only one channel matters; I assume it is always the same channel?
I'm having trouble identifying which blocks are garbage
This is the best I have so far
But I don't think it's right
There is a way to do it automatically and without too much difficulty, hint 2 is relevant
So this is what I'm starting with
It looks like there's data in both "black regions" and "white regions"
And it seems that the first pixel of each block is usually the inverse of the background
Inverting the blocks based on the first pixel yields
What are you doing to that poor llama?
Interrogating it
@tjjfvi Quick warning, that looks like some of the pixels have been incorrectly changed
That isn't flipped at all
That's just %2 of the red channel
Wrong word sorry
Meant flipped as in the bit flipped
By "some", do you imply "not all"?
I'm not flipping anything there
@tjjfvi This image is just %2 of red
@tjjfvi This is that with some flipping
Wait, no, I'm just getting thrown off by the darkness being inverted from what I'm used to
Ignore me
It looked like there were some artifacts from something or other
Ah ok
@tjjfvi So, back to this
It seems like all the "data-looking" blocks have a white row at the top
That's mostly coincidence
@tjjfvi Filtering the blocks for that yields this
But that still seems to have garbage...
This image was generated from the diff:
(I know the diff isn't needed, but)
This part seems to have been difficult for either of y'all to figure out, and I guess it is a bit non-obvious, so here's a bit of a big hint: the top left pixel is a parity bit
That's what I thought
Maybe I misinterpreted that, though
@tjjfvi Is this not the right interpretation of "parity bit"?
I took it as "to flip or not to flip"
Parity bit as in it's toggled to ensure the total number of zero bits is always even (or odd, depending on the scheme)
That looks better (I think?)
Yep! That looks a lot more promising
Now I need to figure out what to do with these blocks
(and if any are still garbage...)
I think you and GingerIndustries are about tied now
My best (untested) guess atm is that characters are encoded in columns and the top row has special handling
That would leave only 7 rows, but that's fine bc ascii is 7-bit
After lots of looking I don't see any blocks there that look like garbage blocks, so I think you're doing that right
Awesome thanks
My guesses for the top row are:
- ignored (seems unlikely)
- flips all lower bits
- marks a column as invalid
But these all feel like shots in the dark
I'd recommend picking a random one of those blocks, probably one in the sky, and looking at any patterns it has in detail
I tried my best to add some hints at the structure, and a bit of redundancy against possible mistakes or amiguities
Now I see how your third hint starts to come in
Wait, not everything is symmetric
I'm blind as usual
Thanks for the fun challenge btw
I'm considering a second cop, I guess I should go get more pictures of my cats
^ this chunk really captures how I feel trying to crack this
I have a cool idea for a cop, but it's going to be tough to actually do
Hi everyone!!
Also, @RedwolfPrograms, there may or may not be something for you to check on Discord.
Hmm, I have 1 block per character, but there aren't any duplicate blocks in the cat afaict
I guess there must be some data redundancy
2 hours later…
@GingerIndustries it was pretty straightforward to decode by hijacking the flow of what i used to encode it in the first place
how to win at videogames:
- get good at math
- get good at physics
- figure out how game physics work
- exploit them or use that knowledge to your advantage
- Profit!
alternatively, use linux and just TAS it
3 hours later…
Q: The Most Wanted Prime Numbers

AnttiPOutput a sequence of all the primes that are of the following form: 123...91011...(n-1)n(n-1)..11109...321. That is, ascending decimal numbers up to some n, followed by a descending tail, all concatenated. Background Recently, Numberphile posted a video about primes that follow this pattern. Outp...

1 hour later…
Top 15 languages used to answer AoCG questions so far, with counts of questions answered in that language:
18 Charcoal
18 Pari/GP
18 Python
18 TypeScript Types
17 Rust
16 Ruby
15 Mathematica
14 05AB1E
14 JavaScript
11 R
6 Java
5 J
5 Jelly
4 Retina
1 hour later…
Q: Should we let Vyxal Bot into TNB when Vyxal is the LYAL

lyxalContext: Given that Vyxal is roughly under a month away from being selected for LYAL (at the time of posting, my calculations place it as being 1-2 LYALs away), I figured I'd write this so it can garner feedback and hopefully approval in time. Over in the Vyxal chat room, we have a neat little bo...

