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unclear if that still counts as a spotlight
i'm pretty sure the whole thing is that they are a bright beam on a single spot and that's like, most certainly more than one spot :p
No, see, you immerse the earth in the sun!
(Wait, you can still see one star then, nevermind)
with what eyes left to see? :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing i tried and ended up first breaking every site and then bricking my browser
you can't just do document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace("69", "nice");
wow. i wonder why not
and for whatever reason recursively doing that to only elements without children also just doesn't do anything
maybe replacing anything with charcode 69 anywhere in the html with the text 'nice' would be better
i don't have a fucking clue why but I'm inclined to say JS is just garbage
@hyper-neutrino let me try that
CMC: Brick your browser
Charcode 69 is E
oh redwolf would like that then
@Bubbler JS, for(;;);
@hyper-neutrino Ah, the famed "Redwolf" strategy of development
But replacing E with nice does not change the count of e
well then just keep looping and doing it until it does change the count somehow :)
But, it does recursively expand the number of characters to infinity, assuming E = e
ok yeah i don't think i can make this work
And, since infinity is greater than all integers, expanding it to inftnity means it has an infinite number of e's
No, the count of e is an invariant, so it is constant even after expanding it to infinity
@cairdcoinheringaahing can't argue with that logic
@hyper-neutrino Can you be my professors, I wish they said that whenever I turn in the bs logic that makes up half my homeworks :P
idea: jelly but it uses APL's tacit system
Isn't that just APL?
It's APL with custom built-ins
that sounds like jelly but worse (for golfing) (better in terms of keeping your sanity)
@hyper-neutrino why worse for golfing?
in general i think jelly's tacit system is more favorable for golfing
ok what other languages use a different tacit system?
which is similar to APL's but more complicated
@Bubbler docs?
Hook is different from APL's 2-train (atop), and fork has a special case where the left side is [:
Idea: Jelly but three of my friends try and hunt me down and stop me from beating Vyxal.
@emanresuA minecraft but 3 of my friends try to hunt me down but they dont have brains so i disabled their spacebar key
@hyper-neutrino peer pressure
@JeganS hi!
@UnrelatedString did you just change your pfp to a catgirl again?
@Bubbler and you can do small powers of 2 multiplied by 5 too I hope
Well technically yeah
technically is the best sort of correct
the real feat is small powers of 2 multiplied by matching powers of 5
simply impossible to form an intuition for those in base 10
@Bubbler I immediately think of Bill the Cat :P
@RedwolfPrograms ... Huh, interesting
(In modern Pip, it returns 1e+200, same as Python does)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, Redwolf's been trying to murder math(s), so I'd say it counts as self-defense /s
@DLosc imagine not returning the full number
Oh, it does, as long as you use integers.
(Though, any floating point result with 0 fractional part is converted to an integer, so now I'm not sure if technically 100.0 should be treated as 100 to begin with... hm.)
Floating-point support in Pip has always been a bit half-baked, I guess.
@DLosc easy use sympy
or that symbolic math library I found for scala
@lyxal I've stayed away from adding anything to Pip that requires installing extra Python packages
@DLosc that's fair. Maybe the decimals or fractions library then
@cairdcoinheringaahing how about I don't
someone sensible \o/
what's caird gonna do? steal my limbs?
Announcement: The 25 challenges for AoCG2021 are ready (almost). Feedback appreciated, and let me know if you have ideas or opinions for the challenge ordering.
Damn frick, the starboard is way too small
until i noticed you unpinned the previous aocg pin i was worried that this pin actually managed not to show on the starboard
@hyper-neutrino could i get a profile refresh for chat?
I have festive pfp and se chat is rather cringe sometimes
@DLosc so you'd rather avoid using pip for pip
is that ai generated or a panel from a comic
i really can't tell
@UnrelatedString ai generated
the colors are a lot more solid than i'm accustomed to seeing for some reason
The prompt was "Lyxal at Christmas time"
That's what I used to make i5
That's the full sized image
okay it definitely looks less comicy at higher resolution
@Bubbler Which order are WW (GG?)'s extra parts coming in?
Q: All distances different on a chessboard

pajonkInspired by this Puzzling SE question: All distances different on a chess board. Introduction Lets define a sequence \$a(n), n\geqslant 1\$ as how many pawns can you put on a \$n \times n\$ chessboard in such a way that all the distances between two pawns are different. Pawns are placed always i...

