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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Implement the binary operators*
writing a personal statement is no fun
@rak1507 what's it for?
uni applications
Same applies to job applications tbh
@rak1507 use ai like ai21.com/blog/announcing-ai21-studio-and-jurassic-1 for extra spice lol
1 hour later…
Huh, jq as an LotM is already a massive success compared to K
I am going to try watching a short YT video over my proxy system, time to see if it causes noticeable lag and, more interestingly, how much bandwidth it uses :p
Okay it turns out there's some unreliability
As in it crashed due to a timing issue I didn't bother addressing lol
are you making your own protocol?
No, it just sends SOCKS5 over a websocket
With some parsing stuff in between
? (5 socks?)
Making my own protocol would definitely be reinventing the wheel, which is fun when the wheel isn't related to networking
yeah i dont know these things
@PyGamer0 SOCKS5 is a proxy procotol, it basically just provides a handshake so a proxy knows what address to forward stuff to, along with some optional authentication or support for things like UDP
do CAT5 play with SOCKS5?
It appears so.
Only if you install your SOCKS5 library with yarn :p
@BrowncatPrograms What timing issue?
Basically the delays involved when starting and closing websockets and/or normal sockets would sometimes cause data to be written to something that was either still opening or already closing, which isn't good
But with a simple check I can make sure anything that breaks breaks later on so I don't have to deal with it now
Well, I stress tested it with about 20m of assorted YT videos. That, in combination with some WS-based apps in the background, resulted in about 100MB of bandwidth and 20k or so packets being properly handled, so I'm pretty confident this works reliably.
Y'know, I thought XSLT was cool at first
Then I saw that the version we have to use for our assignment doesn't support the upper-case function
Meaning that instead of calling a single function, I have to define the lowercase and uppercase alphabet as variables and translate
All because there's no title case function
concat(translate(substring(@category, 1, 1), $lowercase, $uppercase), substring(@category, 2))
I don't like XSLT anymore
i looked xslt up and when the first result said it was an acronym containing "stylesheets" my immediate reaction was "why would they be making you uppercase something in a stylesheet"
but then i realized it's just a general xml transformation languate
> languate
Coqe Goyf Languate
that's just what coq is really short for
I do like using Jelyy and Vyxnl
they're my favourite golfiag languate
...what kind of class is making you use xslt by the way
Web tech
which is html/css/xml/xslt/js and other stuff
like there's been a bit of internet protocols/how the internet works, as well as form validation stuff
Your web tech class seems like it hasn't been updated in like two decades :p
is xslt a web technology people actually use or is it just in there for the lulz
@UnrelatedString idfk
it was probably used back a long time ago
@UnrelatedString I've done a little web development for like four years and just heard of it now lol
@BrowncatPrograms hey it's not that bad...we're using HTML5!
and JS purely for form validation
the newest most exciting technology there is
@lyxal sometimes i forget that it's even possible for forms to do something without js
Make sure to add a little badge at the bottom of anything you make in that class saying "best viewed in netscape navigator" :p
You will write Javascript functions to validate the form (DO NOT USE HTML5 form validation attributes such as 'required').

Use JavaScript to perform client-side data validation.
The validation functions should check that at least three required inputs (marked with asterisks) in your form are filled out.
These should be different types of input (e.g., textbox, dropdown menus, radio buttons or checkboxes), so the validation will be done differently for each one.
The validation functions should check a valid email address (please do not use HTML5 form validation INPUT types such as INPUT type
Source: the specs for my second assignment
Oh, it's late here
I do like using alert to say that the form is invalid
@BrowncatPrograms o/
@lyxal If you're really evil, try print :p
Make sure they're using a dot matrix printer first
And that it doesn't bother with the pop-up and just instantly starts printing
XSLT bad
XML in general is pain.
Use HTML for expressing graphics, React if you want duplicated components, JSON / YAML for raw data.
2 hours later…
So, 59 percent of developers who use SO and cared enough to take the survey visit it every day?
People, take a statistics class. This is the opposite of a reasonable survey.
seems legit
I visit CGCC every day but only visit SO at random occasions
@Bubbler Given how "quiet" it was as a nomination, I'm shocked how popular it is
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerSimplify K projections code-golf string functional-programming parsing Background K functions have a feature called projection, which is essentially partial application of values to a function. The syntax for projections is a natural extension of the regular function call syntax: f[1;2;3] / ca...

