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@thejonymyster If you're currently looking at the question, you can also use inquestion:this
thank you
for a second i thought it wasnt working but then i realized it just wasnt in the thing i was looking for so it was never going to show up
but yea it worked (^_^)b
@RedwolfProgrammed finding a favorite is impossible for me. this one's good
That one's great yeah
@RedwolfProgrammed Yeah, the ice is the big problem. Six inches of snow in one storm is pretty respectable, though. If it were Nebraska, that'd be on the upper end of "medium." Then again, it was probably wetter, heavier snow, so six inches of that is more than six inches of the lighter, fluffier variety.
It was probably closer to 8 now that I think about it, but all I know is that there was a lot :p
Every blade of grass was surrounded with like a half inch of ice, sort of like vertical icicles
It was pretty cool
Those are pretty ^_^
I always find it interesting that the truth machine question has so many more answers than the other trivial challenges (excluding HW, and infinite loop w/o output)
i think because its framed as a catalog? that might be part of it at least
we've got like 10 "catalog" challenges :P
that isnt a lot, is it?
not really, but they became obsolete when we changed the policy to allow new languages
ah right
is there anything else thats more trivial though?
CMQ if you throw a six sided die until you get a 6, what is the probability that this happens on an odd numbered throw? (the first throw is throw one)
thats tempting but i know its more math than i should be doing
it's math in the chatroom therefore it's compulsory!
true, on it
@Anush Somewhere between 1 and 0
0% chance because if you rolled a six thatd be an even numbered throw because you threw an even number
@thejonymyster nope
But where could I have possibly gone wrong
sum 1/6 * (5/6)^(2i) for i from 0 to infinity?
i knew there was some scary infinity in there
@cairdcoinheringaahing I bet it's because the truth-machine concept is doable for all sorts of languages, even those with weird I/O formatting. You can take input as an integer, string, character, single bit, and probably other ways as well. And there are only two possible inputs, so the logic is very simple.
I never answered Add Two Numbers in BitCycle because it requires supporting negative inputs, which makes it a stealth "add under some conditions, subtract under other conditions" challenge.
Add Two numbers is a bad challenge
I forgot--Jo King did write a BitCycle answer for Add Two Numbers
It's a trivial challenge in all but the most esoteric languages, and so the fun of the challenges comes from answering in those esoteric languages. But its made unnecessarily complicated by requiring negative numbers, but only for the esoteric langs, as every other language naturally supports negative numbers
And because it completely "covers" a question about just adding two positive numbers, we can't even post a better one, cause it'll be closed as a dupe (at least, not without meta discussion, which is unlikely to be unanimous)
For some reason, my course gives us our overall marks as "total marks scored on all assessed work" instead of like. a percentage of correct marks vs total possible marks. So I have a Current Mark of 149 in Probability O.o
@thejonymyster 6/11 it turns out
@cairdcoinheringaahing My initial reaction (without thinking the ramifications through) is that it could be replaced with two questions: Add Two Nonnegative Integers, and Subtract Two Integers (Possibly Negative)
@Anush oh wow
thats a peculiar number
@DLosc How about add two positive integers? Some langs aren't good at supporting 0s as inputs.
@cairdcoinheringaahing You would think your mark in Probability should be a number between 0 and 1 /s
@thejonymyster I hope it's right!
TFW you're not sure if what you're eating is a chicken sandwich or a fish sandwich
@Anush id like to see the general case for an n-sided die
to try and see where that number comes from
My guess is n / (2n - 1)
i dont remember if the formula you gave would support that sort of arbitrary number though and still simplify
@RedwolfProgrammed Based on no evidence or knowledge though
my favorite kind of guess
For a d2, it'd be 2 / 3, so a second data point in support of my guess
@thejonymyster I can explain it
the prob of the first player winning on the first throw is 1/6
which is (1/6) * (5/6)^0
the prob of the first player winning on the third throw is (5/6)^2 * (1/6)
the prob of the first player winning on the fifth throw is (5/6)^4 * (1/6)
and so on
is it clear from there?
and you can just add those because theyre exclusive, right
the way you do the infinite sum is as follows
We want (1/6)*(1 + (5/6)^2 + (5/6)^4 + ...)
