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Q: AoCG2021 Day 16: Interpret Duet

BubblerRelated to AoC2017 Day 18, Part 2. (Anyone want to add Duet to esolangs?) Duet is an assembly-like language that involves two processes running the same program simultaneously. Each process of Duet operates with 26 registers named a to z, all initialized to zero, except for the register p which ...

adam neely used "relevant xkcd" in a vid lol
@thejonymyster ?
i feel like thats a phrase used a lot around here
from what i have seen
or in these circles
oh and timestamped because i forgot to link
unless im just insane or something
oh, you weren't mispelling "nearly"
Capital letters for the win :p
> Explain how political, economic, and cultural factors affected society from 1450 to 1750.
Could this question be any more vague lol
Explain what happened at some time
@JoKing oh LOL my bad i didnt even think of the adam connection
Ugh, why doesn't gmail send notifications when the tab is closed
how could it?
when i close a tab it has no power over my browser
it is Gone...
It's 100% possible
You could have a desktop client or a browser plugin.
Almost all sites that you can opt in to notifications for...will send you notifications when it's nt open
This has existed for like...ever
Otherwise it'd be pointless
@Adám That's not at all necessary
How do such push notifications actually work? Who's listening?
A service worker
But if the browser is closed?
Then no, it's not possible (via the Push API at least)
But who closes their browser anymore?
I've seen some sites push things directly to Windows notifications, before I open my browser or anything. Wonder how that works
I assume the browser's running in the background
Discord, at least, has the ability to run in the background even if you "close" it
or you've been hacked
Rather benign hackers they must be to add features to Bubbler's browser :P
Who knows? Maybe they want the source code of TIB and haven't realised Github exists
@JoKing No one's having fun. They may have smiles on their faces, but inside, they are seething in rage at being trapped in really bad art
> hackers
> haven't realised Github exists
Mad respect to any hacker who can do that to someone's computer without ever encountering Github :P
just saw that outlook decided to mark a github email as junk
well done microsoft
isn't github owned by ms........
that's the point
<insert meme of guy shooting himself>
and what's even funnier is that it decided to move a Microsoft rewards email into junk as well
hey, at least it shows they aren't biased with their filtering xD
The (mostly) benign hackers have struck again!
@hyper-neutrino the github email wasn't even junk though lol...it was a whole bunch of github student developer offers I'm actually interested in lol
@lyxal half my work gitlab emails get marked as spam by gmail
probably because the subject line is just a name
@Bubbler assuming Chrome, I believe it starts itself in the background and runs in the system tray, specifically to allow things like that to work
@JoKing Doesn't unmarking a few as spam help its algorithm or whatever?
i've tried that, but it's still very suspicious
It must be Edge, because my home computer didn't have Chrome installed when I first saw it
Can I post messages in read only mode?
@tjjfvi why?
it's called read-only mode because you can only read the content
although i think read-only on site doesn't always affect chat for the full duration. idk how it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chat never worked, so they never have to fix it
We are currently offline for maintenance but Chat?
@emanresuA wdym?
It's a joke because of how unmantained chat is
Lol, they said read only but we can not even read now
in Vyxal, 31 secs ago, by lyxal
Can't break something that was already broken
Chat's back!
It was showing the cat meme for a few minutes for me
read only mode = prevent from uploading messages
That's for main only, chat doesn't have a read-only mode
in Vyxal, 3 mins ago, by lyxal
Can't break something that was already broken
You got ninja'd
lol i dum
Chat's either broken or it's well...still broken but you can still chat
Chat really isn't all that terrible, though
It's decent for something that SE's put barely any work into
Also, what color temperature would y'all recommend? I'm getting some new lightbulbs for my bedroom as a christmas present to myself
0K an option? :P
@RedwolfPrograms For the bedroom, I'd go with the lowest temperature (most red).
I'm really not a fan of yellow-y stuff
I have more secret hats then normalones
I'm thinking 5000K, but I'm not sure if that's too high
The bulb I have now is almost certainly mislabeled, it says 3500K but it's a pleasant whitish color
Actually, 3500k is pretty close to what it is, looking at pictures
So 4000K or 4500K should probably be what I aim for
That's still quite blue for a bedroom, imo, but hey, it is your eyes.
Anything with the slightest hint of yellow/orange is hideous and depressing
The rest of my house has like 2500-2750K bulbs, and I hate it
Oh wait, color temperature really is measured in Kelvin?
That sounds rather high, though
@hyper-neutrino The bot's down
@Fmbalbuena (it was a joke, since you just posted a message)
> 110996.17 MB
For context, my laptop only has 128gb of total storage available
@lyxal 110.99617 GB
@RedwolfPrograms that's an error page I think I've never seen before, actually
Latest macos update is ~29gb (Had to uninstall vyxal to get it because "system data")
(It's smaller than its predecessor tho so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CMC: Find the poster of this message:
document.addEventListener('scroll', () => {document.body.style.backgroundColor = ['#000', '#fff'][window.n]; window.n ^= 1})
(or is that cheating, since I remember posting it)
Nah :P
What about this:
1 bread, 1/2 cm crunchy slightly sweetened peanut butter, mixed with unsweetened cocoa powder, and another bread
purely guessing: probably redwolf or lyxal
This is obvious
What about:
I know this one :p
But it'd be cheating
does that mean it was you?
Not his account, no
oh, @NewPosts?
(or @SandboxPosts)
i do my part by lurking
how about i just hit 500 rep are y'all proud of me
What about:
> ninja'd
hint: it's a somewhat surprising answer
Hm... ophact?
@pxeger How old is this message, as in years?
@emanresuA under a year
@RedwolfPrograms I wasn't active in chat until ~1k
not ophact nor emanresu
I remember this, but not who is was :/
@tjjfvi A lot of people
@tjjfvi many
@emanresuA one of the mods from another site?
or like Catja or something
Half of that's correct
@emanresuA I'll spoil it for you: it was hyper-neutrino
Apr 20 at 18:17, by hyper-neutrino
i just hit 500 rep are y'all proud of me
I believe this was a joke referencing the new queues feature
Oh lol
Oh, it was the queue welcome messages thing
What about golfs are not golfed. they are discovered :)
@emanresuA anush?
Unrelated String?
(purely based on the smiley)
Actually yeah, :) points to Anush
Nope, not that
It was recent, I remember this...
(I assume searching is cheating?)
Yeah :P
@tjjfvi you'll only be cheating yourself
how about i am ascii-οnly? /s
(Note: These are all starred messages I think)
@pxeger That is so cursed
@pxeger Lyxal?
@emanresuA yeah, I'm taking them from the starboard
@emanresuA you're overthinking it
it was ascii-only
@pxeger Same
@emanresuA Adàm? He also uses that kind of smiley, although I think he normally puts a - nose in his
What about this: xnor would like to: know your location
(Italics part of message)
that one rings a bell
@emanresuA I'll reveal this: ngn
Here's one which might be interesting for if you know your TNB lore: *Crickets*
(It was in italics)
^ not a challenge, just posting it
There you go
(Chat images are weird sometimes)
both are displaying on my end
Probably CSP issues I reckon
Must be chat frontend 'cos loads fine when I click it
Oh boy this and its comments are in need of some moderation over on History
I hate the fact that you can't flag things on SE without being logged in to the specific site
Gotta love the classic "CW to make it less obvious a garbage answer is associated with you"
VLQ flagged
(Idk if that's correct)
I get why they do it if you're not logged in at all, but when I'm logged in to several network sites, it really annoys me
@emanresuA moderator attention would be better imo
I already mod-flagged, so it's probably not necessary to do more than one or two of those
VLQ/NAA may or may not be a faster way of nuking it, depending on how active History's mods are, so I'd imagine both are fine
3 hours later…
back from school
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pajonkStich a Hitomezashi pattern code-golfascii-art Challenge Given two binary vectors (containing two consistent values of your choice) of length \$n\$ and \$m\$, output a corresponding ascii-art Hitomezashi stitching pattern. Rules You are to fill the following pattern, where \$n\$ is the number of ...