I think there were concerns at the start of the month that no one would use it :P
Yeah, I had the same thoughts :P
nice challenge
I've come to the conclusion that the success of an LotM is pure luck :P
except that people don't seem to participate much in way-too-low-level langs in general
Hmm. Lean is coming pretty soon for LotM
I wonder how many people will actually make successful golf answers out of it
0 :P
Well, I'm pretty sure WW is good enough to use it, and I have some understanding myself (and have done the natural number game before), so I guess it's at least 2
ooh, natural number game looks interesting
The problems in general code golf would be 1) it's not actually Turing-complete (though very close) 2) satisfying the compiler with a recursive function is frick hard in general 3) full program challenges are basically out
@Bubbler like the ARM LoTM?
ARM or even Forth
@cairdcoinheringaahing I knew nothing about the language, but people seem to like it.
> 1) it's not actually Turing-complete
Maybe 1 is not that important
hi humans and non-humans
@Bubbler 4) you need to join chat of researchers (as opposed to ordinary programmers) to learn through chat
@Bubbler Yeah...
Btw can someone find a source of Desmos being / not being TC?
I guess jq's success is partly due to an easy-to-enter-and-pickup chatroom out there
As far as I'm aware, Desmos can only evaluate the (mostly mathematical) functions defined in it, so it can't be Turing-complete
@Bubbler Except...
- It has functions (no recursion though)
- Summing a list
Someone made this
My brother made this
Some handful of arithmetic functions is enough to express any elementary function, which is likely enough for vast majority of challenges on our site
and this
@Bubbler True.
and obviously it can even do with ease
Also, Desmos does not support the use of writing data to variables, believe me I've tried. That being said. "programming" in Desmos using fancy math tricks is possible as it's Turing Complete, but inevitably leads to errors like the one's you've encountered. — Graviton Jul 20 '20 at 11:28
That doesn't sound very wrong, because Desmos is primarily a math engine, so the body of each function would be handled as a single math expression
...though as I type it it does sound like an ordinary functional language
so you can't use it like C but you might be able to use it like Haskell
Except no recursion, which complicates things a bit...
@lyxal Uh, that's almost impossible. How would you check that an email is valid? Should the front-end attempt sending an email onchange‽
@Adám I assume it only means syntactically valid... which is still non trivial
@Bubbler It's not on this list...
@Adám Just a good ol'
@rak1507 Maybe /.@.+\...+/ is good enough…
(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:
\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(
?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[
\t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\0
31]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\
](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+
probably something more like this ^ lol
@emanresuA What is that, like a rough draft for email validity, except it doesn't handle Unicode?
A: How can I validate an email address using a regular expression?

SLaksYou should not use regular expressions to validate email addresses. Instead, in C# use the MailAddress class, like this: try { address = new MailAddress(address).Address; } catch(FormatException) { // address is invalid } The MailAddress class uses a BNF parser to validate the address in...

@emanresuA I tried using something like Y combinator, but you can't simply pass functions as parameters in Desmos, which makes it totally Turing-incomplete
A: Hello, Toroidal Earth!

Health BeautyWhen you are going to dye your hair, you must take extra care with the products you use. There may be more harm than good. Therefore, choose the dye very wisely. We suggest you choose a natural hair dye. They contain only pure and natural ingredients. Therefore, it is safe to use them. There are ...

Nuke plz
Flag as spam, not vtd;'
Yeah, it's totally spam
Does anyone know how to install / build github.com/primo-ppcg/BF-Crunch?
.csproj sounds like a C# project on Visual Studio
True. But it's specified as a command (bfcrunch, not ./bfcrunch or c# bfcrunch), so must need some building...
I mean, you probably should open it in Visual Studio and use its Build menu to build it
I can't be bothered reinstalling Visual Studio
Probably you might be able to build it under Mono
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardHow many Jimmies does this platform need? Platforms are stretches of - characters separated by one or more characters. For example: ------ -- ------ - Has 4 platforms sizes 6, 2, 6 and 1. Platforms that are not supported will fall. To be supported platforms need Jimmies. Jimmies look lik...