1 hour later…
Are we doing a Best Of CGCC 2021?
Whatcha all think of my christmas pfp?
(such creative amirite)
Are you going to get a christmas PFP?
probably not
maybe I'm too much of a scrooge, but I don't really care about that kind of thing
@emanresuA hardly visible
@pxeger I think so
It usually doesn't start getting organised until January
Pygamer, do you want me to put a hat on your PFP?
^ Okay, here's what it looks like if you want it
CMC guess the prompt
Note that it was specifically rendered in the synthwave style
^ potential pfp?
Sure, although if I were you I'd fix the symettery
@cairdcoinheringaahing On it, I can just reuse my script to swap 0 and ♾ :p
@lyxal Something to do with christmas?
@emanresuA ^?
@emanresuA no u
@lyxal cyberpunk scene with explosion
@PyGamer0 no
It was emanresuA
Can I use that as my PFP?
Of course
I didn't make it the AI did
@lyxal what AI is that?
2 hours ago, by lyxal
@emanresuA just note there was nothing about Christmas in the prompt, so you might want to add a Santa hat
Although it's not like the hat hunt will probably happen again
Ya mean winter bash?
Yeah that one
ok hows my pfp
@PyGamer0 it's a tiny bit unobvious that the other colour is supposed to be red
@PyGamer0 that's you
@lyxal Kinda sus
December gang!
(You'll be there in two hours, Lyxal)
@lyxal and @emanresuA you are far too hard to tell apart
alright who installed the "replace everyone with caird on the starboard" userscript on my computer?
@pxeger mine's more purple than emanresuA's
but I'll reroll mine
I finally managed to crop my new pfp to under 2mb
I still don't know how to back up my current gravicon
@Neil just download it?
@lyxal uh oh, is caird invading again?
@rues seems like it
Are your pfps generated by nightcafe or whatever it’s called?
2 hours ago, by lyxal
2 hours ago, by lyxal
you want one?
@lyxal looks cool
so i changed my pfp to that
Haha ai gang lets go
lets goo
I made a bunch for other TNB users btw

Ai pfps

26 mins ago, 19 minutes total – 22 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 6 mins ago by lyxal