@PyGamer0 "excited"
Looks like a mix of python, haskell, C and Livescript
@PyGamer0 How do you do multiple arguments? Or do you just, not?
@ATaco tuples, I guess?
@emanresuA more like Ruby to me, based on the function calls
That too
@emanresuA (you forgot apl)
A: List of bounties with no deadline

Bubbler250 or 500 rep for showing off some skillz on code.golf code.golf is a competitive code golf site, where all solutions are hidden and users compete for a better solution for each task in each language supported. Many Code Golf SE users also compete there. I found some of particularly insane solut...

How to learn <x>:
- Learn <x>
- Repeat
@ATaco from the print reduce + range x line, presumably equivalent to print (reduce (+) (range x)), it almost seems like it might have to be on some husk shit
that or functions directly take their arity - 1 then the last arg is whatever the whole rest evaluates to
idk what you are saying
i guess it could also do the classic make higher order functions syntactically different thing
@emanresuA smh escape your pinga
Can you even do that?
⍨ I just spent 53 minutes on the phone to convey 20 digits.
1 hour later…
If we do a "Best of 2021" we should remember Lynn's answer that pioneered the algorithm others then ported:
A: Converge to a number

LynnJelly, 9 bytes DLḶU⁵*xDÄ Try it online! DL Digits, length ḶU⁵* Compute [10^(n-1), …, 10, 1] xD Use the digits as repeat counts for this array e.g. 423 -> [100, 100, 100, 100, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1] Ä Cumulative sum: [100, 200, 300, 400, 4...

Q: Translate an arithmetic expression to Brainfuck

xiver77Given an arithmetic expression, write a program that translates the expression to a Brainfuck program which evaluates the expression and prints the result in decimal numbers. For example, this arithmetic expression, 2 * (3 + 4) can be translated to Brainfuck as, ++ 2 >+++ 3 >++++ 4 [-<+>]< add <[>...

good morning
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ginger IndustriesTitle: Fuzzy friends Introduction Congratulations! You've been selected to do research a a newly discovered animal called a fuzzy, a docile, simple creature that strongly resembles a cotton ball. Fuzzies love to be near other fuzzies, but not all fuzzies want to be near each other. There are 5 ty...

