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Lol ok
@user In fact in the Lord of the Rings movies (and probably the Hobbit too, haven't seen it), they mispronounce "Shire" the entire time
@Mayube Huh. Over here, all counties have sheriffs' offices, which are like police but for counties instead of cities.
@RedwolfPrograms yeah Sheriff is not a law enforcement office in the UK
In Scotland Sheriffs are judges
@RedwolfPrograms Ever heard of the Sheriff of Nottingham (from Robin Hood)?
@RedwolfPrograms oh, i just realised counts are probably related to counties, not countries
Sheriff is actually a contraction of "Shire Reeve", "Reeve" being an anglo-saxon title denoting a senior official
@Mayube I was born in Harrogate but fortunately my family moved south and I get to drink PG Tips
@Neil :(
helpfully it even comes in granules
none of those stupid leaves for me
Yorkshire's basically the Texas of england
It was taken from Mexico? o.O
Or is it because it's the Lone Star Shire?
@user Texas wasn't "taken" from Mexico lol
It did a war of independence and independenced for a little while
@user its because we're aggressively proud and the Crown is scared of us declaring independence. Or was at least, that's why there's 4 yorkshire's now
@RedwolfPrograms Then it get jealous of all its friends in the US
@Mayube Tbh, that sounds more like Scotland than Yorkshire :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean sure now, but look back a century and Yorkshire was a big threat
we've always been rowdy ever since we fought with lancashire over some flowers
It annoys me that the War of the Roses was never considered a "civil war" and that England's "only had one"
@RedwolfPrograms ... after a bunch of mostly American adventurers moved there and then decided they should run the place
Oh cool, Chrome did a neat thing
I ran some code that was about to run out of memory, and instead of crashing, it opened the debugger
CMC: Given a string or array and an index, return the string or array with the item at that index removed
@RedwolfPrograms jelly, 5 bytes: ị@Jḟ¥
@RedwolfPrograms Pip, 5 bytes: aPKba
Also 5 bytes: aRAbx (but this one only works for strings)
@RedwolfPrograms ngn/K, 1 byte: _
@hyper-neutrino i downvoted to get Critic badge. Sorry i undoed
see this is part of why I hate certain badges
I Want to get all badges
well get them using legitimate methods, thanks
You should try to get them legitimately though. Don't do things you otherwise wouldn't do just for the badge.
Critic Investor Editor Supporter
Enthusiast Citizen Patrol Necromancer Teacher
Talkative Autobiographer Informed
@RedwolfPrograms vyxal, 5 bytes ??¤Ȧ'
@RedwolfPrograms HBL, 7 bytes: +(0(-,).)(2,.)
Not too happy with how verbose that is.
@lyxal implicit input screwing me over be like
@Fmbalbuena Good luck with that :P
Only looking at those that are possible to get, you have to get elected mod, complete at least 1000 reviews and get Illuminator
@cairdcoinheringaahing thanks
@lyxal why does not work; doesn't that like, exactly solve this challenge?
like why does it just do nothing
@cairdcoinheringaahing Also, One question.
@RedwolfPrograms But the independencing was done by people who moved from America, right? They may not have intended to become part of the states initially, but they did kinda take it from Mexico for themselves
Is your dog dead? or alive?
Last I knew, he's alive
@user If that's not what happened, blame my history teacher for feeding me lies :P
Granted, haven't seen him for 2 weeks, but I suspect my parents would let me know if he died
@user Yeah I kinda forgot about that part. It's been a while since I took Texas history
and why does F not work between a list an a singleton; it most definitely should
@RedwolfPrograms Jelly, 2 bytes: œP
Get gamed on hyper
@hyper-neutrino because 2.4 issues probably
wait we have a built-in for that?
@hyper-neutrino because F is dyadic and type-dependent-arity is a pain to implement
@cairdcoinheringaahing Only really works with strings as a full program. œPF works for arrays as a link
oh I see
that's cheating /s
> œP Partition y at the indices in x, without keeping the borders.
@hyper-neutrino either way, get gamed on (⌐■_■)
man every time i try using vyxal i suffer from how every useful list builtin either doesn't exist or only works for strings because it's an overload of a math function
@cairdcoinheringaahing ;-;
@hyper-neutrino I blame past me for not knowing all the useful list stuff
But you'd get the list stuff quicker when 2.6 is fully implemented and work on v3 starts
@hyper-neutrino tbh, this is my biggest problem with overloading
it makes sense to overload a math function that doesn't make sense for strings to do something for strings that doesn't make sense for anything else
but it doesn't make sense for a.remove(b) to literally only exist for strings and not lists
Wait what, that doesn't exist for lists?
lists are a weird overlap of 3 different types, so a third the time you want vectorisation, 1 third you want an array function and 1 third you want strings (in the worst case)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Good overloading will treat lists and strings the same in 97% of scenarios
That's not your biggest problem with overloading, it's your biggest problem with bad overloading
@lyxal There's still time to modify some builtins for v2.6, right? (like the one hyper mentioned)
Most things that can be applied to strings can be applied to list of numbers
What does it mean to "uppercase a list" tho?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Deepmap/vectorize, presumably
@cairdcoinheringaahing Exactly; that's the perfect place to have an overload!
But something like "remove" is not
Even regex search and replace, if you define your own regex-like constructs for numbers
that's something i really wanted to implement for yuno lol
@RedwolfPrograms Ok fine, my biggest problem with overloading is people doing it poorly
the ability to arbitrarily pattern-match any lists
I wrote an answer to an unanswered question!
Now I just have to golf it...and write an explanation...yay...
Nice, that's almost certainly worth a bounty :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Uppercasing is about character property, so you can overload with something about number property
e.g. uppercase + ceil
CMC: Find a way to make a python class that equal two class without mapping every single function parent to child(parent.function will do child1.function and child2.function). If not possible, explain the reason
I am just lazy to define every single function again
@hyper-neutrino how to make striketrough text
---strikethrough--- strikethrough
and you don't really need to ping me
how do you enter "---"
Does'nt work
@Fmbalbuena now you know how to strike!
@Niko class parent(child1, child2)?
A: List of bounties with no deadline

