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@Mayube wait, one more update cause im stupid: 54 bytes
i was basically doing "if x = true return true"
lol nice
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Daniel ScheplerCalculate Smith normal form of an integer matrix Given an \$m \times n\$ matrix of integers A, there exist a \$m \times m\$ matrix P, an \$m \times n\$ matrix D, and an \$n \times n\$ matrix Q such that: P and Q are unimodular matrices (i.e. matrices which are invertible and whose inverses are a...

I think the pop-con should be closed as dupe of the code-golf
but I can't VTC as dupe yet because it'll hammer it lol
you have a popcon hammer?
oh yeah that's right i don't
I feel like the former is a subset of the latter though, and they don't really intersect all that much, do they?
The thing is, any solution to #1 is a solution to #2
also, the pop-con came after the code-golf
if the code-golf came after the pop-con, I'd be saying the code-golf is a dupe
wait hold up I am thinking of it backwards
also, the code-golf specifies the objective clearer than the pop-con
yeah I can agree with this VTC
Then again, with operation unzalgo, we decided that the other one was a dupe because even though it was older, it was less well specifed and lower voted.
Oct 24 at 19:07, by emanresu A
Btw, is https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/119298/he-cometh-not-a-zalgo-challenge?rq=1 a dupe of https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/188472/operation-unz%cc%96%cc%ac%cc%9c%cc%ba%cc%aca%cd%87%cd%96%cc%af%cd%94%cd%89l%cc%9f%cc%adg%cd%95%cc%9d%cc%bc%cd%87%cd%93%cc%aa%cd%8do%cc%ac%cc%9d%cd%8d%cc%b9%cc%bb?noredirect=1&lq=1?
Oct 24 at 19:17, by caird coinheringaahing
Granted, totallyhuman's is the older challenge, but operation unzalgo has thhree times the score and is more comprehensive (so totallyhuman's is a subset of it IMO)
actually, maybe the code-golf is dupe
hang on just gotta think this through noe
it's my understanding that, generally speaking, a question X is a dupe of question Y if answers from question Y can be copied over to question X with little modification, with the older question getting priority for remaining open
call the code-golf X and the pop-con Y
most answers from X can be copied over to Y pretty easily
but there are answers from Y that can't be copied over to X easily
like you can't exactly copy:
A: Code that will only execute once

jm8Minecraft Command Block setblock ~ ~ ~ air When you run this in a command block, it destroys itself.

over to X
but any valid answer to X can be copied over to Y
A: A program that deletes itself

ShaggyJavaScript (ES6), 13 bytes f=_=>delete f Try It Logs the source of f, calls f (which deletes f), tries to log f again but throws an error because f is now undefined. f=_=>delete f console.log(f) f() console.log(f)

for example seems to solves both
X is older, any valid answer to X can be copied to Y, X has a more objective specification
the argument for Y being left open is that it opens the door to other creative solutions that don't just involve deleting the source
yeah, I think Y is the dupe
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm too confused to vote either way.
Any answer to X (which is older) can be applied to Y, hence Y is the dupe
at least, that's how I see it
A: "Hello, World!"

HydrazerParadoc, 15 bytes first paradoc solution lol "Hello, World!" Try it online!

1 hour later…
@pxeger just an explanation of a simple program like 99 bottle of beer or fizzbuzz and the golfing tricks in it.
that'll be good to get started.
I should stalk your answers to find some explanations
CMQ: Awful superhero names
@RedwolfProgrammed "Code Cruncher" :P
shows himself out
@RedwolfProgrammed poo burglar
@Razetime he said awful
My dad once walked past a movie theater in a foreign country and took a picture of a bunch of poorly translated movie posters. The best was "anus man".
No joke.
@RedwolfProgrammed Dataman
Even worse would be datumman
@RedwolfProgrammed man man
16 hours ago, by PyGamer0
user image
why is that so saturated
@hyper-neutrino taken from andriod
ok time to visit cgcc
Q: Find the k-th order summary of a number

Mukundan314Background The summary of a non-negative integer \$n\$ is the concatenation of all digits that appear in \$n\$ in increasing order, with each digit being preceded by the number of times it appears in \$n\$. Some Examples: n -> summary(n) 1221 -> 2122 (2 ones, 2 twos) 1212 ...

