I've finished Grok and brainbox, and I have unimplemented ideas for Quest, Hello Hell, brainhex, Jumble, Cursed, Plum, Parity, and this new tacit lang idea.
BrainFlump is my only truly "completed" language, but it's also one of the functionally unusable ones
fun fact: Back in 2018 I got fired for working on sum-it on the job. That started a chain of events that led to me moving to Canada and getting married
literally on my commute this morning I had the idea for a 2d esolang where the source code is a fantasy rpg style "map", and the instruction pointer is the "hero"
which skimming the spec, seems to be exactly what Quest is
you can't practically store more than 2 values at a time in BrainFlump. I couldn't store the length, current value, and last non-zero value at the same time
@AaroneousMiller I wrote that under the assumption that, from #, movement will happen in whatever way is valid, and it will detect that even though it can move right into the +, it can't go anywhere from there, and so must go up
@thejonymyster BrainFlump has a single accumulator, to which input values can be read, and a 'dump', to which the accumulator value can be pushed. The problem is when you pop from the dump it pops a random value stored in the dump, so if there's more than one value in there, you can't reliably get either of them out
I'm pretty sure the concept of storing what each op does in an array, and indexing into that array based on the op's position in a string was your idea
aka this monstrosity: `exec['v+=1','v-=1','d.append(v)','v=d.pop(randrange(len(d)))','v=ord(stdin.read(1))','stdout.write(chr(v))','0']['+-:;,.'.find(c)]`
@thejonymyster It was an arbitrary assumption based on the complete lack of info regarding initial state
If memory serves, BrainFlump was a sort of satirical parody of brainfuck derivatives that implemented various memory models, such as BrainFlack implementing a stack, and BrainFlueue implementing a queue
I invented the unusable memory model of a 'dump', and BrainFlump was born
oh btw @thejonymyster if you wan to grab another +2 rep by editing out the HTML you left in, I'll happily give you a few minutes to do so, before I edit it out :P
@thejonymyster it would definitely add significant complexity to the implementation. If you wanted more naive detection you'd have to add another column to the truthy machine like so
@Skidsdev Yeah, I forgot to put it in spec.md, but essentially it tries to continue straight after a command, and if it can't, then it tries each direction, going clockwise, until it finds a direction it can go in. It will not double back on itself, and if it finds no other way it can go, it is considered a dead end, which is equivalent to q. If it isn't moving, such as at the beginning, the first direction it checks is East.
@AaroneousMiller ah okay, so in that case the one I just posted with the extra column would be correct, because otherwise it would go east into the + and then terminate
@AaroneousMiller I won't rob you of the joy of implementing Quest, given its your language, but please let me know when you do I'd love to play around with it
Oh btw, if you're looking for a way to make an edit longer to be approved, if the post has an image in it, adding in a description of the image 1) pushes it over the 6 char min, and 2) improves accessibility for users on the site
You know I'm serious about one of my languages when I don't even bother documenting the operations, and just tell people to look at the source code instead :P
How tf did I manage to correctly enter my password to a site when half-asleep and on mobile where the keys are too small. But can't do it correctly when awake on my laptop???
@RedwolfPrograms See, I've been working on a query to identify posts with latex as images, which is much more complex. So for some reason, I thought it'd be more than just a single line query ಠ_ಠ
No worries, it's quite clearly the SQL. It's been scientifically proven to cause your brain to shrivel up and invent slightly different variations of the universe in order to pretend SQL isn't as bad.
@Skidsdev It's kind of ambiguous, but I think n and p actually pop the top of the stack (if I remember my original intent correctly), so you'd have to duplicate the top of the stack, which requires gold, which requires fighting monsters, so I think a truth-machine (based on the current spec) would be this:
@AaroneousMiller Actually, I wrote that message before I finished golfing the program, and it doesn't duplicate the top of the stack at all. It actually checks to see if a 1 or 0 was inputted by seeing if the Slime gives us enough gold to transmute the 0. If we have enough gold, we inputted 1, otherwise, we inputted 0.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Alternatively we could have an SEChat channel where people post Quest programs and Aaroneous replies with the output. Then we can just permalink to the chat message :D
Nooo I almost outgolfed a JS answer using some really cool compression stuff but adding the x=> at the front to make it a valid answer made it two bytes longer :(
@Seggan Oh right, yeah С just shows each step from the loop. If you notice, the fifth one e.g. is the pair of the fourth and the third, which is what ¡ does with dyads, rather than reuse the right argument each time
it seems odd to allow nominations right up until the end of the nomination phase, and not allow discussion after that phase. Surely you'd have a nomination phase then a discussion phase?