Fmbalbuena50 Rep when you Write !@#$%^&*()_+ Self-Interpreter Link is here Rules: The user must not be a New contributor. I/O standard rules apply. The ? Should be Included One Time Bounty. If you do then comment on this answer.

@user confusion
@Niko i don't even get what this is saying lol
you want to, given class A and B, make a class C such that C.x() calls A.x() and then B.x()?? or what
@hyper-neutrino yes
That's just inheritance
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, I just discover that lol
class parent(child1, child2) like user said :P
my python is bad ;-;
@NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines Um, it's nice that you're doing this, but you might want to wait to get some rep before you start a bounty @Fmbalbuena
Ooh, that esolang is written in D. Don't see that very often
I'm like 95% sure that whenever Conor starts learning a new lang, the first thing he does is write a new esolang :P
Sounds like a good approach, honestly
Writing a small to medium scale esolang seems like a great idea to learn the fundamentals of a language
Although it's also a good way to turn bald, depending on the language :P
@user Bounty to get more rep
Because users @user see the author Fmbalbuena
I don't see how you'll get more rep by giving 50 rep away to people
You generally don't get much rep by starting a bounty, unless the bounty is on one of your own questions
You mean that when you award the bounty, people'll see your name? That doesn't guarantee >5 upvotes, though, especially because you're a new user, which is what you'll need to offset the rep loss
I'm looking for an answer.
That's as good a reason as any, I guess
I just discover something more interesting
CMC: can class inheritance non-class in any way
What does that mean?
If I understand it correctly, no
If you mean class A(B, C, D) in Python, B, C and D have to be classes
@MannyQueen I'll explain about ?
Multiple inheritance eww
Hey, mixins are cool
if there is two object(whatever it is), they have child function (`B.x` and `C.x` where x is function)
is there a way to create an object(or class) `A` so that `A.x` will do `B.x` and `C.x`
@Bubbler I'll be standing over here with my cursed class number(int, bool, float, complex) class waiting for an apology :P
@Fmbalbuena I mean, I know what ? does, it just seems like a bit much to include what is essentially a debug operator
@Niko I think class(type(B), type(C)) would work, but that's getting a bit cursed
@MannyQueen Can i replace ? to EOF and Start input
@cairdcoinheringaahing do you mean class A(type(B),type(C))?
Uh, yeah, think so
Does python not have generics?
or type('A',[type(B),type(C)])
Python has duck typing, so it doesn't need generics
It seems correct, but won't that call all the object that is the same type as B
and C
In Lua this is a very simple problem, because classes don’t exist.
I believe the intent is to do both A and B
@hyper-neutrino wait it only did the A.x
That’s basically how Lua would do it
@hyper-neutrino testing currently
@hyper-neutrino That's 100% cursed but it freaking worked
holy moly
The real question is; why do you want this?
@ATaco programmer's lazyiness
hyper's way seems to be able to create a group of object
I wrote that script on my phone
but there is no way to overwrite child's function lol
hyper is god
Worship of lyxal ends, now worshipping hyper
a poor choice
Saying TNB is bad idea, TTB is good idea.
TTB is a totally different room though
TTB is acronym for "The Third Byte".
because "TTB" has tree bytes, not 19.
@hyper-neutrino it could just be that you're bad at vyxal
o removes from strings and lists
i blame bad documentation
> a.replace(b, "") # equivalent to b``V
@hyper-neutrino then use the new docs
@Fmbalbuena Why are you asking for access to the The Nineteenth Bakery?
Wrong click
OK, no worries.
because I've tried before, but only never to be let in
Lyxal, we've gone over this, no baking for you :P
dang it caird let me bake pls