Asking now for planning purposes
because it might even end up being longer than a month away if people vote enough for other languages
speaking of LYAL planning,
CMQ: What have you enjoyed/disliked about previous LYALs?
and what would be the one thing you would recommend/change to make a LYAL better?
Q: Binary with 0's only

DialFrostThe input message consists of ASCII characters The encoded output message consists of blocks of 0 A block is separated from another block by a space Two consecutive blocks are used to produce a series of same value bits (only 1s or 0s): After the ACSII character(s) have been converted to binary, ...

what's the line about permission to use challenges/other content again
because this is transparently from some other site and the spec linked is some third person's solution to the other site's problem
of course it also needs to be pointed out that a word salad and then a link to an external spec is the opposite of self-contained, the output format might be too restrictive, please use the sandbox next time, etc.
do you think it's a good idea to answer it?
because I have a 17 byte fgitw ready
probably not? i forget what the whole deal is though
just post a hash of it here in case
I would like to leave the internet for at least a year because I have seen some nasty things on other communities whom I have never done something with and I have been producing nasty news recently.
American Candard Stode for Information Interchange
@UnrelatedString They need permission from the original author, and they need to credit that author
CMC: how to return 1234...n(n+1)n...4321 in Python 3?
How does that range even work?
example n = 10: 12345678910987654321
first of all that didn't go up to n+1
and do you want a list? a string? a single large number?
@RedwolfPrograms Is the placement of the chunks relevant?
"Check if a string X is such that: there exists a strict prefix Y of X such that X is a prefix of Y + Y"
is ^ a correct interpretation?
i don't understand
(where the strict prefixes of "abcd" are "", "a", "ab", and "abc")
I'll probably be here more often now because my school district just switched back to "distance learning"
So `"abcd"` is not a "reshaped" string, because:
- `"abcd"` is not a prefix of `""`
- `"abcd"` is not a prefix of `"aa"`
- `"abcd"` is not a prefix of `"abab"`
- `"abcd"` is not a prefix of `"abcabc"`
@tjjfvi no, because Y could be repeated more than twice
That's still valid though
yeah lol
abcabca is a prefix of abcabcabcabc
@tjjfvi no
@tjjfvi But abca is, because abca is a prefix of abcabc
So `"abcd"` is not a "reshaped" string, because:
- `"abcd"` is not a prefix of `null*4`
- `"abcd"` is not a prefix of `"aaaa"`
- `"abcd"` is not a prefix of `"abab"`
- `"abcd"` is not a prefix of `"abca"`
rather I should say your interpretation is not word-for-word correct to the intent of the spec but is an equivalent problem
Equivalent, but possibly more intent-preserving: "Check if a string X is such that: there exists a strict prefix Y of X such that X is a prefix of Y repeated N times, for some N"
@tjjfvi should i put to title?
I think using reshaped in the title is fine/good
"check if a string X has a strict prefix Y such that Y can be reshaped to X" and then just define reshaping properly
@hyper-neutrino then i can put to the title?
no your title should not attempt to contain the challenge
"for all X, N, all prefixes of (X * N) are reshapings of X"
"Check if the string is reshaped" is fine because challenge titles don't need to really contain much information (what does "Dennis Number" even mean? the title doesn't mean anything until you read the problem), but the challenge body needs to be clear
then how to make the challenge body clear?
do you mind if I attempt to rewrite most/all of your current spec?
Damn, I've done 4 FA and 4 LA reviews today, that might be the most I've ever done in a single day O.o
@Fmbalbuena done
Why chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/59919899#59919899 instead of chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/59919899?
because that way your browser will automatically scroll down to the message
reshaped to the size of 4 to obtain "abba"
@tjjfvi ?
(a suggested edit)
talking about challenge clarity, I have an idea for a challenge that I'm not up to writing out clearly. Someone else can take the work and the rep. Basically, taking a list of 2+ control points (points are lists of numbers of any length but the length of all points is guaranteed to be the same) and a number of subdivisions, output the points of the bezier curve with the inputted control points subdivided that many times. (I can write some test cases and an example program too).
(it does not include drawing)
APL implementation: {(⊂⍵)∊(≢⍵)⍴¨¯1↓,\⍵}
do you mean subdivided evenly by arclength or some other division?
Taked from this.
@hyper-neutrino ... the subdivisions kind of depend on a specific algorithm that I don't exactly know how to explain
oh wait I phrased the original message wrong because I misremembered
how to get the prefixes of the string in Python 3?
you should post the challenge before coming up with more solutions for it and you also probably shouldn't post solutions and let other people solve it first
delete the message?
@Wezl-acautionarytale the algorithm is to (for example) if the subdivision number is 3, for each fraction 0/3, 1/3 ... 3/3 f, take the points f of the way from each control point (but the last) to the next control point, then repeat that process on each of those points until it reduces to a single point. Then you have a point corresponding to each value of f. Return these points
oh, so just subdivide based on the parameter
i was gonna say subdividing a bezier curve by arclength is impossible to get precise and you have to just approximate lol
yeah, I think that'd be a decent challenge. do you want to write it up now that you have a better description of the algo or do you still just want someone else to take it?
if I have any volunteers, they can go for it
alright, sure I'll sandbox it then
A Bézier curve ( BEH-zee-ay) is a parametric curve used in computer graphics and related fields. The curves, which are related to Bernstein polynomials, are named after French engineer Pierre Bézier, who used it in the 1960s for designing curves for the bodywork of Renault cars. Other uses include the design of computer fonts and animation. Bézier curves can be combined to form a Bézier spline, or generalized to higher dimensions to form Bézier surfaces. The Bézier triangle is a special case of the latter. In vector graphics, Bézier curves are used to model smooth curves that can be scaled ...
Q: Kolmogorov-simple numbers

