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Maybe, but again, I don't think that'll be very recognisable. Oh and iterating through a directory is built in.
It would only work if APL and some of its big libs became widespread and there were lots of code samples using the same lib over and over
That would be a pattern
Or maybe a pattern for using certain .NET libs
I guess it could autocomplete ⎕CY'c to ⎕CY'conga' :-)
Yeah, kind of like that
and then it could go ahead to start a conga server or like
Or like ⎕SE.SALT.Load'H to ⎕SE.SALT.Load'HttpCommand' but this hardly seems worth it.
@Bubbler But it wouldn't know if you want a server or a client.
Well, it just "autocompletes" without knowing 100% of the intention, so...
@Adám Oh nice
(the built-in, I mean, not it being unrecognizable)
@Adám I figured it'd be able to deduce the rest just from the context and ⎕SE.SALT.L
And ⎕SE.SALT could probably be deduced from ⎕SE
@user No, what about ⎕SE.SALT.List and loading other things?
⎕SE has lots of other things than SALT
Sure, but it should be able to tell that from the context
Besides, doesn't it give you options to choose from?
I haven't used APL or Copilot much, though, so there's not much point in me arguing about it, really :P
hi guys
Q: Checkered grid with X mark

BubblerChallenge Given two integer values \$a \ge 2\$ and \$0 \le b < a\$, generate a \$(2a-1) \times (2a-1)\$ matrix consisting of the integers 0, 1, and 2 as follows: Create a checkerboard of 0s and 1s of the given size, the 0 being at the corner. If \$b > 0\$, overwrite the checkerboard with 2s in t...

@user it does
it gives you up to 10 unique solutions
and you can choose what it fills as
I've noticed it works better on larger files, as it can provide context for the competitions
> competitions
Must be code golf competitions :P
dah frick
pranked by my own joke
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerBinary triangle A141727 code-golf binary cellular-automata sequence Challenge Generate the 2D sequence of bits of A141727. (Allowed I/O methods explained below.) 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0...

Fun fact: If you do a bunch of math homework late at night when you're tired from doing other stuff all day you'll get lots of the problems wrong but you don't really care because it's not really graded that strictly but you're worried you won't be prepared for the test and you also have a presentation coming up that you weren't prepared for but now you are but that's part of the reason that you're so tired in the first place but you have another assingment that's actually important for
math class that you've been putting off because you have other things you want to work on like RTO and it's all due tomorrow because that's the end of the grading period and if you do it after that point it doesn't even matter because it can't affect anything so you really need to do it but you know you'll do it wrong since you're tired so you'll have to do it all tomorrow and you know that that exact thing is what got you into this situation in the first place
CMP: Do you have a tendency to ramble when you're overly tired?
Protip: Just accept an F
@Adám kind of
depends what you call rambling
Those were sent last night when I was overly tired
Why chat when tired when you can do golf instead
because the language I use is still being rewritten, and I needed a break from programming
Okay, the tool I'm writing for CS class is actually looking really cool right now
I just added features for moving and zooming images, and it took like ten lines of code
And there's very few horrible, awful hacks
CMQ: Should scrolling down zoom in or out?
down should make the zoom ratio down, i.e. zoom out
other way around if you want to throw people off
Makes sense, although I'm kinda getting used to down for zooming in now since that's what my prototype has used so far lol
@RedwolfProgrammed in
all the MS Office programs on my computer have down = zoom in
my web browser has down = zoom in
Who uses MS Office :P
I do for onenote and word
and powerpoint
PowerPoint, Word, Excel.
actually I use it too at work, unfortunately
all three
I also use Outlook
actually four, yeah
I stay far away from any Office products that begin with "O".
My web browser (chrome) has down = zoom out btw
Atom has down = zoom in
Don't y'all need Ctrl to zoom on scroll?
My PPT, Excel, Outlook also has down = zoom out
Yeah, I meant ctrl+scroll
Dyalog also does down=out.
NP++ too
up in down out makes sense if you think of it like scrolling forward, into the image
or scrolling backwards, out of the imagee
But mostly, I expect pinch-zoom and Ctrl with - and = (+) to work.
