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Plus mine is 100% ascii which makes it 100% objectively better :p
Oh nice, a mod froze that room discussing red hair that's been generating a bunch of flags
I'm sorry what.
lets move on and not dwell on things, okay?
Y'all seeing chat flags on desktop while I just silently see nothing on mobile
@ThomasWard Ah sorry
Like seriously why doesn't SE chat let you see any chat flags on mobile?
For the same reason it doesn't let you upload images, it's basically half-finished :p
SE chat's already poorly supported, and their mobile support is even worse, why would you expect it to handle flags?
@isthisnameinvisibleforyounowpl because I want to see the sh*t posting that happens in the math rooms
It's less shitposting and more arguments between high-rep users that don't like to be nice to each other, and/or people posting spam
Besides, you can just go there yourself whenever you want to see it
TBH I'm not how math.se manages to get in so many arguments in chat given that math is like the least subjective subject possible
@isthisnameinvisibleforyounowpl but that's the thing - I don't know when it's happening
True (to both of you)
In other, completely unrelated news, do y'all ever just get notified you have an exam in 2 days, go to check your exam timetable and realise you have an exam the next day?
Meaning that you have to go speedrun studying?
Because that happened 2 days ago to me lol
Also, guys, it's BMG time
And there's only one draft in the drafting room
So are we gonna write new CMCs on the spur of the moment? Or maybe recycle the "best of" previous events?
Do y'all want another AI powered BMG?
because I'd be happy to host again
I want to come up with some human powered ideas
I have no idea
Well regardless of what we're doing
Welcome to the 13th Biweekly Mini Golf. During this event, we'll post some CMCs (Chat Mini Challenges) for you all to solve. A new one will be added every 5 to 10 minutes. Feel free to keep suggesting drafts during the event. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Good luck!
in BMG Drafts, 5 mins ago, by DLosc
Draft: Given a printable ASCII character (anything from space through ~), return the next printable ASCII character, wrapping around (! -> ", A -> B, ~ -> space).
in BMG Drafts, 6 mins ago, by lyxal
AIDraft: Given a positive integer N, write the function that returns true if there is at least one pair of integers within range 1 to n (both inclusive) whose product equals N+1. Example : 4 => True 5 => False
The example is wrong, right?
Backwards, in fact
That's the fun part about AI cmcs
the challenge is interesting, but the examples are usually wrong
It is equivalent to negation of primality of n+1
in BMG Drafts, 8 mins ago, by lyxal
AIDraft: Write a function that finds any repeating element in an array of integers.
@Bubbler Ah, or also equivalent to "is there any integer between 2 and n that perfectly divides n+1?"
in BMG Drafts, 7 mins ago, by lyxal
AIDraft: Given a string, sort only its capital letters
AICMC: Count the number of times each word occurs in a string (words are any group of non-whitespace characters)
AICMC: Given an array A, find every integer that appears more than ⌊ len(A) /3 ⌋ times in it. If there are multiple solutions, output any one
AICMC: Return index of an odd integer from a list = [2,20,5] -> 2
@lyxal Python: lambda s:Counter(s.split());from itertools import*
@lyxal How did it manage to use floor notation sanely :P
@Bubbler I honestly don't know
originally it had N instead of len(A)
AICMC: Given an array, position in the list and another number. Output true if there are values equal to that second -number or greater than 3 times said value within +/- 2 indices of its index
@user C (GCC), 21 bytes I think: i(c){c=c>'}'?32:c+1;}
i(c){c=(c-31)%95+32;} has the same byte count
Odd how you can leave out the return statement but only if it's an assignment. I'm now used to Pip and Scala where any expression will do.
Same for Rust
@lyxal Wait, does "pair of integers" mean the integers are distinct from each other? If the input is 3, does 2*2=4 make a valid pair, or not?
I'll say that they do have to be distinct
Okay, so n+1 must not be a prime number or the square of a prime number.