AnttiPIf you visit Code Golf often, you may have heard of Kolmogorov complexity. It's usually defined as the amount of bytes required to express some string in a programming language. Here the Kolmogorov-complexity of a natural number is defined similarly: the number of bytes required to represent it i...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

hyper-neutrinoSubdivide the Bezier Curve Background A Bezier curve is a type of curve that has a lot of applications in all sorts of places, but most commonly, in computer graphics. It has a very simple algorithm and yet can represent a wide variety of shapes with just one common formula. If you've ever used p...

Crogramming Guzzles & Code Colf
It's expected to be 80°F this christmas :(
Like I mean I might as well be doing SE Summer Bash, I don't live in the southern hemisphere but it hasn't dropped below like room temperature outside in a month
@nrgmsbki4spot1 Do you mean other SE communities, or other internet ones?
@tjjfvi Well, in a way. It's hard to say without revealing more than I should.
But the encoding of the character values themselves are not dependent on their locations
Q: Multiplicity of Shared Totients

caird coinheringaahingEuler's totient function, \$\varphi(n)\$, counts the number of integers \$1 \le k \le n\$ such that \$\gcd(k, n) = 1\$. For example, \$\varphi(9) = 6\$ as \$1,2,4,5,7,8\$ are all coprime to \$9\$. However, \$\varphi(n)\$ is not injective, meaning that there are distinct integers \$m, n\$ such tha...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Redwolf ProgramsFind duplicates, quickly In this challenge, you'll be given a list of positive integers or non-empty alphabetical strings (your choice), and must return a list containing all duplicates. You must do this with the minimum time complexity you can, and as few bytes as possible. Task: Given a list of...

So uh...I got captcha'd on that for some reason, but the captcha solved itself
@SandboxPosts Before anyone comments that there's some trivial way of getting a low time complexity on this, that's sort of the point. I like the idea of using this combination of fastest-algorithm and code-golf, since it'll make it primarily a code golf competition once somebody figures out a good algorithm, but it more organically prevents boring brute forces
@NewPosts the hard part of this challenge (IMO) is figuring out the upper bound
at least to me, it's not immediately obvious what the max possible value with totient k is otherwise it'd be a trivial range-filter-count
It feels like n^2 should work for n > 2, but I don't know about it
according to math.stackexchange.com/a/23977/457091, $\sqrt{n} \leq \Phi(n) \leq n - 1$
so yes you are correct caird :p
(n+1)^2 will work for all n then
wait, i'm dumb. filter equals → length is literally just count kekw
You can remove the R as well :P
On your filter one, not the count one
not after i removed the filter
Jelly needs an atom that does something like "generate a range that gives you plenty of extra numbers beyond a bound" :P
W⍺ randomly does or doesn't understand 8^2000000000
Posted a second cop:
A: Hide a message in an image - Cops

Redwolf ProgramsThe sort you'd expect Image 1: These are colorful for a reason! Image 2: Stock photos FTW Image 3: Crack this one!

