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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@hyper-neutrino sorry for Python answer.
That's a new one.. I'm getting "The server's response could not be decoded" when trying to test the Add++ answer
i't works for me
but takes while
oh i got error sometimes
@Mayube Download Add++ in github
and you can test it
I'm at work and don't have python on this machine. I'll take your word for it
aww, ++i++ doesn't work in C#
@Mayube it's not even just parsed as +(+(i++))?
@pxeger Fairly certain C# has no monadic +
++i++ should be parsed as (++i)++, but ++'s operand must be a variable, and ++i returns a value
the exact error is The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, property or indexer
I guess the main problem is that ++ is parsed as one token, and can never be interpreted as two instances of unary +
I found a better way to do it anyway that doesn't involve incrementing i at all
that said, anyone know of a golfy way to map parity to -1 for odd and 1 for even? :P
that does the second bit, sorry lol
@hyper-neutrino thanks, you just saved me 9 bytes
@Mayube 9? What were you doing before lol
@pxeger i%2>0?a[i-1]:a[i+1] became a[1-i%2*2+i]
i mean, [1,-1][i%2] is only 11 which is 4 longer than 1-x%2*2
yeah but can't do that in C#
@hyper-neutrino I'm guessing this is C# so you can't just do that with the []
i am smart
[1,-1] isn't an array literal, you'd have to do int[]{1,-1}
i didn't bother checking what language this was lol
the solution with Linq is less than half the size of the one without
@Mayube Then I think it can be just a[i^1].
@m90 omg witchcraft
@Mayube bitwise operations are very useful, you should learn them ;)
I understand them and know how they work, I'm just not good at applying them practically
oh this unfortunately wouldn't work in jelly
or any one-indexed language
it also wouldn't save any bytes if it did work but it's cool
@Mayube Same
that same witchcraft also works in JS for a 23 byte solution
which challenge are we talking about here?
oh, unfortunately in vyxal this would have to be แบ1๊˜$vi which is worse
really just a[i]=a[i^1]
I think I have four bytes in Ash
I guess more accurately it'd be b[i]=a[i^1] so that you're not overwriting a as you go, which is what Select (aka map in JS) is for
bruh there's a hilarious 2 byte Vyxal solution using the r flag
@RedwolfPrograms There might be a three byte Ash solution, trying to think of one
@AaroneousMiller yY: Uninterleave, then Interleave
Hey can you write whitespace interpreter written in python or something to get 50 rep
Ooh, found three bytes in Ash
what happened to @AaroneousMiller's project to write a whitespace interpreter in Vim?
It's actually less obscure than my original four byte one lol
Half, reverse, interleave
Wait, won't that work for Jelly too? Or is there no half array built-in
there is odd-even but it is two bytes
@Mayube I've implemented all of the stack manipulation and arithmetic commands, now I'm moving on to the I/O commands now since I'm not yet sure how I'm going to format the heap. Once I have all the commands implemented, I'll figure out how I'm doing the parsing.
and interleave doesn't actually flatten the array, it is more of a zip/transform
also note that แนญ2/F is another jelly 4-byter
tried J^1แป‹ then remembered 1-indexing
@AaroneousMiller that is indeed hilarious
@AaroneousMiller You have 2 days
to get 50 rep
@Fmbalbuena hold my beer age-appropriate beverage
Has nobody posted the obvious JS solution?
(Or the one that's obvious with the tricks mentioned here)
I don't want to since i^1 isn't my idea
I was just about to say I'm surprised we don't have a JS answer yet
Do you want to post it?
I was gunna let somebody else post it given I posted the C# one and they're the exact same answer
Should I just post it then?
Wait...TIO's unblocked!!!!!!!!!
@Mayube test
I can't believe they unblocked TIO, this is amazing
is ATO blocked for you?
@Fmbalbuena looks like it works now, though given how fast it's running it's for sure caching the output, so idk if it's actually running at all
@pxeger Yes
@RedwolfPrograms the JS in the post isn't the same as the JS in TIO, and I'm pretty sure the JS in the post won't work
Oops copied the wrong thing
@RedwolfPrograms also it was @m90 who suggested [i^1], not pgexer :P
What do you mean, it's always said m90 there ๐Ÿ‘€
suuuure :P
f=x=>[x.splice(0,2).reverse(),...f(x)] is a really stupid recursive solution :p
Wait it also never finishes
@AaroneousMiller Hey are you writting whitespace interpreter.
