Part of Advent of Code Golf 2021 event. See the linked meta post for details.
Related to AoC2015 Day 10.
Here's why I'm posting and not Bubbler
The Elves are playing a variation of the game called look-and-say. In plain look-and-say, they take turns making sequences by reading aloud the previous...
The TTNB is ruining my life. Now, whenever I would say that I'm joking I say I'm "making a joke." Even worse, this often happens in front of the toddler I'm babysitting so his life will be ruined as well.
I have a challenge: print prime numbers from 1 to infinity in Python 3 but only using lambdas (while loops using itertools is allowed but not exec). Code: Try it online! (No parentheses cheat)
What general tips do you have for golfing in Chef? I'm looking for ideas which can be applied to code-golf problems and which are also at least somewhat specific to Chef (e.g. "remove unnecessary whitespace" is not an answer).
Please post one tip per answer.
I have a business proposition: You know how British electricity is at a slightly different voltage than the rest of Europe? Well, if we get a few really long wires and some transformers...
since it mixes up a lot of stuff in not-always-wonderful ways. take my words with a grain of salt though, this is just what i found when I asked google that question a while ago
@RedwolfPrograms the only question left is under the sea wires, or do we just kinda pull the extension cord taut over the english channel
@UnrelatedString Even if it didn't specify "US" (which it originally didn't), it clearly asks if it'd be NEC compliant, and the answer is "go somewhere where following the NEC isn't legally mandated"
The large amount of downvotes probably wasn't actually for its uncreativity but for the rude remark at the end, "All you haters, this was meant to be sarcastic! But then again, sarcasm isn't allowed here."
it's objectively a bad answer but that's why it has so many downvotes and most of our loopholes are "don't do this because it's against the spirit of code golf" but we only really delete for total invalidity usually
I agree with that loophole, and I hate people "trivialising" challenges by using it, but it's very vague, and I agree that OP has a point about ** being used as a separator
I don't consider this to violate the loophole linked to above, but don't think this kind of answer should be permitted. — The Fifth MarshalSep 30 '19 at 20:17
As vague and unobservable as it would be, I do want one of the site rules to be "Does using that specific input format do a lot of the work of the challenge? Yes? Then don't be a smartass, and do what the challenge asks for"
and the point is to disincentivize people from doing things that are technically correct (because invalid answers are deleted) but ruin the point in code golf
cause, as an actual site rule, yeah, it's awful to enforce. But as something you'd tell someone when you casually introduce them to code golf, it's fine
The concept was basically that we would make a wooden camera where the shutter would be ejected from the camera at high speeds, thereby allowing you to shoot someone while shooting them
also idk if that's accurate, i'd argue it kinda lines up with like, 2007 era tumblr if anything - most ppl aren't like that on tumblr outside of specific 'meme' pages like gaud
by 2007 era tumblr i mean homestuck. its just homestuck. send help.
煩い【うるさい】- urusai - means "noisy / loud", and you can replace the -ai at the end of things with -e to like sound cool or emphasize or smth (so yabai and yabe are the same word), so if you just say うるせー it basically just means "be quiet / shut up"
@rues it's one of the most used languages, devanagari is beautiful, I'm interested in notation in general (both for natural languages and programming languages), and you user gets some credit for mentioning it, which made me curious
it makes sense to me - universities here tend to have ethnic clubs or something like that (asian-american club or whatnot) so i'm not surprised unis with large international student populatoins have that