The recurrence of the Fibonacci sequence is defined as
f(n+2) = f(n+1) + f(n)
From this recurrence alone, the following gap formulae (recurrences relating three terms with certain amount of gaps) can be derived:
f(n+4) = 3f(n+2) - f(n) \\
f(n+6) = 4f(n+3) + f(n) \\
f(n+8) = 7f...
Loading Circle Animation
code-golf ascii-art kolmogorov-complexity animation
Write a full program that takes no input (or has an unused input) that displays exactly the following ASCII animation infinitely (or for as long as possible) in STDOUT.
Frame 1:
# #
Frame 2:
Checkered grid with X mark code-golf matrix
Given two integer values \$a \ge 2\$ and \$0 \le b < a\$, generate a \$(2a-1) \times (2a-1)\$ matrix consisting of the integers 0, 1, and 2 as follows:
Create a checkerboard of 0s and 1s of the given size, the 0 being at the corner.
If \$b > ...
@hyper-neutrino you seem to have misspelt "Zsh is currently the second-top voted language for November's LotM - make sure to place your votes in time for next month to make sure it wins"
I feel the need for more LotM nominations (there are like 20 languages on Codewars and 10 on that are barely used on CGCC and haven't yet been an LotM already)
@pxeger you seem to have misspelled "Zsh is currently the top voted language for November's LotM - make sure to place your votes in time for next month to make sure it wins"
Honestly "there are fewer than 10 PPCG users who regularly golf in this language" should be somewhat adjusted. Practically every lang meets this (we don't even have 10 regular users of Jelly or 05AB1E)
CMQ: Best command to use for division if you're and idiot an accidentally used / for two different commands and managed to spend days implementing and testing without noticing it until the entire thing was done?
Hello Hell, 34 bytes
Lyxal was being an impatient little goober, so I'm posting this before I finish the documentation for my new language.
You'll get an explanation and everything in a little bit, ok?
username challenge thought: if you make a challenge relating to having your program print a username, and allow the player to take the length of their username off their score, and their lang of choice and username just to happen to allow it, they could technically get a negative score
like say if someones username is just a bunch of 1s lol
but yea its like, a way worse idea since having to conform to the same length every time means padding way more characters than just newlining whenever
> It works best when you divide your code into small functions, use meaningful names for functions parameters, and write good docstrings and comments as you go. It also seems to do best when it’s helping you navigate unfamiliar libraries or frameworks.
> use meaningful names for functions parameters, and write good docstrings and comments as you go.
wtf I was going to write a script to do something invoving a corpus of JS answers, so I wrote the script. In a dream. And then I woke up and it wasn't there of course.
@thejonymyster i have no idea how long desmos saves old graphs but i accidentally saved over that and i care a lot about posterity so heres the link now LOL. Try it online!
sadly, idk what qualifies as pristine in desmos since trying to delete certain things just autofills it again haha
so i dont think i can submit to that specific truth machine challenge u_u sad too cause most other things you try to delete in desmos will error, flagrantly
Hello Hell, 0 bytes
Since the tape is initialized to "Hello, World!", and the contents of the tape are printed automatically at the end of execution, the blank program is a Hello World program.
@thejonymyster click the arrow to the left of your message and click edit, then click the reply button on the other message, and it will replace the existing reply
you can also just press the Up key on your keyboard to edit your most recent message
Last year was great up until the whole no-water-for-a-week thing
Behind my house is a big empty field for rainwater to drain, and one side of it is a really long, steep hill. So we got in laundry baskets and used them as sleds.
Someone else had a better idea, and sat in a laundry basket tied to the back of a jeep
@RedwolfProgrammed I'm not entirely sure if they're still alive
It actually snowed twice last year, now that I think about it. The first was just regular old snow, the second was the super-cold-power-disabling-tree-branch-snapping-6-inches-of-snow storm