My solution to ^ starts with SUs
@emanresuA sus
Wait no it doesn't anymore :(
@emanresuA no sus :(
won the ninja by under 5 seconds, but lost by a byte
was that a one second ninja? :P
caird and hyper answered at the same time
@cairdcoinheringaahing your solutions fails for 888888888888, 2
4:16:23 and 4:16:25, wow
also i got my gold badge yoo
@hyper-neutrino Fixed
auto-casts to digits
@PyGamer0 Nice!
since when did sort do that???
Since always :P
oh well, can't golf my answer so I'll just delete it :P
@hyper-neutrino @cairdcoinheringaahing Well ya both lost to Vyxal :p
If it was just summary I'd have 4 bytes with a flag
oh you used strings
i had 9 (although it's 8 if I just don't close the foor loop)
Why are you summing?
@Mayube ok i wasnt going to keep bothering you about random golfs me n friends made but someone just found this which blows it out of the water: i={input};o=sort(i[i>total(i)])[1]
welp i've been beaten by one byte on two languages in a row
or rlly just the o=sort(i[i>total(i)])[1] part matters
anyone want to make that a third? I'll even give away the language i'm using - python
@cairdcoinheringaahing The only difference between our answers is that Jelly has slightly more boilerplate for repetition.
And that mine doesn't actually work :P
Fixing it now, dw :P
oh wait i'm stupid
of course this fails
You edited your python answer into your jelly answer?
Got to love base 10 conversion :/
also emanresu yours is not quite the same as caird's
because caird's error does not extend to yours :P
It's probably simpler to go with exec(... * k)
It's kinda annoying that V doesn't auto-flatten tbh
@PyGamer0 well done!
@emanresuA how would you do that
i have tio.run/… but i don't think this is how you're supposed to do it
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or maybe not
@hyper-neutrino 91 bytes in Python 2, as exec is weird with functions
woo, 13 byte save translating into proton
Proton, combining the golfiest bits of JS and Python :P
and combining the most cursed parts of both and adding more cursedness
I have this weird idea in JS which might beat it
@emanresuA did this to avoid the clutter of the deleted post
I had this nice idea of f.entries().flat().join`` but it doesn't work :(
@RedwolfProgrammed @Mayube Found an example in the wild!
1 hour later…
To whoever VTC'd codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/236912/…, I've cleaned up the question and made it make more sense.
Oh wait nvm
> Using the \ prefix, it's possible to create variables that do not have a sigil
I dunno Raku, that sounds like a sigil to me
@emanresuA nerd
Notice the comment I left to prove a point
You're just bad if you can't comment :p
I think it happened because delete+edit+undelete+edit
Might also have something to do with hyper == mod
Does it still happen?
Aw dang
when I reloaded, it was fine
Dang it
Also you might want to delete the comment
Tempted not to
But I've
Wait hyper can see deleeted comments
It'd be nice if copilot could actually look at modules you're importing as well as the script you're working on
CMQ how can I find the answer with the highest votes that contains the word Knuth?
SEDE query, likely.
Cool! Can you do the same thing for stackoverflow please
Thank you!
How did you search in answers only?
is:answer tag
just put is:answer Don Knuth
then sort by votes
or just is:a
dammit, outgolfed on a stack exchange search
@Razetime here is an answer that I think showcases a good variety of golfing techniques, and has a pretty detailed explanation
thank you
oh neat, zsh has an eval command
@pxeger Which reminds me, I need to golf my Vyxal on that
@Razetime thanks!
@Razetime :)
@emanresuA where is your vyxal answer to my challenge?
Which one?
The currently bountied one
Haven't done one and not planning to - Too complex and I'm lazy :P
@emanresuA one day
Some day it'll take other open files into consideration
and then it will read the one file which holds all of your passwords and .....
why would you have a file containing all your passwords unencrypted
that is a horrible idea
Use bitwarden like hyper and I
When november 6 fireworks
@lyxal keepassxc is the best
Be real pro and use 3 different variations of one password all over the place and forget which one was which and do password recovery all the time :P
that's terrible lol
@Bubbler why are you calling me out like this
@Bubbler Real security experts use 5 different variations :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing real gamers use hashes of their names + website name :P
Real gamers exclusively use websites that store their one password in plaintext :P