Then maybe I just have my scroll inverted
right yea scrolling to zoom doesnt actually make much sense in general
waht if :sideways scroll wheel
for left and right scrolling
I'm really used to ctrl+scroll that I haven't questioned it at all
CMQ: Should scrolling down move the document up or down?
Well there's trackball, and I've seen some mice with two wheels (vertical and horizontal)
@Adám scroll down pushes the scrollbar up
scroll up pushes the scrollbar down
exactly cause its a wheel
unless there was some warioware twisted shit going on
and the actual document looked like it was moving like my scroll wheel
when I used to use a mac, I would always have to flip the scrolling because it had it the opposite way I'm used to
then scrolling down would move the doc down
Right, I also want scrolling down to move the document up.
I don't care if it is a wheel or a surface.
finally, someone gets it
However, if I'm on a touch screen, I expect the document to track my finger.
I.e. moving finger down makes document move down too.
sorry, wrapping my head around direections
Moving finger down = move document down = scroll up...?
the view port does not move
@Bubbler correct
Everything is relative.
so moving documents in direction means scrolling in -direction
So it is kind of interesting, that on a laptop, if you imagine the document bending at the hinge, covering the keyboard and reaching the trackpad, then when I pull my fingers towards myself, I push the document away.
thats backwards now
did i say it backwards
when i move my finger towards my self, i expect to see earlier chat messages
because im naturally pulling it down towards me
@Adám hang on I just gotta go get my laptop which allows the screen to be folded back to 180 degrees
If the trackpad was above the keyboard, touching the screen edge, sliding my finger from the bottom of the trackpad upwards would make the document move down, and then when I cross over the border to the screen surface, it'd reverse and move up (as the point my finger is touching moves up).
my fingers are moving down, so the page is moving down, and im scrolling up
I see my finger as dragging the scrollbar.
Finger up, scrollbar up, doc down.
oh, that explains why people ever use that system
However, on a touch screen, or when grabbing the doc in a PDF reader, I expect the opposite.
no, im pulling the doc
i am always pulling the doc or directly manipulating it
@thejonymyster "n"ever? Whcih system?
the one u use?
i forget which is "inverted scrolling" and which isnt
otherwise id use those terms
what i mean is: i now understand why people use the opposite system from me
@Adám no, it looks like I pull the document to myself when I pull my fingers towards myself
they arent doing somee weird push pull backwardsness, thyre probably also thinking about the scroll bar
@lyxal On screen or trackpad?
@Adám trackpad
Well, then we have opposite settings.
is that supposed to bee a gif or vid or
I pull down and the document comes down
@thejonymyster picture
that's just showing my layout
i dont see how anyones layout would be super different haha
adám pulls on the scroll bar rather than the document
I mean it's flat and provides a realisation of "document bending down and reaching trackpad"
oh, i didnt perceive the flatness
cmq: should scrolling left or right zoom out
there's no bend between the screen and keyboard, so you can better visualise "f you imagine the document bending at the hinge, covering the keyboard and reaching the trackpad, then when I pull my fingers towards myself, I push the document away."
@thejonymyster TIL vivaldi actually has sideways scroll zooming
thats enough internet for today...
@thejonymyster Alternatively, I push in the direction I want to move my eyes.
well thats an entirely different way of looking at it, lol :)
Fun fact: When you steer a bicycle, you pull on the side you want to turn to, and push away the side you want to steer away from. When you steer an airplane, you push away the side you want to go to and pull on the side you want to steer away from.
piloting: its not like riding a bike
cmegaq what should ten finger scrolling do
@Adám *laughs in that one bicycle that reverses the steering*
I once tried a bike where the handlebar turned in the opposite directon of normal. Was entirely impossible to steer.
@thejonymyster move your physical monitor
@Adám that's the kind I mean
Yup. Interestingly, there are planes with control columns ("joysticks") and planes with steering wheels (though they usually are missing the top and bottom parts, so the word "wheel" doesn't fit – it is called a yoke instead), but I've never heard of a plane with handlebars.
Time to invent a plane with handlebars ;p
A coordinated turn would be confusing, You'd have to e.g. push the right foot and pull the right hand.
ignoring the fact I know absolutely nothing about aerodynamics, physical engineering, airplane safety etc, it should be relatively easy to design :P
@Neil WTF??? Also, the challenge is +89???
