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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@DLosc "They're all dead. Except Jeff. Still hunting him and his wives" :P
My understanding is that there are still people who practice polygamy in that part of the country--they just aren't legally married.
I've actually never been opposed to polygamy, assuming that it's fully consensual
The problem with a lot of Utahn polygamy is that its very often in the "subtle coercion" category, in that it often involves grooming wives from a young age
@DLosc Huh, why just Utah?
I wouldn't expect any US states to have allowed that, but if Utah did, why not more states?
@user Utah was predominantly settled by members of the LDS Church, which had polygamy as one of its core practices until it officially renounced it in the 1890s.
Read that as LSD Church for a second and thought "Welp that makes sense" :P
There are still breakaway sects that believe the main church was wrong to renounce polygamy.
Incubators for humans would be so cool - then I could propose abolishing all marriage and raising children in communal homes where there's no one set of parents
@lyxal You human?
How tf don't you know this?
@lyxal Very good, very good
I was like 70% certain of it, just wanted to confirm
What in the teal cubical world are "interspecial imps"?
@user Interspacial
...My typos have been auto"correcting" themselves lately
> Weapons and armor are illegal to sell or possess in the United States...
Well I know that's not true :P
> Lyxal speak a language that is similar to English that has evolved over time through human contact (since they were once human). It has its own grammar but feels somewhat similar to English speech in some ways especially because it shares many words with it.
Indeed, the Lyxal language (called "susfrickubaka", iirc), is quite similar to English. Simply strip all mentions of "69", "420", "amogus", "sus", and "baka" and voila, you have normal English :P
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