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Ok, I get why it happens now. TypeReference is an abstract class, so when you do new TypeReference<Foo> {}, Jackson depends on Java creating a new class that extends TypeReference. Then it gets the class inside the constructor using recursion. But I guess the compiler doesn't bother extending TypeReference<T> in the generated class, it just extends the raw type?
The way Jackson does it is just kinda janky
Also, TIL you can do getGenericSuperclass and get a Type object that actually contains type arguments
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Swap Two Values in a List
1 hour later…
@pxeger ATO staging isn't working for me; shows a request failing to a 502 in the console but I have no idea what it means because your code is minified and there isn't any useful traceback
oh wait there's an ATO room. well I'll leave the screenshot there
How have we already gotten 50 more starred messages...
Star spam ftw
It turns out stealing body parts is quite profitable star wise
And thank you to the kind stranger who made my joke 100% funnier
Very cool
@emanresuA By the way, the top 40 tags need to have 200+ questions before Generalist can be awarded, and we only have 27 tags with 200+ questions. is the 40th most used tag with 117 questions.
In fact, if it wasn't for the 200 question requirement, 137 users (including you) would have the badge already
2 hours later…
CMP: Equals vectorised or just check if 2 things are equal?
I'd say vectorize if an array of falsy values is considered falsy, return a bool otherwise
definitely both
all the cool golf langs have both
i was planning both
then stick with that plan
and for my eng language exam
our teacher decided to give 2 correct options
and the 1st question is just useless
@pVCaecidiosporeadduced as in, they were both the same, or as in there was one more correct than the other?
@lyxal both are the exact same
i typed that why
@cairdcoinheringaahing frozen chicken nuggets
I generally don't understand how that question works
is it supposed to be a fill in the blanks or a multiple choice?
this sentence's grammar looks awkward without the oxford comma
> Sheila howled loudly. She saw the doctor with the needle and the syringe.
^ join without and/but/so
> The doctor howled loudly when she saw Sheila with the neede and the syringe.
^ one of the options
both could be considered correct given context
the first one suggests Shelia is scared of getting needles (understandable) or is an anti-vaxxer.
the second one suggests that Shelia is a thief/criminal and was caught robbing the doctors
Either that or Sheila is scared of needles and decided to get revenge on her doctor. It's twelve in the morning. The doctor wakes up to the smell of disinfectant.
Sheila is standing above him, syringe in hand. The doctor, who is also a wolf, howls loudly.
Or Shelia could be a recovering drug addict and the doctor is Shelia's sponsor
Sheila works in a prison. The doctor is in death row for a crime he didn't commit.
but the meaning of the sentence should not change
Anyway, 'night /////
I stole my arms back but Lyxal still has my head
it's very good for using as a bowling ball
I do enjoy a little 69-pin bowling
@RedwolfPrograms o/
(i got my parts back)
@RedwolfPrograms oo/ (that's your head there)
o/° <- Lyxal holding my head
@RedwolfPrograms didn't you sleep?
or are you sleep talking?
Redwolf has subconscious connection to code golf confirmed?
man I thought I had an addiction to talking here
nah ryan tosh is just a physical manifestation of redwolf programs who is clearly an AI
oh yeah that's right sorry i forgor
he's probably just using that fancy edit distance tnb simulator for all messages
@pxeger i read that as
terror spoons
meaning of terror spoons (my brother told me this): spoons that are big and launch food like catapults
That reminds me of watermelon-pults in plants vs zombies
also cabbage and corn
pea shooter
pun intended
Q: 9 + 10 = 21, make it so

java-coding-prodigyThe date is 9/10/2021 in most parts of the world. To commemorate this special occasion, write a program to add 2 numbers, which mathematically should always return the correct answer but due to things such as double precision errors.

i totally forgot that i have exam
Is it just my connection or is the main site unstable now?
@Bubbler cgcc is fine for me
3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

nrgmsbki4spot1Implement Unix Timestamp to Daytime Given an unsigned integer that represents a timestamp sice 1970/01/01 00:00:00, output one of these: An array that stores year, month, date, hour, minute, second. A string in format YYYYMMDDHHmmss. Or whatever similar, as long as it complies with standard i/o ...