That makes it a really stupid recursive solution :p
answers are allowed to emit warnings, right/
@hyper-neutrino What happened
@Fmbalbuena redwolf's infinite recursion
f=x=>0 in x?[x[1],x[0],...f(x.slice(2))]:[]
[] should be falsy >:|
I like using "contains a truthy item" as the truthiness condition for arrays
@AaroneousMiller do you make control flow
@RedwolfPrograms Wouldn't work for JS/Python though
@Fmbalbuena I haven't gotten that far yet, but I have a couple ideas of how I'm going to implement it
yes but recursion
@RedwolfPrograms a=[];a+=[a] is a truthy or not :P
[1,2,3,4,5,6] -> [3,4,5,6] -> [5,6] -> [] -> stop execution because [] is falsy
^ that's the intention
except js is not a sane language and therefore this doesn't work :p
@hyper-neutrino Yeah that's why I mentioned it not working in JS lol
@hyper-neutrino You can't += arrays, just do a[0] = a or a.push(a)
i meant python
just do what I do when you don't like how a language works: reimplement it from scratch to make it the way you want it /s
Wait what did you mean by JS is not sane then
[] being truthy lol
@AaroneousMiller ngl that's the motivation behind proton
it was supposed to be python but with the features i wanted it to have
instead it's python but without the features i needed it to have
lmao. 32 bytes in C#, 26 bytes in JS.... 59 bytes in Rust
> You went outside with a gas mask well haha dumbass it melted onto your face.
I like worldbuilding sometimes
flashbacks to Dr. Who
is that meant to be a link
ok here's a question. I just posted this Rust answer, however technically this answer only works in my test suite, because my test suite calls the function with let output: Vec<i32> = swaps(&input); (swaps() being the function). Explicitly specifying the type of output allows Rust to infer the return type of the closure, but without that explicit type it errors. Should I be required to include an explicit return type?
note that specifying the return type adds 10 bytes ->Vec<i32> and requires that i wrap the function itself in braces for an additional 2 bytes
@Mayube no, your answer is fine
@lyxal Dya think it's meant to work on YAML?
@pxeger Good to know. Shame Rust can't infer the argument type
@RedwolfPrograms Lucky you! Maybe some of the classes needed to do Python on chromebooks or something :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AndrewTheCodegolferPrint a program to print yourself and cause a huge brainf*** The programming language Brainf*** is very famous: if you're here you might have heard of it (though for today I'm not saying its name uncensored, because I haven't seen anyone else doing that gimmick). Nevertheless here's a link to its...

@RedwolfPrograms I like it when Worldbuilding reminds us of how fragile the world really is
oh I'm an idiot who didn't actually click your source link. I jsut saw your quote further down lmao
> You went outside with a gas mask well haha dumbass it melted onto your face.
New COVID conspiracy just dropped
no no, COVID is Zone 6
or more accurately Zone 6 is:
> basically COVID-19 but ten times worse
Also the user who wrote that incredible answer has the "Authoritarian" icon from Stellaris as their profile pic
oof, Rockstar has no modulo and no bitwise operators
hi all
Q: Alienese cycles

caird coinheringaahingAlienese refers to two "languages" in the show Futurama. In actuality, they are two ciphers of English text with a pictographic alphabet. The first is a simple substitution cipher, but the second is slightly more complex. The second is a type of autokey cipher that follows these steps: Take a wo...

@Mayube I can't interpret o/ what is it?
ah! o/ too :)
left handed wave!
Actually it's Alienese (the third type) for "hello there"
(I'm joking, it's a wave)
@Mayube General Kenobi
@cairdcoinheringaahing in Alienese type 3 that's "\o"
hmm.. I did check futurama.fandom.com/wiki/… :)
but why left handed?
or can I do \o ?
you can do either
but not \o/ ?
if you're really excited to see somebody you can do \o/
:) snap
do people still say snap?
some people do
Anush does, for example
who the hell is he?
or she?