Ugh, C, why do you vex me so
(It's not the language, really, it's just that my algorithm isn't working)
Okay, never mind, it is the language :P
For some reason ! has higher precedence than %, so !n%i is always 0 for positive n
Unary operator is always higher precedence than binary in C
The problem is you :P
PEBKAC, I get it :P
@lyxal C (GCC), 54 bytes: i,r;p(n){for(r=i=1,++n;++i<n;)r=n%i<1&&n/i>i?2:r;r--;}
@lyxal Pip, 17 bytes: _WVSS B Va^CXUUW2
Same bytes, more readable: {aWVSSb}Va^CXUUW2
Or also {aWVSSb}VUW:a^CXU
There was a language out there (not SOGL where absence pf whitespace implied parentheses
So 4+2 * 8 was different from 4+2*8 or 4 + 2 * 8
@DLosc Only by our rules, you still really beed a return in “real” C
@user Of course
@lyxal Scala: x=>x.find(x.count(_)>1)
@lyxal Scala: _.indexWhere(_%2>0)
1 hour later…
@lyxal ⌈Ċ, and one of those builtins is definitely useful...
When you try to get Copilot to draw a triangle:
1 hour later…
@emanresuA quality 10/10 triangle by copilot, get now!
4 hours later…
Lol copilot just wrote a whole function and got it right
Ai do be like that sometimes
Is there a codepage variable somewhere?
If so, where can I import it from?
If not, where should I put it?
Look in there
And you shall find your answer
I'll do everything except øD
Hyper can do that
Can't it just be copy pasted?
Also have you found that copilot has made the process way quicker?
It also leads to some hilarious results
I know right
Like the amount of just blatantly incorrect stuff it generates is hilarious
The amount of correct stuff it generates, though...
What's been your favourite incorrect snippet?
@emanresuA it's useful enough to make things way quicker.
I was going to say it's worryingly high.
What does that even mean?
Well, I suppose it's vectorised factorial over an implicitly generated range
I guess
Ok I have to try
def factorial_of_range(lhs, ctx):
    """Element øF
    (num, num) -> factorial of range
    (num, str) -> vectorised
    ts = vy_type(lhs)
    return {
        NUMBER_TYPE: lambda: math.factorial(lhs),
        str: lambda: vectorise(factorial_of_range, lhs, ctx=ctx),
    }.get(ts, lambda: vectorise(factorial_of_range, lhs, ctx=ctx))()
Aside from that that's not an element, look at that code for a second.
Or more accurately, look what it's vectorising over.
Don't pass it a string...it'll never end ˙ᓀ˙
It doesn't even convert numbers to a range lol
Hence defeating the point of factorial over a range
@emanresuA Also, I find it funny that it says it's dyadic in the docstring but treats it as a monadic element anyway
(I literally just typed // Write a program)
@lyxal That too
@emanresuA ah yes, the good old "dont actually give code suggestions just give comments"
A classic
That reminds me of when I've used codex to try and write functions and it just says #TODO: implement
Like it has a good portion of github as training data, and that's the best it can come up with
A comment saying that the function I'm asking it to write should be written later
I think we're safe from AI taking over lol
> a good portion of github as training data
What do you think, people are actually going to implement stuff?
Well at least we can get away with that
The computer is being specifically tasked to implement a function not create several unrelated stub functions
And then there's the times it generates docstrings and a test unit thing, but the function it generates doesn't actually pass all the tests
That's funny.
It is eerily accurate sometimes
Okay, my company has finally managed to fully screw up my slacking workflow
Do explain.
Ah yes, how to center a string:
def center(lhs,ctx):
    """Element øc
    (str) -> center a string
    return ' ' + lhs + ' '
@emanresuA well it has centred it more than it was :p
True I guess
The proxy is now blocking every websocket connection, which is needed to access any free cloud IDE I know of, which means I can no longer code my things and push to github
So if we just put it in a forever loop, it'll asymptotically converge towards centred
@Bubbler :(
Wait, doesn't chat use a websocket?
