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Writing an SEDE query now to see :P
May 10 at 20:02, by hyper-neutrino
alright i've kicked it off of hnq
Actually that wasn't the KotH
How did that even get on the HNQ in the first place?
Votes and answers
It only has 13 answers and 15 upvotes
I was actually thinking about this challenge earlier today lol
I assume it had even fewer when it was posted
13 answers is easily enough to be an HNQ
Most sites only get a few answers per question y'know
It's also based on their scores
There are quite a few in the +5 or higher range
Most posts on the HNQ have 2/3 answers max, and a score of 7-12, when they enter the HNQ
The requirements for CGCC really ought to be modified, then ⍨
Yeah. It promotes trivial challenges.
Our HNQ algorithm should definitely favor ones with good reception on the question and smallish (but nonzero) numbers of answers
Maybe score >15 and 5<answers<15?
It assigns a weight not a yes or no thing IIRC
That weight is also what ranks the HNQ questions
I think the question score should be given more priority, downvotes given more weight, and answer count's importance greatly reduced (and maybe even questions with something like 1-2 answers given higher weight)
Maybe even network wide honestly
Answer count should be irrelevant after 4 (or so) answers
I think it is already, but after 10
@BrowncatPrograms I'd rather read good questions with a few good answers than moderately okay questions with a ton of alright answers
Maybe answer count shouldn't be a factor at all, and instead average answer score
And maybe a slight penalty can be given to questions with only one answer
CMQ: When describing the digits that a number system (let's use hexadecimal as an example) uses, should you use a dash or the word "to"? E.g., "hexadecimal uses 0‒9 and a‒f", or "hexadecimal uses 0 to 9 and A to F"
I love how googling "hair space" brings up the unicode character, but also a google maps thingy with nearby haircut places
@UnrelatedString \x :P
1 hour later…
@BrowncatPrograms to
Too late :p
Got to love "improve edit" reviews to be insta-approve :P
@BrowncatPrograms I ended up going with unicode hyphens (U+2010), with hair spaces (U+200a) on each side
I definitely overuse the U+2000 to U+201f block :p
@user To fill up the 15 chars?
@BrowncatPrograms I recognise that link.
@emanresuA Ah (or perhaps I should say Aaaaaaah)
@BrowncatPrograms To late
I dislike the fact that the y in Pyth isn't pronounced the same as the y in Vyxal (either how I pronounce them, nor in the official pronunciations)
I could see two (identical) ways of pronouncing both
I say them as "Pie-th" and "Vicks-ul", and the official ways are "pith" and "vikes-ul"
I pronounce them like "pith" and "vicks-ul"
...it never occurred to me that pyth was a pun on pith
i have always pronounced it as python without the on
Feedback btw?
@emanresuA ???
Found on a question'
Which one?
Q: efficient farming

zoecarverIntroduction A farmer needs help calculating the least time it will take him to pick his fruit each day. Challenge This farmer has X orchards. Each orchard has Y fruits in it. If the orchard has no fruits, then it will contain the string "none". The farmer has a list, this list contains the ...