please don't keep requesting, it pings all the owners
@lyxal OK, stop asking for access.
It's for your own benefit, if we don't let you in, you don't get pinged when we trash your messages :P
yeah that's the only reason it's a gallery...
if we made it public we'd just delete the room and use Trash
I thought it was also a convenient way for non-mod ROs to "nuke" messages.
wait, how so?
Because moving messages there moves them out of public view.
gallery is public viewing private writing
if the ROs want, I can privatize it so it can be a pseudo-nuke
galleries can be viewed by everyone (that's... sort of what a gallery is for :P)
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, I think that's a good idea.
So long as it still functions as it currently does for us ROs, I don't mind
aight - it's a private room now, so in theory y'all can still trash messages to it and read it fine but it'll be hidden from anyone except you four and moderators (feel free to use this message to test lol)
@hyper-neutrino Thanks. As you may have noticed, I moved someone's unintentional disclosure of their real name to the bakery for this explicit purpose. Epic fail.
@Adám oh, I did not notice. or even if I saw it I wouldn't have figured out why it was moved without going back to the orchard for context
better to just mod flag it - i'll go censor it right now
also correction: this room is private to all users except you four and CGCC mods (and CMs and above of course)
we can't see private rooms on other sites unless otherwise specified
@hyper-neutrino Well, I wanted to react right away.
fair enough
@lyxal are you in the Bakery atm?
I don't think so
cause for some reason, it's showing you in the user list :P
That's my room list
@hyper-neutrino oh this is fun :P
apparently i can kick people for a custom duration in private rooms?
i cannot km lyxal because he hasn't talked in too long... lol
@hyper-neutrino SEChat…
ah so it's just a private room RO thing (figured - km isn't actually associated with being a mod)
So it's not just a mod thing, anyone who can kick can kick for custom durations
I wonder if it'll age lyxal out of the room after 15 mins
Did that work?
@cairdcoinheringaahing all of our other internal wars were impolite
@lyxal Yeah, you're no longer in the room
@cairdcoinheringaahing sometimes you just gotta do things yourself
did you just leave all rooms?
Next time someone new enters TNB I'm going to greet them with "welcome to TNB! We have a secret baking guild but be quiet about it okay"
@ATaco You mean like with type hints? Yeah
@RedwolfPrograms I read that as a secret banking guild for a moment
No no we have that too
It uses monopoly money
We disguised it as an insurance firm
@RedwolfPrograms dang
I converted all my monopoly money into kromer
So I can't bank with y'all :/
It's okay, I spent all my money on Park Place anyway
Park Lane for y'all british people
@RedwolfPrograms this is why one should only code in Chef.
@RedwolfPrograms at least it wasn't on the rail roads
TBH I don't see the point of a railroad that doesn't take you anywhere
Monopoly rail roads just ain't worth it
I made a house rule for monopoly once where railroads send you to the opposite railroad
I did that too lol
Railroads = OP in early game if you can get the whole set
Railroads grow in value quite quickly the more you have
Also why did this get so many upvotes?
@emanresuA even then they're still not worth it
One or two is practically useless, but three or four and you've got a really good source of income
good for trading to whoever has the others
But then they have the full set
@emanresuA Most likely a few upvotes, then the HNQ-and-top-voted-and-cool-looking effect
@MannyQueen My family hates trading with me :(
Then maybe I've just been playing too much monopoly solitaire
Because I know for sure that rail roads really ain't sh*t in that game
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah, probably
Ooh there's added details and screenshots here
Q: Version labels for answers