SE chat seems to fall back to polling I think
Lucky for you
If you ask redwolf nicely, he might let you use the thing he has for internet at school
@emanresuA but that could be because the file it's working on has tons of code patterns: function signatures all follow a similar format, they are followed by a docstring which has the pattern of listing overloads and descriptions, that's followed by getting the types of the parameters and then placing some lambdas inside a type dictionary with the same .get method template
Our project is kinda made for copilot to come along and be helpful
@emanresuA Might also be blocked though
@lyxal Yeah
@emanresuA I doubt it, the company is big and has a proper security team, which has successfully blocked most of my attempts to get around things
@Bubbler Is TIO unblocked?
TIO works, but it's got a lot of hiccups today. Seems fine right now
Does developer tools work?
@Bubbler gitpod?
@emanresuA It works fine and properly reports to me that certain things are blocked
@lyxal I think I'm the first one to advertise gitpod here...
I've used gitpod to work on github projects all the time, but now it's totally not working, hence my frustration
I mean, I can work on my code locally with some effort. I can upload things to github but only with in-page file edits, which is frick
In Python, how does do call function on regex match?
@Bubbler Would this help?
No, that's not the right thing, but
I... just found git push from local works just fine
How didn't I try this for four years lol
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Wait, does your job involve coding in any way?
Yes but my current position does so only indirectly
Help, I typed git pull origin master on instinct and now there's a huge mess
Protip: don't use commands, use vscode
I succeeded
Well, partially
I managed to push what I wanted, but my end is fricked up
@emanresuA I don't know what percentage responsible I am for that
also, why'd you change elements.txt?
@lyxal Oops
there's literally no point modifying that anymore
I pulled from master by mistake, and I must've thought that was something to keep.
I don't really care what happens to element.txt, because the YAML will be used to autogen it later
so I was just curious why you modified the old file when it's just gonna be discarded lol
I didn't :p
Well, we're getting closer. String digraphs are done, I'll probably do list digraphs next time.
user already claimed those
I mean I spend much less time on Vyxal than y’all so it’s totally fine if you implement some of them
Ah yes thank you SE for keeping my meta rep updated
very cool
for reference, I hit 10k around this time last year, meaning that the meta total hasn't updated for at least a year
SE peek performance at its highest as usual
Q: Bird's Algorithm for Computing Determinants

Vinícius MelloThere is a division-free algorithm for computing determinants published by R.S.Bird in 2011 that uses only matrix multiplications. Given a n×n matrix X, the matrix Y=μ(X) is another n×n matrix which entries are given by Y[i,j] = 0 , if j<i Y[i,j] = X[i,j], if j>i Y[i,i] = -(X[i+1,i+1]+X[i+2,i...

oh hey @NewPosts
very cool of you to be quick as butter
Sep 11 at 5:58, by lyxal
TIL you can't buy actual bees on amazon.com.au
it's with great sadness I have to report that this is still true
one still cannot buy bees on amazon.com.au
this is so sad that I'm going to go sleep
@lyxal o/)(!!!;
@lyxal But can you buy ladybugs?
@emanresuA Don't know about lhs, but ctx is usually used in JS for canvas drawing lol
"left-hand-side" and "context"
@emanresuA It's...websocket based lol
but what relevance those have to factorials idk
I love how google turns "bees and tires" into "tire shops in bee cave"
Then it gives me results about "bees in tires"
Which is considerably less funny than bees and tires
Oh wait bees are only funny when they're with tires, not and. Never mind.
Well, google doesn't think "bees with tires" means "tire shops in bee cave", but it still thinks I mean "bees in tires".
Google's no fun
> Twenty-eight U.S. states have named an official state reptile.
Ours is a lizard
It's horny
1 hour later…
@RedwolfProgrammed Horned lizards are cool.
Looking through the list, I was a bit disappointed that so many states chose turtles and tortoises. Seems like there could have been more variety.