Anyone else find this comment kinda nitpicky?
let S = (1 + (5/6)^2 + (5/6)^4 + ...) . Then (6/5)^2 S = (6/5)^2 + 1 + (5/6)^2 + (5/6)^4 + ...
do (6/5)^2 S = (6/5)^2 + S
now we solve for S
all clear?
ah yea that makes enough sense
thanks :-) enlightenment
no problem
@RedwolfProgrammed yes but I don't care enough to complain
@RedwolfProgrammed given the commenter's edit, I see it more as them letting the user know for the future
(and I don't think complaining would be productive)
I've left similar comments below posts where I corrected mathjax, mainly because it makes it easier for the OP to see what mistake they made
I guess so, yeah
If the commenter hadn't edited, I'd definitely see it as being nitpicky for the sake of nitpickiness
@RedwolfProgrammed Sure, that'd be fine too
I tried to edit in mathjax into an equation on a site without mathjax support once ಠ_ಠ
MathJax should be part of HTML or perhaps even Unicode, and if you disagree I will duel you to the death
With dedicated code points and/or tags instead of $ obviously
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There's MathML.
@RedwolfProgrammed When you go inquestion:answer_id it gives you the answer
(cc @Bubbler) Is esolangs.org/wiki/Among_Us TC?
@DLosc eek! Glad to have been of indirect help
@emanresuA I don't know, but I'm going to guess not: on a first readthrough, I don't see a way to access data arbitrarily deep in the stack, and I don't think it has enough math operations to simulate a tape/queue/pair of stacks using the unbounded integers. But I could easily be wrong.
> Better rules of thumb are welcome.
Feel free to edit one in if you come up with a good one (maybe get feedback here first)
I think "Questions don't usually get an answer in the language" is a good metric tbh
My english teacher isn't here today, yay
Oh apparently there are rumors he was fired lol
> I will duel you to the death
with dedicated code points
code points sound painful
I don't care how painful it is to implement nothing will be worse than current solutions
Having accessible and easy to use math formatting internet-wide would be soooooo great
Almost enough that I'm considering building a time machine. Forget stopping WWII when we could have math natively embedded in HTML.
the joke is you're going to duel using code points
@cairdcoinheringaahing My one problem with that phrasing is, what if there's only one person here who uses the language, but they answer a LOT of questions? I'd still support that language being LotM. Might encourage more people to start using it.
I'll use 0xfffd, the eye of the basilisk
@AaroneousMiller That's what I thought, too. Relevant XKCD
@RedwolfProgrammed why have you given me this rabbit hole
It's nothing super fancy, one of the more textbook methods
Yeah, LS two bits
I've decided I'm doing my CS presentation on steganography, so I'm having to put together some basic examples to show people
@RedwolfProgrammed A bit, yes
You're a good salesman...now all my frogs want me to take them to those expensive mud baths
@RedwolfProgrammed Take those frogs. Expensive means excellence!
My cat has tried multiple times to eat frogs
my friend catherine is probably scared of frogs. She's scared of everything when she's outside, but inside she swats at things on the windows
My cat's usually scared of stuff outside too, which made it even funnier when he started trying to chase after frogs
He even attempted to run after a rabbit, which was approximately as big as him
@Wezlprogramsredwolf My friend Catherine has a bad habit of shaking saliva onto my leopard :(
My friend Catherine loves to rub her face all over the corner of my laptop screen
Actually both of my friends Catherine
Anyone here code in nim and/or Julia? If so, would you recommend them as python replacements?
