@rak1507 i can't actually tell but i think all of the commands are implemented as boolean flags that update every step and are executed in a chain of if-elifs?
@Fmbalbuena Large enough that there's more than a couple regular users, and golfing tips are actually useful (e.g., "tips for golfing in [a brainfuck derivative]" or "tips for golfing in HQ9+" wouldn't be needed)
@user hey I don't simp for microso... okay yeah fine I do own a surface and I did opt for a Microsoft phone for my first smartphone so maybe you're right.
@lyxal For a very small bit of context, one theme of our project is that it should be easy for children to use (it's an optics class where we're designing very primitive cameras)
Apple doesn't do too much bad stuff, just charge too much and make repairing a bit hard. Microsoft doesn't doo too much bad stuff, and isn't as big as the others. Google is big and scary, but I like their products. Amazon sucks and is evil. Facebook sucks and is evil, but at least Amazon sort of is useful.
@RedwolfPrograms But how does that correspond to straight up killing people? It'd be more Big Brother-style surveillance but not necessarily killing people
The adjective canonical is applied in many contexts to mean "according to the canon" – the standard, rule or primary source that is accepted as authoritative for the body of knowledge or literature in that context. In mathematics, "canonical example" is often used to mean "archetype".
== Science and technology ==
Canonical form, a natural unique representation of an object, or a preferred notation for some object
=== Mathematics ===
Canonical basis – Basis of a type of algebraic structure
Canonical coordinates, sets of coordinates that can be used to describe a physical system at any given point...
Random lang idea: Labyrinth 2, where each node has at most 8 neighbors, 1 neighbor = dead end, 2 neighbors = path, 3+ neighbors = select path based on top mod (n-1)
Sounds like better version of Labyrinth but actually worse because things must be laid out further away from each other
It's almost insane how overengineered RSR seems, I'm sure all that complexity is there for a reason, but the difference in how complicated GRT and RSR are is huge
I think having to handle the whole page being reloaded has a lot to do with it
GRT does it all in the background, so all it has to worry about is parsing the HTML, not dealing with any other JS or waiting for loading to finish
It probably also has to do with RSR being based off of an earlier userscript, so it might've carried over some unneeded stuff
I think its handling of weird stuff being returned it a lot more robust, but GRT can safely just ignore anything weird and nothing will break since it doesn't reload the whole page
i haven't watched squid game but i watched like one or two videos about it so i kinda have a vague idea what it's about and also know more than enough spoilers lol