no, real gamers dont have passwords :P
they use throwaway accounts
@pxeger My Parents do exactly thos lol
@pxeger don't have a digital file, just write them on paper like I used to do way back when
writing your passwords on paper is actually not a terrible idea tbh, as long as you keep the piece of paper somewhere slightly private
like not on a sticky note on the side of your monitor in a shared office, but in your wallet or something
My password book was kept hidden away in a draw.
@pxeger I literally have the former, but using Sticky Notes (the Windows app) instead :P
that's worse, because it doesn't require physical access
that's the same as having a plain text file
Why is TNB so empty? Only 9 users
1 hour later…
@pxeger only 1
It’s a Saturday
@pxeger But what if it falls out pr a pickpocket takes it?
that's why you have backups
No I mean someone else could get important passwsds rheb
you're probably not being targeted specifically, so it probably won't be a problem
you can just change them all
unless you have particular reason to fear the government and/or the mafia, you won't be targeted specifically, which is the only way a pickpocket would do anything
hacking is in most cases an opportunistic crime
@pxeger (or, if you're the CEO of Sony Pictures, for example; then you might also be targeted more specifically)
@pxeger petty acquaintances might target you :p
@pxeger Indeed I am, how did you know?!
@user ofc jokes 101?
2 hours later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hey i found a bug in my program
My cat really likes to sleep on my backpack lol
@Fmbalbuena If you want to iterate over the elements of a list, you need to use E (each) instead of F (for): Try it online!
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh sorry
@RedwolfProgrammed TNB out of context be like
Is a "Will 1-cell brainfuck halt" question answerable?
I think so
Pretty sure it's 2 cells for turing completeness
Pretty sure any finite number of cells can be halting-problem-ed
3-cell with unbounded integers is TC, I know.
@pxeger Only if they hold finite sized integers
I forgot about that, I was thinking 8-bit-per-cell
@cairdcoinheringaahing hey i found a soluiton to prevent this
@pxeger That means you can determine whether any program will halt, in any language, because it has finite memory.
@RedwolfProgrammed Wait, isn't bf always 8-bit wrapping integers?
It's totally undefined, 8-bit is just one of the most common
It's pretty rare to see other finite sizes, but I'll see bigints pretty often too
Interesting, does the original language also not define the tape size and stuff?
It's also undefined IIRC, along with EOF
30k is what a lot of implementations use, but there's also wrapping vs. erroring, and infinite tapes
I think the first implementation was 30k 8-bit cells, but since BF is generally considered TC, that's obviously just an implementation requirement for whatever it was written on
@RedwolfProgrammed Yes you're right
Odd, I would've expected it to be (lazily) infinite by default
No need to restrict yourself to 30k if the user wants more cells and has the resources for it
I hate when people just post a "brainfuck interpreter" without clarifying things like cell size, tape size, or EOF behavior
That said, bf is bf, not a practical language :P
@RedwolfProgrammed Especially on online interpreters
Where it should definitely be in some sort of options menu
@RedwolfProgrammed Is that always needed? (I can see cell size mattering, but tape size and EOF shouldn't matter to most non-abusive programs, right?)
@emanresuA yeah, just basically interpret it and detect if the interpreter ever gets in the same state twice, which indicates an infinite loop
@user EOF is pretty important. Knowing if you'll need to handle 0 or -1 or no change makes a lot of things different
Oh, for input?
E.g. trying to handle -1 the way you would for 0 would cause an infinite look
@user Yeah
@RedwolfProgrammed while loops is for 0 but rarely less or equal to 0
Ooh, that's a variation I haven't heard of before.
I applied to a college, never got any spam from them before, got accepted, and now they send me an email every single day ಠ_ಠ
I've literally already applied, why do you keep giving me the link to your application?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnushConsider all arrays of \$\ell\$ non-negative integers in the range \$0,\dots,m\$. The challenge is to work out how many sum to exactly \$s\$. For \$m=7, \ell = 8\$ the answers for \$s=1 \dots 25\$ the answers are \$1, 8, 36, 120, 330, 792, 1716, 3424, 6371, 11152, 18488, 29184, 44052, 63792, 888...