The idea of an official state reptile is kind of funny to me.
Although I know Texas has all sorts of weird state stuff, so I'm sure most states do
the idea of an official state {almost any category of object} is kinda ridiculous
I might accept official state dish, animal, maybe flower
Bluebonnet ftw
Scotland's official national animal is the unicorn
Nebraska license plates used to show a western meadowlark (the state bird) perching on a goldenrod plant (the state flower). It was a really pretty license plate design.
We've restored a less granular version of the "Last seen". In its original granularity of seconds, "last seen" was a potential vector for abuse. When discussing with our trust & safety team, we determined that knowing someone used the site within a week is plenty of granularity and should satisfy existing use cases. Now public users can see if the user has participated this week, more than a week ago, more than a month ago, and more than x years ago. — Aaron Shekey ♦ 2 hours ago
For all y'all complaining about Last Seen, it is now back, in a modified sense
This is exactly what I wanted
A day would've been nicer, but a week works perfectly fine. Hooray!
fact of fun: 1 + 1 = 1
ok timw for me to slepp o/
maybe >/
@DLosc do terrapins count as turtles? :P
Q: Fast Matrix Multiplicator Evaluator

yejaxeyFast Matrix Multiplicator Evaluator A triplet of real tensors (A,B,C) of size \$\gamma \times \gamma \times \sigma\$ represents a matrix multiplication algorithm with \$\sigma\$ elementary multiplications iff the following function evaluates to zero: $$ \text{error}(A,B,C) \equiv \sum_{i,j,k,l,m,...

> The diamondback terrapin or simply terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a species of turtle...
More surprisingly (to me), tortoises also count as turtles.
Ooh, I'll add that to my list of "things people like to be pedantic about, when they're wrong so I can be a level more pedantic"
I mean, it depends on context. Precise scientific terminology may be different from common usage. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortoise#Terminology
^ does this display for anyone?
Not for me
Just two squares
@Wezlprogramsredwolf Yes
If what you were going for was a face with the eyes way off to the side
(I'm on Firefox)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Don ThousandThis challenge (and test cases) are inspired by the work of Project Euler users amagri, Cees.Duivenvoorde, and oozk, and Project Euler Problem 751. Concatenation Coincidence A non-decreasing sequence of integers an can be generated from any positive real value Θ by the following procedure: \begin...

@emanresuA wait what am I doing now
@hyper-neutrino providing me with free coffee? :p
@emanresuA tsk tsk all this cursing on the starboard
@Wezlprogramsredwolf No those are my passwords
tsk tsk, passwords should be pinned not starred
@AaroneousMiller using a 1-character password for something? smh
If you had all of unicode available, it's not actually that bad of a password. Better than 123456 or password.
I think we all know which Unicode character it is, though
Oh apparently there is another:
> “숫” U+C22B Hangul Syllable Sus Unicode Character
Now that's an international message
It's cold outside!
It's cold, dark, and rainy. Yayyyyy!
1 hour later…
@thejonymyster "Florida has no official state nightmare" was inexplicably funny
@hyper-neutrino Implementing øD because I still don't understand it
what is that again
Dictionary compression
You managed to fully optimise it in a way I still don't understand
@RedwolfProgrammed Ik lol
This is a rare sight: Two good challenges by new users in one day
@pxeger The whole function is generated by copilot
Look at the revision history :p
@emanresuA for non-10k+?
@pxeger Its spam
Opens with
> All new members are given the following benefits:
6. A house of your choice at any location of your choice Please note that becoming a member is totally free of charge, anyone that tells you to pay money to become a member such is a scam please be aware.
This clearly isn't a scam, why was it deleted???
Uh oh I have a 1000 word report due tomorrow
sounds like you need to get to work :P
Yeah but it'll be so much workkkkk
@RedwolfProgrammed write it with your TNB text generator!
i was gonna say ^^ that lol
1000 words is simultaneously a lot and not enough
if that makes sense
You: Yo can y'all write a 1000 word report for me on greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture, thanks
MD XF: in your own chatroom?