1 hour later…
hi iamback
emoticons represemtation of 🤦🤦‍♂️?
1 hour later…
I love how the starboard has just turned into garbage teh last few days
@hyper-neutrino That should be expected, considering that Pygamer/pvc seems to be Indian
The English teachers at the school I went to in India often had difficulty reading the books they were teaching us :(
Also, it could've just been a typo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@user hey it's not garbage, it's high quality™ content
Anyhow, time for my limb stealing joke that will inevitably be starred
(i swapped the arms with legs that I stole from the trash)
@user i told that before lol
What are good methods for combinatorial optimisation?
4 hours later…
@WheatWitch I know you're not working on this code anymore, but just in case you or others are interested, I've posted an answer that I think explains what happened here
Type erasure and reflection are just wack
CMQ: What are some languages that have dealt with generics/type parameters/templates really nicely?
@user TypeScript
(other than using <> instead of [], because [] is clearly superior)
I'd agree except indexing is apparently very important in JS and by extension TS
Also TS probably wanted to overlap a lot with JS
You mean, the problem would be a parameterised function call like func<type>(args)?
as in func[type](args)
@user (according to what Redwolf said yesterday)
@pxeger The ambiguity would be, yeah
the solution for that is clearly just something like what Rust did, func::[type](args)
That's kinda gross
not as gross as using <>
and how often do you paramterise a function call anyway? hardly ever
Nim does func[:type](args) which isn't much better but slightly shorter and without that weird colon outside the type argument list
@pxeger True, which is why you should be okay with <> if you never use it :)
@user I'd probably have wanted func:[type](args), except that JS already uses : for goto labels and type annotations
and it would also be ambiguous with the ? : ternary operator (which shouldn't exist anyway)
Java's solution is just atrocious: this.<type>func(args)
@pxeger The colon outside just feels weird to me tho
My language uses func@[type](args)
It feels like it's separating the two parts into func [type](args)
@ has general connotations of "compile-time stuff"
@pxeger D uses func!(type)(args) or func!type(args) if it's a single token, I believe, which is kinda similar
@user hmm yeah, maybe something more like func[type]:(args) would work better
I could get behind not having explicit type arguments at all, but then (func : type => otherType)(args) is annoying (assuming : is type ascription)
@user Ooh, just remembered Zig's approach: ziglang.org/documentation/master/#Generic-Data-Structures
it's kinda like macros, but with a much nicer syntax (albeit more limited semantics)
A bit verbose, but nice
Making types normal parameters is really cool.
If Zig can infer type arguments, can it also infer value arguments?
Zig's comptime system is generally very cool
@user No, because type arguments are part of a type system
Looks very similar to Rust (syntax-wise, at least), I should try it
There is no value system
@pxeger Ah, so they're treated differently from normal arguments? :(
@user My biggest gripe with Zig is that it's not designed to be memory-safe
which is fair enough, but I don't trust myself with such languages
@user I'm no Zig expert, but: I don't think they are really, other than being inferable
So it just pushes that off to the user, or does it have a GC?
it's manual MM
@pxeger :( I was hoping Zig had a cool combination of types and implicits
GC would normally imply memory-safe
Depends on who wrote it :P
I'd suggest you watch this talk, which gives a great overview of the cool things Zig does
Got stuff to do now but will watch later
2 hours later…
TIL wearing gas masks for an extended period of time can cause acne
Because y'know, that's what you're worried about when you get attacked with nerve gas
They also make gas masks for horses and dogs
shopping is patriotic world leaders say 1 2 3
did someone hook Wheat Witch up to an AI text generator again?
@pxeger 2001-09-28
Palais Royale, Toronto, Canada
ok but like why are you saying these things
You asked?
I was asking why you were saying these things
Or at least that's what I thought I was asking
It's 2001-09-28 at the Palais Royale in Toronto Canada.
@WheatWitch so I've gathered, but is there any particular reason you're posting about that show here? I was expecting some sort of context lol
The context is the video you posted. It's from that show.
3 hours later…
Mornin everyone
Afternoon! :p
I should porbably stop :p'ing so much or you'll steal my tongue
@RedwolfPrograms Don't give him any ideas, we're tired of lyxal stealing our arms and legs, I don't we could cope without our tongues
It's time for us all to protest lyxal's atrocities!
@user if I give you a 30% share of my stolen limbs will you stop your revolution?