@Anush I used Julia for a while a few years ago. There were some things I liked about it (for example, the ability to easily vectorize anything by adding .). But ultimately, there were other things I didn't like about it, and I went back to Python.
What didn't you like?
Oct 8 at 22:47, by DLosc
The things I ended up disliking about Julia were 1) it puts all those overloaded functions in the global namespace together, so it becomes nearly impossible to sort through the 138 different definitions of + to find the one you want, and 2) you can write code at the top scope but it's way less efficient or something? I don't remember the details.
2) is mysterious
I wonder what a Julia lover would say about 1)
I would like a fast language that can easily handle really big integers
Python and Julia seem to fit that
Not sure which other languages?
Julia claims to be significantly faster than Python, but I wasn't seeing much of a difference for what I was doing (an implementation of tinylisp). It's very possible that was due to my lack of experience with the language, though.
That's interesting. I have heard that it can be made really fast
But I guess you need to be an expert in the language to get that
IIRC it's especially optimized for array/matrix operations
Which languages support really big integers easily?
How do you mean "really" big? Scala has BigInt which has worked pretty well for me so far, though when the numbers get past a certain size it gives up and throws ArithmeticError.
But any language is going to have problems when the numbers get so big they don't fit in your computer's memory.
@Anush J.
@DLosc 1000 bits. That sort of size
@Adám thanks!
@DLosc sure. I just mean around 1000 bits in size
Cool! Scala added to the list
I believe Scala's BigInt is basically a wrapper around Java's BigInteger, so you could probably add Java to the list (but why would you want to use Java)
SWI-Prolog seems to support big integers with no problem, although I'm not sure how fast it is or whether the logic programming paradigm makes any sense for your purposes
@Anush Python and fast don't belong in the same paragraph ;p
I mean if all you need is speed and bigints you could just use JS
It's considerably faster than Python for most stuff, although tbf I don't know if its bigints are fast or not since they were added in much later
And you need the sometimes-annoying n at the end
But for 1000 bits speed shouldn't be too much of a concern with JS's bigints
It can handle numbers in the millions of bits without too much trouble
I'd imagine most languages would be the same in that regard
It seems big, and it is for a number, but 1000 bits is still basically just a 16 item array of 64-bit ints
@AaroneousMiller Is your about me generated by GPT?
@RedwolfProgrammed Yeah, I was going to say, I would expect any high-level, general-purpose, practical language designed in the past 20-30 years will have some kind of bigint support.
JS didn't get them until 2020
My expectations are not shattered, but they are shaken
@RedwolfProgrammed yep
@PyGamer0 I'll test that later today
@PyGamer0 unfortunately, Github Copilot does not support APL
@lyxal And I doubt it can ever, because every character indicates intent. There's so little boilerplate code.
it shouldn't be a matter of boilerplate
it's probably because the amount of APL repos available for the training was smaller than the amount available for other languages
wait, ais523 got 82 upvotes in 2 days for a single answer? that's insane. bet he's glad his rep is capped to 200 per day ;-)
@RedwolfProgrammed it's called mathml?
@emanresuA sorry for the echo
@Neil Oh huh, til
@lyxal Even if there was a lot of training material, when would GHAP make a suggestion, and with what?
@Adám But surely APL has patterns just like any other language
@user For example?
I suspect that by the time a pattern is uniquely recognisable, it is pretty much complete.
For example, if I write ⊢⍤ then I surely want the next character to be / or \ or or but it could be any of those, and once I type that one I want, the pattern is complete.
But it also autocompletes based on comments written in natural language
so I might write
Yeah, but I don't think you'll find any patterns there.
⍝ Fizzbuzz in APL
and it'll write the whole thing for me
APLers don't really do that.
@Neil wait, which answer
@lyxal If it actually works, you won't need "in APL" because already contains that information
@Bubbler How does it know that info? Looks kinda sus to me
Because APL is the sussy one
@Adám ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I figured like iterating through a directory or looking at the parts of a response from a server or smth
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