Lisa ParkWe’d like to introduce version labels (official name and verbiage pending) for answers, a new product feature idea as part of the larger Outdated Answers project. We hope that this feature will help users more easily identify relevant answers that resolve their problems, as well as highlight oppo...

Y'all ever just record everything for a video and then can't be bothered to edit?
Or get a 15MB video stuck on a Ipad 2 that can't download apps and has no airdrop?
(And you can't refilm it because one of the people in it is away)
@RedwolfPrograms oh I can't wait to ping hyper constantly asking for more vyxal releases to be added here
@emanresuA (Ended up using Github)
On CGCC we'd have language tags, not version tags
So it'd just be [vyxal]
or [javascript], or [cjam], or [whitespace], and so on
@RedwolfPrograms Not necessarily - Vyxal 2.6 != Vyxal 1 != Vyxal 2 != Vyxal 3
It's close enough though
Not really
It's not meant as a replacement for the headers
v2.0 is a complete overhaul of v1.0 - v1.0 uses an entirely different SBCS for goodness' sake.
Just a way to filter by language
@emanresuA But does that really matter if all you want to do is see Vyxal answers to a question?
True :P
Just sayin, as languages they're completely different.
Yeah, definitely. Just not in the way that's relevant to answer tags.
@lyxal If Dennis came back, would you ask him to add Vyxal to TIO?
@emanresuA it's already on the request list lol
@lyxal took me a few weeks but i finally done did it
i edited my quality content and published it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Redwolf ProgramsRecognize a Roboto Mono character Your input will consist of an 18×18 image in any reasonable format, containing a horizontally and vertically centered 14px Roboto Mono character. This can be any of the 94 printable ASCII characters (not including the space). Possible rule: You are only required ...

@lyxal ಠ_ಠ Why the ???
@SandboxPosts Feedback?
Q: Complement a POSIX Extended Regular Expression

JustinGiven a POSIX Extended Regular Expression as input, output its complement (also a POSIX ERE). If the given regular expression matches a string, its complement should not match it, and the regex: (regex given)|(complement) should match any string. In other words, negate the regex. The regex for f...

Q: telgif: inverse figlet

Digital Traumafiglet is utility that converts plain text to an ascii-art representation for use in banners and the like. For example: $ figlet "CODE GOLF" ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ ___ _ _____ / ___/ _ \| _ \| ____| / ___|/ _ \| | | ___| | | | | | | | | | _| | | _| | | | | | |_ | ...