Good thing this went through the sandbox so this user could be informed about this before they lost rep for it. /S — ATaco Jun 19 '17 at 2:54
Did we already unpin the accepted answer on meta?
Screenshot taken at 30% zoom
Why...why the tiny text size
That looks bad
4 mins ago, by emanresu A
Screenshot taken at 30% zoom
Introducing Sandbox Nagger, a stupid userscript hacked up in 15 minutes to nag you to use the Sandbox every few days using an alert(). (It doesn't care if you actually visit the Sandbox, it just nags you every few days (3 by default))
lol, flags ftw
(just joking, anti-flaggers, no need for a conversation on flags again)
@user We prefer the term "normal people" :p
We just call anti-anti-flaggers "cheaters" :p :p
I can repro
Make sure your sort options don't display that answer on top anyway
Sorted by active
if anyone's wondering
It's a self-accept
But doesn't that stull pin the accepted answer?
Those have never pinned
Oh, I see.
I accepted your answer because it was a definitive 'We've done this, hopefully it helps.'.
Yeah, but it's pinned :P
That's the example I meant :P
It appears we've reached a consensus on unpinning the accepted answer.
Guess I'll just
(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)
accept an answer
WW's almost overtaken Doorknob!
(202 rep difference)
Did you know that on codidact, you can have negative rep?
Yeah, it's weird. Is it a bug, or ?
Should it be considered a milestone for Codidact if it's starting to attract users who don't bother checking what the site is about or are just plain weird?
@emanresuA by design, and i think it makes sense
i recall when i asked they said this is just the system they have right now - might be changed, but it's definitely by design
Codidact Pro Tip: post so much spam that you get -2147483647 rep, then get one more downvote and underflow to get 2147483648 rep :P
@user I like this term
If someone (e.g. Redwolf) is an anti-flagger, does that mean that they'll never get the Deputy or Marshal badges? :P
That does raise an interesting point: in order to settle this debate, we clearly need a moderator to go through Vyxal's flags and mark them as either "helpful" or not :P
@hyper-neutrino ^
Redwolf would just mark all of them as "not helpful", please never let him become a mod :P
If Redwolf ever runs for mod, I'll make sure to bring this up :P
Fun game: place flags in your answer header that do absolutely nothing to the program
I call it "redwolf sniping"
You use the flag and see how long it takes for redwolf to complain about it :p
Redwolf has literally said that including flags is something that gets him to downvote, so it's a free -2 rep :P
Even better! :p
A: Which character to change (Cops)

Aaron MillerVyxal vKOJdaBoVWT, 17 bytes (safe) ₀h`f⋏⋏`½\zd+∑⇧¨U² Try it Online! Solution should output FFIZZBUZZIFIZZBUZZZFIZZBUZZZFIZZBUZZBFIZZBUZZUFIZZBUZZZFIZZBUZZZFIZZBUZZ. Intended Solution:

Hey don't post that here....you might upset redwolf :p
I think this is my only answer that uses a flag to improve my score (I've used --version flags in Add++ answers due to breaking changes)
5 bytes for a cat in Jelly???
For a cat from STDIN
Laughs in 0 bytes
It would be 4, but Jelly's annoying with while-collect loops in nilads
A: Verify a Superpermutation

userScala -deprecation -encoding=UTF-8 -feature -unchecked -language:postfixOps -language:implicitConversions -language:higherKinds -language:existentials -language:postfixOps -Xfuture -Yno-adapted-args -Ywarn-dead-code -Ywarn-numeric-widen -Ywarn-value-discard -Ywarn-unused, 44 bytes s=>s.distinct.p...

@BrowncatPrograms ^ please downvote
(don't worry, I'll remove the flags shortly)
Oh, for a proper cat that takes several lines of input, Vyxal aj, 0 bytes.
Try flagless :P
Scala has an entirely library for cats :P
@emanresuA Personally, my biggest problem with flags is that kinda stuff
@cairdcoinheringaahing 2 bytes flagless
@cairdcoinheringaahing Try it Online!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Tasks as trivial as cat are pretty infrequent, it's not much of a problem imo
@lyxal Lol
I don't have a big issue with r (or similar) being used to affect builtins. Things like s leave a dirty taste in my mouth but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Its when "Vyxal lyxalisgreat, 0 bytes" is an answer that it annoys me
@lyxal Downvoted as sus
a is necessary for ascii-art input.
@emanresuA I know caird asked for flagless, but the flag is just too suitable for this occasion :p
TB5 are neccesary for time-consuming tasks
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, s should only be used when prettifying strings imo, otherwise, the builtin (which is only one byte anyway) should be used
Like, wow, congrats, you got 0 bytes. I'm so impressed, I'm now going to join the cult of Vyxal
@cairdcoinheringaahing You already have
Other languages have 0 byte cat programs too, though, e.g. Vim
My issue isn't with zero byte programs. My issue is with programs that are only zero bytes because they used flags
h is so we don't need another piece of docs, and also to cheese codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/231503/100664
Cat is not something you have to do often, and you're usually going to have just Vyxal, n bytes or Vyxal O, n bytes where you have sensible flags that are absolutely necessary
@cairdcoinheringaahing but if that happens, then the challenge is already trivial enough
Depends on the builtins
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm honestly surprised Vyxal even needs those flags, in a stack based language, the input is implicitly pushed and the top of the stack is implicitly outputted at the end, so it was always going to be trivial
Wouldn't surprise me if Vyxal has a "Test if TOS is prime" flag, and so a prime test is just zero bytes, with the flag
Some of Vyxal's flags are very sus, but none are that extreme
@user Yeah, but for multiline input\
The "zero bytes because of flags" programs feel the most like metagolfscript
Okay, but look at the flags themselves: a just takes all the input as a single list, and j joins it on newlines when outputting. Both are entirely innocuous imo
It's flags like s (sum), g (print min of stack), and G (print max of stack) that I dislike
You're too focussed on the specific task :P
A: Convert Chevrons to Soliduses

