So, back in 2015, when Trump running for president was still a joke, I signed up for his "election newsletter" thinking I'd unsubscribe once I got bored. Well, it's been 7 years, and I've tried unsubscribing from his shit 1000s of times, added anything that says "Trump" to my spam filter, and I still just got an email saying "Buy your Trump 2022 calendar now" ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm pretty sure B does the same (maybe with less deception ("[politician] personally asked me to make sure you donate so you can be in [pronoun] hall of fame!"))
Construct a Heptagon avoiding compass use
A while back I asked you to construct a pentagon avoiding compass use. Now flawr suggested:
Next time you should ask people to draw a heptagon, which would be slightly more challenging:)
This is of course a joke, because if you didn't already know it i...
@cairdcoinheringaahing unfortunately people tend to reuse the same pronouns on multiple websites, so there are too few pronouns to make a good museum exhibit
The xkcds in the 700s and 800s have some really good ones that I haven't read in a while
This xkcd (mostly the title text) reminds me of that experiment where they did machine learning stuff my changing the gates in an FPGA, then tried to port the program to another FPGA and realized it only worked because it had learned to work around a manufacturing flaw in the first FPGA. The old person in the xkcd figures out how to do something, the incorrect way for anyone else, but they've "programmed" themselves to work with that.
like the whole line-wrap thing shouldn't be relevant most of the time since it fucks with readability in terms of 'what the hell is going on in this line' or it should be split up
All 80-characters does is either 1. let people justify making lines as long as possible up to that limit or 2. make you wrap stuff when it shouldn't be wrapped
Either the most readable method is making a short line or a long line, and 90% of the time it's a short one, but we humans are smart enough to figure that out without a hard limit
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ I just hate it when I write a line consisting only of x = "a string that is only slightly long. There is no cognitive overload in seeing this on the screen, and yet linters still won't accept it."
@ThomasWard ah i always thought that was a weird concept re: pylint. 'pythonic' ways of doing things are often elegant but honestly not worth rearranging my code for
@RedwolfPrograms that case is more readable than squashing it onto one line. You can easily spot the pattern. Besides, the reason it takes >80 columns is because it's bad code
I'm working on my HBL online interpreter ( and I want it to do this when the Run button is clicked: 1. Disable the Run button (applying CSS to change the background color and the cursor) 2. Execute the HBL code and display the result 3. Re-enable the Run button
Ach, I see what it is. FF isn't smart enough to realize that I've only changed the query string when I do history.pushState with an absolute URL, so it blocks the operation. :/
@DLosc For the run button on the Vyxal interpreter, clicking it adds the fa-spin class that makes it do its spinning animation, and it disables the run button by just saying "Do the stuff that run button is supposed to do iff it doesn't have the fa-spin class"
Okay, it looks like the cursor not changing is Chrome-specific.
Or maybe I should say Chromium-specific. Edge does the same thing.
@AaroneousMiller I thought about that too, but setting the button to disabled and using the :disabled CSS selector feels like the "right" way to do it. (Also, I think it was still having the same error when I was using a .disabled class, though I can't say for sure that I did everything exactly the same.)
Nah, you gotta code your interpreters the "right" way so the horrible coding shortcuts you build into your golfing language work the way they're supposed to.
No, we tried to clean up Vyxal's code and structure, and it caused a lot of fires and pretty much every part of Vyxal broke, so we rolled back to before the cleanup, and instead decided to rewrite Vyxal from scratch, which we just finished a few days ago
yeah basically vyxal started out as a project of lyxal's and as more people started participating and adding things on eventually it just got too disorganized and when we tried to clean it up everything just completely exploded
so we decided to take a step back from the code and look at the whole project and realize we needed to reorganize the whole thing to handle this many contributors working on it, and i think lyxal did a good job recognizing that it wasn't working anymore because of how much it'd grown and getting a good structure down so we could all work together instead of blowing things up because nobody's on the same page xD
> The code clean up made everything a big mess. That isn't anyone's fault. The code just wasn't suited to such a big change. It's more my fault for not organising it properly. I'm sorry for the confusion and miscommunications that happened during the whole process - it all went so fast, and I barely have any experience with managing a somewhat large scale project.
A basis of a vector space \$V\$ is a set of vectors \$B\$ such that every vector \$\vec v \in V\$ can be uniquely written as a linear combination of the vectors in \$B\$. In other words, let \$B = \{\vec b_1, \dots, \vec b_n\}\$ be a basis of some vector space \$V\$. For every possible \$\vec v ...
@Fmbalbuena "repcapping" means hitting the daily reputation cap - you can only earn a max of 200 rep from votes and edits each day. I've earned 190 rep today, so am one upvote away from that cap. I haven't hit it since Sep 1st, mainly cause uni has taken up a lot of my time
> Each team will submit a PR that will create a directory named after their language which includes the project source code, build instructions, documentation, and any presentation about the language ... the PR for each project needs to be submitted before the end of the jam.
and leaky is not very active on cgcc anymore and so the JHT room was given to me and xcoder as ROs, and I recently (by which i mean 8 months ago) added a few more active people as ROs (unrelated string, caird)
i only named the site JHT because i couldn't think of anything better really and JHT is immediately recognizable as resource for jelly, and learning it specifically
wait, are we allowed to output via generators/iterators instead of strings in python? i feel like i've seen it a couple times now but i'ts not on accepted IO methods