No clue, some random person online
I see Leaky's back to FGITWing again :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I was gonna post my 20 byte answer, but that might have been better called "fastest tennis ball lob in the west"
Fastest Potato cannon in the west? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing are you sure your 11 byte answer returns 16 for NANNANNAN?
Jelly doesn't have a built-in for backwards alphabet, damn
Wow, SE is so bad, it's not even sure when this comment was posted!
I've implemented Stack Manipulation, Arithmetic, Heap Access, and I/O commands. All that's left is Control Flow commands, and then the actual compilation and execution. The compilation will probably be just going through the program and placing the labels, and the execution should be fairly simple, but I may have to have a pretty low recursion limit for the subroutines (by pretty low I mean a depth of around 9-ish because reasons). Hopefully I can get it all done in time.
@pxeger Plus, it can't even spell "Maybe" correctly smh my head
@NewPosts Status
@RedwolfPrograms Looks like something's wrong with NP
I'll check
Q: List supereven numbers

nerdguyA supereven (self-coined term) number is a number that has no odd prime factors and none of the digits have any odd prime factors. For example, the first 11 are 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 64, 128, 1024, 2048, and 262144. No decimals. As always, go for least number of bytes; the program has to be able to ...

Post NP missed ^
This is the third time the RAID's randomly decided my hard drive is on a foreign configuration
So it tries to boot from my backup drive
Which...isn't bootable :p
@emanresuA yes
It works well on yaml
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not sure if I can prove it, but I think there are only 8 supereven numbers: [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 128, 1024, 2048]
Essentially, it's looking for powers of 2 whose digits are one-digit powers of 2, and I don't think one exists past 2048
ES6 was 6 years ago, why are people talking about it like it's this crazy new thing lol
I think that blog post must have been posted by mistake:
> ES6โ€”also called ECMAScript2015โ€”is the latest implementation of JavaScript.
@cairdcoinheringaahing can confirm up to 23104
Sorry for the low quality YT comments meme but
ES2021: Am I a joke to you?
@lyxal I've confirmed up to 2^100, but TIO's too slow to go much further
@cairdcoinheringaahing Vyxal, 14 bytes: โˆž'โ‚Kfฦ›โ‚Œæโˆท*โ€ A;ฮ 
I've confirmed up to 2**10000
> If a(7) exists it is greater than 2^1000000.
Lol, even the sequence's title is wrong:
> Powers of 2 with each digit a power of 2 (only digits 0,1,2,4,8 are used).
Man, 0 is not a power of 2
I wonder if OP means even digits, not ones without odd factors
2 to the negative infinity?
By that logic 3 is a power of two, because it's 2 to the power of log_2(3) :p
@RedwolfPrograms But then there is 1
@RedwolfPrograms I mean... I guess infinity is not an integer, so I can't say "integer powers" :P
Non-irrational powers?
The squareroot of two is a rational power of two
But it's not a possible digit, because it's not an integer in [0, 9]
Hmm. Fine.
anything can be a digit if you're bold enough
It's interesting how even the purest, most elegant field like mathematics has weird corner cases.
It's all zero's fault anyway
I love how the comments under the blog post are all about how old ES6 is
@RedwolfPrograms whats RAID?
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Shadow Legends
It's what fancy servers use to manage their hard drives
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol
Proper maths only cares about positive integers anyway. None of that fancy "negatives" or "irrationals" or whatever
You could use a RAID controller to, for example, copy everything written to one hard drive to another. It's a backup system, basically. I don't actually use RAID, but the controller is still there.
@cairdcoinheringaahing hmm yes our sponsor for this video page of transcript
@cairdcoinheringaahing Subtraction is only an illusion, after all
ah, we must have hit some sort of threshold for questions tagged ?
Just say that m - n is only well-defined if m > n
@DLosc doesn't feel like an illusion when rep goes missing ;p
youtube intros be like: hey guys today we will be playing minecraft, but first, a word from our sponsor, raid shadow legends
Everyone who had a tag badge lost it, then got a tag badge
bah, I got all excited there for a few seconds
@cairdcoinheringaahing Which, now that I think about it, makes sense both from a "define numbers in terms of set theory" perspective, as well as an intuitive perspective. If you have five apples, you can't take away six of them.