emanresu AVyxal jar, 28 bytes vLG↲ÞTƛƛk<1꘍ḟ3` /\\\/`/i;ṘṄ Try it Online! The bit at the start pads each line as necessary to make it a rectangle.

Vyxal raj ftw
Not really anymore, but...
I would've thought Vyxal would be not esoteric enough for him :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Avi was kinda active before, I don't know what happened to him :(
I was tempted to make it Vyxal --jar=32 or something
@cairdcoinheringaahing you didn't know?
Some of those identicons are outdated
Avi is even in our github organisation
(me, wasif, lyxal, aaron)
That was before cat week and also before people moved into my cupboard
@lyxal Petition to output "Warning: You have used a flag that is sus, you sussy baka" when using flags such as sgGdC?
If you want to I guess
Your cupboard's quite nice. Have you used me recently?
Pretty much every day
(That sounds very wrong out-of-context)
@user don't forget that ඞ has to be included
What about Aaron?
I mostly trust the current Vyxal regulars to not abuse flags, but I really don't want newbies coming and abusing flags and ruining its reputation further. It's a good language, and it gets too much flak just because of its flags
@lyxal Of course :P
@emanresuA Also pretty much every day
@user everyone knows that the flag is way too OP
@emanresuA Most things in TNB do :P
@lyxal Remind me, what exactly does it do?
@user Don't you mean the TTNB?
Oh right
@user it makes your program the impostor
And it allows your bytes to vent :p
@lyxal that sounds like something a sus gamer would do :P
CMC: Figure out what jeddydeluxurmerquanartestdanceshowbandwagoninnerserverbuddygiftshogarthpressaltcoinnevada20171199Shaggyhyper-nutrinomanticmanicpansyourargumentisinvalid1thought is.
@cairdcoinheringaahing hence why it's OP and hence why I rarely use it
@emanresuA do you want me to give you the actual answer or do you want some guesses first?
I have no idea.
Well it's actually quite simple
Is it something to do with 'you wouldn't believe your eyes if 10 million fireflies came and stole your car.'?
If you don't already know, I change my chat and main profile text weekly
I know
And for a month or so, I've been using gpt3 to generate my main profile
Because I'm lazy and uninspired
But this one can't be, can it?
It is
Wait what? How can something designed to generate english do that?
I took the starboard from 18 hours ago and tried to see if it would give me something funny to use
Spoiler: it didn't
But it did generate jeddydeluxurmerquanartestdanceshowbandwagoninnerserverbuddygiftshogarthpressaltcoinnevada20171199Shaggyhyper-nutrinomanticmanicpansyourargumentisinvalid1thought as the username of someone posting a starred message
And I found it hilarious
Because it has hyper, shaggy, shog, and a bit of caird in there
@emanresuA i jelly decompressed that and there's some gold in there
Where caird?
@emanresuA coin
@emanresuA See the gibberish? There I am :P
fernland Maskable Sion Truantry
@emanresuA that's just because I didn't have any ideas for this week's meme because the memes I was listening to last week were all lyricless
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