This one should be a little more fun, but also a bit tougher
Ignoring all the PIL/canvas interaction stuff, it only has like two lines of actual logic, so it doesn't have nearly as many steps you need to reverse engineer
did you know that compiling cmake 3.22.1 on a raspberry pi is very time-consuming
@RedwolfPrograms workin on your stego
Which one?
@RedwolfPrograms after conducting an alpha scan:
✨it's garbage✨
there is far too much data in here for a few words of text
@RedwolfPrograms i take this to mean i'm on the right track
oh baby
more encoding system gibberish
i'm so very happy
This one's not as complex of an encoding system
there's a lotta data
i'm guessing that the position of the pixels matters
it's 470x200, which gives us 40 bytes vertically and 58.75 horizontally
that's 11750 bytes total
@RedwolfPrograms output using the good ol' "assume each byte is a codepoint" system:
  0@|@N	 		}/@@0``"7X ~XD
                                          @"p@@epc  @W
D i`
    h *P@@]`Fx@8@@3p%X

 @ `o@`|4PgP0(6(}n
xB@^Hp@ @9     O|, X@@@@NH `@`  D@
    Cp $a~@
           	qP`@(~@@8? C@ L
_pH @?0Bow|A8  @_{~@~(@#?~!x0@`,_@
                                  a;C  @b@?~
                                            p5PPw_~@5 _ax@4
more ✨garbage✨
Two very big hints added
oh boy
I think i oughta take another look at that alpha image
if each letter thing is 8*8
Please don't split it into 8x8 blocks, I wouldn't use that twice and you'll waste a long time doing it
okay nvm
@RedwolfPrograms how about 32x32 blocks
mind blown
how about 128x128 blocks
> Ignoring all the PIL/canvas interaction stuff, it only has like two lines of actual logic, so it doesn't have nearly as many steps you need to reverse engineer
how about 65536x65536 blocks
well, the 10th byte in the alpha turned into bytes is 0010010
that's not very helpful
in integer that's 18
which is the letter s in the alphabet
lemme do that to evry byte
what if each byte is actually part of a smaller image IN THE OTHER IMAGE
@RedwolfPrograms ^
first 16 bytes of the alpha: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 32, 0, 0, 22, 27]
I return
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Thomas WellerCan we patch the corona certificate validation code (part 1/3)? The new chancellor of Germany, Mr. Olf Scholz, is in deep trouble: the Covid app does not show the vaccination status correctly beginning with booster vaccinations. He was not involved in the development of the app, since that was un...

Hey guys, you're so awesome. You have automatic notifications about sandbox posts. Cool! I was inactive here for a long time and have not followed the new meta rules, so I think I need some feedback on my challenge. Thank you!
@ThomasWeller we'll look into it
@RedwolfPrograms is the data for this encoding just in the alpha, or is it also in the color channels?
@ThomasWeller interesting question, looks fun. i like it
@ThomasWeller seems good to me
@Riker you know, these could be good for AoCG
@GingerIndustries that problem? too simple for an advent problem imo
hm, no actually
for AoC yea but for AoCG nah
yes, we do have lower standards here at Pode Polf Cack Gxchange
definitely a fun little series of 3 challenges though, i'm interested to see what hte other two end up as
@GingerIndustries I can't tell exactly what you're saying, but I think you're sort of on the right track
Did you read the two hints?
@RedwolfPrograms now i'm trying to do an emanresu A with each row
Okay it sounds like I should probably give another hint then
What you're looking for is a black and white image the same size as the original image
alrighty then
maybe if I keep each pixel with a changed alpha
I'm not going to give any more hints for a while, but you should definitely look at hint 1
okay, got it
CMQ: If you could star your own (already starred) messages, roughly what percentage of them would be yellow?
@RedwolfPrograms probably 30-40%
i find myself very amusing
@RedwolfPrograms Okay, my new algorithm is grinding away
it'll take about 2 minutes to finish
about 1/6 done
Ooh, what is it?
@RedwolfPrograms it just filters out pixels in the image that have an alpha of 255
but it's very inefficient
halfway there
only 90 rows left
50 rows
it crashed
wait is hint 1 a goddamn pun
the sort you'd expect
@RedwolfPrograms ^
as in sorting items
@RedwolfPrograms ಠ_ಠ
@RedwolfPrograms Well, I've sorted the 8-byte group things, converted them to ints and counted them
i am getting no wisdom
You're still not quite on the right track
sort by color?
@RedwolfPrograms ^
imma do that
well, i'm going to assume that the alphafied pixels are important
maybe if i sort the others by color
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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