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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@RedwolfPrograms Is there an easy way to run this? idk JS too well
I read that as ruin
That would imply it hasn't already been ruined
It's a function so...ultrarisky(program, input) :p
I'd recommend doing it in chrome/FF console
Can I just paste the entire thing into the console?
Oh nice that actually works
I love how the documentation is in comments :P
Absolute value
If z < 0 it negates it, but it needs a special case for -0
what is 1 / z < 0 ?
Read the docs smh
how do you even get -0 in risky
You get it in JS (well, not just in JS)
@Wezl Negative number times zero
Isn't it possible to check for -0 separately instead of doing 1 / z? Seems like a hack
With Object.is, yes, but it's easier to just do 1 / z IMO
Since it's a bit clearer what you're doing
Oh is it a JS idiom lol
I thought it was a bad golfer habit
Might be, but I doubt it
It'd work on any language with IEEE-754
Yay, I just added two numbers in Risky! :P
Risky or Ultrarisky?
Ultrarisky, sorry
Gonna attempt Swap Two Values next, wish me luck
I can't believe I'm starting to get used to the Lyxal's fridge sound as the chat ping lol
@user You will almost certainly need it :p
Actually, it shouldn't be super hard, now that I think about it.
Wait no
Just really cumbersome getting it to pad and stuff
The challenge itself is pretty simple
Yeah I just realized it'll be much harder than I thought
Input being one of the main reasons
Just take [list_of_values, index1, index2], right?
You can only use each input once
Unless you like...put it in an array and loop over it
Ooh wait, you get a copy of the input with each loop iteration, so you can fill an array with any input without using it up
Wait how do the loops work? idu what the "Fancy" section is for
They work like a normal dyad, but if the left input is a list, the right argument's code is used as a function to map or reduce with
The one I wrote as for is actually map
I forgot to update my documentation when I changed it
Ah, nice
I think 1+{I22II{0 would take the first input
Wait no
Yeah this is hard
And I thought Risky's I/O was bad
The 3x+1 makes it really hard, as well as the lack of nice identity operators
@Wezl no, you're not confused.
You're Wezl
I'm Wezl
yes that's right
you're Wezl.
are there any actual resources on learning what monads are or is it just not possible to explain
depends on the type of monad you mean
if you mean monads from haskell, then I have no clue
is there not some overarching concept
isn't a monad most simply a function that only takes one argument?
oh boy
wouldn't ^ give info?
god no
i just see "monadic chain" a lot in jelly answers and other ppl talking about monads and there doesnt seem to be a single palpable explanation for it online
(palpable isnt the right word but its the one i got i guess)
Arity ( (listen)) is the number of arguments or operands taken by a function or operation in logic, mathematics, and computer science. In mathematics, arity may also be named rank, but this word can have many other meanings in mathematics. In logic and philosophy, it is also called adicity and degree. In linguistics, it is usually named valency. == Examples == The term "arity" is rarely employed in everyday usage. For example, rather than saying "the arity of the addition operation is 2" or "addition is an operation of arity 2" one usually says "addition is a binary operation". In general, the...
there's the tacit concept of a monad, which is simply a unary function
and then there's the mostly-category-theoretical concept of a monad which is... different
i mean for programming
if that helps
For Jelly, it refers to a function that takes one argument
And for most languages, actually
Nilad: 0, Monad: 1, Dyad: 2, etc.
then wtf is all that haskell shit about lmao
pardon my french
1 min ago, by Unrelated String
there's the tacit concept of a monad, which is simply a unary function
and then there's the mostly-category-theoretical concept of a monad which is... different
:P im not mad im just bewildered
haskell one is really deep mathematics
i have ptsd flashbacks when people start talking about haskell monads
ok, good to know then
(though it's possible to use it without knowing the math)
thank u all :-)
in terms of its application to haskell it's easy to just think about as a way of embedding a notion of side effects in the pure functional type system--you can even conceptualize the monad instances of nice transparent datatypes that way
But the word "monad" is simply not used in most mainstream languages, and people struggle a lot to understand what a Haskell monad is, so the search results are naturally flooded with those
@Bubbler yeah ~_~
i almost understood one of the haskell ones fdkslgj
@UnrelatedString I just think of it as boxes even though LYAH says not to lol
Here's some more information about Haskell if you're interested
I just either abuse do or f<$>x<*>y<*>z... and pray for it to work
I absolutely love Uncyclopedia's page on Lisp
Just found an interesting language: Cone. Not finished yet, but should be cool when done
Looks like it's trying to be a strict superset of Rust
Yep, the playground reminds me of Rust's own
Got nicer syntax than Rust
But the main problem is that Rust has already evolved with ~10 years of huge community support, while newer langs aren't getting even close anytime soon
Also Rust is supported by multiple big names
Always a problem when something new is made, you gotta get enough people to support you :(
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