@lyxal Uh, but hard to use.
We're code golfers. We don't care about things being hard to use
So long as it's something cool, we'll find a way to use it
Airplane hand-controls are 2D, while handlebars are 1D.
What if the handlebar could also move up and down, along with turning left and right?
It'd be extremely straining to not be able to rest your hands on the handlebar (as that would push it down), and it'd be even worse having to lift it up.
@Adám what airplanes are you piloting?
If the plane has a joystick, you push the stick to the left to turn left and right to turn right
What about a handlebar that can stretch?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm talking about steering (with the rudder), not rolling (with the ailerons).
you don't steer with the rudder
you use the rudder to control the yaw
Well, I was mostly thinking of steering while taxiing.
Yaw is exactly controlling where the nose points.
If you turn the nose too far left or right compared to the direction you're flying, then bad things can happen.
i can't speak to taxiing, given that I don't really do that in my simulator, but when flying, you basically don't use the rudder to control your direction
(plus my sim allows for the joystick to control taxiing as though it was a car, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Correct, you roll, dipping down the wing of the side you want to go to, and then you pull up.
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's so cheating. Real pilots taxi with their feet.
Blame my sim :P
Your sim might even (offer to) control your yaw for coordinated turns.
I was actually considering becoming a pilot, but as soon as I looked into the requirements, I decided against :P
@Adám Possibly. I got my joystick at the same time as the sim (~6 years ago), but only got pedals 2 years ago, so I never bothered to config them beyond just normal yaw control
More caird lore, take notes :p
babe wake up. new caird lore just dropped
@cairdcoinheringaahing when i get to a more stable life position tho, I'm definitely getting a pilot's license. just. couldn't do it as a job
@cairdcoinheringaahing Just don't try golfing the plane and you'll be fine.
I feel like flying a plane would be fun as anything but a (civilian) job
CMC: Create fire
Cessna: 5 bytes, `stall`
@RedwolfProgrammed my grandad actually used to own a Cessna
Surely, when landing, you want to the plane to come to a full stop using as little runway as possible, right?
Vyxal/osabie/probably others, on very old computer, 1 byte -
Quiz: Which programming language literally crashes and burns when it crashes?
whatever spaceship computers use
@Adám Actually, not really! You want to come to a full stop as smooth as possible, so a longer, smoother stop is preferable to a quick, hard stop, assuming you have the runway available
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pentium chip thingy: F0 0F C7 C8
Any programming language that overrides the system's fan controls, and will completely disable cooling and enter an infinite loop upon crashing
@hyper-neutrino Correct: HAL/S
@Adám I'm afraid I can't do that, Adám
@RedwolfProgrammed ferb i know what we're gonna do today
@cairdcoinheringaahing I was joking about code golfing tendencies.
@Adám I know, but I like airplane facts :P
Plane golf: Fly plane into holes in ground.
and, I'm one of those people who will completely ignore the joke if I think I can tell you a fact :P
I mean seems like "come to a smooth landing" isn't much of an obscure airplane fact :p
if you want to golf the takeoff/landing just go to an aircraft carrier
Or buy/engineer a rotodyne
@cairdcoinheringaahing Actually, I'm pretty sure HAL/S isn't named after 2001.
@hyper-neutrino helicopter?
@emanresuA No need for a pre-made hole.
yeah i just thought of that
They use steam cannons to get the planes up to speed, right?
@RedwolfProgrammed idk, I had a friend who genuinely asked why planes don't use their emergency brakes for regular landings
@Adám Oh true lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Btw, this isn't correct.
@RedwolfProgrammed Or electromagnets or winches.
Also, it's like half-4, what are you doing up @Adám? (ignore the fact that I am also awake :P) :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, commercial airliners will use spoilers and thrust reversers even if there's plenty of runway to go (e.g. a 737 on a runway that can take 747s and 380s).
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm in NY.
@Adám That'll explain it :P
Any particular reason, or just a holiday?
A very particular and special reason.
Btw, my plane ride here was the most unusual I've ever had.
I had 30 seats for my self in a 777.
How so?
Covid, I'm guessing?