You: Actually a google doc would be better
user: Better but still arbitrary
You: How about LaTeX?
jrenk: haha best one yet
You: Okay, sure. But make sure to cite your sources.
Mars Ultor: No i don't need to thanks
You: If you don't it's plagiarism.
totallyhuman: I suggested it /shrug
That's probably enoygh TWTNB for now :p
What a bunch of slackers
> slackers
you're the one who's procrastinated a 1000-word report until the day before it's due... :Þ
New emoticon: ˙-˙ ._. ˙-˙
Ugh I swear my school's science classrooms have never once cleaned their goggles
does a thing and makes @RedwolfProgrammed hand-write the 1000-word report now
They smell so strongly of sweat that I think wearing them is more of a hazard
They are bright yellow
And cloudy
They are supposed to be clear
They're stored in a thing that has a UV light to kill bacteria, so they presumably think that that's enough to keep them clean
Stop complaining about the goggles and do the report :P
Not now, I'm in latin :p
Honestly, if I'd taken latin, I would've just used that as a free study hour :P
I basically do but I'm in the middle of some math homework
I'm also behind on an english assignment
I'm no expert but I'll hazard a guess and say that chatting about being behind in TNB won't help you catch up :P
2 hours later…
>:| The site one of my math assignments was on said the assignment was due today. And it was, at 10 am. That would've been useful to know.
But hey, at least I get a 69% on it. In a way, that's nice.
420% would be nicer
redwolf is a very responsible student
what's your school's late policy lol
I have no idea, I think they actually still accept late work at any time (which I think they'd decided on last year due to covid)
This site seems to have a 25% off penalty though
@RedwolfProgrammed Nice
my cs245 class has -3% per hour late which is really generous and the most lenient one i've seen (and probably will ever see)
We have a due date and a deadline, and you get 10% off if you submit after the due date but before the deadline
Luckily, even if you don't submit any work whatsoever, you still get 50% because this year the school board decided to be super generous
Before the pandemic, it wasn't as great, but you still got 50% even if you turned in a drawing of a dinosaur eating a burrito
That 50% rule actually saved me after I got like 40% on a test
@user Wait. I'm SURE I've seen this comment before. Am I in a time loop again??
You're stuck in a time loop , DLosc, wake up!
@user Waah! Wait, didn't you say that before?
I'm stuck in the time loop too now!
Maybe it's actually time recursion and we'll hit the stack limit soon
@DLosc There's two (basically one) results for "dinosaur eating burrito", but I didn't say it
nvm I did say this
I love how my thoughts went to the exact same place when that topic came up :P
Ah, the loop is a little different this time. So it might not be an infinite loop after all! That's good.
An infinite loop can still vary a little each time ;)
Someone had uploaded a drawing of a dinosaur eating a burrito at one point I think
Which is what prompted that message you can see in the search
Jul 16 at 20:11, by caird coinheringaahing
user image
Oh hey, just found another section on that math thing, so now I have a 78% instead of a 69%. It's not as nice but it's a lot more good.
noo you ruined the funny number (but good job lol)
Marks are the one thing I'm okay with ruining the funny number to get better marks
I ruin the funny number to get lower marks B)
One day I'm gonna try to get all my vital signs to be funny numbers
Pulse rate should be easy
It'll be hard to explain why my blood pressure's 69/420 though
Because I'll have exploded
@RedwolfProgrammed Easy, just define your own units and continue using the same vital signs as before
No need for any exploding, it's kinda unsanitary
Yeah, exploding kinda doesn't bode well with social distancing
Because you go all over the room/area and bits could travel within 6 feet of someone else
True, and they might even fall in food and stuff, which is just gross
I only eat cooked dead meat, not exploding dead meat
@RedwolfProgrammed well luckily it's not js lol
@pxeger it's from copilot generating element boilerplate and implementation

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