Subtraction with an apple metaphor is really more like partitioning into two groups.
gosh dang I just realised I'm not exactly allowed to sarcastically share screenshots of the exam I'm about to take.
and y'all know how much I love posting out of context snippets
@DLosc You can! Just wait for the person to get another apple, then come back and steal that one too
@PyGamer0 *WHAT IS UP <insert offensive term for their fanbase> TODAY We're gunna be getting nostalgic and playing some old school stuff. That's right, Minecraft. But first don't forget to NUKE that like button from orbit and SEXUALLY ASSAULT the subscribe AND the bell and DON'T FORGET to check out our sponsor Rage: Scam-o Legends"
@lyxal Just paraphrase after you're done taking it :P
@user nah I'll paraphrase whle I'm taking it
@Mayube wtf lol
it starts in a minute lol
@RedwolfPrograms Actually it's Redundant Array of Independent Disks these days
back when RAID was invented "inexpensive disks" meant disks that weren't the size of dishwashers.
Don't think I've heard "independent" before, but good to know
Then again I haven't had to care about RAID for the last like three years lol
@PyGamer0 what even are legends, do they mean like socks?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Sounds like The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries: "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Take his fish away and tell him he's lucky just to be alive, and he'll figure out how to catch another one for you to take tomorrow."
"Give a man fire, he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
เฒ _เฒ  Apparently one of my compulsory units next year is "Mathematical Programming", which is 12 weeks of learning Python
Hmm yes, what does print mean, I don't know
@RedwolfPrograms Hmm yes ES6 (also called ES*2015*) is the latest version. Yes, let's just ignore everything that happened after that, that's when time started taking hard drugs
@RedwolfPrograms It was apparently changed at some point since the '80s by the RAID advisory board, which fun fact is impossible to google because you just get dictionaries telling you what the RAID advisory board is ???
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pro trolling strategy: write your assignments in Sage
Write them in Jelly, and include the interpreter in all my submissions :P
@Mayube Actually, it's a French police unit
which in turn was a branch of HYDRA
> A.I.M. and their R.A.I.D. (Radically Advanced Ideas of Destruction) branch
people really work for their acronyms
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not to be confused with A.I.D (Advanced Ideas of Destruction) which is a different branch of A.I.M
Congress works very hard to make acronyms like PATRIOT ACT. After all, that's why they're being paid the big bucks
Oh yay, despite it being 5 days after Bonfire Night, there are people in the parking lot opposite me shooting off fireworks เฒ _เฒ 
Time to get congress to pass the Secure Highly Important Things Act
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't miss the ground being littered with spent firework sticks the morning of the 6th
@DLosc Thank you, you've given me a new way to waste time :P
@Mayube I wish it was only the morning of the 6th :/
@user Taking people's fish, or reading Schlock Mercenary?
The second, I don't like fish very much :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing In my city it's only legal to discharge fireworks 2 days of the year
Well, I like fish that's been cooked properly and had the bones taken out, but that appears quite rarely
@user If you want something done properly, do it yourself
@user You don't have to eat them, just take them :P
@Mayube That's where you're wrong: anything I do, someone else can do better :P
@user even self-deprecating?
@user If sushi counts as "cooked properly" (i.e. "not at all"), then same :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing What's the point of taking someone's uncooked fish? Then I'd have an angry fish-eater behind me and only a smelly fish to defend myself
@cairdcoinheringaahing I detest sushi.
@Mayube I'm the worst at being self-deprecating
@Mayube Yup. Self-deprecating is like the easiest form of humor. I'm sure it can be very funny sometimes, but not in my hands
I keep trying to get back into modded minecraft, but Factorio has ruined me
@cairdcoinheringaahing tbf it's pretty hard to find sushi with bones in it
At least, where I am. ymmv and if so I am scared
@RedwolfPrograms I googled "Bone Sushi" to see if it's a thing. Apparently it's the name of a sushi place in Richmond, BC. They're permanently closed. Wonder why
My sushi is all bones. Instead of rice, I use little bits of bone. Wasabi is just bone paste. My teeth are the strongest teeth ever
Apparently there's a type of Korean "sushi" called Hoe that sometimes contains small edible fish bones
Sometimes I wonder how caird manages to survive with all the drugged, wine-infused, bone paste jelly sushi she eats :P
I don't really drink wine :P
@user perks of being a brit; you can endure anything as long as you can grumble about it in private later
And the trick is to be too poor to actually buy any of that stuff more than once :P
Plus ^^, we are unkillable, so long as what's trying to kill us can be grumbled about
Ah, is that how your queen's survived so long? :P
Better yet, we can do it with a smile on our face
Britain is the home of anxiety-driven passive aggressiveness
Heck someone once had the nerve to serve me PG Tips and I drank it with a smile and then never spoke to them again
What's wrong with PG Tips?