1 hour later…
@Adám Noooo that's not how physics works -1
The universe is not time-reversible
Imagine you check your security footage and this shows up
Just another Thursday…
That llama has gone through a lot. Screenshot, compressed to 8-bit color (PSIF), used for steganography, two color channels dropped, and converted to grayscale
TFW someone brings cupcakes to class and you get frosting all over your fingers and have to use notebook paper as a napkin
Q: No names in answers page

grandBagel As you can see, the question names I answered are blank. Is this a bug? I am on Edge, Windows 10.

@hyper-neutrino wow
Oh wow
Should f=a=>a.length>1?a[0]+f(a.slice(1)):a in javascript for input hello return hello and not helloellolloloo?
@RedwolfPrograms A kid at my school suggested the name “Redwolves” for the Washington Football Team” Is he one of your people? >;(
@user wait wat
I’m not kidding
It was in the school newspaper today
@grandBagel Yes
@RedwolfPrograms why?
It'll always return the first letter, plus f of the rest
So It's "h" + f("ello")
Which itself is "h" + ("e" + f("llo"))
What you're looking for is a+f(a.slice(1))
Not a[0]
And you can golf it by replacing a.length>1 with a, since the empty string is falsy
and you can golf out the ternary and just do a && a + f(a.slice(1))
because a ? b : a is just a && b and a ? a : b is just a || b
Good point
and a ? a : a is ???? :p
With arrays, you can do a+a?b:[] to do something if it's non-empty, a trick I learned from Arnauld
Or, in a lot of cases a+a&&b
Since ususally with recursive stuff you have a ...f(b), so the empty string and empty array behave identically
Is there a shorter way of string.split()? I feel like I saw it in a tips question.
For splitting by "", [...string]
@RedwolfPrograms I meant splitting by spaces.
.split` `
I don't think there are any clever tricks you can use specific to spaces
There are some really niche ones for comma separated lists, like eval(x) if you just want the last item
ooh hang on
eval([1,2,3,4]+"") is 4
If .at wasn't a thing, this would be useful
So I have f=a=>a&&a+a.slice(1);d=w=>w.split .map(f).It's returning hello worldello world for input hello world. I feel I can but the f function in the map, but then it's not recursing.
You need to do f(a.slice(1))
You're not recursing
I get the expected output with that fix
d("hello world")
 -> (2) ['helloellolloloo', 'worldorldrldldd']
.replace might be shorter
but now it's outputting hello worldello worldllo worldlo worldo world worldworldorldrldldd
@RedwolfPrograms If you want to join those by spaces afterward
@grandBagel You're running f not d then
@RedwolfPrograms oh
This will join them with a space again afterward, if that's needed this is shorter than split and join
@RedwolfPrograms same length
But it does the equivalent of a .join afterward
If that's required
Just a second option
@RedwolfPrograms Not required, though.
CMQ: Is there Fmbalbuena (106959) numbers? Inspired by this
Is it just me or do this year's hats feel different from usual?
> There are 5 types of fuzzies, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, and 3b.
Is that supposed to say 5 or 6?
It should say 6.
@RedwolfPrograms ^
Remember that golfy Markdown/Scripting Lang idea I was talking about before? I have a tentative not-quite-a-spec written up, which I'll probably change a lot and elaborate on later. Here it is if any of y'all want to check it out: gist.github.com/AMiller42/f0d1196a631f27055ce1133d5a34327c
@RedwolfPrograms I read that as "furries" and was very confused
@AaroneousMiller for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm referring to this:
Dec 3 at 21:05, by Aaroneous Miller
I'm working on defining a spec for a golfy Markdown flavor, with a builtin scripting language. I'm hoping to make a Turing-Complete flavor of Markdown, which I'm hoping ends up becoming exactly as ridiculous as it sounds.
Looks good
thoughts on my challenge?
I'm not sure if it'll be interesting
Actually, I could see it having some interesting approaches
@Shaggy How does it work?
We're approaching the 1 year anniversary of the start of Ash's development :p
@grandBagel L is the constant for 100 and the õ method when applied to a number n with no argument gives you the inclusive range 1-n. Or pass it a numeric argument x and it will give you the inclusive range x-n. LõA, for example, gives you 10-100.
Can anyone repro?
@AaroneousMiller Yes, I'm seeing that too
@AaroneousMiller repro
Q: Badge progress circle misalinged

grandBagel The double circle is partly outside the box. Is this a bug? I am using Edge, Windows 10.

A: New responsive Activity page

Peilonrayzbug The badge icon is out of place on the "next badge" progress. Image from my Code Review account.

i guess it's a known bug
@grandBagel For what it's worth, I'd suggest posting activity page bugs to MSE, as they're much more likely to be seen and fixed than if you post them here
@cairdcoinheringaahing why you live TNB?
What does that even mean?

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