Lyxal's gotta be storing all our body parts somewhere...Australia can't be that big, right?
@lyxal Sure, I'm even fine with just getting my limbs back and being left alone
No! You're giving him what he wants!
@RedwolfPrograms lyxal stores them in pockets of extra dimensional subspace
@RedwolfPrograms Nah, I'm just looking out for number one :P
Also since you're getting 30% of the limbs, can I have a couple of the extras?
You can't need more than ten or eleven
// \\
Here you go, that should be enough for two bodies (maybe even three if you use them wisely)
Nah, I'm cool with being one of those three headed wolf things
'cause now if you cut one off I can grow them back
That's the hydra, not Cerberus lol
At least iirc
Everything with three heads is identical
I'll let you two keep your extra limbs
@RedwolfPrograms Hardly. My other two heads look nothing like the one typing this right now
Everyone else doesn't get theirs back
I'm considering putting guillotine blades on a ceiling fan so I can farm infinitely many heads
@lyxal Appreciate it. Can we also have some spare kidneys? I don't want them for myself, I'll give them to other people immediately so yo ucan steal them again, I just want some money for them
@user I don't deal with kidneys
I steal limbs, not organs
Well, some other organs should do too, if I can find someone on the black market willing to take it
Are limbs not organs (or at least collections of organs)) lol
idk how lyxal anatomy works, but humans have organs in their limbs
You can harvest whatever you want from the limbs
I don't deal with the lower level stuff
What do you do with them then?
@lyxal Oh phew, so my tongue is safe
@user Idk I don't have a clue what happens in our organ department
Just in case though, I'm keeping it in my mouse
Err, mouth
@RedwolfPrograms Do I want to ask?
Oh no, what sort of AI has this image been subjected to
Art from text
I gave it a sentence and it created this image
Also, sorry for doxxing you like that
Because the prompt I gave it was "Redwolf Programs, Lyxal, User and Caird 8k resolution detailed painting"
(the 8k resolution/detailed painting part is just modifiers it provided)
That is just bizarre. Maybe it got confused because Redwolf, Lyxal, and Caird aren't words?
Prompt was "code golfing in the nineteenth byte"
Do we really need the tag?
It has one well received question
Which has 34 views
Yeah, I'm removing it
"Well received" it got 2 votes lol
Well, well received as in more than -9 :p
This is how I compare myself to people :P
I put on a *Significant look of superiority* whenever I see someone do something silly even if I've done it already :P
Can we make a synonym of ?
I don't think there's any need to have it as its own tag
Prompt was simply "lyxal"
I'm quite scenic
@RedwolfPrograms Especially considering doesn't exist; +1. If you open a meta discussion for it, I'll back it
Do we really need a meta discussion for that?
I dont see anything wrong with documenting tag synonym/merge proposals through meta rather than through chat
Plus, it doesn't look like a lot of users have the required score for synonym voting (at least, those who are still active and checking chat), so a meta discussion would make it easier for a mod to see the request
The current tag synonymization system is so awful
Honestly I think tags as a whole could use some really major improvements
Tag synonyms need a complete overhaul
Hierarchies, better editing/synonymization/undoing things if a mod makes a synonym by mistake, answer tagging (potentially coming soon), gray tags on main, etc.
Honestly, the ability to suggest/vote on any synonym after a certain amount of rep would be sooo helpful
Or maybe based off of how much tag edits/synonymizing you've done in the past
Like, I can't vote on being a synonym of because I have a tag score of 1 in the latter. Believe it or not, I can tell whether the two are synonyms or not, at least well enough to cast 1/5 of the vote required to merge
Maybe make a tag changes review queue for tag wiki edits and synonymization, and have those privileges unlock at the 5k/20k currently in place
@user I agree with that too, but it doesn't really fit with SE's model of privileges (a whole separate issue)
I see what they were trying to do, and I sort of like it, but the implementation is bad
And it's inconsistent if they're using rep as a metric everywhere else
@RedwolfPrograms Oh, like suggested edits and stuff? That'd be nice
While I disagree that the rep based privileges is the best approach, I understand that any new privileges should conform to that system, rather than diverge from it
If I were designing SE from the ground up, I wouldn't use rep based privileges. But, given the 13 years of history behind it, I'll suggest features that conform to the standard
Fair enough
Should this be deleted? It's not a good challenge, but there's answers with some upvotes there

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