Apparently toroidal world is attracting all sorts of wrong answers
What do you want me to flag?
Wait nvm
Can you nuke the user?
The one who posted this
oh huh, the profile pages have a new look. when did that change?
It's been changing a bit recently
Not entirely (or at all) for the better....
@WheatWizard What are you going to do if you get an upvote?
But... it'll be ruined!
@Adám most form validation never actually checks if you have a valid email
They're basically asking us to manually implement the type="email" attribute of input tags that the browser usually handles automatically
@lyxal Which varies widely between browsers, btw.
Which browsers don't handle it?
as a guess, Internet Explorer
All "handle" it but some are stricter than others.
I'd refuse the task as being underspecified/too broad.
Just go .+@(.+\.)+.+ or something
@emanresuA I was more thinking [0-z]*@[0-z]\.[0-z]
@lyxal nonono, that's wrong in many ways.
@Adám one small problem with that...I can't exactly refuse parts of my assignment :p
@lyxal What about [email protected]?
@lyxal Why not?
@Adám If I refuse to do something, they'll just refuse to give me marks
This is for a uni course
On Web tech
@lyxal Complain up the stack.
"Dear professor of my course, please remove the email validation task from the assignment on web technologies because I was told by internet strangers that it's underspecified and needs to be VTCd/placed in the sandbox. Kind regards, Lyxal."
@Adám like that? :p
@emanresuA it's a course that teaches stuff like xml/xslt. I'm sure a simple regex suffices
@lyxal No, with a source as to how complex the task is, e.g. that SO post. Or just go with /^\S+@\S+$/
iow, check that there is at least one @ and be done with it.
Write your code in Python and complain that there's no support.
Compile the Python to JavaScript!
Can you do that?
pyjs or something
I tried using it once to convert the vyxal source to js but it didn't work out very well
Because libraries and stuff (and also abuse of python-specific features probably)
@Adám I think I'll use that regex if they allow regex
I don't know exactly what's allowed yet because they haven't gotten up to the lecture where they cover how to do form validation
Just go /@/
@lyxal if no regex: -1!=value.indexOf("@")
@Adám but wouldn't that not catch things like whatever@nodomain?
@lyxal That's a valid email address.
Y...you can have email addresses without things like .com?
@Adám Bad, ungolfy - ~value.search`@`
Mind blown.
It does not match foobar@dk which is a valid and working email address (although probably most mail servers won't accept it or will add something.com.) — bortzmeyer Oct 14 '08 at 19:30
@Adám TIL
@emanresuA smh not enough DOM
@emanresuA surgery itself went ok, recovery has has a couple of minor hiccups
Good for you!
principal one from my pov is that an accidental misconfiguration means that I can't remotely access my desktop
whoops, that reply was to the wrong message
It's fine :p
What is your longest handwritten answer?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have over 4,000 answers... I don't know a good way to find the long ones
two wrongs make a right, right?
You might not be incorrectly wrong.
The possum in this picture is very much alive.
@emanresuA I don't think that's even my longest Batch answer
@DLosc I would have suggested coinheredaahed
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Compress La Campanella. Notice that music theory may give you more rules than general compress give, but I don't know music theory that much, so I won't post this