Feel free to use them if you want
@RedwolfPrograms this you?
Also happy December seeing as how it's now dec 1 for me
why do i have to wait another 23 hours to put a bounty
first i have to wait for one bounty to be finished for like a week then i gotta wait another day after i click ok on the bounty like whats with all the waitin
bounties are really not designed for what we use them for
evil they should redesign the bounty system for our needs specifically
@pxeger why 1000?
I just picked a high resolution so you could save a good quality copy
because the original URL was from your chat profile pic, which was only 38px or something like that
sucks. seems like the profile editor itself likes 328 for some reason
so now my profile image on cgcc is a 328 pixel snapshot of my former gravatar
(it's still the gravatar on other sites at least)
CMC: Split a string into factorial sized chunks
@lyxal Y'all are indistinguishable now
The pfp column on the left is a river of purply rainbows
uh hello?
mind your language please young man
hello there
um anyone know why Nêl cannot detect if a string is a palindrome in japt
Who can guess what my new pfp is?
@tjjfvi according to google image search, it's a dot
Looks like freddy from FNAF holding an exploding grenade
Nope to both
I swear that's freddy from FNAF in the background tho
Note that white is the foreground
This is a real image of <something>, stylized and cropped
CMC: insert a syntactically valid line of code where the XXXs are to change the return value of f:
def f():
    if False:
    return "string"
Now f has no return value
Because there's a syntax error
that's cheating!
Does "line of code" imply no newlines?
Does "syntactically valid line of code" mean "the line of code must be a syntactically valid statement" or "the program with the line of code inserted must be syntactically valid"
the latter
the_return_value_of_f = 5
It's a syntactically valid line of code whose purpose is to change the_return_value_of_f
Does "CMC" imply "not impossible"?
it is indeed possible
Are we to assume python?
Which version?
else:return 1
@RedwolfPrograms no dedents allowed
@tjjfvi my answer works in either 2 or 3, but let's say 3.10
@pxeger return f()
^H^H^H^Helse:return 1
@AaroneousMiller Python won't accept backspaces I'm afraid
@pxeger wait wut
@pxeger Can't see it due to wifi :(
@RedwolfPrograms you can also hover the link and it will appear as a tooltip
Hey you changed it
@tjjfvi I refer you to my earlier message: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/1070
and also why does Nêl not detect if the input is a palidrome in japt
Can you put it in a gist or something plz
I forgot to run SQS on my server last night
So no TIO/ATO at school
@tjjfvi Anyone? I'm pretty sure only 2-3 people have ever guessed it when I've asked them
You could be a fourth to a third of that statistic!
I know it's a bear or a dog or sth
@tjjfvi naruto
Well, it is something
But that doesn't count
Is it the American Idiot album cover?
No but I can see the resemblance
I've looked at it so long I can't see anything but what it is
I think the clue is gonna be the rays
assuming they even are rays
The rays are part of the original image
why does Nêl always return true in japt
The stylization was just the b&w
is it from a real-life photo?
Then stylized and cropped
is it a blobfish maybe?
Lol no
is it a disco ball?
one pieeece??
(i have no idea what one piece is)
Should I post what it is at this point?
@tjjfvi two more guesses
no I want to keep guessing!
It just has to be the bear from FNAF
It looks exactly like it
It is not
I think that's just your instinctive pareidolia kicking in
@tjjfvi plz one more guess
Go ahead
I recognize that bear/bat/dog's face, but I don't know from what
If you actually recognize it, it's because you've seen it in my pfp on other sites
I don't think it's actually a face
I took this picture with my phone
@RedwolfPrograms wat
@tjjfvi impossible => i'm possible
How do y'all do spoilers here?
Link to a gist maybe, or post a link with a tooltip
langidea: jelly but i change the tacit rules and add more
If there's one thing about Jelly that needs improvement, the tacit system is not it
@RedwolfPrograms you mean strings?
Well, maybe. But most importantly, the built-in choices are not great.
cough cough °
@tjjfvi Like...from a human?
um i clicked on both tooltips.....................................
@RedwolfPrograms what does ° do?
@AlanBagel lol gotcha
Degrees to radians (or maybe the other way around)
(there is a real spoiler; just hover)
@RedwolfPrograms what if i entirely remove strings and heterogenous arrrays?
Jelly has no strings lol
It just has numbers representing char codes, which you can put in arrays
@RedwolfPrograms character vectors?
That moment when 2 bytes creates 2000 lines of errors
@AaroneousMiller That moment when 0 bytes creates 6e+900000000 lines of errors
I made something cool if you're considering redesigning Jelly's operators
@AlanBagel C/C++/Java/Rust/many others
@RedwolfPrograms and what is that?
Hang on, I'm uploading it to google drive
This program generates this error. Apparently it falls into a loop and hits recursion depth, and most of the error is just the traceback.
These have how many times the operators have been used
In the tables
very cool info
0 bytes creates a error because are 4537853e+43828754 zero width non-byte-counting unicode charectors
@tjjfvi wututututut
I knew it was an animal's face
Take that @pxeger
damnit, I should've worked out they were whiskers
guys why does Nêl not detect if a string is a palindrome in Japt
guys why does Nêl not detect if a string is a palindrome in Japt
is jelly optimised?
@RedwolfPrograms any chance of doing one for the Syntax page?
@tjjfvi was that your cat?
@pxeger The syntax page only has syntactical stuff like numbers and strings, which were filtered out of my corpus
@tjjfvi ooh
well tbh I was most importantly thinking of øµ)ðɓ
@RedwolfPrograms you should do a number only corpus
of all languages
I did one with JS
I'll upload it in a min
@tjjfvi at first i thought it was a tiger and i was like, no way you got that on your phone
I have a tiger on my phone
It's growling at me send help plz
@RedwolfPrograms ok calls 911
@AlanBagel I took a look at the docs for Japt, and as long as I understand you correctly, I think you're looking for UêU
@AaroneousMiller How does it work?
@AlanBagel U takes the first input, and then ê returns true if it is a palindrome, but only if given a string I think? But it looks like it is checking the U at the beginning, not the string that gets passed to it. For example, Uêl also works. The important part is that you use U to get the input, and you pass a string to ê.
Disclaimer: I don't know Japt; this is the first time I've even glanced at the docs. Any part of this could be completely wrong.
@AaroneousMiller Ok thanks
@AaroneousMiller np for np
Now, does anyone know what the guy in the back is called in my pfp?
No, but I'm naming him Jason
@RedwolfPrograms noooo you cant do that (his name is not jason)
Hint: Three words, first is The
The Jay Son
The The Jason
@RedwolfPrograms leaves
Anyways, no
Bigger hint: Last word is one
The _ One
I'm using 110% of my willpower to not say "The Jason One"
@AlanBagel the chosen one
@PyGamer0 Ya did it
i used to watch the animations too ya know
super cool
prize: no prize
and because of it i got a wacom tablet 2 years ago
@AlanBagel ok cool

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