Yeah, I guess.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh, for anyone who isn't ignoring the fact I am also awake, don't worry, I have a good excuse: I had an idea for a challenge
Once I'd passed immigration, I was the only passenger in the arrival hall, and when I went to get my luggage bag, it was just sitting on the floor next to the conveyor belt (which was not moving).
And this was at JFK!
@cairdcoinheringaahing There is no nobler cause!
I've been on empty planes before, but that's new
honestly being alone or close to alone in an airport sounds rather spooky
I think the emptiest I've been on was ~30 on a 737
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, it was a bit eerie, kind of like a post-apocalypse/zombie world.
No idea why, it was before covid times, but it felt weird to not see any passengers on the plain without standing up
@hyper-neutrino I like being in buildings that should have people in but don't
i suppose it's better than being in a building that shouldn't have people but does
My school after 4pm was so cool to wander around
People in coach were probably more comfortable than business class, as they could lie down over 3 or 4 seats. Business class can't stretch flat.
@Adám Ah, the EasyJet mattress :P
when you have an entire row to yourself, so you stretch out across all 3 seats :P
Also, outside the arrival terminal, you'd normally have a flurry of people and taxi drivers and pick-pockets etc. I was the only passenger.
did you not like. go to the toilet and see anyone else?
do people clap when the plane lands where y'all live lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Problem was that I couldn't easily take advantage of the 4 empty rows behind me and the 2 empty rows in front of me, or the empty seats across the corridor…
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, there was no line to any of the toilets. There was always a few available ones.
@hyper-neutrino They certainly didn't on my trip.
@hyper-neutrino From time to time, someone does
But Brits strongly disapprove of any action that makes you stand out in a crowd, such as clapping
Well, I flew American.
When I was little, people would always clap.
one thing that always annoys me is how like everyone stands up as soon as the plane like is officially not in the air anymore
I have had planes clap a couple of times when the landing was especially smooth
Fun fact: When the weather is bad (heavy rains), landings are rougher (bigger "bump" upon touch down). The surprise is that this is intentional.
@hyper-neutrino Plane surfing!
i think it was germany (definitely some european country) where when the plane landed they made everyone wait and had people exit in order of when their upcoming transfer was. it was really nice because it actually made sense instead of just having everyone scramble randomly
@Adám is it to prevent hydroplaning?
Exactly. Aircraft have smooth tires.
yeah, airplanes aren't made for hydroplaning, and certainly not geoplaning or pyroplaning
@cairdcoinheringaahing Never seen a plan clap before, none I've been on have even had hands
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nah, just people who think they can get off while the plane's still on the runway.
@hyper-neutrino i've never seen people plane clap but i've flown like ten times total
@Adám Huh. I knew the wet weather = hard landing, but I never really thought about why :P
I never thought about it either but when Adam mentioned it it immediately made sense why :P
Do y'all know how to open a locked airliner toilet door? (yes, locked from the inside)
@Adám But do they do the same if they're planning to land on a treadmill?
tbf, when my grandad sold his plane, he realised I had asked for a sim for christmas and proceeded to buy me one and teach me "how" to fly a plane
so most of my knowledge comes from his weird brand of teaching
@Adám sit there waiting for the air steward to get annoyed at you and unlock it
Heh, my boss got his license recently, and loves talking about flying.
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, I mean how to unlock it from the outside if it has been locked from the inside.
stand outside it, tutting, until the steward comes and unlocks it for you? :P
I feel like I'd be able to; you can just drag the lock indicator in the other direction to force it open right?
i know you can open a lot of public washroom stall locks using any rigid card or often even the little hard tip that secures watch wriststraps
or even a coin
or sometimes just fingernails
The LAVATORY badge has a hinge at the top. Grab the bottom of it and lift it up. There's a lever behind it you can slide to the right to unlock.
Interesting. I will, under no circumstances, use this information to literally scare people shitless
Literally :-)
2 hours later…
CMQ: For a function that finds the first integer that is truthy under a given function, would it be more useful to have it start searching at 0 or 1?
useful here means "better for golfing"
I'd allow explicitly giving the starting point, 1 being the default maybe
And explicitly giving how many integers to find too
how about searching 0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3...