l4m2 posts drafts like that a lot
@JoKing This is the most recent change (aside from making the Settings tab responsive)
i don't really like how giant the about section is. i'd prefer it to be scrollable rather than an unundoable read more that takes up three quarters of the space
Ugh, reading.
u g h, re adi n g.
somewhat ftfy
there we go
much better
@lyxal gren?
get with the times old man
lol i was busy
i was remoted into my cousin's computer the other day to help him install spore (great game btw), and while we were waiting for it to install, he opened youtube and clicked the search bar, and before he could do anything, I typed "never gonna give you up", hit enter, and clicked the video. It was glorious.
@AaronMiller I was genuinely confused how you were installing code-golf users onto other people's computers until I saw you meant the game
Me: *Installs JoKing*
Computer: *Duplicates itself*
Me: *Installs Lyxal*
Computer: *Becomes rickroll*
Installing Wheat Wizard would make the computer disappear, teleporting it to the nearest lost and found
ba dum tss
thank you
that's exactly my kind of joke
i got my sense of humor from my dad
accent colour based off website in vivaldi is trippy af
Usually the accent colour looks like so:
that's how it usually is for every page using standard dark
that's on TNB
that's on main
you use vivaldi?
@PyGamer0 yes
and that's on the wikia
Jul 12 at 4:40, by lyxal
Vivaldi is a temporary bridge while I wait for DDG
Apr 4 at 21:16, by Lyxal
>is me
>uses vivaldi
>has web page open
>closes laptop to go do other stuff
>comes back to laptop a bit later
>opens laptop
>web page is zoomed in and can't be zoomed back out without closing the page
Oct 8 '20 at 21:46, by Lyxal
@cairdcoinheringaahing I use Vivaldi
Feb 24 at 21:32, by Lyxal
@user I switched from brave to Vivaldi
how don't you know this?
i thought you used the fox on fire thing.
That's redwolf
I'm disappointed in Vivaldi. The initial release was on April 6, when they could have done it April 1. :(
Oh man 3d TNB is just as trippy
There's an option for 3d transformation of the page
and it makes it weird af
when would you need that?
@AaronMiller idk
it also places the reply button hilariously high
page minimap?
I'll get a screenshot
it actually makes sense
It displays all the site contents on the side
oh thats pretty neat
but the 3d thing is cooler
lol true
this message totally won't be in a video showing 3d scroll lol
@lyxal lol it totally will
i don't think i've ever used any of those options
"filter invert" makes me nostalgic for my old simple dark mode
try skewed images, that one's fun
I did
for some reason, screwing around with filters makes TNB need to refresh the page
hacky sack
@lyxal why does it just randomly readjust?
it hurt brain
i want to make a userscript to make SE look like this
I added the best subtitles
silly be me because plate
i'll allow it for now
anyhow im going bed
@AaronMiller be good plate and review 234 or whatever number the recent pr is while I sleep
@lyxal I use Chrome and FF about equally as often, mostly because FF doesn't run particularly fast on a chromebook
Also just to frick with lyxal's sleep schedule I should start joining TNB 10m later every day
@AaronMiller wrong link, I want to make a userscript to make SE look like this
@BrowncatPrograms nah I was gonna leave anyway
Y'ain't determining my sleeping
anyhow I came back just to say that one thing
o/ again
Q: Longest OOP "Hello, World!" program

Whirlpool-ProgrammerCreate a hello world program for me.. but remember... IT SHOULD BE THE LONGEST in the OOP world! **just don't ask "what's OOP"...