Huh, it actually worked.
(@MannyQueen No offense :P)
lol, yeah, i finally kicked myself to do it
someone ping me before the weeks done so i don't forget to actually award them
I'm currently solving a large challenge in Pip and writing it in very ungolfed style first for ease of development. It's an interesting experience.
@emanresuA implicit input
otherwise it tries to ¤ <array> <index> Ȧ
that leaves ¤ on the bottom
it doesn't move it
I confuzd now
unless you mean like ∇¤Ȧ'
because that works
$¤Ȧ' also works
@user I thought you said you weren't going to award bounties if it took you below 10k?
@DLosc Better not be the same large challenge I'm working on (in JS)
@RedwolfPrograms Which one, which I now want to attempt in Vyxal?
No. I'm not gonna get ninja'd (it's unanswered, and took a lot of work to solve).
If you answer first I'll saw your limbs off and glue them on inside out
(Also if it took a lot of work by your standards, I'm definitely not attepmting it :P)
Also no
Hint: It's a good challenge to use JS on
expression golf?
You could even say it's an optimal one ;p
Keep looking :p
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/69891/implement-fblint sounds like it, but actaully requires parsing...
I'm gonna stop gving hints/confirming which it isn't, there's only so many unanswered challenges lol
Is it a KoTH?
CMQ: What should a math-related digraph do on strings?
No, unanswered KotHs aren't fun t...wait I said no more hints!
@lyxal Digraph? Just cast the string to a number
Unless it's a particularly obvious or useful overload
@RedwolfPrograms hmm yes let me just cast "abcde" to a number and take cosine of it
this is like trig stuff and prime numbers
for non-numeric strings just return 0 from the cast or something
Maybe do various layouts of the given string?
@RedwolfPrograms Nope. The one I'm working on already has an answer.
Okay good. Your limbs are safe.
at least they are safe from redwolf
no promises from me
@lyxal Symbolic algebra /s
@DLosc haha jokes on you I'm using sympy for cos so that could actually work
dang actually that's a good idea
@lyxal I don't know if it'd be useful for golf, but it would be very cool
@DLosc well the cos is mostly for numbers anyway, so it'd be fine
Speaking of unanswered challenges, this one seems most straightforward to me
@DLosc alright I promise that your limbs are safe from me as well
no need to show off like that. All I said is that they're safe from me. I can't speak for the rest of the organisation.
oof github copilot calling out sympy
because apparently symbolic math boils down to just string concatenation
smh, don't use str in python when it doesn't mean the built-in function
It does though
@Bubbler well then how am I supposed to get the str type?
vy_type, Vyxal's custom type function, returns str for strings.
:/ fair enough
even python's standard type function returns str for strings
@DLosc And, as is tradition, I uncovered a bug in the Pip interpreter while I was at it.
Oh, I think I found an exploit for Generate net puzzles
@lyxal Can we have a -U flag for full unicode source compression for challenges that score in characters?
@emanresuA wanna take that to vyxal chat?
Sure. @Bubbler can you move that message?
Never mind
@DLosc I think the solution is working. Golfing it will have to wait for tomorrow.
2 hours later…
it doesn't really need to inherit from anything
@pxeger isn't that using c.x return value and pass it into b.x? and also it still needs to define a.x and every other function. which is too much for me(lazy as hell)
@Niko I wasn't sure what you meant by "do B.x and C.x", but you can just adjust that yourself
@Niko and I didn't realise you needed A to have some other properties as well
do you mean A needs to have an A.x which does B.x then C.x for all methods x of B and/or C?
in which case, you can basically just define the methods in a loop
@pxeger that sounds interesting, but won't looping require type in all the function name?
not necessarily, one sec
or if you really don't want to type any of the function names:
@pxeger it looks similar to hyper's solution
yeah, a slightly different approach (h-n's is probably better tbh)
@pxeger can't figure out how to use it
sorry, B should have been the object, not the type
and also I think you have to change the for name in to for name, _ in
I should test my code lol
@pxeger looks nice

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