IIRC Japt has such a builtin
But it's simply often "find the smallest positive integer" and, when you want to search for more complex stuff, a single variable going through 0,1,-1,2,-2,... isn't sufficient
e.g. a pair with the smallest distance from the origin
unless you can take two infinite lists and diagonalize over the pairs... ooh that's a nice built-in to have
some kind of generalized backtracking diagonalization is feature #15 that i'm never actually going to develop enough perhaps to implement
@Bubbler vyxal (at least the current impl) is able to do that since I reimplemented the cartesian product/power builtin to specifically be able to do that
however I don't think vyxal supports doubly-infinite lists
and yuno's cartesian product on doubly-infinite lists doesn't quite work and I never ended up fixing it
Maybe some generalized BFS thingy where you feed two functions and a start value: f = take the current item and generate next candidates, g = testing function, x = start value, BFS(f,g,x) (or whatever syntax) returns the first item generated by f from x that satisfies g
1 hour later…
@lyxal 1 better - a lot of the time 0 is a bizarre case.
@lyxal 1; if you needed 0 then you could just check that manually
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerBijective meets mixed base code-golf base-conversion math integer Background A bijective base \$b\$ numeration, where \$b\$ is a positive integer, is a bijective positional notation that makes use of \$b\$ symbols with associated values of \$1,2,\cdots,b\$. Bijective base 2 representations of pos...

No wonder the answer (and challenge) have so many upvotes
That challenge got nominated for best of 2020, and the nominator said that it was the most upvoted fastest-code challenge of that year - Well now it's the most upvoted challenge of 2020.
Ironically ais523 is getting a huge pile of the thing they don't want: the rep
My new hobby: watching the real-time activity list for the entire SE network and trying to come up with the most unhelpful answer based on just the question title
@Bubbler And they're probaly going to get 3-4 Best Of CGCC bounties :P
In general, is it allowed to take inputs multiple times?
@cairdcoinheringaahing wow, codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/236630/17602 more than doubled in votes since I mentioned it... insane... oh I see it made the starboard
@Bubbler well, it does get capped at 200/day, so it's only 600 so far, not 1600
i like that if you put ais523's answer on the graph at the bottom of the challenge, all the other lines would merge together
vyxal, 22 bytes :P
CMC: Given an integer n, output all bases b (1<b<n) where n's representation in base b contains the digit b-1
@Neil 9 bytes
When the internet is slow sus
@rak1507 oh wow, that's a fun challenge. weren't it for that cache bottleneck, I feel like a JIT compiler could somewhat easily achieve whatever the max write throughput the processor has (which appears to be 2 writes per cycle on Zen 3, hopefully both of which can be 32 bytes of vector registers, achieving 64 bytes/cycle, or >200GB/s)
It's kind of unfortunate becuase (IMO) it's not a very good example of a challenge on the site. The unfortunate fact is that you can have good answers on bad challenge.
@dzaima that'd fill up the L1 cache in a bit over 200 nanoseconds, and the L2 cache in a bit below 2000ns/2μs :D
I don't really get why there are 3 stages, was that explained in the answer? why not use the 3rd one only if it's the fastest?
@rak1507 I assume it's so the 3rd phase doesn't have to worry about small numbers, which would complicate it
fair enough
Rare 3-way tie between Jelly, Charcoal and MATL here :P
3 very different languages
1 hour later…
thank you copilot very cool
because vectorising the function I explicitly called non_vectorising_equals is definitely what I want
there totally wouldn't be any reason at all I wouldn't want my function called non_vectorising_equals to not be vectorised
no reason at all
hi there @RedwolfProgrammed
ready for life today?
because I sure ain't
because it's time for sleep where i am
give me 5 minutes and i'll be ready
@lyxal lyxal arm-y
Mornin' folks
@Adám You get used to it after a while, and then the issue becomes getting used to a normal bicycle again
Well, time to start on that calculus work from last night
Oh nice, just learned that it's only one side of a paper, not two
There is a squidward drawn on my desk
Quite a good one too
bold and brash
@Mayube rise n grind golfers lets shrink this code
@thejonymyster Golfer grindset
@AaroneousMiller It also doesn't appear for me.
@AaroneousMiller 404
going to try to finish my question (again) today. Prepare for a review request!
@Adám I actually got a 400 trying to load the image

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