@NewPosts Even if it was clarified, I'd say this is a dup of the "Biggest Irreducible Hello World" challenge, but with a restriction on language.
That's going to depend on how it's clarified.
that's true. that's just how it seems to me from the current wording.
@lyxal Installing Neil would disconnect your remote connection and prevent you from reconnecting until you uninstalled Neil.
(It's not a bug, it's a feature. Honest!)
@Razetime would be funny if neil actually made an esolang like this
@Bubbler Windows' GDI has BitBlt which supports all 256 ternary operations. But rather than using the index of the operation (which obviously contains sufficient information to perform the operation), it actually performs the operation by decoding extra data that the programmer is required to provide and using that to invoke a series of logical operations. I don't know why they chose to implement it like that.
@Neil aww
I just spent a fairly long amount of time trying to remember if a specific constant was sqrt(2) / 2 or 1 / sqrt(2)
I am so stupid
CMQ: What is the JHT rating, and where is it defined?
@Adám I'm referring to the JHT rating mentioned here, which I think is something different.
Yeah, that's that.
Jul 29 at 10:32, by caird coinheringaahing
@AviFS Jelly Hypertraining (the room for learning Jelly) has a list of exercises for people to try to learn Jelly on. The JHT rating a-b: a is number of those exercises I've managed to do in that lang, b is the length. Maximise a, minimise b` for a usable golfy lang
oh cool
That's what I was about to guess. Though I'm not sure why N/A is different from 0-0
that explains why flipbit has a rating of 0-0 :P
Oh, so those are all caird's languages?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Based on this, I think flipbit is actually TC
You know, I think it would be cool if we put together a generalized "representative golf challenges" list like that for testing/rating golflangs. (The JHT one is a little too tailored toward things Jelly does well.)
@AaronMiller Cool :P
@DLosc It's also not really a great list, there are far too many easy challenges vs harder challenges
@DLosc Here's something kinda like that: gist.github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/…
@cairdcoinheringaahing That too. "1 byte... 1 byte... 1 byte..."
@DLosc N/A = "I haven't tried to give it a rating yet, or haven't finished" 0-0 = "I tried, and failed at all of them"
It doesn't help that I'm awful with bf style languages
Haha! Fair
on longer challenges I think 05AB1E wins most of the time
jelly sometimes wins on longer challenges due to the existence of Nick Kennedy
Depends on the paradigm of the challenge
We don't get a lot of long challenges, but those that we do are almost always won by Jelly
Today I saw wheat wizard's crushing challenges in that tag and the winners were 05AB1E and.. Paradoc
i've not used paradoc much due to lack of online interp but it's got some potential
@cairdcoinheringaahing I love how Flipbit's readme tells me to check the Github wiki... which just redirects back to the main repository page. Really reinforces the "God save the idiot who thinks he can code in Flipbit" quote. :P
Flipbit in general isnt to bad, but the thing that really makes sadness happen is ? not padding out to 8 bits
Jul 23 at 22:38, by Aaron Miller
@cairdcoinheringaahing From the README for flipbit: “Check the wiki for all commands”
There is no wiki.
@DLosc I've been meaning to do that, but the command list is just so long :P
flipbit is actually the most broken and powerful golflang so caird counterbalanced that by making it impossible to program in
Dennis himself came to me in a dream and explained how to create the perfect golfing lang, but only on the condition that I make it impossible for anyone to use
> perfect golfing lang
you know how, in dreams, something makes perfect sense, until you wake up and think back on it? yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what happened here :P
"The language consists of a single command, which is capable of solving any code golf challenge. However, it is unrepresentable in any writing system that has been or ever will be invented."
@cairdcoinheringaahing why does trying to go left of the tape set the first cell to 0?
just... why?
Eldritch golfing languages, where every program is one single incomprehensible byte that drives people mad simply knowing about it, but that also e.g. tests if a number is prime
@AaronMiller Because it's a poorly designed rip-off of a language :P
Jul 23 at 22:51, by caird coinheringaahing
Feb 18 at 22:44, by caird coinheringaahing
Me? Sensible language design?
You'd been warned :P
yeah, you're right. :P
If ? wasn't soul-sucking, I think I know how to add two numbers together
> Fhtaghn, 0 bytes, 14.3 screaming victims
Sounds like Lovecraftian MetaGolfscript to me :P
@DLosc Is there a third of a person screaming, or is somebody not screaming wholeheartedly? Or are there multiple people screaming just a little bit more than normal?
@cairdcoinheringaahing The number of victims determines which program is actually run. Every real, complex, and transfinite number represents a different program. The number of possible programs is uncountable. It is theorized that a program somewhere between 43291.3892 and 43291.3893 solves the halting problem, but also that the exact number may be irrational and therefore impossible to achieve in practice.
@AaronMiller Yes.
@DLosc I'd imagine that whether those victims are screaming (instead of say, spouting gibberish, seeing the other worlds, etc.) would also affect the behaviour?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, although so far all attempts with gibberish-spouting victims have simply produced various Flash animations of ponies.
(Somehow, my second-highest tag on Worldbuilding.SE is . May as well embrace it. :P)
Hmm... unless I'm missing something, the Peer Pressure badge doesn't give you a link to the post you deleted. I don't remember how I earned it and I'm curious about the circumstances.
If you search with deleted:yes score:...-3, then sort by age, it'll show you
I think this would've been my Peer Pressure answer :P
Aha! Thanks. Mine was a case of not reading the spec.
Q: What is the next member of this sequence?

user106946'Hello, world!' eval('\'Hello, world!\'') eval('eval(\'\\\'Hello, world!\\\'\')') What is the next member of this sequence?

@cairdcoinheringaahing I am confused. this has a zero bit at the end, yet this loops indefinitely, and if you add debug commands, you can see that it spontaneously adds a one to the tape when it loops.
y tho?
I hate you mobile chat :/
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