can someone explain "imagine walking into an asexual forum and spending 5 minutes very confused as to why they're talking so much about the israel defense forces" to me please
@pxeger related(ish) tangent: I found out last night that the japanese equivalent to "lol" is the kanji for "grass". Originally they used the kanji for "laugh", which is "wara" in japanese, but that took too long to type, so they started just using "wwwwww" instead. Then somebody pointed out that looked like grass, so now they use 草, the kanji for grass
@hyper-neutrino I'd imagine things like that for words and phrases borrowed from other languages is quite common in Chinese, given unlike Japanese they don't have a dedicated phonetic alphabet for it
like in jp you could just say ミートゥー or smth (honestly probably what they do) but in chinese you don't get that so you basically just have to use ateji (well that's not what it's called in chinese but idk what it's called in chinese)
@Fmbalbuena the trick is in the approach. Generating all arrays of length l that have a max of m, then filtering to all that sum to s is going to take way too long. There must be a more efficient way to find the answer ;)
pinyin is a romanization to represent it for people who can't read chinese but it isn't actually part of the language, unlike japanese where hiragana and katakana are both writing systems in the language itself
@pxeger ah. mb - ateji is a japanese term for phonetic kanji; basically, kanji used only for their sounds and not actually because the meaning makes sense
I thought the meter was originally a fraction of the distance from paris to the north pole or something
> The metre was initially defined as one ten-millionth of the distance on the Earth's surface from the north pole to the equator, on a line passing through Paris.
@hyper-neutrino Litre, which is not an SI unit, is defined as 1000cm^3 (cm being an SI unit). Kg was originally defined as the mass of 1L (1000cm^3) of water, but is now defined in physics terms that still put it within 30ppm of the mass of 1L of water
posted on November 12, 2021 by AndrewTheCodegolfer
Your challenge today is to golf a program to interpret something Turing-complete. You may use any Turing-complete system for this so long as it is not the source language of the challeng...
Also asking what the first TC programming language somebody made is implies they know the computational class of their programming languages, which is often not the case
@RedwolfPrograms I'll grant you this one and this is also my biggest problem with PHP. I understand their reasoning (backward compatibility), but given how 'well' that's going for C++ and Java I don't think they should continue that route
@RedwolfPrograms This is a holdover from perl, which was the dominant language in the field (of backend web dev) at the time, and is entirely cosmetic, so I don't think it makes the language "bad" in any way
@RedwolfPrograms I'm ambivalent about it. I neither like nor dislike it.
@emanresuA PHP doesn't try to be functional at all, it was originally a procedural language, and OOP features were added after the fact, however in the interest of "backward compatibility" they've continued to provide procedural support for new features
Personally I really wish they'd at least add OOP variants of the array built-ins
any JS or CSS is better found on MDN. Any PHP is better found on Any SQL is better found on MSDN (for T-SQL) or other SQL sites for other flavors
w3s is a garbage site and I wish I could permanently blacklist it from my google results
100 rep for interpreting a TC language in Tarfish
Answers should go to this question. Add a comment to this as well.
Some ideas:
Any tag system
Anything implemented in the linked question
There is a string array, format is like this:
The '/' splits the string into 4 parts, I shorted the string, actually there might be 40 parts for example.
Each part contains only one ':' in it and has to be one, the ':' splits the into...
@SandboxPosts If I understand the challenge from the example but the challenge itself is poorly worded to the point that people might not understand the challenge, how could I best suggest better wording?
doesn't SE have a "suggested edit" feature? I thought it did