cause. Shree is active in CHQ, and in the SOCVR, and looks to be exactly the kind of user who fits well with the "janitor" side of SO modding. But, damn, plagiarism is not a good look
Personally I have no skin in the game. CGCC is the only SE site I'm at all active in, and so the only one I would feel comfortable voting in the elections of. That said I agree that plagiarism is not a good look for a mod candidate
I have an impression that Shree has some difficulty with expressing their thoughts in English. All answers are very brief. In such cases it is tempting to use some ready phrases that are available. — Tadeusz Kopec2 days ago
@hyper-neutrino to be fair, they were honest when the issue was raised. I don't think they did it out of malicious intent. As somebody in the comments pointed out it's possible their english written communication isn't very good. Although that's also not a great look for a mod on an english site...
Okay so...the company that provides little cartons of milk for my school puts jokes on the back of them, since the elementary school students get the same milk. And today's joke is uh...well it's a bit concerning.
"Why did the chicken do jumping jacks?" / "She wanted scrambled eggs." Given the function of chicken eggs...that has some worrying implications
And...do the chickens want to eat their eggs?
Otherwise why would they want them scrambled
Or do the farmers want scrambled eggs and they've manipulated the chickens into believing they want them too
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, the difference between the preview and the actual results ought to be a bug. Whether MathJax should be supported in image descriptions could be bug or wontfix.
@Skidsdev well, sure, it's better to admit to a mistake than do nothing or deny it. but they still plagiarised in the first place and plagiarism is an issue of honesty inherently
and about the language barrier thing - I can see that being a motive for plagiarising but not a justification (which I don't think the original comment was trying to do anyway), and if by "malicious intent" you mean stealing zoe's nomination for the purposes of not having to do it, sure, there's an argument there, but there's still malicious intent in the form of misleading voters and intentionally taking others' work
i would much rather read a nomination in broken english and being able to discern the candidate's competence. regardless of how important or irrelevant english proficiency is to moderatorship, what's the point in electing someone based on something they didn't even write? you just can't judge someone for a nomination that isn't theirs
as long as you can still get by communicating when necessary the only time i see language being an issue is if you frequently misunderstand posts and inaccurately assess if posts are off-topic, spam, rude, etc. but I don't see that really being an issue much
The biggest mod communication is (correct me if I'm wrong hyper): suspension/deletion mod messages and meta discussions. Given the size of the mod team, wouldn't surprise me if mods with worse english skills can get another mod to handle those
I also forgot that there are non-english SO sites as well. I don't know whether mods are shared across the different SO sites, but if they are that would further lessen the relevance of english proficiency
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, pretty much. and things like talking to CMs about things, etc. but as long as you have someone on your team who can handle that it's not a problem for some mods to just do more behind-the-scenes stuff
how about an anti-FGITW reverse-bounty system: if you FGITW a post (definition TBD) 50% of the rep you earn from it is taxed and put into a community pool to distribute bounties for incentivizing things like answering old questions
I was thinking more like collecting all of the new answers to old questions that day into one question-like UI where you can scroll through them and vote on them
One of my teachers' names is exactly long enough that it causes gmail to repeatedly send notifications to me about my teacher posting a new...uh...yeah that's why I disabled gmail notifications
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's when you challenge someone to a gunfight at high noon, fail to show up, and then 30 years later you track them down and shoot them after they've moved back to New Jersey, gotten married, and raised four kids
@lyxal considering the max length of 100 bytes i think that rule is just to squash any cheeky submissions that print something without terminating (or floating point infinity)