Draft: Given a printable ASCII character (anything from space through ~), return the next printable ASCII character, wrapping around (! -> ", A -> B, ~ -> space).
AIDraft: Given a positive integer N, write the function that returns true if there is at least one pair of integers within range 1 to n (both inclusive) whose product equals N+1. Example : 4 => True 5 => False
Draft:graphical-output What's black and white and red all over? Part of your screen, after you solve this CMC! (Make multiple pixels of your screen or an output image black, multiple white, and multiple red.)
AIDraft: Given a string containing only digits, restore it by returning all possible valid IP address combinations. Eg...Input:"25525511135"...Output:"[“255.255.11" , "2552(.)1", ” 255.(17)"]
AIDraft: Given an array, print the first and last occurrence of elements in it. Beginning index is 0
AIDraft: Given a string, sort only its capital letters
AIDraft (don't actually post this lol): Print all pancake-resemblant numbers is a given digits each ranges from 0 to 9. (i don't understand yet, the question)
AIDraft: Write a function that reverses the order of lines in text.
AIDraft: Write a function that checks whether two strings are case-ignoring anagrams.
AIDraft: write a function that checks whether 3 given integers are in sequence (increasing order_.
AIDraft: Given an integer array, output all the elements that have duplicates sorted by frequency.