@Bubbler Unrelated String has a Jelly golf to shave off a byte
Jelly has gitten gud
@user it's the off-brand diet coke of tea
@Mayube My flatmates drink PG Tips instead of Yorkshire Tea, and I just can't with them
@cairdcoinheringaahing Good to know you have good taste at least
In my experience there are 2 types of tea drinkers: People who think it all tastes the same, and people who drink Yorkshire Tea
My wife was firmly in the former category until I had her try Yorkshire :P
thankfully it's universal enough that it's available in most stores over here
@Mayube Does "generally only likes it if it's herbal or fruit-flavored" not count as a tea drinker, then? Because I definitely don't think it all tastes the same, but I've never had Yorkshire either.
@DLosc strictly speaking herbal tea isn't tea (there's no tea in it), but I enjoy a good peppermint tea so I respect it
@Mayube We have family friends who are part of Taylor's of Harrogate, so we kinda have to like jt :P
I don't think all tea tastes the same, but I can't recall ever having Yorkshire tea. Does that mean that I somehow lost my memories of drinking Yorkshire? :o
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm from Yorkshire, so ditto :P
Like, we do, but we didn't have a choice :P
@user Good luck drinking all of Yorkshire, it's like the size of Tokyo :P
We live 'round the corner from a european import store, and they sell other Taylor's teas. I've always said Taylors is superior to Twinings but still drank Twinings Earl Grey. Now i can buy Taylors Earl Grey and it's definitely better
@Mayube Which part? My mum's side's from Pontefract
@cairdcoinheringaahing Sheffield
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, that explains why i frogot about it. My brain must be blocing those traumatic memries out
I always forget Sheffield's in Yorkshire
to be fair it's almost Derbyshire, and almost Lancashire
Feels like it should be in "Sheffieldshire", given that basically all the cities in that area are like that
@cairdcoinheringaahing it is, except we call it South Yorkshire :P
Don't tell Doncaster
Fair enough :P
South Yorkshire is basically a different country from North Yorkshire
@cairdcoinheringaahing well that's cos South Yorkshire is real and North Yorkshire isn't :P
there's South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, and the East Riding of Yorkshire
(North Yorkshire does exist, it just depends on who you ask, when you ask, what map you look at, where you ask, and whether or not it's raining in Sussex)
@DLosc The Event is ended
TFW you find a sequence that's the exact same as another sequence, which is completely unrelated to what you're doing
It hasn't been full 24 hours yet, but yeah I guess it's unofficially ended
Specifically, A156017
@RedwolfPrograms It is the true power of OEIS, and it is why you see a bunch of "also a sequence found in [some seemingly unrelated context]..."
through the power of OEIS I learned today that I share a last name with the chief engineer on a project that was the first number sequence ever calculated on electronic computer
smh all these British shires. The Hobbits did it right: just the Shire. That's it. No New North Reading of Dyeorbyshire or whatever
fun fact: The word "Shire" shares common roots with the word "Sheriff"
Are there sheriffs in Britain?
@Bubbler Did anybody try the factorial ///MC?
I tried but I have no idea how to proceed, really
A: List of bounties with no deadline

Bubbler500 rep for first vanilla factorial answer in /// On the sixth LYAL about ///, I proposed a factorial CMC but it went unanswered. Plain "multiply two numbers" without self-replicating code requires consuming part of the input as a pattern replacement, and it doesn't generalize well. So apparently...

@Bubbler I think i can't do
Then go ahead
You looked "@Bubbler I think i can do" but read carefully
@RedwolfPrograms Yes! Historically a sheriff was a legal official responsible for a shire. These days a Sheriff is just a county or city official
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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