what's the right way to discourage brute force answers?
is one way to do it (I think)
@user sometimes I notice codegolf questions just say that all answers have to finish in a reasonable amount of time
or 1 minute on TIO?
TIO's not exactly the gold standard for timing
@pxeger hi
@user maybe I should make more reliable timing a feature of ATO
I don't know how feasible that will be though
normally people say that the timing of TIO is ok to just say the code should be reasonably fast
but not good enough for timing for fastest-code
what do you think @pxeger ?
@pxeger Best not make a kitchen sink of ATO
Besides, that would depend on the specific machine your server uses, which is still not great if you have code that runs better on a specific architecture
what is ATO?
@Anush I worry calculating it directly will involve a lot of factorials and therefore not be very easy to get a reliable bound on the complexity
@pxeger maybe just a restriction that is polynomial in the three variables?
@user yeah on second thoughts I don't think it's possible
so not a precise restriction
mm ok
cool. I think I will go for that
Odd, I had cookies set to be instantly deleted on ATO and it didn't let me execute my code until I set them to be deleted after leaving ATO
@user that's ok isn't it? I mean normally in my fastest-codes the code is run on my home PC.
@Anush I meant that it means ATO doesn't have to have that feature
@user weird; I'm pretty sure ATO should work fine without cookies
Maybe there are some in the server request
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Crazy things have been happening to me since yesterday
@user but it would be so great if fastest-code could be timed on a publicly accesible server
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AWill one-cell brainfuck halt? Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language that is Turing Complete, meaning you can't tell whether a given program will halt without running it. It's cell-based and has an infinite tape of cells, values containing an unsigned integer from 0 to 255, but if you give...

@pxeger nvm, it's working now 😕
huh lol
were you using a work or school proxy? maybe that could have interfered with it?
Nope, I'm on my home computer
no idea then
ok I think my draft is reviewable now
Maybe it somehow thought I'd already clicked Execute because my laptop's been acting up
Or maybe I'm going insane again
I won't post it until tomorrow so I will only get slightly told off :)
You just put it in the Sandbox today, didn't you?
Calling people buckaroo feels weird
@user yes
does "polynomial time in the three variables" mean it's of the form x*M^a*L^b*S*^c + y*M^d*L^e*S^c + ...?
m^a*l^b*s^c for any three numbers a, b, c
oh ok
I will clarify...
@pxeger anything else unclear?
wouldn't hurt to give an explantion for one of them, e.g. why there are 36 lists that sum to 3 for m=6,l=8
or just list those 36 lists
(or maybe for a smaller case to make it more digestable)
I am on it
@pxeger done
looks ok then
cool. And thanks for the edit and the advice
@Anush please keep it in for several days, just to get a good number of sets of eyes on it
I will try :)
Do or do not, there is no try
@emanresuA :) I fear I may be in do not
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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